More proof that this is a complete hoax.

Some doctor on FOX a few weeks back wondered if there are more than one corona strain out more deadly than the seems almost regional in nature...makes me wonder if the Chinese released different strains at different times in different places as kind of a sick experiment....
Well, now doctors are saying that the virus was here a lot earlier than they previously thought.

Medical examiner-coroner of Clara county, received confirmation that tissue samples obtained during autopsies tested positive for the virus, officials said.
Medical examiner-coroner of Santa Clara county, received confirmation that tissue samples obtained during autopsies tested positive for the virus, officials said. Photograph: Apu Gomes/AFP via Getty Images

The coronavirus was killing Americans in the US weeks before health officials, doctors or the government realized, it emerged early on Wednesday.
Health officials now say two people died from Covid-19 in California in early February before the first reported death from the disease in the United States.
Santa Clara county officials, in northern California, said they now know a 57-year-old woman died in her home on 6 February and and a 69-year-old man died in his home on 17 February. The first official recorded death in the nation from the virus was reported on 29 February in Kirkland, in the state of Washington.
I want that anti body test............To find out what that Flu was back in January.........they guy that gave it to us.........asshole came to work with it............went to the doctor and it was called FLU A AND B.

I'd like to know if that was BS and it was this stuff.
EVERYBODY was sick in Dec and Jan...I was sick, and I haven't been sick in years.
Same I want the dang test.
Some doctor on FOX a few weeks back wondered if there are more than one corona strain out more deadly than the seems almost regional in nature...makes me wonder if the Chinese released different strains at different times in different places as kind of a sick experiment....

Conspiracy theory much? That is almost as stupid as saying that 5G towers are secretly transmitting the virus.
Some doctor on FOX a few weeks back wondered if there are more than one corona strain out more deadly than the seems almost regional in nature...makes me wonder if the Chinese released different strains at different times in different places as kind of a sick experiment....

Conspiracy theory much? That is almost as stupid as saying that 5G towers are secretly transmitting the virus.
Whats so stupid about it?...does someone need to kick you in the head before you will get it?...we have 40,000 dead Americans in 4 months....and it was a CDC doctor that wondered if there are more than a single strain....
I want that anti body test............To find out what that Flu was back in January.........they guy that gave it to us.........asshole came to work with it............went to the doctor and it was called FLU A AND B.

I'd like to know if that was BS and it was this stuff.
You know, the CDC when it was talking about the REGULAR flu season, which is winding down, they said that toward the end of it a nasty Swine flu type hit, complicating matters. It was more severe than the flu they'd had earlier in the season. It was happening everywhere,and a LOT of people around here came down with it. It wasn't Covid though or a lot of those people, who were elderly, would have been dead, wouldn't they?
Well, now doctors are saying that the virus was here a lot earlier than they previously thought.

Medical examiner-coroner of Clara county, received confirmation that tissue samples obtained during autopsies tested positive for the virus, officials said.
Medical examiner-coroner of Santa Clara county, received confirmation that tissue samples obtained during autopsies tested positive for the virus, officials said. Photograph: Apu Gomes/AFP via Getty Images

The coronavirus was killing Americans in the US weeks before health officials, doctors or the government realized, it emerged early on Wednesday.
Health officials now say two people died from Covid-19 in California in early February before the first reported death from the disease in the United States.
Santa Clara county officials, in northern California, said they now know a 57-year-old woman died in her home on 6 February and and a 69-year-old man died in his home on 17 February. The first official recorded death in the nation from the virus was reported on 29 February in Kirkland, in the state of Washington.
"An estimated 4.1 percent of adult residents in Los Angeles County have the antibody to the coronavirus, which indicates that hundreds of thousands of them may have been infected, according to preliminary results from a new study.

The collaborative study from USC and the county's department of public health suggests "infections from the new coronavirus are far more widespread than previously thought." The study indicates that approximately 221,000 to 442,000 adults in the county have had the infection at some point in time. The results also suggest that the mortality rate is much lower.

That figure is 28 to 55 times bigger than the 7,994 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the county at the time of the study in early April, according to the study. As of Monday, there are 13,816 positive cases in the region."

