More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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But here is how the Obama administration see's the science mattering where energy is concerned............

Hmmm.....but the AGW nutters say "don't confuse the science with politics"!!!

One thing you've got to give the Skook, is he never allows facts to dilute his sit down comedy routine.

There you go again, PMZ, projecting with a whine again. :eusa_boohoo:

Boo freakin' hoo.

Apparently, in your tribe you call reality, projection. And you find for you that reality really sucks.

That's what happens when people ignore reality and don't prepare for the predictable future. It comes anyway and bites them in the ass. And that really sucks.

It sucks to be you.
One thing you've got to give the Skook, is he never allows facts to dilute his sit down comedy routine.

Just like you never let the facts dilute your greed for taxpayer subsidies for unreliable energy.

We could do nothing, as Republicans typically do. Not get prepared for the inevitable. Spend 3X then instead X now and X later. That’s good Republican economics. Kick the can and so forth.

But the simple truth is that Americans aren't as irresponsible as that. Not as able as you to ignore reality. Not as willing as you to dump on the next generation. Not as easily fooled as you.

So, keep whining and Americans will keep ignoring you.

You want to save money & energy, buy all the unreliable green energy you want.

Think of all the money you'll save, the energy you'll save.

Then you can laugh at all the silly Republicans who don't want to fund a green project that will take 50 years or more to break even.
Just like you never let the facts dilute your greed for taxpayer subsidies for unreliable energy.

We could do nothing, as Republicans typically do. Not get prepared for the inevitable. Spend 3X then instead X now and X later. That’s good Republican economics. Kick the can and so forth.

But the simple truth is that Americans aren't as irresponsible as that. Not as able as you to ignore reality. Not as willing as you to dump on the next generation. Not as easily fooled as you.

So, keep whining and Americans will keep ignoring you.

You want to save money & energy, buy all the unreliable green energy you want.

Think of all the money you'll save, the energy you'll save.

Then you can laugh at all the silly Republicans who don't want to fund a green project that will take 50 years or more to break even.

It's clear that you believe yourself to be entitled to irresponsibility.

Don't know who told you that but they lied.
We could do nothing, as Republicans typically do. Not get prepared for the inevitable. Spend 3X then instead X now and X later. That’s good Republican economics. Kick the can and so forth.

But the simple truth is that Americans aren't as irresponsible as that. Not as able as you to ignore reality. Not as willing as you to dump on the next generation. Not as easily fooled as you.

So, keep whining and Americans will keep ignoring you.

You want to save money & energy, buy all the unreliable green energy you want.

Think of all the money you'll save, the energy you'll save.

Then you can laugh at all the silly Republicans who don't want to fund a green project that will take 50 years or more to break even.

It's clear that you believe yourself to be entitled to irresponsibility.

Don't know who told you that but they lied.

I'm entitled to freely decide to not waste my money on green energy, just as you are free to decide you'd like to waste your money on green energy.

I don't know who told you that you can steal my money and waste it and that I should just submit to your theft, but they lied.
You want to save money & energy, buy all the unreliable green energy you want.

Think of all the money you'll save, the energy you'll save.

Then you can laugh at all the silly Republicans who don't want to fund a green project that will take 50 years or more to break even.

It's clear that you believe yourself to be entitled to irresponsibility.

Don't know who told you that but they lied.

I'm entitled to freely decide to not waste my money on green energy, just as you are free to decide you'd like to waste your money on green energy.

I don't know who told you that you can steal my money and waste it and that I should just submit to your theft, but they lied.

You choose to live in America. Nobody is forcing you. If you are desperate to live less responsibly that what's required of Americans, you are free to go find a better deal. You owe it to yourself.
It's clear that you believe yourself to be entitled to irresponsibility.

Don't know who told you that but they lied.

I'm entitled to freely decide to not waste my money on green energy, just as you are free to decide you'd like to waste your money on green energy.

I don't know who told you that you can steal my money and waste it and that I should just submit to your theft, but they lied.

You choose to live in America. Nobody is forcing you. If you are desperate to live less responsibly that what's required of Americans, you are free to go find a better deal. You owe it to yourself.

Resisting theft to fund green idiocy is not living less responsibly.

Be sure to spend all your money on less reliable, green energy.
You'll save millions!
I'm entitled to freely decide to not waste my money on green energy, just as you are free to decide you'd like to waste your money on green energy.

I don't know who told you that you can steal my money and waste it and that I should just submit to your theft, but they lied.

You choose to live in America. Nobody is forcing you. If you are desperate to live less responsibly that what's required of Americans, you are free to go find a better deal. You owe it to yourself.

