More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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2014: Year of Futility in the Fight Against Climate Change

In October, climate skeptics reported the eighteenth straight year of flat global temperatures. Satellite data shows no temperature increase since 1997. The “pause” in global warming is now old enough to vote or to serve in the military.

Hurricanes and tornados are favored events for generating alarming climate headlines, but US weather events were few in 2014. US tornadic activity was below average and the lack of strong hurricanes continued. No Category 3 or stronger hurricane has made US landfall for more than eight years, the longest period since records began in 1900.

This gave me a good laugh.. the lies exposed and just how hard these fools have been trying to hype it up and how desperate their lies have become..
2014: Year of Futility in the Fight Against Climate Change

In October, climate skeptics reported the eighteenth straight year of flat global temperatures. Satellite data shows no temperature increase since 1997. The “pause” in global warming is now old enough to vote or to serve in the military.

Hurricanes and tornados are favored events for generating alarming climate headlines, but US weather events were few in 2014. US tornadic activity was below average and the lack of strong hurricanes continued. No Category 3 or stronger hurricane has made US landfall for more than eight years, the longest period since records began in 1900.

This gave me a good laugh.. the lies exposed and just how hard these fools have been trying to hype it up and how desperate their lies have become..

LMAO.....BillyBob ftmfw!!!

The bomb throwing is getting so old its beyond ghey at this point. For anybody keeping score ( the AGW nutters hope people are not ).........their prediction record is abysmal. On ice..............snow............hurricanes.........tornado's..........wildfires............temperatures............drought...........

A joke.

18 years 3 months to be exact...

New record cold this week in Chicago.............those poor mofu's.........dying for a bit of global warming up there. The damn lakes are expected to be frozen over soon too:wtf:..............
National Weather Service

More proof the deniers can't tell the difference between climate and weather.

Hey.....what can we say?

It is always the AGW religion posting up threads about the weather getting "wilder and..........." due to global warming!!!:spinner:

Anyway usual, you miss the main point. Reality is 95% perception s0n......except in the alarmist world. Trust me........when people in Chicago walk out their door into 15 degree's below zero temps on Wednesday, they wont be worrying about global fact, the jokes will be plentiful in those parts about the Stoopids who push the global warming agenda. Of course, when your balls are blue and frozen, it kinda works that way.......:itsok:

And Orangeman.......c'mon and admit it. You look up on the top of this forum and see this thread with 113,000 views and 350 pages long, your fucking head explodes!!!:blowup: Page after page of lOsE if you are an AGW nutter.
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New record cold this week in Chicago.............those poor mofu's.........dying for a bit of global warming up there. The damn lakes are expected to be frozen over soon too:wtf:..............
National Weather Service

I live in Chicago, and it is cold this morning. It was below zero early, wind chills at -20. I want global warming to reach chicago sometime!! Any way to speed that up? There were thosands without electricity late last night, let's ask them how much they like global warming!!
yeah man......Im hearing forstbite in 3-4 mintues tomorrow night....yeeeesh!!!

Funny how the k00ks always say, "Well.......the US doesnt mean the globe you know!!!" ( in typical ghey whiner fashion BTW) now.......the USA doesnt count??!!!!!:boobies::boobies::spinner:


By tomorrow night, most people in America are going to be freezing their balls off.........for some, the coldest their balls ever got!!!!

Fucking global warming.............:bye1:
New record cold this week in Chicago.............those poor mofu's.........dying for a bit of global warming up there. The damn lakes are expected to be frozen over soon too:wtf:..............
National Weather Service

More proof the deniers can't tell the difference between climate and weather.

Hey.....what can we say?

It is always the AGW religion posting up threads about the weather getting "wilder and..........." due to global warming!!!:spinner:

Anyway usual, you miss the main point. Reality is 95% perception s0n......except in the alarmist world. Trust me........when people in Chicago walk out their door into 15 degree's below zero temps on Wednesday, they wont be worrying about global fact, the jokes will be plentiful in those parts about the Stoopids who push the global warming agenda. Of course, when your balls are blue and frozen, it kinda works that way.......:itsok:

And Orangeman.......c'mon and admit it. You look up on the top of this forum and see this thread with 113,000 views and 350 pages long, your fucking head explodes!!!:blowup: Page after page of lOsE if you are an AGW nutter.

If reality were truly 95% perception, this would be real:


But it isn't. It is an illusion. What can you say? Well, you have posted page after page that is not of much value. Most is complete gibberish, and the rest is word salad. Maybe one day when you grow up you can join the rest of the adults here in meaningful conversation.
New record cold this week in Chicago.............those poor mofu's.........dying for a bit of global warming up there. The damn lakes are expected to be frozen over soon too:wtf:..............
National Weather Service

More proof the deniers can't tell the difference between climate and weather.