Something short of 650 dead from the virus in LA County so far. Let's do some math...we'll go with the median of 350,000 infected.
That gives us ~.2% deaths?
What is the flu? .1%? .2%? normally?
Still gonna wear those masks shitheads?
You are still playing the role of dumb tea bagger trumpoholic. You are comparing the full year's worth of numbers to a few months of numbers and see nothing wrong with your calculations?
Some doctor on FOX a few weeks back wondered if there are more than one corona strain out more deadly than the seems almost regional in nature...makes me wonder if the Chinese released different strains at different times in different places as kind of a sick experiment....

Conspiracy theory much? That is almost as stupid as saying that 5G towers are secretly transmitting the virus.
Whats so stupid about it?...does someone need to kick you in the head before you will get it?...we have 40,000 dead Americans in 4 months....and it was a CDC doctor that wondered if there are more than a single strain....

Saying that the Chinese released different strains at different times in different places as an experiment is the beyond stupid conspiracy part. And, if there was more than one strain of this virus currently spreading, doctors would be talking about that one too.
I want that anti body test............To find out what that Flu was back in January.........they guy that gave it to us.........asshole came to work with it............went to the doctor and it was called FLU A AND B.

I'd like to know if that was BS and it was this stuff.
You know, the CDC when it was talking about the REGULAR flu season, which is winding down, they said that toward the end of it a nasty Swine flu type hit, complicating matters. It was more severe than the flu they'd had earlier in the season. It was happening everywhere,and a LOT of people around here came down with it. It wasn't Covid though or a lot of those people, who were elderly, would have been dead, wouldn't they?
I don't know but I'd like to find out................Why was his classified a and b...........from what I've googled that is RARE.
I want that anti body test............To find out what that Flu was back in January.........they guy that gave it to us.........asshole came to work with it............went to the doctor and it was called FLU A AND B.

I'd like to know if that was BS and it was this stuff.
EVERYBODY was sick in Dec and Jan...I was sick, and I haven't been sick in years.
Same I want the dang test.

Saw on the news that there should be a test that you can take at home and get results in 2 days in about a month or so.
"An estimated 4.1 percent of adult residents in Los Angeles County have the antibody to the coronavirus, which indicates that hundreds of thousands of them may have been infected, according to preliminary results from a new study.

The collaborative study from USC and the county's department of public health suggests "infections from the new coronavirus are far more widespread than previously thought." The study indicates that approximately 221,000 to 442,000 adults in the county have had the infection at some point in time. The results also suggest that the mortality rate is much lower.

That figure is 28 to 55 times bigger than the 7,994 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the county at the time of the study in early April, according to the study. As of Monday, there are 13,816 positive cases in the region."

Something short of 650 dead from the virus in LA County so far. Let's do some math...we'll go with the median of 350,000 infected.
That gives us ~.2% deaths?
What is the flu? .1%? .2%? normally?
Still gonna wear those masks shitheads?
You are still playing the role of dumb tea bagger trumpoholic. You are comparing the full year's worth of numbers to a few months of numbers and see nothing wrong with your calculations?
You are neglecting the fact that even before we knew there was a Covid, and deaths may or may not have been misdiagnosed as influenza, the flu season was nothing out of the ordinary.
As a matter of fact we can take EVERY death diagnosed as influenza for the entire season and there would be little more than a blip or irregularity.

Further...libfag drone. I do not support Trump.
Some doctor on FOX a few weeks back wondered if there are more than one corona strain out more deadly than the seems almost regional in nature...makes me wonder if the Chinese released different strains at different times in different places as kind of a sick experiment.
I thought it was all unfounded hysteria by the MSM and Dems! I wish there was a single story instead of people spouting whatever BS pops into their head or gets pushed by Trump to see what sticks.

If it's such a novel virus why name it Covid-19?

They say the 19 stands for the year it was discovered...... Yet we don't call the Swine Flu H1N1-9.



Italy, which now has the highest number of COVID-19 deaths in the world, recorded its first case of infection on Feb. 21, though some scientists think the virus began circulating in the country at least a month earlier.

The virus was already here in the second half of January,” said Massimo Galli, head of the infectious disease unit at Milan’s Sacco hospital and a professor at the department of biomedical and clinical sciences at the University of Milan.

He said, however, that the probability of the virus circulating in Italy before January was “very low”.
Don't liberate Georgia!

Trump gives Gov. Kemp severe whiplash. Then he left him with tire tracks up and down his back. It was the dreaded snap their neck and throw 'em under the bus maneuver.

Trump's not in the WWE Hall of Fame for nothing.

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