More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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China Say "NO DEAL" re-nig's on it previous pledge on CO2/carbon reduction...

And the price tag of what the IPCC wants out of the US economy is grossly stupid and a deal breaker.. They want 90 TRILLION yearly or over 8% of GDP..

"Benny Peiser, of the climate-sceptic Global Warming Policy Foundation described the summit as the “green blob’s annual ritual” and “an expensive form of mass tourism, never mind the carbon footprint. More importantly, the ritual gathering isn’t going to overcome the underlying deadlock,” he said. “The developing world will ask for a high price which will sink the deal in the US.” He said he believed any deal would not be legally-binding and that this would lead the EU to renege on its own carbon-cutting pledges. “In short, the deal that is now in the making won’t slow CO2 emissions and won’t bind any nation. But it will be sold as a breakthrough – as all agreements have been sold in the past,” he said. –Emily Gosden, The Sunday Telegraph, 7 December 2014"

Original Source
God....I must admit, I do cherish this forum!!!:biggrin::biggrin::eusa_dance:

Seriously.........if anything ever happened to Crick, Mamooth and Rolling Thunder, Id be royally bummed!!! These guys give me more laughs in a week than Id get in a year outside of this forum. life is boring and routine being a Dad of young kids, but dang do these fruits fill a jocular void!!!:rock:
124 failed climate predictions..........everything from "no more snow" to "the ice caps will be gone by 2000" to the Maryland shore will be 39 feet underwater by 2007"..........

Heres the whole might split your sides laughing people .>>

This is the kind of stuff no global warmer guy wants you to ever find out about............

124 Year of Failed Climate predictions and Environmental Predictions
Areas of Denver Colorado are now under FEET of snow and much more is expected. Even I am getting heavy snow but were only expecting a foot or so from this deep passing storm. Oklahoma, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Missouri, and surrounding states are getting pummeled. Yet this is some how the fault of Man... Fucking morons..
Press Release 14/12/14

Lord Lawson: After Lima, UK Climate Change Act Should Be Suspended

London 14 December: Dr Benny Peiser, the director of the Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF), has welcomed the non-binding and toothless UN climate agreement which was adopted in Lima earlier today.
Dr Peiser said:

“The Lima agreement is another acknowledgement of international reality. The deal is further proof, if any was needed, that the developing world will not agree to any legally binding caps, never mind reductions of their CO2 emissions.”
“As seasoned observers predicted, the Lima deal is based on a voluntary basis which allows nations to set their own voluntary CO2 targets and policies without any legally binding caps or international oversight.”

“In contrast to the Kyoto Protocol, the Lima deal opens the way for a new climate agreement in 2015 which will remove legal obligations for governments to cap or reduce CO2 emissions. A voluntary agreement would also remove the mad rush into unrealistic decarbonisation policies that are both economically and politically unsustainable.”
Lord Nigel Lawson, Chairman of the Global Warming Policy Forum, added:
“The UK’s unilateral Climate Change Act is forcing British industry and British households to suffer an excessively high cost of electricity to no purpose. Following Lima, it is clearer than ever that the Act should be suspended until such time as a binding global agreement has been secured.”

Another toothless and exit door agreement to do....... nothing! The EU is exiting stage right from the climate suicide pact..

Areas of Denver Colorado are now under FEET of snow and much more is expected. Even I am getting heavy snow but were only expecting a foot or so from this deep passing storm. Oklahoma, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Missouri, and surrounding states are getting pummeled. Yet this is some how the fault of Man... Fucking morons..

LOL....but just a few short years ago, t he AGW religion was promising "no more snow"!!!:boobies::boobies::biggrin: ( there is now a thread on this on the face page.......124 climate prediction failures)

Hey man.......been having too much fun in the CURRENT EVENTS forum, schooling the mental case progressives on the whole black victimhood/race./police BS..........

Hey man.......been having too much fun in the CURRENT EVENTS forum, schooling the mental case progressives on the whole black victimhood/race./police BS..........
I just saw it at the bottom of the page and felt it needed a bump. NP. I know you've been having fun, continue the fun, we earned it!!!!!!
Stop Climate Fear Mongering –
CO2 Increases Can Cause Only Minimal Warming
by William M. Gray
Professor Emeritus
Colorado State University

The massively funded international global warming movement has grossly exaggerated the threat from CO2 gas increases. This warming scare has been driven by a cabal of international politicians and environmentalist groups using erroneous climate model warming predictions to brainwash an uninformed global public. Their purpose was to scare the public into accepting global government and restrictions on their freedoms and lifestyles to prevent a made-up looming climate catastrophe. Truth of their CO2 warming assertions was of little importance. What mattered was the degree to which the public could be indoctrinated to believe the threat. The many large global warming projections have not and will not be realized in the coming years. The science behind these CO2 induced warming projections is very badly flawed and needs to be exposed to the public. We will see only negligible amounts of CO2 induced global warming in the coming decades. The future temperature changes which do occur will be natural and primarily a result of the changes in the globe’s deep ocean circulation patterns of which ocean salinity variations is the primary driver. We can and should do nothing about natural climate change but adjust to it.

Economic progress dictates that the US and the world continue with and expands their use of fossil-fuels. Any significant shift to the much more costly wind and solar energy sources should not go forward. Such a shift would greatly lower the US and the world’s living standards and do nothing to benefit the globe’s climate. This global warming charade cannot long continue. Time and truth are on the side of the warming skeptics.

Now this paper is a kick to the Alarmist nut sack twice.. Dr Gray is one very well spoken gentlemen and very supportive as an instructor.

Figure 5. Two contrasting views of the effects of deep cumulus convection. The top diagram emphasizes the extra return flow mass subsidence drying associated with the deep convection. Extra IR energy flux is emitted to space. By contrast, the bottom diagram shows how the typical global climate models (GCMs) interpret the mass outflow from the deep cumulus as adding water-vapor to the upper troposphere and blocking more IR loss to space. The bottom diagram is not realistic as regards to the way Cb convection functions in the atmosphere.

Our project’s many years of analysis of the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) observations of IR loss to space in association with enhanced Cb convection and rainfall do not show a decreased IR blockage to space (as the models have indicated will occur) but rather an enhancement of IR loss to space. Our data analysis is, by contrast with the models, representation of a negative water-vapor feedback – the larger the rainfall rate, the lower the upper tropospheric water-vapor content and the greater the IR loss to space.

More From Dr Gray's paper... He has hit the model failures squarely on the head while he explains the mechanism of why CO2 fails to create any warming on earth. That dang earth and its paradoxical way it reacts as a negative feed back and not a positive one.. Using OBSERVED EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE... no modeling!!
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Most of the models are wrong anyway.........and anyway, empirical evidence is not at all important to the AGW crowd........that's why the completely stopped posting in this thread. Because after a few months in this thread, they were decimated by the skeptics with volumes and volumes of links/graphs/polls/ they took their bats and balls and left. Havent seen them in here for months of them got so badly pwnd he went and changed his username..:2up:
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