More proof our govt is a complete failure

Biden will nominate yellen as treasury secretary. The Keynesian that supports failed Keynesian economic policies.
Keynesian economics has failed over and over and over and over. Fucking idiots.
But hey, the statists love it. It grows the federal govt!
When has Keynesian failed?

Did it fail in Kansas like Supplyside
The Democrats have really fucked up this country.

Everything they touch is screwed up and everything they do is wrong.

Only idiots vote for Democrats.

Can you imagine the low IQ and how fucked up morally someone would have to think that Joe Biden would make a good President? That level of stupidity is beyond comprehension.
Biden will nominate yellen as treasury secretary. The Keynesian that supports failed Keynesian economic policies.
Keynesian economics has failed over and over and over and over. Fucking idiots.
But hey, the statists love it. It grows the federal govt!

Keynesian economic policies are far more successful than the hyper-capitalism which has been discredited around the world as "trickle down economics", or as Bush 41 correctly dubbed them "voodoo economics". You currently have 80% of the wealth of the nation flowing to the top 20%, while in Keynesian economies, that number is less than 50%/. Norway is 48%, Canada is 39%.

A thriving and economically vibrant middle class is the key to a thriving and successful economy. The American middle class is shrinking, and more are fallling into poverty than are rising to wealth. This is a feature, not a bug of the Republican economic policies.

40 years of Republican economic policies and tax codes has accelerated this transfer of wealth and power to the top, and working Americans have cheered as they've done it. It makes no economic sense whatsoever, and is the reason why Republicans don't ever tell the truth.
"hyper capitalism" isnt even REAL. It is a term made up by marxists.
I had to stop reading after that.

Hyper-capitalism is most definitely real. With 80% of your wealth going to the top, and few protections for workers or the communities who support these businesses, hyper-capitalism has been a massive failure for the American economy, as witnessed by 30 major crashes in the past 40 years - all of which have accelerated the rate of wealth transfer to the top.
30 major crashes in the past 40 years?

Let's see your this.

Google it a$$hat.
The Democrats have really fucked up this country.

Everything they touch is screwed up and everything they do is wrong.

Only idiots vote for Democrats.

Can you imagine the low IQ and how fucked up morally someone would have to think that Joe Biden would make a good President? That level of stupidity is beyond comprehension.
Grievance much cooter.
Biden will nominate yellen as treasury secretary. The Keynesian that supports failed Keynesian economic policies.
Keynesian economics has failed over and over and over and over. Fucking idiots.
But hey, the statists love it. It grows the federal govt!

Keynesian economic policies are far more successful than the hyper-capitalism which has been discredited around the world as "trickle down economics", or as Bush 41 correctly dubbed them "voodoo economics". You currently have 80% of the wealth of the nation flowing to the top 20%, while in Keynesian economies, that number is less than 50%/. Norway is 48%, Canada is 39%.

A thriving and economically vibrant middle class is the key to a thriving and successful economy. The American middle class is shrinking, and more are fallling into poverty than are rising to wealth. This is a feature, not a bug of the Republican economic policies.

40 years of Republican economic policies and tax codes has accelerated this transfer of wealth and power to the top, and working Americans have cheered as they've done it. It makes no economic sense whatsoever, and is the reason why Republicans don't ever tell the truth.
"hyper capitalism" isnt even REAL. It is a term made up by marxists.
I had to stop reading after that.

Hyper-capitalism is most definitely real. With 80% of your wealth going to the top, and few protections for workers or the communities who support these businesses, hyper-capitalism has been a massive failure for the American economy, as witnessed by 30 major crashes in the past 40 years - all of which have accelerated the rate of wealth transfer to the top.
30 major crashes in the past 40 years?

Let's see your this.

Google it a$$hat.
Exposing you as the lying sack of shit you are is too easy.

Dismissed, liar.
The Democrats have really fucked up this country.

Everything they touch is screwed up and everything they do is wrong.

Only idiots vote for Democrats.

Can you imagine the low IQ and how fucked up morally someone would have to think that Joe Biden would make a good President? That level of stupidity is beyond comprehension.
He could be a dog walker.............OH WAIT...2024
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Biden will nominate yellen as treasury secretary. The Keynesian that supports failed Keynesian economic policies.
Keynesian economics has failed over and over and over and over. Fucking idiots.
But hey, the statists love it. It grows the federal govt!
When has Keynesian failed?

