More of the same from Biden

We should have offered a public option from the start
Joe Biden
If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance
Ending private insurance has two drawbacks:
  1. Many, many jobs will disappear overnight
  2. Options for choice would be eliminated.
My idea is for medicare to cover every citizen from cradle to grave for Preventative Medicine (PM).
  • Pre and post natal "well baby checks"
  • All current and future shots to prevent diseases
  • Annual age appropriate physical examinations
    • incl: Vision and Hearing tests
    • DNA testing
  • Interventions for Addiction
    • Tobacco
    • Alcohol
    • Drugs - legal and illegal
Both private and public health professionals to provide these services. Chronic and serious illnesses, ER visits would be covered by insurance, provoded by private companies or subsidized by government insurance (Federal or State).
Ending private insurance has two drawbacks:
  1. Many, many jobs will disappear overnight
  2. Options for choice would be eliminated.
My idea is for medicare to cover every citizen from cradle to grave for Preventative Medicine (PM).
  • Pre and post natal "well baby checks"
  • All current and future shots to prevent diseases
  • Annual age appropriate physical examinations
    • incl: Vision and Hearing tests
    • DNA testing
  • Interventions for Addiction
    • Tobacco
    • Alcohol
    • Drugs - legal and illegal
Both private and public health professionals to provide these services. Chronic and serious illnesses, ER visits would be covered by insurance, provoded by private companies or subsidized by government insurance (Federal or State).
Cradle to grave is key

People should not have to stay on a job just to keep their insurance
When is Trump going to release his healthcare plan?

I bet he has a good one
It seems repeal and replace hasn't worked. BTW, did you read the link you posted? If not, maybe you ought to do so.

Yes, I read it. Do you have a point?

I think you headline was misleading and inappropriate. That was and is my point. What was you point, if not to attack Biden?

My point was that Democrats don't seem to have any plans to change their pitch. Same old, same old.

Maybe you need to listen and read. I'm a Democrat, different than AOC, for example.
It seems repeal and replace hasn't worked. BTW, did you read the link you posted? If not, maybe you ought to do so.

Yes, I read it. Do you have a point?

I think you headline was misleading and inappropriate. That was and is my point. What was you point, if not to attack Biden?

My point was that Democrats don't seem to have any plans to change their pitch. Same old, same old.

Maybe you need to listen and read.

Maybe you do. Maybe you need to actually make a point, rather than suggesting what other people should "maybe" do.
It seems repeal and replace hasn't worked. BTW, did you read the link you posted? If not, maybe you ought to do so.

Yes, I read it. Do you have a point?

I think you headline was misleading and inappropriate. That was and is my point. What was you point, if not to attack Biden?

My point was that Democrats don't seem to have any plans to change their pitch. Same old, same old.

Maybe you need to listen and read.

Maybe you do. Maybe you need to actually make a point, rather than suggesting what other people should "maybe" do.

Sorry I offended you. If my considered opinion annoyed you, just ignore it.
We can lower the cost of healthcare but it will never be affordable for most Americans without a large measure of government support.

Administrative cost of healthcare are huge and has little to do with the quality of care. About one-quarter of healthcare cost is associated with administration, which is far higher than in any other country. Is it reasonable for a 900 bed hospital to have 1300 billing clerks? Those billing specialists are needed to determine how to bill to meet the varying requirements of multiple insurers with over thousand different plans. A single payer plan with standardized supplement plans will eliminate most this cost.

The idea that insurance companies are actually managing care and thus reducing costs is more fantasy than reality. Federal and state rules and regulation and standards of care subscribed by hospitals establish the quality of healthcare, not insurance companies. Insurance companies use Medicare rates as the basis in contacts. In short, insurance companies add little value and manage to increase costs by as much 20%.

By simply allowing Medicare, Medicaid, and the VA to negotiate drug costs would save the government 116 billion dollars and the insured even more. These negotiated prices would be reflected in all drug sales.

A Medicare for All healthcare system, would not necessarily mean the existing Medicare System would be extended as is to everyone. Looking at what little details in the proposed plan, it is actually a secondary system in which rates and division of costs is separated from Medicare but with same the coverage and the same claim processing. Until an actually bill is created, it can not be evaluated. Any projections of costs, are a SWAG.
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Yes, I read it. Do you have a point?

I think you headline was misleading and inappropriate. That was and is my point. What was you point, if not to attack Biden?

My point was that Democrats don't seem to have any plans to change their pitch. Same old, same old.

Maybe you need to listen and read.

Maybe you do. Maybe you need to actually make a point, rather than suggesting what other people should "maybe" do.

Sorry I offended you. If my considered opinion annoyed you, just ignore it.

Considered opinions don't annoy me.
We can lower the cost of healthcare but it will never be affordable for most Americans without a large measure of government support.

How much healthcare should be affordable?
Ideally, all healthcare should be affordable. The only way to make that happen is for it to be free to all patients. However, making healthcare free to all patients can lead to over-utilization and thus rationing of healthcare. To avoid this, government will have to make the patient responsible for some of the costs. What those costs might be would be a political decision.

Consider Medicaid. It is free to all that qualify. The funds allocated by government is not near enough to provide the same level of care one get's with either Medicare or private insurance in most states therefore it is rationed by providing low reimbursement rates to healthcare provider who then limit both quality and quantity of healthcare to the poor. This is what most people fear would be the outcome of Medicare for All. Instead of raising the level of healthcare for the poor, the level of healthcare for the middle class and the wealthy would be lowered to that of the poor.
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Biden’s healthcare proposal seems the most reasonable and executable

We know the Republicans have no plan at all
Medicare for all may be the best option but may be too big a reach

Expanding Medicaid to cover more low income workers (possibly at a small fee) and offering a low cost public option is a good idea
Biden’s healthcare proposal seems the most reasonable and executable

We know the Republicans have no plan at all
Medicare for all may be the best option but may be too big a reach

Expanding Medicaid to cover more low income workers (possibly at a small fee) and offering a low cost public option is a good idea
When it comes to changing a healthcare system in a country, it should to be transitional. A republican plan would be Obamacare with a few changes and a new name just like Trump did with NAFTA. Republicans would be less likely to agree on a plan than Democrats.

What really needs to change is higher reimbursement rates for Medicaid expanded Medicaid in all states, single payer, and negotiation of drug prices.
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We can lower the cost of healthcare but it will never be affordable for most Americans without a large measure of government support.

How much healthcare should be affordable?
Ideally, all healthcare should be affordable.

Well, ideally we'd all have infinite wealth. But in the real world we don't have infinite wealth, and we can't have infinite health

The only way to make that happen is for it to be free to all patients. However, making healthcare free to all patients can lead to over-utilization and thus rationing of healthcare.
What is "over-utilization" of health care? Can a person have too much health care in your view? How much is too much?

To avoid this, government will have to make the patient responsible for some of the costs. What those costs might be would be a political decision.

You can say that again!

But what if people can't, or don't, pay these costs?

Consider Medicaid. It is free to all that qualify. The funds allocated by government is not near enough to provide the same level of care one get's with either Medicare or private insurance in most states therefore it is rationed by providing low reimbursement rates to healthcare provider who then limit both quality and quantity of healthcare to the poor. This is what most people fear would be the outcome of Medicare for All. Instead of raising the level of healthcare for the poor, the level of healthcare for the middle class and the wealthy would be lowered to that of the poor.


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