More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Believe has littek to do with it.
Daily temp is not warming not cooling of the planet.

When Storms carry more water you see evidence not beliefs.


Fortunately for you this isn't happening. Storm intensity is low and has been for about 9 years now..

Yeah their ignorance is always weird since storminess was more common and dangerous during the LIA time frame.
ortunately for you this isn't happening. Storm intensity is low and has been for about 9 years now.. A cooling world generally has less water vapor in its atmosphere and we are cooling..

Low? You should tell that take to Puerto Rico. There are more super storms landings every year since 1990

Global Climate Report - November 2017 | State of the Climate | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
SO your claiming the regional weather trumps the global trend? LOL.. talk about cherry picking..


We are way low on accumulated storm energy...
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ortunately for you this isn't happening. Storm intensity is low and has been for about 9 years now.. A cooling world generally has less water vapor in its atmosphere and we are cooling..

Low? You should tell that take to Puerto Rico. There are more super storms landings every year since 1990

Global Climate Report - November 2017 | State of the Climate | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

"10 Conclusions The IPCC AR5 made the following conclusions about hurricanes: [There is] low confidence that any reported long-term (centennial) increases in tropical cyclone activity are robust, after accounting for past changes in observing capabilities. More recent assessments indicate that it is unlikely that annual numbers of tropical storms, hurricanes and major hurricanes counts have increased over the past 100 years in the North Atlantic basin. Evidence, however, is for a virtually certain increase in the frequency and intensity of the strongest tropical cyclones since the 1970s in that region.

The evidence produced in this paper strongly supports this conclusion. In addition, the observational record since AR5 was published in 2013 is also consistent with this view. The data does show an increase in both the frequency and intensity of hurricanes in the North Atlantic. However, both observations and research find that there is little evidence of longerterm trends there. This paper refers to several studies which find a direct relationship between hurricane trends since 1970 and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation.

Changes in the methods of observation, as well as the lack of any observations in many regions in earlier decades, make it difficult to come to any robust conclusions about global trends. It is clear though that actual observations have severely underestimated both the frequency and intensity of hurricanes prior to around 1970 in the North Atlantic, and maybe as late as 1980 for hurricanes in other parts of the world.

A more reliable longer-term record is available for US landfalling hurricanes, dating back to 1851. NOAA’s Hurricane Research Division has carefully reanalysed all hurricane data between 1851 and 1960 in order to ensure wind speeds and intensity are as accurate as possible. Their database shows that there has been no increase in the number of hurricanes or major hurricanes over the period."
Changes in the methods of observation, as well as the lack of any observations in many regions in earlier decades, make it difficult to come to any robust conclusions about global trends. It is clear though that actual observations have severely underestimated both the frequency and intensity of hurricanes prior to around 1970 in the North Atlantic, and maybe as late as 1980 for hurricanes in other parts of the world.[/QUOTE]


They seem to have forgotten that the facts do not change, only the interpretation of them does. In this case it is obvious that the facts do not support the dire predictions of alarmists..
ortunately for you this isn't happening. Storm intensity is low and has been for about 9 years now.. A cooling world generally has less water vapor in its atmosphere and we are cooling..

Low? You should tell that take to Puerto Rico. There are more super storms landings every year since 1990

Global Climate Report - November 2017 | State of the Climate | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

Only suckers continually get duped by loose association terms like "more". Doy
ortunately for you this isn't happening. Storm intensity is low and has been for about 9 years now.. A cooling world generally has less water vapor in its atmosphere and we are cooling..

Low? You should tell that take to Puerto Rico. There are more super storms landings every year since 1990

Global Climate Report - November 2017 | State of the Climate | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

Nothing at that link about Puerto Rico... If a SINGLE place gets 2 hurricanes a year, it's a statistics fluke, not GWarming. Since the LANDFALLING hurricanes in the Atlantic have been down GREATLY in the past 10 years.
ortunately for you this isn't happening. Storm intensity is low and has been for about 9 years now.. A cooling world generally has less water vapor in its atmosphere and we are cooling..

Low? You should tell that take to Puerto Rico. There are more super storms landings every year since 1990

Global Climate Report - November 2017 | State of the Climate | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
SO your claiming the regional weather trumps the global trend? LOL.. talk about cherry picking..

View attachment 245503

We are way low on accumulated storm energy...

Of course chief.. You're show a hurricane/tropical season that HASN"T STARTED YET.. At least go back a year or more..
ortunately for you this isn't happening. Storm intensity is low and has been for about 9 years now.. A cooling world generally has less water vapor in its atmosphere and we are cooling..

Low? You should tell that take to Puerto Rico. There are more super storms landings every year since 1990

Global Climate Report - November 2017 | State of the Climate | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
SO your claiming the regional weather trumps the global trend? LOL.. talk about cherry picking..

View attachment 245503

We are way low on accumulated storm energy...

Of course chief.. You're show a hurricane/tropical season that HASN"T STARTED YET.. At least go back a year or more..