Did it fail in Kansas like Supplyside
FDR? Hoover? Obama and his "stimulus" after the recession? Look at nixon and when he dumped the "gold standard" or during the GD
The failure is everywhere. You big govt statists just refuse to see it.
Biden will nominate yellen as treasury secretary. The Keynesian that supports failed Keynesian economic policies.
Keynesian economics has failed over and over and over and over. Fucking idiots.
But hey, the statists love it. It grows the federal govt!

Keynesian economic policies are far more successful than the hyper-capitalism which has been discredited around the world as "trickle down economics", or as Bush 41 correctly dubbed them "voodoo economics". You currently have 80% of the wealth of the nation flowing to the top 20%, while in Keynesian economies, that number is less than 50%/. Norway is 48%, Canada is 39%.

A thriving and economically vibrant middle class is the key to a thriving and successful economy. The American middle class is shrinking, and more are fallling into poverty than are rising to wealth. This is a feature, not a bug of the Republican economic policies.

40 years of Republican economic policies and tax codes has accelerated this transfer of wealth and power to the top, and working Americans have cheered as they've done it. It makes no economic sense whatsoever, and is the reason why Republicans don't ever tell the truth.

The real socialists in this country should be thanking these pseudo-capitalists for their help.

They have so misapplied capitalism -- thinking that any controls are the bane of capitalism rather than a critical component of it -- that they have made more and more people interested in an alternative due to the imbalances they have created.

These arrogant, ignorant wannabe economists have opened the door to the very thing they're most afraid of.
The imbalances were created BY THE GOVT. Not Capitalism.
Prove me wrong.
Biden will nominate yellen as treasury secretary. The Keynesian that supports failed Keynesian economic policies.
Keynesian economics has failed over and over and over and over. Fucking idiots.
But hey, the statists love it. It grows the federal govt!

Keynesian economic policies are far more successful than the hyper-capitalism which has been discredited around the world as "trickle down economics", or as Bush 41 correctly dubbed them "voodoo economics". You currently have 80% of the wealth of the nation flowing to the top 20%, while in Keynesian economies, that number is less than 50%/. Norway is 48%, Canada is 39%.

A thriving and economically vibrant middle class is the key to a thriving and successful economy. The American middle class is shrinking, and more are fallling into poverty than are rising to wealth. This is a feature, not a bug of the Republican economic policies.

40 years of Republican economic policies and tax codes has accelerated this transfer of wealth and power to the top, and working Americans have cheered as they've done it. It makes no economic sense whatsoever, and is the reason why Republicans don't ever tell the truth.

The real socialists in this country should be thanking these pseudo-capitalists for their help.

They have so misapplied capitalism -- thinking that any controls are the bane of capitalism rather than a critical component of it -- that they have made more and more people interested in an alternative due to the imbalances they have created.

These arrogant, ignorant wannabe economists have opened the door to the very thing they're most afraid of.
The imbalances were created BY THE GOVT. Not Capitalism.
Prove me wrong.
Prove something to a Trumpster? On economics?


Naw. You're just too smart for me.
Since Nixon dropped the gold standard to print money out of nothing for welfare and war, 700 dollars now equals 100 dollars.
Our debt is now over 27 trillion. When he took office it was 350B.
Biden will nominate yellen as treasury secretary. The Keynesian that supports failed Keynesian economic policies.
Keynesian economics has failed over and over and over and over. Fucking idiots.
But hey, the statists love it. It grows the federal govt!

Keynesian economic policies are far more successful than the hyper-capitalism which has been discredited around the world as "trickle down economics", or as Bush 41 correctly dubbed them "voodoo economics". You currently have 80% of the wealth of the nation flowing to the top 20%, while in Keynesian economies, that number is less than 50%/. Norway is 48%, Canada is 39%.

A thriving and economically vibrant middle class is the key to a thriving and successful economy. The American middle class is shrinking, and more are fallling into poverty than are rising to wealth. This is a feature, not a bug of the Republican economic policies.

40 years of Republican economic policies and tax codes has accelerated this transfer of wealth and power to the top, and working Americans have cheered as they've done it. It makes no economic sense whatsoever, and is the reason why Republicans don't ever tell the truth.

The real socialists in this country should be thanking these pseudo-capitalists for their help.

They have so misapplied capitalism -- thinking that any controls are the bane of capitalism rather than a critical component of it -- that they have made more and more people interested in an alternative due to the imbalances they have created.

These arrogant, ignorant wannabe economists have opened the door to the very thing they're most afraid of.
The imbalances were created BY THE GOVT. Not Capitalism.
Prove me wrong.
Prove something to a Trumpster? On economics?