Resisting theft to fund green idiocy is not living less responsibly.

Be sure to spend all your money on less reliable, green energy.
You'll save millions!

"Resisting theft to fund green idiocy is not living less responsibly."

It absolutely is. Green energy is the only kind that we'll have in the future. So it's either invest in perfecting the development of it now, or wait, and scramble up the learning curve when it will be already too late to get it done.
You choose to live in America. Nobody is forcing you. If you are desperate to live less responsibly that what's required of Americans, you are free to go find a better deal. You owe it to yourself.

Resisting theft to fund green idiocy is not living less responsibly.

Be sure to spend all your money on less reliable, green energy.
You'll save millions!

"Resisting theft to fund green idiocy is not living less responsibly."

It absolutely is. Green energy is the only kind that we'll have in the future. So it's either invest in perfecting the development of it now, or wait, and scramble up the learning curve when it will be already too late to get it done.

If people thought as narrowly, and stupidly, as you....the industrial revolution would never have occurred, man would still be incapable of flight and you still can't wipe your own ass.
You choose to live in America. Nobody is forcing you. If you are desperate to live less responsibly that what's required of Americans, you are free to go find a better deal. You owe it to yourself.

Resisting theft to fund green idiocy is not living less responsibly.

Be sure to spend all your money on less reliable, green energy.
You'll save millions!

"Resisting theft to fund green idiocy is not living less responsibly."

It absolutely is. Green energy is the only kind that we'll have in the future. So it's either invest in perfecting the development of it now, or wait, and scramble up the learning curve when it will be already too late to get it done.

If you want to drastically reduce your standard of living by wasting your money, you go for it.

Leave me out of your economy weakening idiocy.
Climate science has been created by the IPCC. Step by step. Those that are current in it wrote AR5. That's the definitive document for the current state of climate science. It's the foundation for what's to follow.

You keep addressing the politics. Don't confuse them with the science.

Are you just too stupid to be able to understand what is being discussed at Climate Audit? Do you have any knowledge about the data sets or methodologies being used? They talk about the nuts and bolts that build climate science, not the politics except when it affects how CS is being done.

You are foolishly accepting the Cliffs Notes version of climate Science when you could actually be learning what is being done.

Yes, too stupid. Probably can't wipe own butt.

he is too dense to be capable of having a conversation with, anyways. he has a certain amount of talking points and he endlessly repeats them whether or not they are applicable or not. he has no ideas and cannot leave the path without getting lost. I find it a little bit sad but he seems happy enough to live with an empty brain berift of thoughts and ideas.
You choose to live in America. Nobody is forcing you. If you are desperate to live less responsibly that what's required of Americans, you are free to go find a better deal. You owe it to yourself.

Resisting theft to fund green idiocy is not living less responsibly.

Be sure to spend all your money on less reliable, green energy.
You'll save millions!

"Resisting theft to fund green idiocy is not living less responsibly."

It absolutely is. Green energy is the only kind that we'll have in the future. So it's either invest in perfecting the development of it now, or wait, and scramble up the learning curve when it will be already too late to get it done.

More fodder that the modern liberal has no ability to think on the margin.......always has been fascinating to me......

"Invest in developing it now......."


Know what the UN has stated it will cost the world to invest and go green to combat climate change?

76 trillion dollars.:eek::eek::eek::eek:

To the modern liberal, that is as simple as simply making a commitment and going ahead and collectively investing.

People who do think on the margin ask themselves the question, "At what cost?". Why? Because there are real and very serious tradeoffs to making that commitment. To embrace renewables as the energy of choice means MOST of the middle class will disappear, thus, a plurality of the population would need to accept living the rest of their lives in poverty ( the tax rates necessary to raise multi-trillions of dollars ).

Now.....of course, the modern liberal feels strongly that the ends justifies the means so the population must submit to such taxes for the greater good. Hmmmmm

Here is the problem.......society as we know it thus ends. THATS the tradeoff.:2up::2up: Society in America turns into a perpetual Jonestown. :rock::rock:

So.....politically, the chances of that happening are...........what???

Like Ive been saying for two fantasies are gay.:fu:
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Resisting theft to fund green idiocy is not living less responsibly.

Be sure to spend all your money on less reliable, green energy.
You'll save millions!

"Resisting theft to fund green idiocy is not living less responsibly."

It absolutely is. Green energy is the only kind that we'll have in the future. So it's either invest in perfecting the development of it now, or wait, and scramble up the learning curve when it will be already too late to get it done.

More fodder that the modern liberal has no ability to think on the margin.......always has been fascinating to me......

