More of this, please.

Prove to me it had a material effect on the price of oil or the amount of oil being produced.

The only proof you need is that the price of gasoline has doubled under Biden. It has nothing to do with the pandemic, it has nothing to do with Putin, and it has nothing to do with "greedy oil companies."

The coronavirus, Putin, and "greedy oil companies" are not the President of the United States. Joe Biden is the President of the United States. And what happens on his watch belongs to him lock, stock, and barrel. The Biden administration owns it.

Now address the 9.1% inflation rate if you can.
The only proof you need is that the price of gasoline has doubled under Biden.
Google, correlation without causation.

Myth 3: Biden killed oil production

Fox News has been arguing that Biden’s so-called extremist green agenda is the real problem. In March, Republicans on the Senate Natural Resources Committee sent a letter to Biden claiming that he has shut down leasing for oil and gas and is holding back more production. “There has not been one lease sale on federal lands since you imposed a ban in violation of federal law,” the letter said. “No other major oil-producing nation shuts off its own reserves to production.” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) echoed the myth at a hearing: “The time for leasing pauses has come & gone.”

To repeat it again: Biden has done nothing to halt oil leasing. In fact, the Biden administration has outpaced Trump in issuing drilling permits on public lands and water in its first year, according to federal data analyzed by the Center for Biological Diversity. His administration set a record for the largest offshore lease sale ever in the Gulf of Mexico last year, before a federal court blocked the lease sale for not considering climate impacts.

These canceled leases, and even a temporary pause on new federal leases in the first few months of Biden’s administration wouldn’t have helped in the current situation. Even if a lease sale is successful and finalized, it would take years to ramp up production. The marginal Biden measures — like reversing Trump-era environmental rollbacks — haven’t made any kind of dent in the global oil market.

“The constraints are within the industry itself, and have very little to do with any policies from the federal government,” Ori said. Oil companies are having other issues, too, such as accessing the labor and materials like steel needed for putting pipes in the ground.

Meanwhile, the president has done nothing to prevent the vast amount of gas production that occurs on private lands or halt existing oil leases on federal lands. The moratorium is now irrelevant, anyway, because a Louisiana federal judge ruled against it last June. (There’s a second, temporary pause on new lease sales because another court invalidated the administration’s use of a social cost of carbon.) The US also became the world’s largest exporter of liquified natural gas (LNG) for the first time in 2021.

Republican critics of Biden aren’t engaging with the consequences of their own ideology. “There’s an irony here: We’re seeing many people with strong pro-free market ideologies expecting politicians to intervene when markets don’t produce the results they like,” Clark Williams-Derry, a researcher at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis said. “Perhaps what they’re really in favor of, then, isn’t free markets, it’s simply cheap gas.”
Google, correlation without causation.

Myth 3: Biden killed oil production

Fox News has been arguing that Biden’s so-called extremist green agenda is the real problem. In March, Republicans on the Senate Natural Resources Committee sent a letter to Biden claiming that he has shut down leasing for oil and gas and is holding back more production. “There has not been one lease sale on federal lands since you imposed a ban in violation of federal law,” the letter said. “No other major oil-producing nation shuts off its own reserves to production.” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) echoed the myth at a hearing: “The time for leasing pauses has come & gone.”

To repeat it again: Biden has done nothing to halt oil leasing. In fact, the Biden administration has outpaced Trump in issuing drilling permits on public lands and water in its first year, according to federal data analyzed by the Center for Biological Diversity. His administration set a record for the largest offshore lease sale ever in the Gulf of Mexico last year, before a federal court blocked the lease sale for not considering climate impacts.

These canceled leases, and even a temporary pause on new federal leases in the first few months of Biden’s administration wouldn’t have helped in the current situation. Even if a lease sale is successful and finalized, it would take years to ramp up production. The marginal Biden measures — like reversing Trump-era environmental rollbacks — haven’t made any kind of dent in the global oil market.

“The constraints are within the industry itself, and have very little to do with any policies from the federal government,” Ori said. Oil companies are having other issues, too, such as accessing the labor and materials like steel needed for putting pipes in the ground.

Meanwhile, the president has done nothing to prevent the vast amount of gas production that occurs on private lands or halt existing oil leases on federal lands. The moratorium is now irrelevant, anyway, because a Louisiana federal judge ruled against it last June. (There’s a second, temporary pause on new lease sales because another court invalidated the administration’s use of a social cost of carbon.) The US also became the world’s largest exporter of liquified natural gas (LNG) for the first time in 2021.

Republican critics of Biden aren’t engaging with the consequences of their own ideology. “There’s an irony here: We’re seeing many people with strong pro-free market ideologies expecting politicians to intervene when markets don’t produce the results they like,” Clark Williams-Derry, a researcher at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis said. “Perhaps what they’re really in favor of, then, isn’t free markets, it’s simply cheap gas.”

That's meaningless. You still can't prove that the price of gasoline didn't double under Biden.

