More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Snooks, 35 degrees today here in Chicago, the forecast was for 47. How do they miss it so bad with all this new technology?
Snooks, 35 degrees today here in Chicago, the forecast was for 47. How do they miss it so bad with all this new technology?

Hey JC.....snowing this am in New York where I am ( waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay south ). Even my kids are saying, "WFT Dad?!!!"

Indeed........the climate scam industry taking it on the chin after this winter......and I couldn't be happier.:rock::rock:

There's a 9 foot snowman still standing here on Long Island.......a couple of towns over from me!!!

Long Island snowman still sticking around - New York News

Going with my kids tonight to see him.......want to put a sign in his hand.

Got any idea's????
how about, "Obama, Where's the Sun's heat!!!" for the sign. or maybe, "Obama, Why isn't manmade CO2 melting me?"

Hey on another subject, I was talking with some family members over the weekend, I stated I wished to fire the sun. I said the sun isn't producing any heat and I thought I had purchased some global warming. So, since the sun, on a bright clear day, couldn't warm my area above 26 degrees F when it was supposed to be at least 53 degrees F, it was fired.

It got a bit of a chuckle. Not the response I thought I'd get, but at least a chuckle.
Snowing again here on Long Island JC......this is getting stoopid. We're dying for a smidge of global warming out here man..........

But last summer........95% of the temperatures were in the low 80's!!! Talk about wtf??!!! Didn't hear much from the k00ks last summer. We had only 2 degree's above 90 and not even a single day close to 100. THATS fucked up!!
skooks, No warming for 18 years four months now. RSS graph from WUWT article By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley

and, this one is interesting to say the least.

Dr Mears’ results are summarized in Fig. T1:

Figure T1. Output of 33 IPCC models (turquoise) compared with measured RSS global temperature change (black), 1979-2014. The transient coolings caused by the volcanic eruptions of Chichón (1983) and Pinatubo (1991) are shown, as is the spike in warming caused by the great el Niño of 1998.
Hey Ive been saying for 5 years, the AGW k00ks need a Plan B >>>

The bottom line poop..............flawed science is ghey science............

"If climate science is to truly progress, we need real acceptance that areas of the research are flawed. And that’s okay; refining and improving experiments lies at the very heart of scientific endeavor."

Grasping For Pause-ible Deniability On Climate Change
Hey Ive been saying for 5 years, the AGW k00ks need a Plan B >>>

The bottom line poop..............flawed science is ghey science............

"If climate science is to truly progress, we need real acceptance that areas of the research are flawed. And that’s okay; refining and improving experiments lies at the very heart of scientific endeavor."

Grasping For Pause-ible Deniability On Climate Change
can I get an AMEN?
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