More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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I call Bull Shit!

Call it what you want, I don't work for free.
and you walk around with a lot of stupid. You definitely own the more stupid tag for the day!!! Welcome to a message board where you think you ought to get paid to have a discussion. LOL Hey everybody new Stupid post, might be one for the month!!!!! [email protected]!!!

Maybe you should find a restroom and sit!

Wrong. You want me to conduct research for you. And I don't work for free. Either pay up or do your own damned research.
LOL.. what a stupid moron.

As a scientist I am after the truth. I have freely posted both mine and others research because the truth is what is important. As you seem to have a price on the truth i can see that the agenda and being a paid shill are both more important to you.

The Stupid, It burns.... You are exposed as the shill you are and the paid hack you are.. Do they give you an Obama phone to receive your EPA/IPCC talking points from?

How many scientists do you know who don't get paid for their work? We all have to make a living, sunny. So pay up or fuck off.

Yo Orangeman..................

Still waiting for that link s0n...............

Orog, nobody pays any attention to this thread except the hardcore denier circle-jerkers. Just leave it, and let them madly stroke each other out of the sight of decent people. This thread is so spooge-encrusted, only the gayest of gay men still hang out in it. Posting in it is like screaming "NO CLOSET CAN HOLD ME!".

Carbon taxes, so popular just a few years ago in Australia ( the pols duped the people ) have been given a gigantic kick in the balls the last couple of years >>>

Carbon tax demise leading to large rise in emissions says academic Environment The Guardian


Because peoples eyeballs popped out when they started getting their electric bills ( just like in Germany )!!!:coffee:The AGW mental cases are just fine with mega expensive electric bills.......but most people think it sucks!!!:spinner:

Ummmm..........the science isn't mattering in the real world s0ns!!!:fu::funnyface::funnyface:
Orog, nobody pays any attention to this thread except the hardcore denier circle-jerkers. Just leave it, and let them madly stroke each other out of the sight of decent people. This thread is so spooge-encrusted, only the gayest of gay men still hang out in it. Posting in it is like screaming "NO CLOSET CAN HOLD ME!".
Glad to see you agree that you're nobody!!!
Call it what you want, I don't work for free.
and you walk around with a lot of stupid. You definitely own the more stupid tag for the day!!! Welcome to a message board where you think you ought to get paid to have a discussion. LOL Hey everybody new Stupid post, might be one for the month!!!!! [email protected]!!!

Maybe you should find a restroom and sit!

Wrong. You want me to conduct research for you. And I don't work for free. Either pay up or do your own damned research.
LOL.. what a stupid moron.

As a scientist I am after the truth. I have freely posted both mine and others research because the truth is what is important. As you seem to have a price on the truth i can see that the agenda and being a paid shill are both more important to you.

The Stupid, It burns.... You are exposed as the shill you are and the paid hack you are.. Do they give you an Obama phone to receive your EPA/IPCC talking points from?

How many scientists do you know who don't get paid for their work? We all have to make a living, sunny. So pay up or fuck off.

Yo Orangeman..................

Still waiting for that link s0n...............

Still waiting for that check, bubba.
More GW hoax debunking news


Meteorologist: 2010s officially the snowiest decade in the east coast in the NOAA record – surpassing the 1960s

Meteorologist Joe D'Aleo: 'We will have had 14 major impact storms this decade (only half over) beating out the 10 in the 1960s and 2000s.'

Meanwhile, As the snow piles up, climate change activists are already blaming the blizzard on 'global warming':

See: 2015 U.S. Blizzard blamed on ‘global warming’ – Warmist Bill McKibben: Blizzards are ‘Climate change at work' - NY Gov.: 'Part of the changing climate'

By: Marc Morano - Climate DepotJanuary 26, 2015 1:49 PM with 541 comments

The monster blizzard of 2015 will be adding to what is already the snowiest decade on the East Coast.

“Assuming this storm gets ranked by NOAA as one of the high impact (population affected by snowstorm) snowstorms (likely since the November storm was), we will have had 14 major impact storms this decade (only half over) beating out the 10 in the 1960s and 2000s,” Joseph D’Aleo, CCM (Certified Consulting Meteorologist), told Climate Depot on Monday.

“Watch for widespread sub-zero cold next week if the European models are right (all the way to North Carolina and including DC area),” D’Aleo, the co-chief Meteorologist with Weatherbell Analytics, added.

The increase in snowfalls is counter to what the UN IPCC predicted. See: In 2001, the IPCC predicted milder winters and less snow. Experts are hoping no one remembers – UN IPCC 2001: ‘Milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms’


Meteorologist 2010s officially the snowiest decade in the east coast in the NOAA record surpassing the 1960s Climate Depot
Global warming predicts increased extremes in weather. That includes both sides of the thermometer, dude.
Global warming predicts increased extremes in weather. That includes both sides of the thermometer, dude.

Interesting we can't predict the weather 36 hours out (blizzard-fail comes to point) yet we can predict the weather out 25-35 years?


More modeling fAiL........'HISTORIC" blizzard in NYC turns out to be a dud........more computer model failure!!!!

National Weather Service to evaluate work after missed call - New York News

These idiots who constantly dupe the public with their "computer models" = ghey.

But we're all supposed to believe the models that are predicting shit 20..........30 years from now!!!

and you walk around with a lot of stupid. You definitely own the more stupid tag for the day!!! Welcome to a message board where you think you ought to get paid to have a discussion. LOL Hey everybody new Stupid post, might be one for the month!!!!! [email protected]!!!

Maybe you should find a restroom and sit!

Wrong. You want me to conduct research for you. And I don't work for free. Either pay up or do your own damned research.
LOL.. what a stupid moron.

