More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Come on. Grow up.
Most Americans (85 percent) believe global warming is happening now, more than half (60 percent) perceive global warming as a great threat to themselves, and even more (88 percent) believe global warming threatens future generations, according to a TIME magazine/ABC News/Stanford University poll.

You are wrong when you say they are not worried about it.
I don't think anybody is "winning." That is a juvenile way of looking at things. Even the senate disagrees with you.
That aligns broadly with a recent 98-1 Senate vote that global warming is real and “not a hoax.” The lone holdout in that vote was Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker.
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Brutal Freeze kills 85+ people in Tropical Taiwan

The global warming which recently hit the USA, has spread to a large area of East Asia, with reports of a brutal cold snap which has killed at least 85 people in Taiwan, and confirmed snowfall as far south as the Japanese island Okinawa, on the Northern edge of the Tropics.

Got to love the cold now reaching the tropical zones of the earth..
dude, how can that be, it is warming, heck they're readjusting to show that it is. by four degrees in 1997 saying that the thermometer didn't have a baseline.
Come on. Grow up.
Most Americans (85 percent) believe global warming is happening now, more than half (60 percent) perceive global warming as a great threat to themselves, and even more (88 percent) believe global warming threatens future generations, according to a TIME magazine/ABC News/Stanford University poll.

You are wrong when you say they are not worried about it.
I don't think anybody is "winning." That is a juvenile way of looking at things. Even the senate disagrees with you.
That aligns broadly with a recent 98-1 Senate vote that global warming is real and “not a hoax.” The lone holdout in that vote was Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker.
well I disagree with you. The world knows there was once ice and that since said ice the earth has been warming and no one would ever deny that. The issue is global warming as represented by the media, where devastating storms are reeking havoc over the oceans and NY is under water and the fate of all mankind is ready for extinction. That is what they don't believe in.
well I disagree with you.
Disagree with me? I'm not in charge of warmers. You disagree with the 98% of the senate and 88% of the population and the 60% who perceive GW as a threat to themselves. Essentially you are calling that super majority a cult. Ridiculous.
The issue is global warming as represented by the media, where devastating storms are reeking havoc over the oceans and NY is under water and the fate of all mankind is ready for extinction. That is what they don't believe
How do you know what the people actually believe. Yes, I agree that it is over-hyped by some. NY under water? Ready for extinction? I have not seen any mainstream media emphasize extinction of mankind, unless it could be an occasional media interview with a kook. Self serving warmer blogs aren't mainstream media.

There are over 450 posts in this thread. It's just a bunch of ill-conceived gut-feelings on what you guys think people believe and then you lambaste them.
well I disagree with you.
Disagree with me? I'm not in charge of warmers. You disagree with the 98% of the senate and 88% of the population and the 60% who perceive GW as a threat to themselves. Essentially you are calling that super majority a cult. Ridiculous.
The issue is global warming as represented by the media, where devastating storms are reeking havoc over the oceans and NY is under water and the fate of all mankind is ready for extinction. That is what they don't believe
How do you know what the people actually believe. Yes, I agree that it is over-hyped by some. NY under water? Ready for extinction? I have not seen any mainstream media emphasize extinction of mankind, unless it could be an occasional media interview with a kook. Self serving warmer blogs aren't mainstream media.

There are over 450 posts in this thread. It's just a bunch of ill-conceived gut-feelings on what you guys think people believe and then you lambaste them.

You disagree with the 98% of the senate and 88% of the population and the 60% who perceive GW as a threat to themselves.

Not to mention 95 US Senators who voted to approve Kyoto.

Wait, what? LOL!
I just got around to reading the reference given in the very first OP of this thread in September 2013. This is a quote from that reference:

"The Government funded report shows 19 per cent of people are climate change disbelievers - up from just four per cent in 2005 - while nine per cent did not know."

That OP was well over 2 years ago, and this thread has been kept alive since. Even then on the first page of that thread is a post:

How about all that consensus sons? It doesn't mean dick ASSHOLES!!

Really guys, 19% is nowhere near a consensus. And really guys this is no longer 2013. It's 2016. Your feeling of “consensus” was false back then and it is even more false today. Give it a rest. Or maybe you want to continue your mutual high fiving in your fantasy world of winning a consensus. If so then have at it.
well I disagree with you.
Disagree with me? I'm not in charge of warmers. You disagree with the 98% of the senate and 88% of the population and the 60% who perceive GW as a threat to themselves. Essentially you are calling that super majority a cult. Ridiculous.
The issue is global warming as represented by the media, where devastating storms are reeking havoc over the oceans and NY is under water and the fate of all mankind is ready for extinction. That is what they don't believe
How do you know what the people actually believe. Yes, I agree that it is over-hyped by some. NY under water? Ready for extinction? I have not seen any mainstream media emphasize extinction of mankind, unless it could be an occasional media interview with a kook. Self serving warmer blogs aren't mainstream media.

There are over 450 posts in this thread. It's just a bunch of ill-conceived gut-feelings on what you guys think people believe and then you lambaste them.

LMAO......son....there are about 300 links in here clearly displaying the hopelessness of the climate change contingent. They can take all the bows they want about the definitive science but it is having zero impact in the real world besides being responsible for getting a group of religious members together once a year in places like Paris and Mexico City. So indeed......nobody is really caring. Congress has passed zero significant climate legislation in many years.:rofl: Germany is going big back into coal despite the science.:up: Spain? GreenfAiL!!:rock:! China is increasing its coal output by 50% by 2040!!!:ack-1: Europe is importing natural gas like it is going out of style.:boobies: There is documented proof of the NOAA and NASA fucking with the temperature data ( NASA even admits it ).:oops-28: Thousands of scientists have come out against man-made global warming in the past 10 years.:bye1: Poll after poll by Pew, Gallup and Rasmussen that show FOR YEARS that global warming is no longer on the radar of a huge majority of voters.:coffee: So many links in here as to be hilarious and that doesn't include all the funny stuff that makes the global warming k00ks look so stoopi:spinner:d.

In other words...........FOSSIL FUEL DOMINATION!!!! Same as it was 20 years ago!!!

Thread is ePiC s0n.........and shit does it piss off the AGW k00ks because it is always smack dab on the top of the page for three years now!!! And skeptics have loaded so many pages of links in here it is on page 1 of the BING search for SKEPTICS/WINNING!!!:fu:

The alarmists threads?

Not so much!!!:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
Well, if you guys want to display your mutual masturbation, have at it.

Tired of being on the loosing end of the AGW lie..and Democprap power grab..

Well, if you guys want to display your mutual masturbation, have at it.

Do you believe GW is a threat? How much do you plan to spend to stop it?
Threat? I have no idea. We may know in 10 or 20 years. Stop it? I have no plans.

Excellent. Spending trillions on less reliable "green energy" right now is stupid.
If the watermelons think it's a real threat, the biggest threat we face, they'd back nuclear.
The fact that they don't, proves their real agenda.
More AGW losing..................

The eco asshole oddballs told us 8 years ago that we'd be getting a tsunami of new EV's on American roads!!!:bye1:

:funnyface::funnyface: ePiC fAiL :funnyface::funnyface:

Electric vehicle sales fall far short of Obama goal

Look deeply into the sales data...just about 80% were sold to the US Government... Falling short of sales goals is an understatement.

Hey Billy........more trucks were sold in the US in January than EV's will be sold for the entire year!!:woohoo::rock:
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