More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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So much wiNniNG in this thread....the laughter helping me get past these heart attacks gents!!:2up:
How you doing?

Kinda slow strength at all yet. Orders are to take it slow....maybe get to slow walking this week.

My message to all....I had zero chest pain. I'm a CPR/ First Aid Instructor for 30 years.....we all teach #1 sign of heart attack is chest pain. But not in my case....was sweaty, a little light headed and got up to walk to bathroom and air. Could not breath at all.....nothing. Had to sit immediately.....legs like jello. I figured, "Fuck me....having a damn MI!". Wasnt short of breath. First time in my life I was scared.....including years ago when my brother and I were jumped by a motorcycle gang....15 on 2. Got beat near to death but never got scared.....I was scared brothers. Funniest massive MI came while I was on the table in the cath lab getting stents put in the next day! BP dropped to near flatline....full occlusion of the right coronary artery.....right the fuck in front of my cardiologist. He roto-rootered me right there on the table. If I had been virtually anywhere else that morning, I'd have disappeared from the USMB....almost certainly. The climate k00ks would have been thrilled!

So now have 5 f'ing balloons in my arteries. 50/50 I will need open heart bypass down the line.

Message to you guys is.....if you are getting fucked up waaaaay beyond normal under only light physical activity, get checked out. I had a couple of minor loss of breath events since Christmas....only a second or so.....and I shrugged it off to being out of shape. Cardiologist said those were signs a heart attack was imminent. Quit smoking a year ago after 40 years.....caught up to me but my diet which used to be awesome went to shit 18 years ago when kids came along. So if you are over 50, go routinely for a physical.....dont be a dick like me.

And hey listen .......if something ever happens to me and it's lights out please make sure this thread keeps delivering bumpy cucumbers on a daily basis please.....counting on you guys. Fuck these facist fucks

Your wish is my command...

As some one living with Congestive Heart Failure and an enlarged heart I know your battles.. I have lost almost 80 pounds since July of last year..

Keeping you in my prayers...!
So much wiNniNG in this thread....the laughter helping me get past these heart attacks gents!!:2up:
How you doing?

Kinda slow strength at all yet. Orders are to take it slow....maybe get to slow walking this week.

My message to all....I had zero chest pain. I'm a CPR/ First Aid Instructor for 30 years.....we all teach #1 sign of heart attack is chest pain. But not in my case....was sweaty, a little light headed and got up to walk to bathroom and air. Could not breath at all.....nothing. Had to sit immediately.....legs like jello. I figured, "Fuck me....having a damn MI!". Wasnt short of breath. First time in my life I was scared.....including years ago when my brother and I were jumped by a motorcycle gang....15 on 2. Got beat near to death but never got scared.....I was scared brothers. Funniest massive MI came while I was on the table in the cath lab getting stents put in the next day! BP dropped to near flatline....full occlusion of the right coronary artery.....right the fuck in front of my cardiologist. He roto-rootered me right there on the table. If I had been virtually anywhere else that morning, I'd have disappeared from the USMB....almost certainly. The climate k00ks would have been thrilled!

So now have 5 f'ing balloons in my arteries. 50/50 I will need open heart bypass down the line.

Message to you guys is.....if you are getting fucked up waaaaay beyond normal under only light physical activity, get checked out. I had a couple of minor loss of breath events since Christmas....only a second or so.....and I shrugged it off to being out of shape. Cardiologist said those were signs a heart attack was imminent. Quit smoking a year ago after 40 years.....caught up to me but my diet which used to be awesome went to shit 18 years ago when kids came along. So if you are over 50, go routinely for a physical.....dont be a dick like me.

And hey listen .......if something ever happens to me and it's lights out please make sure this thread keeps delivering bumpy cucumbers on a daily basis please.....counting on you guys. Fuck these facist fucks


Thanks for the words...have noticed that I am getting a bit winded easier than I did, even in the recent past...will take your advice and go get checked out. Will let you know how it goes. Take it easy and get thoughts are with you.
So much wiNniNG in this thread....the laughter helping me get past these heart attacks gents!!:2up:
How you doing?

Kinda slow strength at all yet. Orders are to take it slow....maybe get to slow walking this week.

My message to all....I had zero chest pain. I'm a CPR/ First Aid Instructor for 30 years.....we all teach #1 sign of heart attack is chest pain. But not in my case....was sweaty, a little light headed and got up to walk to bathroom and air. Could not breath at all.....nothing. Had to sit immediately.....legs like jello. I figured, "Fuck me....having a damn MI!". Wasnt short of breath. First time in my life I was scared.....including years ago when my brother and I were jumped by a motorcycle gang....15 on 2. Got beat near to death but never got scared.....I was scared brothers. Funniest massive MI came while I was on the table in the cath lab getting stents put in the next day! BP dropped to near flatline....full occlusion of the right coronary artery.....right the fuck in front of my cardiologist. He roto-rootered me right there on the table. If I had been virtually anywhere else that morning, I'd have disappeared from the USMB....almost certainly. The climate k00ks would have been thrilled!

So now have 5 f'ing balloons in my arteries. 50/50 I will need open heart bypass down the line.

Message to you guys is.....if you are getting fucked up waaaaay beyond normal under only light physical activity, get checked out. I had a couple of minor loss of breath events since Christmas....only a second or so.....and I shrugged it off to being out of shape. Cardiologist said those were signs a heart attack was imminent. Quit smoking a year ago after 40 years.....caught up to me but my diet which used to be awesome went to shit 18 years ago when kids came along. So if you are over 50, go routinely for a physical.....dont be a dick like me.

