More Proof CNN is fake news...


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
CNN's Finding Jesus is all you need to prove CNN doesn't know fact from fiction.
1) the old version of this show by
Peter Jennings called 'The Search for Jesus'
Which was a journalistic Search for the Historical Christ was a total rip off from my Search for the Historical Jesus web site and commentary, it's what inspired the special. Even though some will claim it's using
Albert Schweitzer's similar search as the basic premise, it doesn't come close to raising new questions nor exposing historical contradictions that brought this topic to surface again. In other words CNN steals others works without a lick of recognition to their sources.
2)No where in their past series or this series dovthey have a lick of proof of a Historical figure they are selling as existing in history.
There is no REAL historical reference of the compiled character except self testimony in the NT. Interesting for a broadcast news to request evidence & proof from the Trump team of wire taps that THEY THEMSELVES REPORTED TOOK PLACE WHEN BULLYING FLYNN. Yet this same news service can't give one piece of evidence of Russian connections to the elections or the Clinton hacks and after that was investigated and they found no connections they still falsely made accusations and fake news about it without the evidence. Now they continue this no evidence reporting with the fallacious history of Jesus, a name never known to any historical Jew. So CNN wants the evidence knowing they themselves gave us the evidence through railroading Flynn, we are waiting now for CNN to stand by it's own standard and give us evidence of Jesus who did not exist as a singular historical figure and who CNN failed to prove has a history for them to produce specials on behalf of a fictional character.=proof CNN is Fake News
using their own standard and arguments.
Checkmate CNN, you busted yourself with lack of providing evidence.
Case closed!
You can no longer call yourselves news without being called liars, in which case by your own standard makes you too unfit and insane to do your jobs of reporting news.
Disagree and you blow up all your former arguments you made ranting during your fake news broadcasts. :)
Hence the phrase checkmate.
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Are you telling us that CNN used your material, your website and commentary about Jesus Christ to do a special on television? Is that what you are telling us, HaShev?

No offense but this takes the blind leading the blind to a brand new level!
Are you telling us that CNN used your material, your website and commentary about Jesus Christ to do a special on television? Is that what you are telling us, HaShev?

No offense but this takes the blind leading the blind to a brand new level!
It's one of the weirdest butthurt threads I've seen on USMB.

My guess is that CNN is desperately trying to catch up to Fox News. Since it's Easter, a story about Jesus is a no-brainer.
Are you telling us that CNN used your material, your website and commentary about Jesus Christ to do a special on television? Is that what you are telling us, HaShev?

No offense but this takes the blind leading the blind to a brand new level!
It's one of the weirdest butthurt threads I've seen on USMB.

My guess is that CNN is desperately trying to catch up to Fox News. Since it's Easter, a story about Jesus is a no-brainer.
If they are using HaShev's research for the story it is going to be a work of fiction. HaShev doesn't believe in Jesus Christ! CNN is desperate alright.
CNN's Finding Jesus is all you need to prove CNN doesn't know fact from fiction.
1) the old version of this show by
Peter Jennings called 'The Search for Jesus'
Which was a journalistic Search for the Historical Christ was a total rip off from my Search for the Historical Jesus web site and commentary, it's what inspired the special. Even though some will claim it's using
Albert Schweitzer's similar search as the basic premise, it doesn't come close to raising new questions nor exposing historical contradictions that brought this topic to surface again. In other words CNN steals others works without a lick of recognition to their sources.
2)No where in their past series or this series dovthey have a lick of proof of a Historical figure they are selling as existing in history.
There is no REAL historical reference of the compiled character except self testimony in the NT. Interesting for a broadcast news to request evidence & proof from the Trump team of wire taps that THEY THEMSELVES REPORTED TOOK PLACE WHEN BULLYING FLYNN. Yet this same news service can't give one piece of evidence of Russian connections to the elections or the Clinton hacks and after that was investigated and they found no connections they still falsely made accusations and fake news about it without the evidence. Now they continue this no evidence reporting with the fallacious history of Jesus, a name never known to any historical Jew. So CNN wants the evidence knowing they themselves gave us the evidence through railroading Flynn, we are waiting now for CNN to stand by it's own standard and give us evidence of Jesus who did not exist as a singular historical figure and who CNN failed to prove has a history for them to produce specials on behalf of a fictional character.=proof CNN is Fake News
using their own standard and arguments.
Checkmate CNN, you busted yourself with lack of providing evidence.
Case closed!
You can no longer call yourselves news without being called liars, in which case by your own standard makes you too unfit and insane to do your jobs of reporting news.
Disagree and you blow up all your former arguments you made ranting during your fake news broadcasts. :)
Hence the phrase checkmate.
More proof that CNN is fake news is gratuitous. We all know.
Are you telling us that CNN used your material, your website and commentary about Jesus Christ to do a special on television? Is that what you are telling us, HaShev?

