More proof that this is a complete hoax.

When was the last time any Right Wing conspiracy artist offered any wisdom? Fact? Good advice? You people peddling politics over science, speculation over fact, lies over truth should be ashamed of yourselves. Go sell stupidity someplace else. We ain't buying it anymore.
You will not be buying anything soon if we don't go back to work soon. Somebody has got to work to pay your sorry butt sitting at home in your mommy's basement.

Whatcha gonna do when you run out of other people's money.
I'm in my sixties, idiot! Your values are skewed by ignorance. What is more valuable: lives or profits?
SO...........I'm about 55......worked my whole dang life.........YOU STAY PUT.......and I'll go back out............if the dang virus gets me then it's my time..........we are destroying this country........

I think you said you were already on SS..........what the hell is the big deal................You don't have to GO OUT.

Gee, I retired at 57, and since then have traveled to Europe, S. America, Central America, Mexico, Canada and the Azores; along with 44 of the United States.
Who da fuck cares............go to China and visit Wuhan...............

It's time to open this country back up..........enough of your FEAR MONGERING.
Sweden is the model.
It's way too soon to say that. Let's see what happens. They're nowhere near their peak.

The population of Georgia and less than half the population density. 16,000 cases and 1900+ deaths in Sweden. 20,000 cases and 850 deaths in Georgia. Lower case number largely due to lack of pop. density and a higher death rate.

It's underwhelming.
Maybe I'm getting tired, but I'm not following that. What are you saying, again?

That Sweden isn't the model for a country of 300+ million, that includes areas of extremely-dense populations. To the extent that it is, it is showing a higher death rate to date.
Sure tard.
Why have 100's of healthy nurses died while helping the ill.
This doesn't happen with the flu.
Fuck off, defending trump is getting old.
List them please. With details.

Turn on one of the Major News Networks and you'll get the facts. Hannity and Fox&Friends are protecting trump's complete incompetence with his usual SNAFU and his absurd comments during his daily dog and pony shows.
Sure tard.
Why have 100's of healthy nurses died while helping the ill.
This doesn't happen with the flu.
Fuck off, defending trump is getting old.
List them please. With details.

Turn on one of the Major News Networks and you'll get the facts. Hannity and Fox&Friends are protecting trump's complete incompetence with his usual SNAFU and his absurd comments during his daily dog and pony shows.
like MSM.........and DNC

YOU PEOPLE are a destructive force of LOCUSTS.
You people peddling politics over science, speculation over fact, lies over truth should be ashamed of yourselves.

That about sums it up. However, there ARE reasonable arguments for finding a way to reopen businesses and get people back to work.
Only if it's done responsibly! Tattoo parlors are not essential services!
?? Who is opening tattoo parlors?
NO ONE..........these people are the problem
"An estimated 4.1 percent of adult residents in Los Angeles County have the antibody to the coronavirus, which indicates that hundreds of thousands of them may have been infected, according to preliminary results from a new study.

The collaborative study from USC and the county's department of public health suggests "infections from the new coronavirus are far more widespread than previously thought." The study indicates that approximately 221,000 to 442,000 adults in the county have had the infection at some point in time. The results also suggest that the mortality rate is much lower.

That figure is 28 to 55 times bigger than the 7,994 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the county at the time of the study in early April, according to the study. As of Monday, there are 13,816 positive cases in the region."

Something short of 650 dead from the virus in LA County so far. Let's do some math...we'll go with the median of 350,000 infected.
That gives us ~.2% deaths?
What is the flu? .1%? .2%? normally?
Still gonna wear those masks shitheads?
This means that the disease is not even new, the CDC needs to be fully defunded
What happens is, someone dies of pneumonia. An autopsy is done and the pneumonia is tested to see which one it was (there are a bunch, some rare ones are extremely deadly). If coronavirus was in the US in November, we would have been the ones to discover it, not China. That doesn't mean that MILD cases weren't floating around here and there earlier than January, because if no one died the docs would never know. So you can assert that, but if it was true, why didn't the amount of cases start spreading alarmingly the way it did once we knew what it was?
How do you explain the immense immunity in California

Rarely do we see anyone smoking in public in CA. That and obesity seem to a condition of many who die from the disease. And if one is healthy, at any age, and does not smoke, is not fat, won't eat fast food and doesn't use salt to extremes have a good chance of having a strong immunity to all diseases.
California is the pot capital of the universe

What California are you in exactly
Sweden is the model.
It's way too soon to say that. Let's see what happens. They're nowhere near their peak.

