More People from Fox News Admit there was no voter fraud !!!

Progressives get their thinking points from the MSM and automatically assume non-Progressive do the same; they mistakenly believe that Fox is our one and only approve source for our thoughts. Sad, really

I hear you...

So, after FOX, what are your 3 primary sources for information?
Well, ChatGPT has a leftist bend:

CF: where can I find relatively unbiased, unfiltered news and information

There are several ways to find relatively unbiased and unfiltered news and information:

  1. Read from multiple sources: One of the best ways to avoid biased news is to read from multiple sources, including those that have different perspectives on the same issue. This will give you a more balanced view of the news and help you avoid falling into an echo chamber.
  2. Check reputable news organizations: Reputable news organizations with a track record of accuracy and fact-checking are generally more trustworthy sources of information. Examples of such organizations include Reuters, BBC, NPR, and AP News.
  3. Use fact-checking websites: Fact-checking websites like Snopes,, and PolitiFact can help you verify the accuracy of a news story or claim. They often use objective criteria to assess the validity of statements and reports.
  4. Avoid opinion-based programs: Avoid news programs that are opinion-based and instead opt for those that report the news in a factual and objective manner.
  5. Stay informed about media bias: It's important to be aware of media bias and to understand how it can influence the way news is reported. Some organizations, such as AllSides and Media Bias Fact Check, provide ratings of media bias to help you navigate the news landscape.
Overall, consuming news from a variety of sources and fact-checking information is the best way to stay informed and avoid being influenced by biased or filtered information.

CF: But you recommended biased, leftist sources and fact checkers.

As an AI language model, I strive to provide neutral and impartial information to the best of my ability, and I do not have any political bias. In my previous response, I mentioned reputable news organizations with a track record of accuracy and fact-checking, such as Reuters, BBC, NPR, and AP News. These organizations are generally considered to be reliable sources of news and are not known for having a political bias.

Regarding fact-checking websites, I mentioned Snopes,, and PolitiFact, which are widely regarded as nonpartisan and use objective criteria to assess the accuracy of claims and statements.

It's important to note that bias is inherent in any human interpretation of the news, including the selection of stories, language used, and tone. It's essential to be aware of this and consume news from a variety of sources to get a more balanced view of the issues.
Well, ChatGPT has a leftist bend:

CF: where can I find relatively unbiased, unfiltered news and information

There are several ways to find relatively unbiased and unfiltered news and information:

  1. Read from multiple sources: One of the best ways to avoid biased news is to read from multiple sources, including those that have different perspectives on the same issue. This will give you a more balanced view of the news and help you avoid falling into an echo chamber.
  2. Check reputable news organizations: Reputable news organizations with a track record of accuracy and fact-checking are generally more trustworthy sources of information. Examples of such organizations include Reuters, BBC, NPR, and AP News.
  3. Use fact-checking websites: Fact-checking websites like Snopes,, and PolitiFact can help you verify the accuracy of a news story or claim. They often use objective criteria to assess the validity of statements and reports.
  4. Avoid opinion-based programs: Avoid news programs that are opinion-based and instead opt for those that report the news in a factual and objective manner.
  5. Stay informed about media bias: It's important to be aware of media bias and to understand how it can influence the way news is reported. Some organizations, such as AllSides and Media Bias Fact Check, provide ratings of media bias to help you navigate the news landscape.
Overall, consuming news from a variety of sources and fact-checking information is the best way to stay informed and avoid being influenced by biased or filtered information.

CF: But you recommended biased, leftist sources and fact checkers.

As an AI language model, I strive to provide neutral and impartial information to the best of my ability, and I do not have any political bias. In my previous response, I mentioned reputable news organizations with a track record of accuracy and fact-checking, such as Reuters, BBC, NPR, and AP News. These organizations are generally considered to be reliable sources of news and are not known for having a political bias.

Regarding fact-checking websites, I mentioned Snopes,, and PolitiFact, which are widely regarded as nonpartisan and use objective criteria to assess the accuracy of claims and statements.

It's important to note that bias is inherent in any human interpretation of the news, including the selection of stories, language used, and tone. It's essential to be aware of this and consume news from a variety of sources to get a more balanced view of the issues.

Don't dismiss the likelihood that you're a sock puppet....

You reflexively reject a number of sources as "leftist".....while lacking the peas to name those on which you rely.

It is SOP for Fake News Gourmands.
Don't dismiss the likelihood that you're a sock puppet....

You reflexively reject a number of sources as "leftist".....while lacking the peas to name those on which you rely.

It is SOP for Fake News Gourmands. is an absolute Lefttardedly biased website
Progressives get their thinking points from the MSM and automatically assume non-Progressive do the same; they mistakenly believe that Fox is our one and only approve source for our thoughts. Sad, really
Yea your other news sources are even more fake bullshit lies.

With the no credibility lying GOP its either it all boils down to fake news and lies.

Republicans can't even admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud, which means they have zero credibility.
Yea your other news sources are even more fake bullshit lies.

With the no credibility lying GOP its either it all boils down to fake news and lies.

Republicans can't even admit Trump lost the election and there was no fraud, which means they have zero credibility.

Frankie can't even tell us what he believes we should read.
Beamed up? What do you think happens to aluminum when it smashes into reinforced concrete at hundreds of mile per hour?


Um, when planes crash there is debris. There is precisely ZERO plane debris at Pentagon and Shanksville sites...
Um, when planes crash there is debris. There is precisely ZERO plane debris at Pentagon and Shanksville sites... still telling that lie??? Precisely zero truth in your lil brain.

The claim: No plane debris was found at Pentagon, no CCTV footage of crash and trillions went missing from budget​

American Airlines Flight 77 was hijacked by al-Qaida militants and crashed into the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, killing all 64 people on the plane and 125 in the Pentagon. But more than 21 years later, some social media users are still questioning the details of the attack.
"Never forget no plane debris was found at the Pentagon. There is no CCTV footage and trillions went missing from the budget," reads a Sept. 10 Facebook post that was shared more than 200 times in less than a week.
But the claims are baseless.
Airplane debris was found at the Pentagon, as confirmed by images and videos from the scene and an array of eyewitness accounts. The Pentagon also released security camera footage from the attack in 2006, and there is no evidence trillions went missing from the Pentagon budget before or after the attack.
USA TODAY reached out to the social media users who shared the claim for comment.

Airplane debris was found at the Pentagon, CCTV footage was released​

The FBI published numerous photos that show airplane debris at the site of the attack, including a piece of damaged metal with text on it that says "American Airlines, Inc."
Jamie McIntyre, then a CNN reporter, was inside the Pentagon when the attack occurred and also captured images of debris, which he later shared in 2010 on his website "Line of Departure." He reported at the time that the Pentagon heliport was littered with "thousands of tiny shards of airplane wreckage" and what appeared to be part of a cockpit window.

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