Nor can you disprove that any of the other following things happened under Biden:

An inflation rate almost 5 times higher than it was in 2019, a recession. retirement accounts losing $3 trillion dollars over the last year, the price of oil jumping up to $130 per barrel, having to beg Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil, sporadic shortages on the store shelves, supply line disruptions, a steadily-increasing trade imbalance with China, an increasing epidemic of violent crime and drugs, 2 million more illegals within the last year, more COVID deaths than in 2020, a dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan, Iran's nuclear program being on the fast track to developing a bomb, and a major war in Europe, which could go nuclear.
They are? Not on abortion, or gun control, or the environment, or tax policy, or gay rights, or immigration, or healthcare, or........................................
All made up to deceive. Now for the big issues and please dispute this if you can.
War Budget
Deficit spending
Government Spying at home and abroad
No protection of rights ensconced in the Constitution
Police State
Tax Code that benefits the ultra wealthy
Corporate welfare
Little support for the poor and working class
Full support for Wall Street
Socialism for the rich and capitalism for the rest
Unfair justice system
Ignores numerous unconstitutional acts by government
They are? Not on abortion, or gun control, or the environment, or tax policy, or gay rights, or immigration, or healthcare, or........................................
And…even abortion!
No it hasn't been "proven over and over." Oil and gas prices started rising immediately after Biden's election.
They were already rising as we recovered from the Covid recession
They were already rising as we recovered from the Covid recession

And what did Biden do about ? He Tweeted at the oil and gas companies to bring down their prices, even though he wasn't doing anything to do that. He could have drastically reduced the price of gasoline, if it hadn't been for his administration's energy policies. Through his executive orders and rules from his agencies, Biden has done nothing but inhibit oil and natural gas from being produced and refined in the US.

He could reverse that immediately by announcing a new policy based on increasing American energy production, instead of decreasing it. That's because oil prices are set based on the expectation of future production, not on present production. That's the reason oil prices rise when a hurricane is predicted in the Gulf of Mexico, even if one single oil is isn't damaged.

But instead of really doing anything about the price of oil, the idiot Biden tweets at oil companies and gas station owners. He uses the Defense Production Act to push "renewable energy." He drains our Strategic Oil Reserves, selling much of it to China. He comes up with idiotic ideas like temporarily eliminating the federal gas tax. All this is bullshit, and we've seen it before. Like when the FDA shut down an Abbot factory that produced 42% of the US baby formula. What did that moron do? He He tweeted “Parents looking to feed their child should not be taken advantage of by retailers unfairly jacking up prices. I'm calling on the FTC and State Attorneys General to crack down on price gouging and unfair market practices related to the sale of infant formula.” It's bullshit.

Biden deliberately limited US oil production and pipeline construction, and then begs Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, and Iran to produce more oil What kind of a fucking plan is that? We are the world's largest producer and processor of oil and gas, and we basically have the power to affect the price globally. So why were there only only 662 oil and natural gas rotary rigs in operation last March, compared to 790 in March 2020, and 1,023 in March 2019? That is the lowest March count since the Energy Department began keeping count in 1973.

And why did the Biden administration reduce oil and gas production by expanding the boundaries of the Grand Staircase-Escalante, Bears Ears, Northeast Canyons, and Seamounts Marine National Monuments, preventing oil and natural gas production there? Why did he place a moratorium on leasing activities in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and revoke the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have brought 850,000 barrels of oil per day from Canada to be refined in U.S. refineries? Why did Biden's Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issue a new policy in Feb. 2022, that will make it even harder to put new pipelines in place to carry oil and gas from the interior of the country to the coasts, where it can be exported and refined? Why in Nov. of 2021, did the Interior Dept. call for fewer leases, higher royalties from oil and gas leases, and a more thorough bidding process to screen buyers, making drilling more difficult?

Why did the Council on Environmental Quality reverse changes that President Trump made to National Environmental Policy Act regulations? The new regulations that went into effect in May of this year, made it more difficult to build infrastructure, including for energy production. The Securities and Exchange Commission even wanted to regulate energy production. They wanted to require companies to disclose information about governance and management of climate-related risks; how climate related risks will affect companies’ strategy and outlook; and the effects of climate events such as hurricanes and wildfires on financial statements.

This is all insanity. If this President and his administration really wanted to bring down the price of oil, gas, gasoline, and over 5,000 products that are manufactured from oil, he could do that immediately. But he doesn't, and our entire economy is suffering from this President's unwillingness to do anything about it.
Seeing as Repubs mostly predicate their campaigns on social wedge issues (because their policy positions are unpopular with the majority of Americans) McMorrow's message should, hopefully, resonate with Dem candidates.

This Michigan Democrat wants her party to “call bullshit, bullshit”

As a fiery viral speech she gave earlier this year made clear, Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow isn’t one to mince her words — and she doesn’t want other Democrats to do so either.

McMorrow thinks her party can be a lot more explicit when fighting GOP attacks, particularly as they struggle to defend their congressional majorities and retake state legislatures this fall.

“A much more powerful response is call bullshit, bullshit,” McMorrow said.

McMorrow came to national attention after she confronted a Republican colleague who accused her of grooming young children and who fundraised off that claim. “I want every child in this state to feel seen, heard, and supported, not marginalized and targeted because they are not straight, white, and Christian,” she said in a speech that went viral in April.

So why would she have to reclaim something if she hadn't lost it in the first place?

The only proof you need is that the price of gasoline has doubled under Biden. It has nothing to do with the pandemic, it has nothing to do with Putin, and it has nothing to do with "greedy oil companies."

The coronavirus, Putin, and "greedy oil companies" are not the President of the United States. Joe Biden is the President of the United States. And what happens on his watch belongs to him lock, stock, and barrel. The Biden administration owns it.

Now address the 9.1% inflation rate if you can.
Inflation and high oil prices are happening globally, you fucking hayseed. Magaturds believe only America is affected because they can't see beyond their own backyard. Buncha fucking ingrates.
They are? Not on abortion, or gun control, or the environment, or tax policy, or gay rights, or immigration, or healthcare, or........................................
Check it out. Is this being reported by your sources?

180 Democrats and 149 Republicans just came together to pass an $840 billion war budget for 2023, which is the biggest in history. If you haven’t figured out that both parties exist to preserve our decrepit capitalist and imperialist system then you’re not paying attention.

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