The population of Georgia and less than half the population density. 16,000 cases and 1900+ deaths in Sweden. 20,000 cases and 850 deaths in Georgia. Lower case number largely due to lack of pop. density and a higher death rate.

It's underwhelming.
Yes it is.........over time........while Sweden gets herd immunity..........we get this crap back in the fall..........

16000 cases out of a pop of 10 million is not going to give you herd immunity any time soon. It will give you more dead people soon.

You don't have a clue how many actually got the virus because most don't know they had it.

That number could be 50 plus times that 16000 number. They don't know how many have had it in the world..........Only antibody tests will prove that.

True, I don't, and neither do you. Now, throw shade on the different death rate.
You throw out numbers to HYPE IT.......I say you don't know the real number.......and then your response is YOU DON'T EITHER.

Are you posting while high now...................LOL

I gave the numbers from Bing's Coronavirus tracker, linked above. You're the one who threw out "could be 50+ times that". I had a basis for what I said. You did a little rectal research.

Of course, I'm high. Duh.

I live in the mountains. The stay-at-home stuff hardly makes a difference to me.
Up yours..........I quoted common sense......which you don't have........Have you been reading on threads........or even on this thread where USC said 4.1% of Los Angles has had it according to their study.

Only off by a factor of 28 to 55 times in this VERY THREAD.

You know dang well you are HYPING THE NUMBERS OF KNOWNS ONLY........when the real numbers are probably WAY ABOVE what is reported.

Hyping the numbers of unknowns is your evidence of common sense?
Sweden is the model.
It's way too soon to say that. Let's see what happens. They're nowhere near their peak.

The population of Georgia and less than half the population density. 16,000 cases and 1900+ deaths in Sweden. 20,000 cases and 850 deaths in Georgia. Lower case number largely due to lack of pop. density and a higher death rate.

It's underwhelming.
Yes it is.........over time........while Sweden gets herd immunity..........we get this crap back in the fall..........

16000 cases out of a pop of 10 million is not going to give you herd immunity any time soon. It will give you more dead people soon.

You don't have a clue how many actually got the virus because most don't know they had it.

That number could be 50 plus times that 16000 number. They don't know how many have had it in the world..........Only antibody tests will prove that.

True, I don't, and neither do you. Now, throw shade on the different death rate.
You throw out numbers to HYPE IT.......I say you don't know the real number.......and then your response is YOU DON'T EITHER.

Are you posting while high now...................LOL

I gave the numbers from Bing's Coronavirus tracker, linked above. You're the one who threw out "could be 50+ times that". I had a basis for what I said. You did a little rectal research.

Of course, I'm high. Duh.

I live in the mountains. The stay-at-home stuff hardly makes a difference to me.
Up yours..........I quoted common sense......which you don't have........Have you been reading on threads........or even on this thread where USC said 4.1% of Los Angles has had it according to their study.

Only off by a factor of 28 to 55 times in this VERY THREAD.

You know dang well you are HYPING THE NUMBERS OF KNOWNS ONLY........when the real numbers are probably WAY ABOVE what is reported.

Hyping the numbers of unknowns is your evidence of common sense?
You are like a washing machine on spin cycle.

You know that in this VERY THREAD that the USC study showed a large number had the anti bodies............LARGE NUMBERS......many have been saying this for quite some time unless you live under a rock.

Your using the numbers to INFLATE THE DEATH RATE......

