More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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how's billy wrong exactly?
Not 'wrong' just a raging Hypocrite you 12 IQ one-line Clown.

In fact, one day, one location weather, is a skookerasbil (your Idiot one-line Twin) Specialty.
(ie, "my brother says it's snowing in Southern Pennsylvania")

Note the Proof of my claim below.
The idiot One Line NO DATA CONTENT Troll (and skookerasbil Twin) jc456 cannot understand anything.

how the fk did we get to my good friend Skooks when I asked about billy? I'm just asking cause son, you have anger issues.
how's billy wrong exactly?
Not 'wrong' just a raging Hypocrite you 12 IQ one-line Clown.

In fact, one day, one location weather, is a skookerasbil (your Idiot one-line Twin) Specialty.
(ie, "my brother says it's snowing in Southern Pennsylvania")

Note the Proof of my claim below.
The idiot One Line NO DATA CONTENT Troll (and skookerasbil Twin) jc456 cannot understand anything.

how the fk did we get to my good friend Skooks when I asked about billy? I'm just asking cause son, you have anger issues.

Hey JC.....yeah, what's up with the perpetual state of anger in these people? Why would you want to spend so much time and a place where you're always miserable? IDK.... seems silly to me but then again I never have understood the mind of a progressive. I guess these forums become a place for them to displace all the pent-up anger for poor decision-making in their personal lives.
how's billy wrong exactly?
Not 'wrong' just a raging Hypocrite you 12 IQ one-line Clown.

In fact, one day, one location weather, is a skookerasbil (your Idiot one-line Twin) Specialty
so if he isn't wrong, how is it you feel you should make fun of him? makes you look like the ass. just saying. either a storm is climate or a storm is weather, no matter if it is a warm storm or a cold storm right? so why do you fks always pose shit about hurricanes?
That moron is a troll..

He repeatedly puts forth modeling as fact like other on this board. When he is shown this his only rebut is to use Alyinsky tactics and try to malign and belittle.. HE conflates weather as if one hot day is Armageddon..
how's billy wrong exactly?
Not 'wrong' just a raging Hypocrite you 12 IQ one-line Clown.

In fact, one day, one location weather, is a skookerasbil (your Idiot one-line Twin) Specialty
so if he isn't wrong, how is it you feel you should make fun of him? makes you look like the ass. just saying. either a storm is climate or a storm is weather, no matter if it is a warm storm or a cold storm right? so why do you fks always pose shit about hurricanes?
That moron is a troll..

He repeatedly puts forth modeling as fact like other on this board. When he is shown this his only rebut is to use Alyinsky tactics and try to malign and belittle.. HE conflates weather as if one hot day is Armageddon..

I put him on ignore, he is too far gone and a full bore troll with NO intention of debating.

I put him on ignore, he is too far gone and a full bore troll with NO intention of debating.
You HAD to put me on Ignore because I kicked your Stupid ass several times
You gave up.
Far from being a Troll (unlike MOST of your allies here like jcs4356 and skooksterasbil) I have put up alot of Meat/100% rebuttal: Data, Links, charts, etc. They put up NONE/Zero.
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= more AGW k00k losing!

Hey Sunset....check out the "views" on this thread bro!!:5_1_12024:

Prolific shit

I have him on ignore, not going to waste my time on a deadglow.

First time I ever disagree with you my friend. Don't put him on ignore.... every time that guy makes a post it's like putting a big old pumpkin on a tee for us and guess who's holding the Louisville Slugger. We want guys like this trolling.... he presents like a typical radical progressive.... the kind that scared the shit out of the American voter during the Obama years and leading up to the last election!! They only stand to help our cause.

= more AGW k00k losing!

Hey Sunset....check out the "views" on this thread bro!!:5_1_12024:

Prolific shit

I have him on ignore, not going to waste my time on a deadglow.

First time I ever disagree with you my friend. Don't put him on ignore.... every time that guy makes a post it's like putting a big old pumpkin on a tee for us and guess who's holding the Louisville Slugger. We want guys like this trolling.... he presents like a typical radical progressive.... the kind that scared the shit out of the American voter during the Obama years and leading up to the last election!! They only stand to help our cause.

I have been in this debate for over 30 years now, which is why I stick with most of the silly warmists here and other places even drive them crazy enough to get banned, but Abu and Fort Fun are a total loss to me.

I wore out David Appel to the point that he went bananas in a thread, that his three comments became a post shortly afterwards to make fun of his immaturity. He was banned not long after that. I kept making fun of his PHD sticking out of his back pocket, as he was being exposed as a shallow thinker by many in the threads.

It is the way I am, not everyone deserved to be noticed when they are at the level of an oil slick.

I put him on ignore, he is too far gone and a full bore troll with NO intention of debating.
You HAD to put me on Ignore because I kicked your Stupid ass several times
You gave up.
Far from being a Troll (unlike MOST of your allies here like jcs4356 and skooksterasbil) I have put up alot of Meat/100% rebuttal: Data, Links, charts, etc. They put up NONE/Zero.
when you can show us what the ideal temperature of the planet is supposed to be, we can discuss further.
Mann was doing this crap 20 years ago and today the courts throw these fishing expeditions out.. When you can not prove causation linkage.. things die..

They always get shitcaned but the goal of the k00ks is to tie up the courts. Problem is in these liberal states budgets are getting train wrecked.... of course the st00pids in the big lib state cities still vote Democrat effectively doing self-insertion of the big bumpy cucumber.:113:
More bad news for the climate crusading nutters.......

Less people than ever believe in global warming!!!

What climate change? Fewer people than EVER believe the world is really warming up | UK | News | Daily Express

As Ive said many times and been 100% accurate......nobody cares about the science!!:D

You know maybe if you actually used science in your arguments, instead of insults and attacks, more people would consider what you say.

You people on the left attack everyone, and then act shocked that we are all starting to ignore you.
More bad news for the climate crusading nutters.......

Less people than ever believe in global warming!!!

What climate change? Fewer people than EVER believe the world is really warming up | UK | News | Daily Express

As Ive said many times and been 100% accurate......nobody cares about the science!!:D

You know maybe if you actually used science in your arguments, instead of insults and attacks, more people would consider what you say.

You people on the left attack everyone, and then act shocked that we are all starting to ignore you.
Hey wtf? Mid May here in southern NY and had to wear a fleece when outside all weekend!! Remember back in the old days being on the beach in mid-May with temps in the mid-90s. This global cooling stuff really sucks.
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