And hey listen .......if something ever happens to me and it's lights out please make sure this thread keeps delivering bumpy cucumbers on a daily basis please.....counting on you guys. Fuck these facist fucks

Your wish is my command...

As some one living with Congestive Heart Failure and an enlarged heart I know your battles.. I have lost almost 80 pounds since July of last year..

Keeping you in my prayers...!

Dang man....well good for you losing all that weight! Keep it up!

Seems a few of us are battling stuff as we are getting older. Idk about you guys but swallowing all this has been wears on you. Drains your how the fuck am I making it 10 more years to retirement??:auiqs.jpg:But in a weird way, sorta good to know I'm not alone in the battle here!!

Meanwhile guys....we still have not had snow here in NY all winter. Never seen this before:ack-1:......very odd. Doesnt look like any in the forecast either....going up to 50 by weeks end!
So much wiNniNG in this thread....the laughter helping me get past these heart attacks gents!!:2up:
How you doing?

Kinda slow strength at all yet. Orders are to take it slow....maybe get to slow walking this week.

My message to all....I had zero chest pain. I'm a CPR/ First Aid Instructor for 30 years.....we all teach #1 sign of heart attack is chest pain. But not in my case....was sweaty, a little light headed and got up to walk to bathroom and air. Could not breath at all.....nothing. Had to sit immediately.....legs like jello. I figured, "Fuck me....having a damn MI!". Wasnt short of breath. First time in my life I was scared.....including years ago when my brother and I were jumped by a motorcycle gang....15 on 2. Got beat near to death but never got scared.....I was scared brothers. Funniest massive MI came while I was on the table in the cath lab getting stents put in the next day! BP dropped to near flatline....full occlusion of the right coronary artery.....right the fuck in front of my cardiologist. He roto-rootered me right there on the table. If I had been virtually anywhere else that morning, I'd have disappeared from the USMB....almost certainly. The climate k00ks would have been thrilled!

So now have 5 f'ing balloons in my arteries. 50/50 I will need open heart bypass down the line.

Message to you guys is.....if you are getting fucked up waaaaay beyond normal under only light physical activity, get checked out. I had a couple of minor loss of breath events since Christmas....only a second or so.....and I shrugged it off to being out of shape. Cardiologist said those were signs a heart attack was imminent. Quit smoking a year ago after 40 years.....caught up to me but my diet which used to be awesome went to shit 18 years ago when kids came along. So if you are over 50, go routinely for a physical.....dont be a dick like me.

And hey listen .......if something ever happens to me and it's lights out please make sure this thread keeps delivering bumpy cucumbers on a daily basis please.....counting on you guys. Fuck these facist fucks

Your wish is my command...

As some one living with Congestive Heart Failure and an enlarged heart I know your battles.. I have lost almost 80 pounds since July of last year..

Keeping you in my prayers...!

Dang man....well good for you losing all that weight! Keep it up!

Seems a few of us are battling stuff as we are getting older. Idk about you guys but swallowing all this has been wears on you. Drains your how the fuck am I making it 10 more years to retirement??:auiqs.jpg:But in a weird way, sorta good to know I'm not alone in the battle here!!

Meanwhile guys....we still have not had snow here in NY all winter. Never seen this before:ack-1:......very odd. Doesnt look like any in the forecast either....going up to 50 by weeks end!

10 years is an eye blink...over before you know it. Once you get to be a one digit midget...time changes from a river to a rapids.
I'm also tired of shoveling snow. It's supposed to snow another 1 to 3 tonight. fk I hate cold and snow.
I have had just one day above freezing in 6 weeks. The polar low over the western US looks to remain in place for at least one more week and could stay for up to three. We've been setting all time cold records daily for weeks. My high temp yesterday was just 12 deg F.
I'm also tired of shoveling snow. It's supposed to snow another 1 to 3 tonight. fk I hate cold and snow.
I have had just one day above freezing in 6 weeks. The polar low over the western US looks to remain in place for at least one more week and could stay for up to three. We've been setting all time cold records daily for weeks. My high temp yesterday was just 12 deg F.
I feel your pain. They didn't call your area the frozen tundra for nothing.
sKooks and Billy, today was the least icy ride into work I've had in three weeks. I only drove over five areas of ice. But hey yay for Global Warming!!!! yay!!!!!!

With the outlook rain and snow over the weekend, then snow on Tuesday and Wednesday again. YAY!!!
sKooks and Billy, today was the least icy ride into work I've had in three weeks. I only drove over five areas of ice. But hey yay for Global Warming!!!! yay!!!!!!

With the outlook rain and snow over the weekend, then snow on Tuesday and Wednesday again. YAY!!!

Yeah man...saw on WeatherChannel midwest to get bombed again through Tuesday!!
sKooks and Billy, today was the least icy ride into work I've had in three weeks. I only drove over five areas of ice. But hey yay for Global Warming!!!! yay!!!!!!

With the outlook rain and snow over the weekend, then snow on Tuesday and Wednesday again. YAY!!!

Yeah man...saw on WeatherChannel midwest to get bombed again through Tuesday!!
this is the most snow days I can remember. I caveat that at what I can remember.
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