When was the last time any Right Wing conspiracy artist offered any wisdom? Fact? Good advice? You people peddling politics over science, speculation over fact, lies over truth should be ashamed of yourselves. Go sell stupidity someplace else. We ain't buying it anymore.

Shit doesn't fit your narrative does it? You feel like a jackass don't ya? Such a rube...such a mark...believing your a punkass sucker.
When was the last time any Right Wing conspiracy artist offered any wisdom? Fact? Good advice? You people peddling politics over science, speculation over fact, lies over truth should be ashamed of yourselves. Go sell stupidity someplace else. We ain't buying it anymore.
You will not be buying anything soon if we don't go back to work soon. Somebody has got to work to pay your sorry butt sitting at home in your mommy's basement.

Whatcha gonna do when you run out of other people's money.
I'm in my sixties, idiot! Your values are skewed by ignorance. What is more valuable: lives or profits?
SO...........I'm about 55......worked my whole dang life.........YOU STAY PUT.......and I'll go back out............if the dang virus gets me then it's my time..........we are destroying this country........

I think you said you were already on SS..........what the hell is the big deal................You don't have to GO OUT.

Gee, I retired at 57, and since then have traveled to Europe, S. America, Central America, Mexico, Canada and the Azores; along with 44 of the United States.
Who da fuck cares............go to China and visit Wuhan...............

It's time to open this country back up..........enough of your FEAR MONGERING.

Apparently you don't, but given your comments I have no doubt you are a trumpanzee: dumb, opinionated and a miserable curmudgeon.
When was the last time any Right Wing conspiracy artist offered any wisdom? Fact? Good advice? You people peddling politics over science, speculation over fact, lies over truth should be ashamed of yourselves. Go sell stupidity someplace else. We ain't buying it anymore.
You will not be buying anything soon if we don't go back to work soon. Somebody has got to work to pay your sorry butt sitting at home in your mommy's basement.

Whatcha gonna do when you run out of other people's money.
I'm in my sixties, idiot! Your values are skewed by ignorance. What is more valuable: lives or profits?
SO...........I'm about 55......worked my whole dang life.........YOU STAY PUT.......and I'll go back out............if the dang virus gets me then it's my time..........we are destroying this country........

I think you said you were already on SS..........what the hell is the big deal................You don't have to GO OUT.

Gee, I retired at 57, and since then have traveled to Europe, S. America, Central America, Mexico, Canada and the Azores; along with 44 of the United States.
Who da fuck cares............go to China and visit Wuhan...............

It's time to open this country back up..........enough of your FEAR MONGERING.

Apparently you don't, but given your comments I have no doubt you are a trumpanzee, dumb, opinionated and a miserable curmudgeon.
Your retired as you already said..........go back and hide under your bed......
When 'THEY" talk about MSM, "THEY" mean anyone that tells the truth about dotard.
FoxFakeNews, and NOW ever worse, trumps new friend, OANN.

Hannity and Fox&Friends are protecting trump's complete incompetence

Hannity and trump had the same Lawyer in Michael Cohen.
Cohen had 3 Clients.
Hannity, Trump, and ????

Point is, trump and Hannity are running the same cons.
Under the direction of Cohen, who is in Prison, for CRIMES.

Doesn't take a "Stable Genius" to figure out the connection.
Turn on one of the Major News Networks and you'll get the facts.

Sweden is the model.
It's way too soon to say that. Let's see what happens. They're nowhere near their peak.

The population of Georgia and less than half the population density. 16,000 cases and 1900+ deaths in Sweden. 20,000 cases and 850 deaths in Georgia. Lower case number largely due to lack of pop. density and a higher death rate.

It's underwhelming.
Yes it is.........over time........while Sweden gets herd immunity..........we get this crap back in the fall..........

16000 cases out of a pop of 10 million is not going to give you herd immunity any time soon. It will give you more dead people soon.

You don't have a clue how many actually got the virus because most don't know they had it.

That number could be 50 plus times that 16000 number. They don't know how many have had it in the world..........Only antibody tests will prove that.