As a scientist I am after the truth. I have freely posted both mine and others research because the truth is what is important. As you seem to have a price on the truth i can see that the agenda and being a paid shill are both more important to you.

The Stupid, It burns.... You are exposed as the shill you are and the paid hack you are.. Do they give you an Obama phone to receive your EPA/IPCC talking points from?

How many scientists do you know who don't get paid for their work? We all have to make a living, sunny. So pay up or fuck off.

Yo Orangeman..................

Still waiting for that link s0n...............

Still waiting for that check, bubba.

Hmmm.......I asked Orangeman find one single link showing us where the "consensus science" was mattering in the real world ( ie: outside the realm of internet banter/gobblygook )

would've, could've, and should've. Famous words from the warmest reports. But don't change anything becuse all the info is still valid for somewhere, at sometime in the future. Because, they have to be right.
Global warming predicts increased extremes in weather. That includes both sides of the thermometer, dude.

Interesting we can't predict the weather 36 hours out (blizzard-fail comes to point) yet we can predict the weather out 25-35 years?



AGW predicts more chaotic weather patterns. That includes more severe weather, including blizzards. And yes we can predict weather patterns 36 hours in advance. The current blizzard in the northeast, for example, was predicted no later than Friday.
Wrong. You want me to conduct research for you. And I don't work for free. Either pay up or do your own damned research.
LOL.. what a stupid moron.

As a scientist I am after the truth. I have freely posted both mine and others research because the truth is what is important. As you seem to have a price on the truth i can see that the agenda and being a paid shill are both more important to you.

The Stupid, It burns.... You are exposed as the shill you are and the paid hack you are.. Do they give you an Obama phone to receive your EPA/IPCC talking points from?

How many scientists do you know who don't get paid for their work? We all have to make a living, sunny. So pay up or fuck off.

Yo Orangeman..................

Still waiting for that link s0n...............

Still waiting for that check, bubba.

Hmmm.......I asked Orangeman find one single link showing us where the "consensus science" was mattering in the real world ( ie: outside the realm of internet banter/gobblygook )

Lying doesn't help your argument, But then,l you knew that already.
Global warming predicts increased extremes in weather. That includes both sides of the thermometer, dude.

Interesting we can't predict the weather 36 hours out (blizzard-fail comes to point) yet we can predict the weather out 25-35 years?



AGW predicts more chaotic weather patterns. That includes more severe weather, including blizzards. And yes we can predict weather patterns 36 hours in advance. The current blizzard in the northeast, for example, was predicted no later than Friday.

SO why are we way down on storm energy? a 50 year low.
Global warming predicts increased extremes in weather. That includes both sides of the thermometer, dude.

Interesting we can't predict the weather 36 hours out (blizzard-fail comes to point) yet we can predict the weather out 25-35 years?



AGW predicts more chaotic weather patterns. That includes more severe weather, including blizzards. And yes we can predict weather patterns 36 hours in advance. The current blizzard in the northeast, for example, was predicted no later than Friday.

SO why are we way down on storm energy? a 50 year low.

So why are you lying?

  • National annual precipitation has increased between 5 and 10 percent since the early 20th century, largely the result of heavy downpours.
  • The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports that intense rain events have increased in frequency during the last 50 years and human-induced global warming most likely contributed to the trend.
  • According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Northeast region had its wettest summer on record in 2006, exceeding the previous record by more than 1 inch
  • The number of category 4 and 5 storms has greatly increased over the past 35 years, along with ocean temperature.
  • Hurricane Katrina of August 2005 was the costliest and one of the deadliest hurricanes in U.S. history and caused economic losses in the order of $125 billion.

To say nothing of the energy levels in the storm that hit New England just today or the energy levels seen in Hurricane Sandy (or the size of the storm).
LOL.. what a stupid moron.

As a scientist I am after the truth. I have freely posted both mine and others research because the truth is what is important. As you seem to have a price on the truth i can see that the agenda and being a paid shill are both more important to you.

The Stupid, It burns.... You are exposed as the shill you are and the paid hack you are.. Do they give you an Obama phone to receive your EPA/IPCC talking points from?

How many scientists do you know who don't get paid for their work? We all have to make a living, sunny. So pay up or fuck off.

Yo Orangeman..................

Still waiting for that link s0n...............

Still waiting for that check, bubba.

Hmmm.......I asked Orangeman find one single link showing us where the "consensus science" was mattering in the real world ( ie: outside the realm of internet banter/gobblygook )

Lying doesn't help your argument, But then,l you knew that already.

The irony impaired AGW cult and their comments..
Global warming predicts increased extremes in weather. That includes both sides of the thermometer, dude.

Interesting we can't predict the weather 36 hours out (blizzard-fail comes to point) yet we can predict the weather out 25-35 years?



AGW predicts more chaotic weather patterns. That includes more severe weather, including blizzards. And yes we can predict weather patterns 36 hours in advance. The current blizzard in the northeast, for example, was predicted no later than Friday.

SO why are we way down on storm energy? a 50 year low.

So why are you lying?

  • National annual precipitation has increased between 5 and 10 percent since the early 20th century, largely the result of heavy downpours.
  • The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports that intense rain events have increased in frequency during the last 50 years and human-induced global warming most likely contributed to the trend.
  • According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Northeast region had its wettest summer on record in 2006, exceeding the previous record by more than 1 inch
  • The number of category 4 and 5 storms has greatly increased over the past 35 years, along with ocean temperature.
  • Hurricane Katrina of August 2005 was the costliest and one of the deadliest hurricanes in U.S. history and caused economic losses in the order of $125 billion.
To say nothing of the energy levels in the storm that hit New England just today or the energy levels seen in Hurricane Sandy (or the size of the storm).

More proof that AGW religious dogma trumps real and actual science.
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