More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Been reading through this new study and they have applied the S/B equation to individual sections of the atmosphere. The numbers show the energy loss in return from the lower troposphere. The rise in CO2 is not resulting in a net gain in energy returned to the surface globally.

This is going to leave a huge mark on the AGW theroy... FAILED!

The numbers show the energy loss in return from the lower troposphere.

Can you restate this in a clearer manner?

The rise in CO2 is not resulting in a net gain in energy returned to the surface

So the energy returned to the surface (back-radiation) remains the same, despite higher CO2?
The backscatter of re-emitted or reflected LWIR did not increase with CO2 increase, it decreased. This indicates a significant misunderstanding of how our atmosphere works.

The authors of the paper are now looking closely at water vapor energy absorption and retention. If what they suspect is true, CO2 will never cause a runaway effect due to water transport of energy in our atmosphere.

A net loss of energy directed towards the surface in the >6um bands was not expected.

The backscatter of re-emitted or reflected LWIR did not increase with CO2 increase, it decreased.


At this point I can only talk about what I see. I am not authorized to release the document.

A single document shows incoming long-wave radiation decreasing over what period?
Why hasn't anyone else noticed this change?
Been reading through this new study and they have applied the S/B equation to individual sections of the atmosphere. The numbers show the energy loss in return from the lower troposphere. The rise in CO2 is not resulting in a net gain in energy returned to the surface globally.

This is going to leave a huge mark on the AGW theroy... FAILED!

The numbers show the energy loss in return from the lower troposphere.

Can you restate this in a clearer manner?

The rise in CO2 is not resulting in a net gain in energy returned to the surface

So the energy returned to the surface (back-radiation) remains the same, despite higher CO2?
The backscatter of re-emitted or reflected LWIR did not increase with CO2 increase, it decreased. This indicates a significant misunderstanding of how our atmosphere works.

The authors of the paper are now looking closely at water vapor energy absorption and retention. If what they suspect is true, CO2 will never cause a runaway effect due to water transport of energy in our atmosphere.

A net loss of energy directed towards the surface in the >6um bands was not expected.

The backscatter of re-emitted or reflected LWIR did not increase with CO2 increase, it decreased.


At this point I can only talk about what I see. I am not authorized to release the document.

A single document shows incoming long-wave radiation decreasing over what period?
Why hasn't anyone else noticed this change?

There are actually three documents and three teams. The information is being merged into a single study. The teams did identical work, different ways, to get a good look at how our atmosphere works. From what I have read so far, data collection has been going on for over 15 years.

The assumption that CO2 increase must cause increased back-scatter was looked at closely. They found that farms that use CO2 disperses to increase plant growth at ground level actually caused cooling at ten feet above ground level and they looked into what was happening to LWIR. They indicate that as water vapor increased in the air, cooling occurred and downward LWIR >6um diminished.

Understand that DOWN WELLING (solar) LWIR is 2-6um and is not inhibited by CO2. Only the range above >6um is affected. When you look at the bandpass of blackbody LWIR you begin to understand how water is absorbing the energy before it reaches the earths surface and is carried away by convection. Cooling occurs in the region where water becomes vapor, near ground. It takes roughly 4 times the energy to warm water than it does air due to its mass. A loss of 1.3-2.2% down ward LWIR in the >6um band was noted from 150 feet as compared to ground level. This indicates that the energy is being absorbed in that region.

I am just scratching the surface of this.. It appears they are hard numbering where the energy is being lost and why. IF they are confirmed by others, (all three papers show it) this is a big change in our understanding of how our atmosphere works. The back scatter theroy goes right out the window as a non-issue.

Steepest drop in global temperature on record

1.2 deg C drop in just 6 months...of GAT...

The earth is now blowing right by the pause baseline and below pre 1998 levels..

Steepest drop in global temperature on record

1.2 deg C drop in just 6 months...of GAT...

The earth is now blowing right by the pause baseline and below pre 1998 levels..

Dang Billy..........good stuff. Just more fodder..........the alarmists have no clue what the fuck is going on with the climate and they know it too!! No matter the evidence to the contrary of their religion, the established narrative must be perpetuated.

But we sure as hell do an awesome job of nuking it in here!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Steepest drop in global temperature on record

1.2 deg C drop in just 6 months...of GAT...

The earth is now blowing right by the pause baseline and below pre 1998 levels..

Dang Billy..........good stuff. Just more fodder..........the alarmists have no clue what the fuck is going on with the climate and they know it too!! No matter the evidence to the contrary of their religion, the established narrative must be perpetuated.

