More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Hey Billy......did the AGW k00ks come back and post that # yet???:dunno:
That would be a great big...


FaiL.........went back and looked at 1998 to the present........only one year did the increase top 1* C........most were below 1* by a lot. And 1* C = 1.8 we are talking over the last 18 years, an increase in about roughly 1/2 a degree F. LAUGH...........MY..............BALLS.....................OFF.

That's what all those fancy, colorful, bomb thrower alarmist graphs translate to!!!:gay:

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay below the ghey IPCC model predictions.:spinner::spinner::spinner:
Hey Billy......did the AGW k00ks come back and post that # yet???:dunno:
That would be a great big...


FaiL.........went back and looked at 1998 to the present........only one year did the increase top 1* C........most were below 1* by a lot. And 1* C = 1.8 we are talking over the last 18 years, an increase in about roughly 1/2 a degree F. LAUGH...........MY..............BALLS.....................OFF.

That's what all those fancy, colorful, bomb thrower alarmist graphs translate to!!!:gay:

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay below the ghey IPCC model predictions.:spinner::spinner::spinner:

With all due respect..

Zero Trend...
Change you can believe in! Aussie government ditches the entire board of the CSIRO

The new Australian Government is not going to appoint new controls to the head of their left wing enviro-wacko control group and dismantling has begun.. The let wing alarmist group will be dismantled in June of this year while equal funding of researchers for natural variation takes hold and climate alarmism is throttled back.

The Australian government has decided to not renew any of the management board of the Australian CSIRO. Naturally, outgoing board members are not very happy with the decision. According to Simon McKeon, outgoing chairman of the CSIRO;

This is one huge slam dance on the "green agenda"...
Less use of coal = more use of price-gouged oil and gas
Fewer jobs = more people willing to accept lower wages = more money for the plutocrats
Pseudo-Leftist Treehuggers = children of the 1% inevitably driven to establish Class Supremacy = more money to campaign-finance bribe the Republicans.

Democrats... The party of we take it from you and then give it back a few cents at a time to keep idiots voting for free stuff we stole from them..

Democrats and liberal Socialists are the party of theft from those who work to bribe those with their hands out..
Hey Billy......did the AGW k00ks come back and post that # yet???:dunno:
That would be a great big...


FaiL.........went back and looked at 1998 to the present........only one year did the increase top 1* C........most were below 1* by a lot. And 1* C = 1.8 we are talking over the last 18 years, an increase in about roughly 1/2 a degree F. LAUGH...........MY..............BALLS.....................OFF.

That's what all those fancy, colorful, bomb thrower alarmist graphs translate to!!!:gay:

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay below the ghey IPCC model predictions.:spinner::spinner::spinner:

With all due respect..

Zero Trend...


My bad.


100 inches of snow fell on Monday in Italy in one day. Holy crap is that. A lot of snow!

100 inches of snow fell on Monday in Italy in one day. Holy crap is that. A lot of snow!

I was just reading about that... And these people wonder how the earth turns into an ice rock so quickly... the cooling that is happening is rapid. CBS was just touting global warming for the ICE that has washed up in Cape Cod..

This area was under 6 miles of ice during the last glacial cycle.. It is easy to see how fast it will happen.

Yes, but that doesn't disprove what I wrote.

Burning fuel leads to pollution, which is harmful. That will happen whether or not CO2 is plant food or other sources cause pollution.
Not burning fuel leads to pollution, which is harmful. CO2 is not pollution, never has been pollution and never will be pollution. CO2 is what we exhale. CO2 is a natural part of our ecosystem.

I am referring to pollution, not CO2.

The problem with CO2 concentrations that they may act as a forcing factor that contributes to more heat being trapped.

Finally, the point isn't that CO2 isn't plant food or a natural part of the ecosystem. It's that the earth is not like some laboratory where more CO2 is better.
ROFL didn't you take science in elementary school?

more co2=bigger healthier plants.. cause co2 actually is plant food.

CO2 is plant food


world <> laboratory

Third, welcome to my ignore list.

Burning fuel leads to pollution, which is harmful. That will happen whether or not CO2 is plant food or other sources cause pollution.
Not burning fuel leads to pollution, which is harmful. CO2 is not pollution, never has been pollution and never will be pollution. CO2 is what we exhale. CO2 is a natural part of our ecosystem.

I am referring to pollution, not CO2.