Hey.....what can we say?

It is always the AGW religion posting up threads about the weather getting "wilder and..........." due to global warming!!!:spinner:

Anyway usual, you miss the main point. Reality is 95% perception s0n......except in the alarmist world. Trust me........when people in Chicago walk out their door into 15 degree's below zero temps on Wednesday, they wont be worrying about global fact, the jokes will be plentiful in those parts about the Stoopids who push the global warming agenda. Of course, when your balls are blue and frozen, it kinda works that way.......:itsok:

And Orangeman.......c'mon and admit it. You look up on the top of this forum and see this thread with 113,000 views and 350 pages long, your fucking head explodes!!!:blowup: Page after page of lOsE if you are an AGW nutter.

If reality were truly 95% perception, this would be real:


But it isn't. It is an illusion. What can you say? Well, you have posted page after page that is not of much value. Most is complete gibberish, and the rest is word salad. Maybe one day when you grow up you can join the rest of the adults here in meaningful conversation.

Meaningful conversation about what? What in 2014 exists as a hobby?:funnyface::funnyface::gay:

meh............Im in here to educate the curious looking to find what the actual truth is about global warming: that it is a historic epic hoax pushed by Plato adoring progressives!!!

And while Im at it about this? The stuff in this thread makes it very very clear ( 100+ links ).......the science isn't mattering in the real world. It stands on its own as if it were a mere hobby. It is having virtually zero effect on governmental energy policy except for rhetoric after 25 years of bomb throwing. Fossil fuels still dominate the energy landscape and as the links display, this will continue for decades. And when you see the daily level of anger and misery in the posts of the committed AGW climate crusaders in this forum.........the falling all over themselves desperate attempts to cling to the established narrative when new science decimates know one thing with 100% certainty: the AGW k00ks are lOsInG!!!:2up:

Meanwhile s0n........thread here is heading to 200,000 views:boobies::boobies::eusa_dance:. Threads you start get about 129 views........because nobody is caring. Heading to 200K views is compliments of the non-k00ks coming into this forum to get a different take than the crap thrown out in the msm and government = wiNniNg!!! And shit.......that was the whole goal of the thread too!!!:rock::rock:
New record cold this week in Chicago.............those poor mofu's.........dying for a bit of global warming up there. The damn lakes are expected to be frozen over soon too:wtf:..............
National Weather Service

More proof the deniers can't tell the difference between climate and weather.

Hey.....what can we say?

It is always the AGW religion posting up threads about the weather getting "wilder and..........." due to global warming!!!:spinner:

Anyway usual, you miss the main point. Reality is 95% perception s0n......except in the alarmist world. Trust me........when people in Chicago walk out their door into 15 degree's below zero temps on Wednesday, they wont be worrying about global fact, the jokes will be plentiful in those parts about the Stoopids who push the global warming agenda. Of course, when your balls are blue and frozen, it kinda works that way.......:itsok:

And Orangeman.......c'mon and admit it. You look up on the top of this forum and see this thread with 113,000 views and 350 pages long, your fucking head explodes!!!:blowup: Page after page of lOsE if you are an AGW nutter.

If reality were truly 95% perception, this would be real:


But it isn't. It is an illusion. What can you say? Well, you have posted page after page that is not of much value. Most is complete gibberish, and the rest is word salad. Maybe one day when you grow up you can join the rest of the adults here in meaningful conversation.

Meaningful conversation about what? What in 2014 exists as a hobby?:funnyface::funnyface::gay:

meh............Im in here to educate the curious looking to find what the actual truth is about global warming: that it is a historic epic hoax pushed by Plato adoring progressives!!!

And while Im at it about this? The stuff in this thread makes it very very clear ( 100+ links ).......the science isn't mattering in the real world. It stands on its own as if it were a mere hobby. It is having virtually zero effect on governmental energy policy except for rhetoric after 25 years of bomb throwing. Fossil fuels still dominate the energy landscape and as the links display, this will continue for decades. And when you see the daily level of anger and misery in the posts of the committed AGW climate crusaders in this forum.........the falling all over themselves desperate attempts to cling to the established narrative when new science decimates know one thing with 100% certainty: the AGW k00ks are lOsInG!!!:2up:

Meanwhile s0n........thread here is heading to 200,000 views:boobies::boobies::eusa_dance:. Threads you start get about 129 views........because nobody is caring. Heading to 200K views is compliments of the non-k00ks coming into this forum to get a different take than the crap thrown out in the msm and government = wiNniNg!!! And shit.......that was the whole goal of the thread too!!!:rock::rock:

I rest my case.
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