More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Hotwhopper’s Miriam O’Brien – Hoisted by Her Own Petard!

Hey boys tell me who acts like this...

In response to my argument that instead of indoctrination, text books need to encourage more debate to foster critical scientific thinking, “Slandering Sou”, as expected, attacked with the sham headline “Jim Steele at WUWT pushes for pseudo-science, not science, in Schools”.

You got to love it.. I can name three or four here who act just like she does and have about the same level of intelligence..
People Starting To Ask About Motive For Massive IPCC Deception

The author of the quote was a leader whose lies and deceptions caused global disaster, including the deaths of millions of people. In a complex deception, the IPCC established a false result, the unproven hypothesis that human CO2 was causing global warming, then used it as the basis for a false premise that justifies the false result. It is a classic circular argument, but essential to perpetuate the phony results, which are the basis of all official climate change, energy, and environmental policies.

They successfully fooled the majority and even though many are starting to ask questions about contradictions, the central argument that CO2 is a demon gas destroying the planet through climate change, remains.

Lots of people are asking questions.. Many of us are giving them answers in ways they can understand..
People Starting To Ask About Motive For Massive IPCC Deception

The author of the quote was a leader whose lies and deceptions caused global disaster, including the deaths of millions of people. In a complex deception, the IPCC established a false result, the unproven hypothesis that human CO2 was causing global warming, then used it as the basis for a false premise that justifies the false result. It is a classic circular argument, but essential to perpetuate the phony results, which are the basis of all official climate change, energy, and environmental policies.

They successfully fooled the majority and even though many are starting to ask questions about contradictions, the central argument that CO2 is a demon gas destroying the planet through climate change, remains.

Lots of people are asking questions.. Many of us are giving them answers in ways they can understand.. of the reasons this thread has achieved epic status in this forum...........while every single AGW hyper-alarmist thread crashes and burns within a week or two!!:2up:
When 2014 becomes the hottest year on record. We will see how you feel then. ;0

You mean like how they made this past October the 4th hottest ever and it really only barely broke the top 25? 70% of the population thinks the scientists screw with the data...........which is why nobody is caring in 2014.
When 2014 becomes the hottest year on record. We will see how you feel then. ;0

In terms of the models.................

Don't look now, but more ICE, ICE..... Seems the Great Lakes are making ice earlier than the last 40 frigging years. The GW crowd is puzzling


Great Lakes ice cover developing Earliest in over 40 years

Ice is already starting to develop on Michigan's Great Lakes. This is the earliest ice on some of the Great Lakes in at least 40 years.

According to the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, on November 20, 2014, three of Michigan's Great Lakes had ice starting to form. Lake Superior and Lake Michigan were one-half percent ice covered, while Lake Huron had one percent ice. Lake Erie was not reporting any ice as of Nov. 20, 2014.

Decent early season ice coverage records date back to 1973. Last Friday was the earliest date that all three Great Lakes already had ice since the better reporting of early season ice began.

Lake Superior actually had ice forming on November 15th of this year. That is the earliest ice on Lake Superior in the good data set.

Lakes Superior, Michigan and Huron had ice 10 days earlier this year than last year.

Lake Superior only had five and a half months without any ice on the lake.

Here's what Lake Michigan looked like in February 2014.

To all my peer reviewers, I have a new link for you all to look at:

Here, someone is actually looking into this garbage

Artical belongs to--
Tom Luongo
Proud Member of the Cold Truth Initiative

Thanks Tom and John Casey!!!! read and weep warmists!
According to two climate professors, they admit that it's OK to lie about the climate. :eusa_liar:

The urgency of climate change makes it OK to deceive the public about the projected consequences of global warming. They don’t actually use the word “lying,” but by calling for “informational manipulation and exaggeration,” they certainly think the ends justify these very questionable and over-heated means.”

Peer reviewed paper It 8217 s OK to lie about climate

Global warming / climate change is a lie, and the gullible idiots who claim that it isn't, are too stupid to realize that that were fooled into believing and accepting the lies as being the truth. :cuckoo:
Billy............very instructive graph!!!


The astute will notice, after years of talking about temperature "averages", the AGW nutters no longer go there!!! they only post up threads with individual months that are a little higher by 3/20ths of one degree!!!

In 2014, the only science these people are expert in is making a science out of manipulating data sets that fit their agenda............and I will admit, they are brilliant at it!!! But that's why guys like us are point out the pronounced levels of fraud promoted by the AGW climate religion.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:
The Role of the Media in Aiding and Abetting the Deceptions Seen in Climategate

The Role of the Media in Aiding and Abetting the Deceptions Seen in Climategate Watts Up With That

Very interesting read........fraudsters aiding fraudsters.:blowup:

I think Dr Tim Ball hits the nail squarely on the head.

The US Founding Fathers set up a system of checks and balances to prevent concentration of power. They knew the public did not have time to monitor what was actually going on, so, the media was given “freedom of the press” power to investigate and expose what was going on.

The media is complicit in the lie. And now we have libtards who think net neutrality is a good thing.. where GOVERNMENT controls the message and what is allowed to be posted and said.
Mann’s tree ring proxy train wreck

Eric Worrall writes: Mann’s thermometer spliced hockey stick has taken even more damage in the last few days, with Steve McIntyre helpfully providing reconstructions based on tree rings which demonstrate how, without the benefit of Mike’s scientifically dubious “nature trick”, the hockey stick simply disappears – tree rings demonstrably don’t correlate with temperature.

And the liars get hung out to dry a bit longer....
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