True, I don't, and neither do you. Now, throw shade on the different death rate.
You throw out numbers to HYPE IT.......I say you don't know the real number.......and then your response is YOU DON'T EITHER.

Are you posting while high now...................LOL

I gave the numbers from Bing's Coronavirus tracker, linked above. You're the one who threw out "could be 50+ times that". I had a basis for what I said. You did a little rectal research.

Of course, I'm high. Duh.

I live in the mountains. The stay-at-home stuff hardly makes a difference to me.
Up yours..........I quoted common sense......which you don't have........Have you been reading on threads........or even on this thread where USC said 4.1% of Los Angles has had it according to their study.

Only off by a factor of 28 to 55 times in this VERY THREAD.

You know dang well you are HYPING THE NUMBERS OF KNOWNS ONLY........when the real numbers are probably WAY ABOVE what is reported.

Hyping the numbers of unknowns is your evidence of common sense?
You are like a washing machine on spin cycle.

You know that in this VERY THREAD that the USC study showed a large number had the anti bodies............LARGE NUMBERS......many have been saying this for quite some time unless you live under a rock.

Your using the numbers to INFLATE THE DEATH RATE......


LA County has 10 million people. If 4.1% are infected, that's 410,000 cases, yet the entire state (40MM) has 1419 deaths. It looks as if California should be your model, not Sweden.

You do know "many have been saying" isn't an argument, don't you?
Sweden is the model.
It's way too soon to say that. Let's see what happens. They're nowhere near their peak.
NO...........hide those who are more at risk and GO BACK TO WORK...........everyone take the best precautions and do what was done in both 1957 and 1968.

We can't destroy the economy....and it dosn't matter.......the virus will keep coming back til it runs it's course........this PAUSE was to keep from overwhelming the medical field.............Not to stop the virus.........THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE.

Oh, no!

What a difference a day makes.

I DON'T's time to reopen.............

We need to get on with it...........most of this country isn't doing that badly......Most are not New York and New Jersey.

More proof you don't watch major MSM Broadcasts. Pity, willful(?) ignorance is a liability.
"An estimated 4.1 percent of adult residents in Los Angeles County have the antibody to the coronavirus, which indicates that hundreds of thousands of them may have been infected, according to preliminary results from a new study.

The collaborative study from USC and the county's department of public health suggests "infections from the new coronavirus are far more widespread than previously thought." The study indicates that approximately 221,000 to 442,000 adults in the county have had the infection at some point in time. The results also suggest that the mortality rate is much lower.

That figure is 28 to 55 times bigger than the 7,994 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the county at the time of the study in early April, according to the study. As of Monday, there are 13,816 positive cases in the region."

Something short of 650 dead from the virus in LA County so far. Let's do some math...we'll go with the median of 350,000 infected.
That gives us ~.2% deaths?
What is the flu? .1%? .2%? normally?
Still gonna wear those masks shitheads?
This means that the disease is not even new, the CDC needs to be fully defunded
What happens is, someone dies of pneumonia. An autopsy is done and the pneumonia is tested to see which one it was (there are a bunch, some rare ones are extremely deadly). If coronavirus was in the US in November, we would have been the ones to discover it, not China. That doesn't mean that MILD cases weren't floating around here and there earlier than January, because if no one died the docs would never know. So you can assert that, but if it was true, why didn't the amount of cases start spreading alarmingly the way it did once we knew what it was?
How do you explain the immense immunity in California

Rarely do we see anyone smoking in public in CA. That and obesity seem to a condition of many who die from the disease. And if one is healthy, at any age, and does not smoke, is not fat, won't eat fast food and doesn't use salt to extremes have a good chance of having a strong immunity to all diseases.
California is the pot capital of the universe

What California are you in exactly

Californian is the Bread Basket of the US: "Crops include grapes, almonds, strawberries, oranges and walnuts. California produces almost all of the country's almonds, apricots, dates, figs, kiwi fruit, nectarines, olives, pistachios, prunes, and walnuts. It leads in the production of avocados, grapes, lemons, melons, peaches, plums, and strawberries."


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