Naw. You're just too smart for me.
Im not a trumpster, dumbfuck.
You just say that because i call out your hypocrisy and ignorance.
So tell me how the govt ISNT responsible for our economic imbalances. If you can lol
There is the thumbs up by ol mac lol. He wont prove it. He just talks out of his ass. He CANT prove what he says to be true.
If you agree, he will converse. If you dont, he runs like a little bitch. Because he has to keep up that big government rhetoric. Gawd what a fucking joke. A coward on the internet LOL
Its just what federal supremacists do :dunno:
Biden will nominate yellen as treasury secretary. The Keynesian that supports failed Keynesian economic policies.
Keynesian economics has failed over and over and over and over. Fucking idiots.
But hey, the statists love it. It grows the federal govt!

Keynesian economic policies are far more successful than the hyper-capitalism which has been discredited around the world as "trickle down economics", or as Bush 41 correctly dubbed them "voodoo economics". You currently have 80% of the wealth of the nation flowing to the top 20%, while in Keynesian economies, that number is less than 50%/. Norway is 48%, Canada is 39%.

A thriving and economically vibrant middle class is the key to a thriving and successful economy. The American middle class is shrinking, and more are fallling into poverty than are rising to wealth. This is a feature, not a bug of the Republican economic policies.

40 years of Republican economic policies and tax codes has accelerated this transfer of wealth and power to the top, and working Americans have cheered as they've done it. It makes no economic sense whatsoever, and is the reason why Republicans don't ever tell the truth.

The real socialists in this country should be thanking these pseudo-capitalists for their help.

They have so misapplied capitalism -- thinking that any controls are the bane of capitalism rather than a critical component of it -- that they have made more and more people interested in an alternative due to the imbalances they have created.

These arrogant, ignorant wannabe economists have opened the door to the very thing they're most afraid of.
The imbalances were created BY THE GOVT. Not Capitalism.
Prove me wrong.
Jeff Bezos ?
Biden will nominate yellen as treasury secretary. The Keynesian that supports failed Keynesian economic policies.
Keynesian economics has failed over and over and over and over. Fucking idiots.
But hey, the statists love it. It grows the federal govt!

Keynesian economic policies are far more successful than the hyper-capitalism which has been discredited around the world as "trickle down economics", or as Bush 41 correctly dubbed them "voodoo economics". You currently have 80% of the wealth of the nation flowing to the top 20%, while in Keynesian economies, that number is less than 50%/. Norway is 48%, Canada is 39%.

A thriving and economically vibrant middle class is the key to a thriving and successful economy. The American middle class is shrinking, and more are fallling into poverty than are rising to wealth. This is a feature, not a bug of the Republican economic policies.

40 years of Republican economic policies and tax codes has accelerated this transfer of wealth and power to the top, and working Americans have cheered as they've done it. It makes no economic sense whatsoever, and is the reason why Republicans don't ever tell the truth.

The real socialists in this country should be thanking these pseudo-capitalists for their help.

They have so misapplied capitalism -- thinking that any controls are the bane of capitalism rather than a critical component of it -- that they have made more and more people interested in an alternative due to the imbalances they have created.

These arrogant, ignorant wannabe economists have opened the door to the very thing they're most afraid of.
The imbalances were created BY THE GOVT. Not Capitalism.
Prove me wrong.

The years 2008 through 2015 should be known as the Great Fleecing.

During that time, the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world occurred. Some $4.5 trillion was given to Wall Street banks through its Quantitative Easing program, with the American people picking up the IOU.

“If liberals are angry about inequality, they should look no further than President Obama.”
This is the primary reason the US economy has not been able to recovery from the bank implosion of 2008.

Surely if you inject $4.5 trillion into the economy, you will get economic growth. You will get a 4% to 5% increase in Gross Domestic Product for at least a year or two.

Yet the Obama administration is the first two-term presidency that has not posted a 3% GDP growth on an annualized basis for 8 years. Even Franklin Delano Roosevelt posted 3% growth year during the Great Depression.

That’s because the $4.5 trillion was not given to any infrastructure program — it was given to banks, under the misguided notion that they needed the money to remain solvent. The banks promptly invested this money, which kept the stock market humming, but did nothing for jobs, wages or the GDP.

This was by design. The Fed could not allow the bank’s largesse to be circulated into the public for fear of rapid inflation.

