More People from Fox News Admit there was no voter fraud !!!

I'm amazed my fellow Americans let the fraud happen. What has happened to my country?
Indeed,our forefathers are rolling over in their graves now how the sheep have let a facist dictatership take over the country and do nothing about it.they are embarrassed how they have shamed what they faught fir while rolling over in their graves now.
And you believe everything a corrupt globalist media tells you. You lose.
:thankusmile: The understatement of the century Lastamender the dem lovers are incapable of critical thinking,being objective,non biased and able to stand toe to toe in a debate as you and big red and others have owned their sorry asses and handed their asses to them on a platter.:yes_text12:
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Sorry conspiracy nut bag there is no irony
You were lied to about Trump Russian collusion
You were lied to about the steel dossier
You were lied to about the mask mandate you were lied to about the vaccines you were lied to about the hunter lap top. You were lied to about what an insurrection is., And you're being lied to now.
:thankusmile: He has shit on his face in embarrassment as you owned him so naturally he trying to laugh off those facts while crying at the moment bigrebnc1775 :abgg2q.jpg:
Yep... that's how a two party system works and unfortunately we are stuck with it.... Only one man can win and only two have a real shot... not three or four or five.... just two.....
:thankusmile: Yeah sucks living in this evil depressing world we live in where both parties are corrupt and one in the same so you have no choice on who to vote for.trump was the first president sense kennedy not part of that corrupt two party system so we had the most massive vote fraud in American history,the trolls that disagree with this post all hate America and paid shills fir Langley or the dnc.
The courts open declared that there is no evidence at all, therefore they threw out all of Trump's BS cases due to lack of evidence.
You must've been in the slow classes in high school, clearly you have trouble comprehending simple concepts.

Chief Justice Robert Brutinel agreed, saying Ward's challenge had failed to "present any evidence of 'misconduct,' 'illegal votes' or that the Biden Electors 'did not in fact receive the highest number of votes for office,'" he wrote — "let alone establish any degree of fraud or a sufficient error rate that would undermine the certainty of the election results."

You prove as always you are a stupid fuck child the fact every objective adult knows our courts are the most corrupt courts in the world with bought off judges where you can’t get a fair trial,your comedy is hilarious as always child. :rofl:
Too bad facts are stubborn things.

Chairman of the Federal Election Commission Trey Trainor, “fraud is taking place.” (View at Rumble)


(Below source: Baltimore Post Examiner.) (Click for larger below image)


Kari Lake Opens Pandora’s Box: No Signature Match on 20% of AZ Mail-in Ballots in 2020,

:thankusmile: :TH_WAY~113: The Demonrat America haters are now plugging their ears and covering their eyes over this video sense they have no interest in pesky facts that make them cry and expose their lies they tell here.:abgg2q.jpg:
Faux is the RINO network. Totally worthless save Tucker.

They have always been against President Trump. They are pushing DeSantis of course.
Tucker also admitted that trump's election fraud claims were false.
Progressives get their thinking points from the MSM and automatically assume non-Progressive do the same; they mistakenly believe that Fox is our one and only approve source for our thoughts. Sad, really

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