"Invest in developing it now......."


Know what the UN has stated it will cost the world to invest and go green to combat climate change?

76 trillion dollars.:eek::eek::eek::eek:

To the modern liberal, that is as simple as simply making a commitment and going ahead and collectively investing.

People who do think on the margin ask themselves the question, "At what cost?". Why? Because there are real and very serious tradeoffs to making that commitment. To embrace renewables as the energy of choice means MOST of the middle class will disappear, thus, a plurality of the population would need to accept living the rest of their lives in poverty ( the tax rates necessary to raise multi-trillions of dollars ).

Now.....of course, the modern liberal feels strongly that the ends justifies the means so the population must submit to such taxes for the greater good. Hmmmmm

Here is the problem.......society as we know it thus ends. THATS the tradeoff.:2up::2up: Society in America turns into a perpetual Jonestown. :rock::rock:

So.....politically, the chances of that happening are...........what???

Like Ive been saying for two fantasies are gay.:fu:

The Skook's world is quite different from the real one. In his world, solving problems is an option. If you don't want to, you don't have to.

Good thing that he lives there as he also is incapable of solving problems. Just keeps living every day the same, assuming that every tomorrow will also be the same.

Of course real problems live in the real world, so that's the one to be avoided.
To embrace renewables as the energy of choice means MOST of the middle class will disappear, thus, a plurality of the population would need to accept living the rest of their lives in poverty ( the tax rates necessary to raise multi-trillions of dollars ).

What makes you think that the entire cost will be financed by tax increases? That certainly hasn't been the case to date.

How about a link to your reference for this $76 trillion figure so we might see what it actually includes (or if it even exists as you've stated).
To embrace renewables as the energy of choice means MOST of the middle class will disappear, thus, a plurality of the population would need to accept living the rest of their lives in poverty ( the tax rates necessary to raise multi-trillions of dollars ).

What makes you think that the entire cost will be financed by tax increases? That certainly hasn't been the case to date.

How about a link to your reference for this $76 trillion figure so we might see what it actually includes (or if it even exists as you've stated).

LOL.....which is why renewables continue to provide 3% of our energy. Shit cant stand on its own s0n. Why?

Its too God damned expensive.......that's why!

That may be a simple inconvenience to somebody like you, but for the masses......they get it.

Here is the other thing.......

The hugest difference between the conservative mind and the liberal mind is.......the conservative mind realizes that there is not a solution to every problem. The conservative realizes that much of life is about weighing necessary tradeoffs and settling for the best possible outcome. The liberal thinks EVERY problem is fixable and that it is simply the institutions and the thinking that must be fixed = problem solved. Which of course, is faulty thinking and also fringe thinking I might add as it has been proven that there are twice as many people who think in a conservative manner as compared to a liberal manner.

Gallup poll: Conservatives outnumber liberals - Tim Mak -

Which is why the liberal "solutions" to the "perceived" liberal problems will NEVER be embraced by the majority, and in the case of global warming, its 100% clear people have said "FUCK YOU!!" ( google "Cap and Trade" :funnyface::up::funnyface: ).

Nobody wants their electric bills increasing by 100% except the climate k00ks!!!
By the way........for those interested in the difference in the thinking of conservatives vs liberals is perfectly illustrated here by the omnipotent Thomas Sowell, who started in college as a Marxist.......until he realized the litany of public policy fiasco's when "good intentions" sold public policy but the "results" were a fucking every case. ( see Obamacare :eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: )

[ame=]The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube[/ame]
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By the way......before I get back to illustrating the WINNING at every turn, board members will notice that the climate crusading k00ks on here invariably post with opinion laced with rant and ramble. Meanwhile, Ian, Todd, SSDD, Frank, West, Polar Bear, FlaCalTenn, Bripat et. al.........ALL bring links!!! All links.......all the time. Skooks brings links and enormous volumes of gay MSPAINT Photobucket Classics that seal the deal and decimate the BS decades old "greenhouse effect" arguments of the climate nutters.

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By the way........for those interested in the difference in the thinking of conservatives vs liberals is perfectly illustrated here by the omnipotent Thomas Sowell, who started in college as a Marxist.......until he realized the litany of public policy fiasco's when "good intentions" sold public policy but the "results" were a fucking every case. ( see Obamacare :eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: )

The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube

No question that the difference between conservatives and liberals is thinking. Why conservatives choose not to, is beyond me. Why Thomas Sowell chooses not to, is beyond me, other than its how he makes a living.

Being an opinionator in the land of the non thinking is a pretty easy gig though.
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