But we sure as hell do an awesome job of nuking it in here!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

The AGE nutters can not fathom that any change is good. Warming is really bad, Cooling is really bad, and their prescription for saving us always ends up being, give up your freedoms and we get to tell what to do, where to live, and when you will die...

I find it stunning how stupid most these AGE nutters are. They will parrot anything they are told.

Steepest drop in global temperature on record

1.2 deg C drop in just 6 months...of GAT...

The earth is now blowing right by the pause baseline and below pre 1998 levels..

Dang Billy..........good stuff. Just more fodder..........the alarmists have no clue what the fuck is going on with the climate and they know it too!! No matter the evidence to the contrary of their religion, the established narrative must be perpetuated.

But we sure as hell do an awesome job of nuking it in here!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

The AGE nutters can not fathom that any change is good. Warming is really bad, Cooling is really bad, and their prescription for saving us always ends up being, give up your freedoms and we get to tell what to do, where to live, and when you will die...

I find it stunning how stupid most these AGE nutters are. They will parrot anything they are told.

The irony is actually the alarmists who are anti-science and fine with me because they still haven't made their case.......after almost 3 decades!! They only embrace the science they like......the science that fits the prescribed agenda.

Fine with me..........they continue to lose huge in the bigger picture = the science isn't mattering in the real world!! Its having zErO impact on public policy..........which means.......its not mattering!!:2up:

A new paper out shows that Bio-fuels are far worse on the environment than gasoline and diesel burning. Not only that but bio-fuels destroy engines are harder to store, and use up vital foods that the world needs. There is no net benefit from bio-fuels just high priced crap placed on the poor that they can not afford.

Inconvenient Study: Biofuels not as ‘green’ as many think – may be worse than Gasoline

Kings of unintended consequences....

Steepest drop in global temperature on record

1.2 deg C drop in just 6 months...of GAT...

The earth is now blowing right by the pause baseline and below pre 1998 levels..

Dang Billy..........good stuff. Just more fodder..........the alarmists have no clue what the fuck is going on with the climate and they know it too!! No matter the evidence to the contrary of their religion, the established narrative must be perpetuated.

But we sure as hell do an awesome job of nuking it in here!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

The AGE nutters can not fathom that any change is good. Warming is really bad, Cooling is really bad, and their prescription for saving us always ends up being, give up your freedoms and we get to tell what to do, where to live, and when you will die...

I find it stunning how stupid most these AGE nutters are. They will parrot anything they are told.

The irony is actually the alarmists who are anti-science and fine with me because they still haven't made their case.......after almost 3 decades!! They only embrace the science they like......the science that fits the prescribed agenda.

Fine with me..........they continue to lose huge in the bigger picture = the science isn't mattering in the real world!! Its having zErO impact on public policy..........which means.......its not mattering!!:2up:
Climate Advocate Outrage Over “Global Cooling” Congress Tweet

speaking of parrots... LOL
SHOCK: The ‘Father of global warming’, James Hansen, dials back alarm

The AGW hits just keep on coming...

Even Dr James Hansen is backpedaling....

The ponderous response of the climate system also means that we don’t need to instantaneously reduce GHG amounts. However, despite uncertainties about some climate processes, we know enough to say that the time scale on which we must begin to reduce atmospheric GHG amounts is measured in decades, not centuries.
Dan Billy.............something to bookmark >>> Coal and the IPCC

IPCC has been assessing coal use for a long time now. They call it "coal burn"......Ive been saying 2050. Turns out coal is going to be huge well into the 2100's!!!:eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eusa_think:

Talk about nobody giving a shit about the science.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Steepest drop in global temperature on record

1.2 deg C drop in just 6 months...of GAT...

The earth is now blowing right by the pause baseline and below pre 1998 levels..

Dang Billy..........good stuff. Just more fodder..........the alarmists have no clue what the fuck is going on with the climate and they know it too!! No matter the evidence to the contrary of their religion, the established narrative must be perpetuated.

But we sure as hell do an awesome job of nuking it in here!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

The AGE nutters can not fathom that any change is good. Warming is really bad, Cooling is really bad, and their prescription for saving us always ends up being, give up your freedoms and we get to tell what to do, where to live, and when you will die...

I find it stunning how stupid most these AGE nutters are. They will parrot anything they are told.

The irony is actually the alarmists who are anti-science and fine with me because they still haven't made their case.......after almost 3 decades!! They only embrace the science they like......the science that fits the prescribed agenda.

Fine with me..........they continue to lose huge in the bigger picture = the science isn't mattering in the real world!! Its having zErO impact on public policy..........which means.......its not mattering!!:2up:
Climate Advocate Outrage Over “Global Cooling” Congress Tweet

speaking of parrots... LOL

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