More proof that this is a complete hoax.

I want that anti body test............To find out what that Flu was back in January.........they guy that gave it to us.........asshole came to work with it............went to the doctor and it was called FLU A AND B.

I'd like to know if that was BS and it was this stuff.
EVERYBODY was sick in Dec and Jan...I was sick, and I haven't been sick in years.
I had it in late November. Sure wish I could get the test. I'd gladly pay to find out I have immunity.
Don't liberate Georgia!

Trump gives Gov. Kemp severe whiplash. Then he left him with tire tracks up and down his back. It was the dreaded snap their neck and throw 'em under the bus maneuver.

Trump's not in the WWE Hall of Fame for nothing.
just finish another presser, did he?
When was the last time any Right Wing conspiracy artist offered any wisdom? Fact? Good advice? You people peddling politics over science, speculation over fact, lies over truth should be ashamed of yourselves. Go sell stupidity someplace else. We ain't buying it anymore.
You will not be buying anything soon if we don't go back to work soon. Somebody has got to work to pay your sorry butt sitting at home in your mommy's basement.

Whatcha gonna do when you run out of other people's money.
You people peddling politics over science, speculation over fact, lies over truth should be ashamed of yourselves.

That about sums it up. However, there ARE reasonable arguments for finding a way to reopen businesses and get people back to work.
You people peddling politics over science, speculation over fact, lies over truth
Projecting again I see. The FACT that your "experts" ran with opinions based on incomplete information proves this is leftist policy trying to bend the FACTS to their personal agenda.

The federal government can RECOMMEND, but they CANNOT violate your natural human rights.
Sweden is the model.
It's way too soon to say that. Let's see what happens. They're nowhere near their peak.

The population of Georgia and less than half the population density. 16,000 cases and 1900+ deaths in Sweden. 20,000 cases and 850 deaths in Georgia. Lower case number largely due to lack of pop. density and a higher death rate.

It's underwhelming.
Sweden is the model.
It's way too soon to say that. Let's see what happens. They're nowhere near their peak.

The population of Georgia and less than half the population density. 16,000 cases and 1900+ deaths in Sweden. 20,000 cases and 850 deaths in Georgia. Lower case number largely due to lack of pop. density and a higher death rate.

It's underwhelming.
Yes it is.........over time........while Sweden gets herd immunity..........we get this crap back in the fall..........
Sweden is the model.
It's way too soon to say that. Let's see what happens. They're nowhere near their peak.
You know that how?

Don't know the peak, of course, but the number of new cases is still increasing.



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Some doctor on FOX a few weeks back wondered if there are more than one corona strain out more deadly than the seems almost regional in nature...makes me wonder if the Chinese released different strains at different times in different places as kind of a sick experiment....

Conspiracy theory much? That is almost as stupid as saying that 5G towers are secretly transmitting the virus.
Whats so stupid about it?...does someone need to kick you in the head before you will get it?...we have 40,000 dead Americans in 4 months....and it was a CDC doctor that wondered if there are more than a single strain....

Saying that the Chinese released different strains at different times in different places as an experiment is the beyond stupid conspiracy part. And, if there was more than one strain of this virus currently spreading, doctors would be talking about that one too.
Its just a thought.....
Sweden is the model.
It's way too soon to say that. Let's see what happens. They're nowhere near their peak.
NO...........hide those who are more at risk and GO BACK TO WORK...........everyone take the best precautions and do what was done in both 1957 and 1968.

We can't destroy the economy....and it dosn't matter.......the virus will keep coming back til it runs it's course........this PAUSE was to keep from overwhelming the medical field.............Not to stop the virus.........THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE.
Sweden is the model.
It's way too soon to say that. Let's see what happens. They're nowhere near their peak.

The population of Georgia and less than half the population density. 16,000 cases and 1900+ deaths in Sweden. 20,000 cases and 850 deaths in Georgia. Lower case number largely due to lack of pop. density and a higher death rate.

It's underwhelming.
Yes it is.........over time........while Sweden gets herd immunity..........we get this crap back in the fall..........

16000 cases out of a pop of 10 million is not going to give you herd immunity any time soon. It will give you more dead people soon.
Sweden is the model.
It's way too soon to say that. Let's see what happens. They're nowhere near their peak.

The population of Georgia and less than half the population density. 16,000 cases and 1900+ deaths in Sweden. 20,000 cases and 850 deaths in Georgia. Lower case number largely due to lack of pop. density and a higher death rate.

It's underwhelming.
Yes it is.........over time........while Sweden gets herd immunity..........we get this crap back in the fall..........

16000 cases out of a pop of 10 million is not going to give you herd immunity any time soon. It will give you more dead people soon.

You don't have a clue how many actually got the virus because most don't know they had it.

That number could be 50 plus times that 16000 number. They don't know how many have had it in the world..........Only antibody tests will prove that.
Sweden is the model.
It's way too soon to say that. Let's see what happens. They're nowhere near their peak.
NO...........hide those who are more at risk and GO BACK TO WORK...........everyone take the best precautions and do what was done in both 1957 and 1968.

We can't destroy the economy....and it dosn't matter.......the virus will keep coming back til it runs it's course........this PAUSE was to keep from overwhelming the medical field.............Not to stop the virus.........THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE.

Oh, no!

What a difference a day makes.


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