More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Hey Billy....Dr. Judith Curry was on the Tucker Carlson show last night. She so calmly and effortlessly smacks the alarmist contingent upside the head by exposing the fraud in the models.....also points out how none of the religion factors the sun into the climate and that it's all C02. By the end of the segment I was laughing.
Some awesome stuff here from Billy.....

Birds behavior = here comes global cooling!!!@!!!@!@

Migratory birds arriving late to breeding grounds
We have a few idiots who think that we should ignore everything indicating cooling.. But they cant change the observed evidence..

They ignore this already even though it is from the NOAA

NOAA map.gif
They ignore this too:

Since 1870s – no warming
Greenland – no warming
New Zealand – no warming
Antarctica – no warming
North Atlantic – no warming
Western Pacific – no warming
India/Western Himalaya – no warming
Pakistan – no warming
Turkey – no warming
Himalayas/Nepal – no warming
Siberia – no warming
Portugal – no warming
NE China – no warming
SW China – no warming
South China – no warming
West China – no warming
Southern South America – no warming
Canada (B.C.) – no warming
Canada Central – no warming

Since 1940s/50s – no warming
Northern Hemisphere – no warming
Arctic Region – no warming
Greenland – no warming
South Iceland – no warming
North Iceland – no warming
Alaska – no warming
New York – no warming
Rural U.S. – no warming
Northern Europe – no warming
Western Europe – no warming
Mediterranean Region – no warming
Finland and Sweden – no warming
East Antarctica – no warming
North Atlantic – no warming
Western North Atlantic – no warming
Brazil – no warming
SE Australia – no warming
Southern South America – no warming
Andes Mountains – no warming
Chile – no warming
Don’t Tell Anyone, But We Just Had Two Years Of Record-Breaking Global Cooling

Writing in Real Clear Markets, Aaron Brown looked at the official NASA global temperature data and noticed something surprising. From February 2016 to February 2018, “global average temperatures dropped by 0.56 degrees Celsius.” That, he notes, is the biggest two-year drop in the past century.

“The 2016-2018 Big Chill,” he writes,“was composed of two Little Chills, the biggest five month drop ever (February to June 2016) and the fourth biggest (February to June 2017). A similar event from February to June 2018 would bring global average temperatures below the 1980s average.
Don’t Tell Anyone, But We Just Had Two Years Of Record-Breaking Global Cooling

Writing in Real Clear Markets, Aaron Brown looked at the official NASA global temperature data and noticed something surprising. From February 2016 to February 2018, “global average temperatures dropped by 0.56 degrees Celsius.” That, he notes, is the biggest two-year drop in the past century.

“The 2016-2018 Big Chill,” he writes,“was composed of two Little Chills, the biggest five month drop ever (February to June 2016) and the fourth biggest (February to June 2017). A similar event from February to June 2018 would bring global average temperatures below the 1980s average.

More AGW k00k losing. Coldar!
Hey wtf? Mid May here in southern NY and had to wear a fleece when outside all weekend!! Remember back in the old days being on the beach in mid-May with temps in the mid-90s. This global cooling stuff really sucks.
yes sir, we went down to below 40 over the last week. hly crap was it cold.yesterday was finally a good day. today supposed to be in the mid 80's. and then I bet Monday will drop back down to 40's again. it keeps happening. the sun is almost at it's peak for the Soltice. 30 days away. Huh?
They ignore this too:

Since 1870s – no warming
Greenland – no warming
New Zealand – no warming
Antarctica – no warming
North Atlantic – no warming
Western Pacific – no warming
India/Western Himalaya – no warming
Pakistan – no warming
Turkey – no warming
Himalayas/Nepal – no warming
Siberia – no warming
Portugal – no warming
NE China – no warming
SW China – no warming
South China – no warming
West China – no warming
Southern South America – no warming
Canada (B.C.) – no warming
Canada Central – no warming

Since 1940s/50s – no warming
Northern Hemisphere – no warming
Arctic Region – no warming
Greenland – no warming
South Iceland – no warming
North Iceland – no warming
Alaska – no warming
New York – no warming
Rural U.S. – no warming
Northern Europe – no warming
Western Europe – no warming
Mediterranean Region – no warming
Finland and Sweden – no warming
East Antarctica – no warming
North Atlantic – no warming
Western North Atlantic – no warming
Brazil – no warming
SE Australia – no warming
Southern South America – no warming
Andes Mountains – no warming
Chile – no warming
But one city in Australia hit a high temperature therefore global warming
The skeptics are sure winning!!!


I lol'ed!
I see you too are using the highly adjusted Karl Et Al crap... You alarmists are sure predictable...

Billy that one isn't even an alarmist.... a zombie troll treehugger who couldn't discern the difference between a banana and a coconut if somebody in the PC contingent said they were the same thing.
The skeptics are sure winning!!!


I lol'ed!

Your chart is from PISSTemp a deeply flawed pile of crap, but it still manage to destroy your case anyway since it stated right there on the chart of .18C per decade warming trend, waaaay below the minimum projected MINIMUM per decade warming rate of .30C as published in the IPCC report.

Not only that it also erased the well documented cooling trend from the 1940's to the 1970's of around a - .60C to a +.10C

You are not even aware of how they LIE to you, because you are an ignorant fool who swallow their lies so easily.

I laughed...…………..
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