The problem with CO2 concentrations that they may act as a forcing factor that contributes to more heat being trapped.

Finally, the point isn't that CO2 isn't plant food or a natural part of the ecosystem. It's that the earth is not like some laboratory where more CO2 is better.
ROFL didn't you take science in elementary school?

more co2=bigger healthier plants.. cause co2 actually is plant food.

CO2 is plant food


world <> laboratory

Third, welcome to my ignore list.

100 inches of snow fell on Monday in Italy in one day. Holy crap is that. A lot of snow!

I was just reading about that... And these people wonder how the earth turns into an ice rock so quickly... the cooling that is happening is rapid. CBS was just touting global warming for the ICE that has washed up in Cape Cod..

This area was under 6 miles of ice during the last glacial cycle.. It is easy to see how fast it will happen.


Dang......unreal ghey!
On the absurdity of the goofy failed predictions of the climate change industry >>>

Global Warming - Walter E. Williams - Page 1

Also.....some good stuff on the whole CO2 PPM crap.............a joke.

If you have half a brain, you realize whats going on here with the climate change organized methodical propaganda machine peddling lots of tall stories based upon a boatload of fraudulent science.

On the absurdity of the goofy failed predictions of the climate change industry >>>

Global Warming - Walter E. Williams - Page 1

Also.....some good stuff on the whole CO2 PPM crap.............a joke.

If you have half a brain, you realize whats going on here with the climate change organized methodical propaganda machine peddling lots of tall stories based upon a boatload of fraudulent science.


Hey Skookers-

These nut jobs just can't get over themselves. Facts escape them. There is a liberal whack job at work with an old beater Nissan that is a lib tree hugger to the max. You know the kind, opens the window to let a fly out... uses humane mouse traps.. that kind of non-sense. To top it off, has a bumper sticker stating.

"What have you done to reduce your carbon foot print today"?

LMAO :badgrin:

And guess what?

His fricking car leaks about 1/8 quart of oil a day all over the parking lot.. :oops-28:

I love the free entertainment.. :banana:


On the absurdity of the goofy failed predictions of the climate change industry >>>

Global Warming - Walter E. Williams - Page 1

Also.....some good stuff on the whole CO2 PPM crap.............a joke.

If you have half a brain, you realize whats going on here with the climate change organized methodical propaganda machine peddling lots of tall stories based upon a boatload of fraudulent science.


Hey Skookers-

These nut jobs just can't get over themselves. Facts escape them. There is a liberal whack job at work with an old beater Nissan that is a lib tree hugger to the max. You know the kind, opens the window to let a fly out... uses humane mouse traps.. that kind of non-sense. To top it off, has a bumper sticker stating.

"What have you done to reduce your carbon foot print today"?

LMAO :badgrin:

And guess what?

His fricking car leaks about 1/8 quart of oil a day all over the parking lot.. :oops-28:

I love the free entertainment.. :banana:




Yep.....don't see too much of Gore anymore. A relic of a former era.

Hey Geaux......did you see my post on my license proceedings?? Win.....can wait. In the meantime, any additional funds go to ammo.:rock::rock::rock:
On the absurdity of the goofy failed predictions of the climate change industry >>>

Global Warming - Walter E. Williams - Page 1

Also.....some good stuff on the whole CO2 PPM crap.............a joke.

If you have half a brain, you realize whats going on here with the climate change organized methodical propaganda machine peddling lots of tall stories based upon a boatload of fraudulent science.


Hey Skookers-

These nut jobs just can't get over themselves. Facts escape them. There is a liberal whack job at work with an old beater Nissan that is a lib tree hugger to the max. You know the kind, opens the window to let a fly out... uses humane mouse traps.. that kind of non-sense. To top it off, has a bumper sticker stating.

"What have you done to reduce your carbon foot print today"?

LMAO :badgrin:

And guess what?

His fricking car leaks about 1/8 quart of oil a day all over the parking lot.. :oops-28:

I love the free entertainment.. :banana:




Yep.....don't see too much of Gore anymore. A relic of a former era.

Hey Geaux......did you see my post on my license proceedings?? Win.....can wait. In the meantime, any additional funds go to ammo.:rock::rock::rock:

Ah.. prudent move to be legal as possible. Feels odd at first to carry but soon enough it becomes second nature. Overwhelmingly , more often than not, engagements occur within ~3'. The 45 is hard to beat

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