The banks also funded company mergers, company debt offerings and stock buybacks. This activity kept the money sequestered and allowed a greater return for the banks. After all, they were getting free money to invest — there was no way to lose.

Who did this help? The 1%, and pretty much only the 1%.

These actions are the reasons the American middle class has been decimated and no longer makes up the majority of the population.

If liberals are angry about inequality, they should look no further than President Obama. He has done more to contribute to the gap between rich and poor than anyone.

Capitalism is NOT the problem. Gov't is.
Biden will nominate yellen as treasury secretary. The Keynesian that supports failed Keynesian economic policies.
Keynesian economics has failed over and over and over and over. Fucking idiots.
But hey, the statists love it. It grows the federal govt!

Keynesian economic policies are far more successful than the hyper-capitalism which has been discredited around the world as "trickle down economics", or as Bush 41 correctly dubbed them "voodoo economics". You currently have 80% of the wealth of the nation flowing to the top 20%, while in Keynesian economies, that number is less than 50%/. Norway is 48%, Canada is 39%.

A thriving and economically vibrant middle class is the key to a thriving and successful economy. The American middle class is shrinking, and more are fallling into poverty than are rising to wealth. This is a feature, not a bug of the Republican economic policies.

40 years of Republican economic policies and tax codes has accelerated this transfer of wealth and power to the top, and working Americans have cheered as they've done it. It makes no economic sense whatsoever, and is the reason why Republicans don't ever tell the truth.

The real socialists in this country should be thanking these pseudo-capitalists for their help.

They have so misapplied capitalism -- thinking that any controls are the bane of capitalism rather than a critical component of it -- that they have made more and more people interested in an alternative due to the imbalances they have created.

These arrogant, ignorant wannabe economists have opened the door to the very thing they're most afraid of.
The imbalances were created BY THE GOVT. Not Capitalism.
Prove me wrong.
Jeff Bezos ?
what about him?
Speaking of bozos, he has made over 20B during the covid bullshit. Why didnt much of that money go to small businesses and the such? Because of the govt.
In fact, all billionaires made almost 700B during covid. Why didnt much of that money go to small businesses and the such? Because of the govt and their stupid policies. Its almost like they have been TRYING to destroy the middle class the past few decades.
"capitalist imbalances" :rofl:
Biden will nominate yellen as treasury secretary. The Keynesian that supports failed Keynesian economic policies.
Keynesian economics has failed over and over and over and over. Fucking idiots.
But hey, the statists love it. It grows the federal govt!
To be fair, if I understand the basics of Keynesian economics we have never actually tried it. The idea is that you borrow from the future to help even out the pitfalls of today with the actual intent of taking some off the top during the good times - you know actually paying down that debt and saving for when the inevitable downturn occurs.

The problem is not so much that we spend extra in hard economic times through borrowing but rater that when those times end we simply increase spending and (much worse) borrowing even more. You certainly can stimulate now with the success of yesterday or tomorrow but you cannot stimulate now with nothing at all.

What we are doing is not following any economic theory, it is following vote buying theory.
Speaking of bozos, he has made over 20B during the covid bullshit. Why didnt much of that money go to small businesses and the such? Because of the govt.
In fact, all billionaires made almost 700B during covid. Why didnt much of that money go to small businesses and the such? Because of the govt and their stupid policies. Its almost like they have been TRYING to destroy the middle class the past few decades.
"capitalist imbalances" :rofl:
It was something to watch the government close all the small business down taking peoples jobs, businesses and well being then turn around and force everyone into the same building, aka Wal-Mart, to obtain necessities.

If anything, the way shutdowns were pursued it exacerbated the problem by forcing people into a single business rather than spreading some of that business out among many locations.
Speaking of bozos, he has made over 20B during the covid bullshit. Why didnt much of that money go to small businesses and the such? Because of the govt.
In fact, all billionaires made almost 700B during covid. Why didnt much of that money go to small businesses and the such? Because of the govt and their stupid policies. Its almost like they have been TRYING to destroy the middle class the past few decades.
"capitalist imbalances" :rofl:
It was something to watch the government close all the small business down taking peoples jobs, businesses and well being then turn around and force everyone into the same building, aka Wal-Mart, to obtain necessities.

If anything, the way shutdowns were pursued it exacerbated the problem by forcing people into a single business rather than spreading some of that business out among many locations.
Yep. You can catch covid around 6 people and your friends mom shop but you cant at walmart with 100 people.
To be fair, food is what kept them open. Those businesses should have never been shut down in the first place. All this crap was OBVIOUSLY going to happen..

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