I know! But last year was below average too.. :04::abgg2q.jpg:
Hopefully you survived it.
The next 5 years it'll be harder to deny warming temps, and another 5 years later most deniers are dead.
5 to 8 degrees higher temps make life not really better.
Hopefully you survived it.
The next 5 years it'll be harder to deny warming temps, and another 5 years later most deniers are dead.
5 to 8 degrees higher temps make life not really better.

The next 5 years it'll be harder to deny warming temps, and another 5 years later most deniers are dead.

Why will the warmers be spared?

5 to 8 degrees higher temps make life not really better.

That'll happen in the next 5-10 years?
Hopefully you survived it.
The next 5 years it'll be harder to deny warming temps, and another 5 years later most deniers are dead.
5 to 8 degrees higher temps make life not really better.

Or maybe it'll 80 degree higher temps?

Hey.....nobody knows. We could also be smack dab in the middle of a damn mini-ice age. That'd be ghey.
Gents, snowing all day today since after midnight. Glad snow was called off by the warmers
Hopefully you survived it.
The next 5 years it'll be harder to deny warming temps, and another 5 years later most deniers are dead.
5 to 8 degrees higher temps make life not really better.
What, Is you magic CO2 molecule gong to create lots of heat?

You idiots and your predictions.. How is this supposed to happen?
So much wiNniNG in this thread....the laughter helping me get past these heart attacks gents!!:2up:
How you doing?

Kinda slow strength at all yet. Orders are to take it slow....maybe get to slow walking this week.

My message to all....I had zero chest pain. I'm a CPR/ First Aid Instructor for 30 years.....we all teach #1 sign of heart attack is chest pain. But not in my case....was sweaty, a little light headed and got up to walk to bathroom and air. Could not breath at all.....nothing. Had to sit immediately.....legs like jello. I figured, "Fuck me....having a damn MI!". Wasnt short of breath. First time in my life I was scared.....including years ago when my brother and I were jumped by a motorcycle gang....15 on 2. Got beat near to death but never got scared.....I was scared brothers. Funniest massive MI came while I was on the table in the cath lab getting stents put in the next day! BP dropped to near flatline....full occlusion of the right coronary artery.....right the fuck in front of my cardiologist. He roto-rootered me right there on the table. If I had been virtually anywhere else that morning, I'd have disappeared from the USMB....almost certainly. The climate k00ks would have been thrilled!

So now have 5 f'ing balloons in my arteries. 50/50 I will need open heart bypass down the line.

Message to you guys is.....if you are getting fucked up waaaaay beyond normal under only light physical activity, get checked out. I had a couple of minor loss of breath events since Christmas....only a second or so.....and I shrugged it off to being out of shape. Cardiologist said those were signs a heart attack was imminent. Quit smoking a year ago after 40 years.....caught up to me but my diet which used to be awesome went to shit 18 years ago when kids came along. So if you are over 50, go routinely for a physical.....dont be a dick like me.

And hey listen .......if something ever happens to me and it's lights out please make sure this thread keeps delivering bumpy cucumbers on a daily basis please.....counting on you guys. Fuck these facist fucks

So much wiNniNG in this thread....the laughter helping me get past these heart attacks gents!!:2up:
How you doing?

Kinda slow strength at all yet. Orders are to take it slow....maybe get to slow walking this week.

My message to all....I had zero chest pain. I'm a CPR/ First Aid Instructor for 30 years.....we all teach #1 sign of heart attack is chest pain. But not in my case....was sweaty, a little light headed and got up to walk to bathroom and air. Could not breath at all.....nothing. Had to sit immediately.....legs like jello. I figured, "Fuck me....having a damn MI!". Wasnt short of breath. First time in my life I was scared.....including years ago when my brother and I were jumped by a motorcycle gang....15 on 2. Got beat near to death but never got scared.....I was scared brothers. Funniest massive MI came while I was on the table in the cath lab getting stents put in the next day! BP dropped to near flatline....full occlusion of the right coronary artery.....right the fuck in front of my cardiologist. He roto-rootered me right there on the table. If I had been virtually anywhere else that morning, I'd have disappeared from the USMB....almost certainly. The climate k00ks would have been thrilled!

So now have 5 f'ing balloons in my arteries. 50/50 I will need open heart bypass down the line.

Message to you guys is.....if you are getting fucked up waaaaay beyond normal under only light physical activity, get checked out. I had a couple of minor loss of breath events since Christmas....only a second or so.....and I shrugged it off to being out of shape. Cardiologist said those were signs a heart attack was imminent. Quit smoking a year ago after 40 years.....caught up to me but my diet which used to be awesome went to shit 18 years ago when kids came along. So if you are over 50, go routinely for a physical.....dont be a dick like me.

And hey listen .......if something ever happens to me and it's lights out please make sure this thread keeps delivering bumpy cucumbers on a daily basis please.....counting on you guys. Fuck these facist fucks

God bless my friend! I feel close to your issue I’m under doctors orders. Two arteries, aspirin brother aspirin
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