No offense but this takes the blind leading the blind to a brand new level!
It's one of the weirdest butthurt threads I've seen on USMB.

My guess is that CNN is desperately trying to catch up to Fox News. Since it's Easter, a story about Jesus is a no-brainer.
If they are using HaShev's research for the story it is going to be a work of fiction. HaShev doesn't believe in Jesus Christ! CNN is desperate alright.
Given the writing style and character of the OP: 1) I doubt CNN used his material and 2) Yes, it's a business and CNN wants to make "Fox News" money.
Maybe he was joking. HaShev has a unique sense of humor. Aside from his comments about Jesus, I find HaShev to be a very intelligent and interesting person. I definitely believe he has shown a great amount of insight on OFA and what Obama is up to (trying to bring a coup) scheming against the Trump White House.
Are you telling us that CNN used your material, your website and commentary about Jesus Christ to do a special on television? Is that what you are telling us, HaShev?

No offense but this takes the blind leading the blind to a brand new level!
It's one of the weirdest butthurt threads I've seen on USMB.

My guess is that CNN is desperately trying to catch up to Fox News. Since it's Easter, a story about Jesus is a no-brainer.
If they are using HaShev's research for the story it is going to be a work of fiction. HaShev doesn't believe in Jesus Christ! CNN is desperate alright.
Given the writing style and character of the OP: 1) I doubt CNN used his material and 2) Yes, it's a business and CNN wants to make "Fox News" money.

1) I'm on a phone typing typos galore and I use freestyle in forums.
2) you proved my point, using your premise
Jesus never wrote anything so how can they speak for him and of him, because he never existed.
3) you are partly correct as they used only some, it was what made them address the issue of a historical investigation, but like all CNN investigations it failed to use the evidence and chose to coward from upsetting it's audience by
creating it's own historical commentary that was neither historical or accurate or true.
4) Jeremiah can find the picture of Bush at that time of Publication carrying a huge Talmud investigating the Talmidic historical sources for one of the many Christs used to make the Jesus image.
5)Where do you think the President got the no fly zone idea from and the sending busses, boats, and helicopters to N.O. during the floods?
tmp_9610-left_5171677336709.jpg tmp_9610-bush+lubavitch-988101276.jpg
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1) I'm on a phone typing typos galore and I use freestyle in forums.
2) you proved my point, using your premise
Jesus never wrote anything so how can they speak for him and of him, because he never existed.
3) you are partly correct as they used only some, it was what made them address the issue of a historical investigation, but like all CNN investigations it failed to use the evidence and chose to coward from upsetting it's audience by
creating it's own historical commentary that was neither historical or accurate or true.
4) Jeremiah can find the picture of Bush at that time of Publication carrying a huge Talmud investigating the Talmidic historical sources for one of the many Christs used to make the Jesus image.
5)Where do you think the President got the no fly zone idea from and the sending busses, boats, and helicopters to N.O. during the floods?
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1) Interesting from a psychological point of view.

2) Disagreed.

3) Obviously you missed my point. No worries.

4) Straw man argument.

5) Straw man argument. Where is your proof of ZOG/NWO/Etc?
Insufficient reply.
You proved my premise twice now.
And now you showed how people believe things that have no basis of evidence, but those who are telling the truth you assume lie, because you don't want to believe them or need to reject what they say to justify your idiocracy.
=subjective reality.
But also exposes why people demonize those they can't be validated through.

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