More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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The Skooker is still rooting hard for AGW. He's like the people who go to car races for the wrecks. He has a massive destruction fetish.
The Skooker is still rooting hard for AGW. He's like the people who go to car races for the wrecks. He has a massive destruction fetish.

You're the one who wants to destroy the economy.

We vote no.

Actually that's totally wrong. I want business to prosper from what the world has to do. I also want to avoid having to spend trillions of dollars on damage from and mitigation of a new climate and higher sea levels and extreme weather. We've all experienced how expensive doing nothing in the face of problems typically is.

We simply can't afford conservatism.
the global warming kooks already won,

Look at all the wind farms, the solar farms, the billions, if not trillions of dollars wasted and it continues.

The kooks won.

Nope. The carbon tax has failed. And, more to the point, "green" programs are being rolled back.

The carbon tax is alive and well here in California, Green programs here are steam rolling forward, all this impacts the cost of water, which impacts the cost of food, which impacts the entire country.

If you look at the price of produce, the price of Romaine lettuce, it is clear that the Global Warming Kooks have won.

Yes, and Cali will fail. Eventually enough people will leave and then the state will collapse as it should. More to the point though Cali will be an excellent example for all the other states of how not to do things. I suggest you leave the state ASAP, so you can move back to the USA.
The Skooker is still rooting hard for AGW. He's like the people who go to car races for the wrecks. He has a massive destruction fetish.

You're the one who wants to destroy the economy.

We vote no.

Actually that's totally wrong. I want business to prosper from what the world has to do. I also want to avoid having to spend trillions of dollars on damage from and mitigation of a new climate and higher sea levels and extreme weather. We've all experienced how expensive doing nothing in the face of problems typically is.

We simply can't afford conservatism.

The cost to do nothing in your worst case scenario = 60 trillion. The cost to lower the temp of the world by one degree in 100 years...maybe = 76 trillion.

Clearly, anyone with a brain, we stipulate you have none, can see that the best option is to do nothing.
Nope. The carbon tax has failed. And, more to the point, "green" programs are being rolled back.

The carbon tax is alive and well here in California, Green programs here are steam rolling forward, all this impacts the cost of water, which impacts the cost of food, which impacts the entire country.

If you look at the price of produce, the price of Romaine lettuce, it is clear that the Global Warming Kooks have won.

Yes, and Cali will fail. Eventually enough people will leave and then the state will collapse as it should. More to the point though Cali will be an excellent example for all the other states of how not to do things. I suggest you leave the state ASAP, so you can move back to the USA.

The conservative closet is jammed full of monsters. Each one scarier than the next. The only thing is, they never leave the closet. But, despite that, they paralyze conservatives into always doing nothing because, while the monsters are scary, the real world is merely baffling.

Why risk stirring up the monsters when it's so easy to remain terminally bewildered by reality?
The Skooker is still rooting hard for AGW. He's like the people who go to car races for the wrecks. He has a massive destruction fetish.

You're the one who wants to destroy the economy.

We vote no.

Actually that's totally wrong. I want business to prosper from what the world has to do. I also want to avoid having to spend trillions of dollars on damage from and mitigation of a new climate and higher sea levels and extreme weather. We've all experienced how expensive doing nothing in the face of problems typically is.

We simply can't afford conservatism.
We've all experienced how expensive doing nothing in the face of problems typically is.

Obama won't negotiate the debt ceiling because he has more people going bankrupt on his donor list, and he feels he has to bail them out and continue to enjoy their good campaign money, I mean good will, the next time he puts the bite on them for more money to keep the Republicans from getting enough power to find out what he did behind closed doors for 8 stinking years, when all he really did was think up ploys to discredit other Americans and divide black people away from being productive members of society by furnishing them the life of Riley.

Obama's "doing nothing" has taken the debt from $6 trillion in 2009 to $17 trillion, which he is now trying to blame on everyone else except himself, and you're buying the farm.

We're not your cattle nor are we going to be your slaves.
Or --- instead of doing nothing.. Building 100 new nuclear generators would probably do more than then our share of the $76Trill...

Our statist buds could also pass a "One Child Law".. That oughta fix our footprints..
You're the one who wants to destroy the economy.

We vote no.

Actually that's totally wrong. I want business to prosper from what the world has to do. I also want to avoid having to spend trillions of dollars on damage from and mitigation of a new climate and higher sea levels and extreme weather. We've all experienced how expensive doing nothing in the face of problems typically is.

We simply can't afford conservatism.
We've all experienced how expensive doing nothing in the face of problems typically is.

Obama won't negotiate the debt ceiling because he has more people going bankrupt on his donor list, and he feels he has to bail them out and continue to enjoy their good campaign money, I mean good will, the next time he puts the bite on them for more money to keep the Republicans from getting enough power to find out what he did behind closed doors for 8 stinking years, when all he really did was think up ploys to discredit other Americans and divide black people away from being productive members of society by furnishing them the life of Riley.

Obama's "doing nothing" has taken the debt from $6 trillion in 2009 to $17 trillion, which he is now trying to blame on everyone else except himself, and you're buying the farm.

We're not your cattle nor are we going to be your slaves.

While he had to fight House Republicans tooth and nail, Obama has finally unwound all the the Bush policies that created virtually 100% of our current debt.

Now, if business got back to the business of business, growing to full employment, we'd be back to Clinton days, except for Bush's debt.
Nope. The carbon tax has failed. And, more to the point, "green" programs are being rolled back.

The carbon tax is alive and well here in California, Green programs here are steam rolling forward, all this impacts the cost of water, which impacts the cost of food, which impacts the entire country.

If you look at the price of produce, the price of Romaine lettuce, it is clear that the Global Warming Kooks have won.

That's California......the Stoopid Capital of the World. Nobody cares about California.

Green energy is and will continue to be a fringe energy source for decades and least that's what Obama's EIA says and every other study looking at future energy trends. Which is exactly why I started this will ALWAYS be the perpetual thread in this forum because I'll continue to update it with all matters related to climate nutter losing.

Like this :lol::lol::lol:>>>>>>>

Nearly 1000 Record Low Temperatures Set As Another Round of Arctic Air Forecast To Deep Freeze The U.S. | Climate Depot

Top story on DRUDGE right now!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:

So, are you a nihilist? Do you bring anything to the table?
The carbon tax is alive and well here in California, Green programs here are steam rolling forward, all this impacts the cost of water, which impacts the cost of food, which impacts the entire country.

If you look at the price of produce, the price of Romaine lettuce, it is clear that the Global Warming Kooks have won.

That's California......the Stoopid Capital of the World. Nobody cares about California.

Green energy is and will continue to be a fringe energy source for decades and least that's what Obama's EIA says and every other study looking at future energy trends. Which is exactly why I started this will ALWAYS be the perpetual thread in this forum because I'll continue to update it with all matters related to climate nutter losing.

Like this :lol::lol::lol:>>>>>>>

Nearly 1000 Record Low Temperatures Set As Another Round of Arctic Air Forecast To Deep Freeze The U.S. | Climate Depot

Top story on DRUDGE right now!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:

So, are you a nihilist? Do you bring anything to the table?

Their contribution is continuous and piteous whining.
The Skooker is still rooting hard for AGW. He's like the people who go to car races for the wrecks. He has a massive destruction fetish.

You're the one who wants to destroy the economy.

We vote no.

Actually that's totally wrong. I want business to prosper from what the world has to do. I also want to avoid having to spend trillions of dollars on damage from and mitigation of a new climate and higher sea levels and extreme weather. We've all experienced how expensive doing nothing in the face of problems typically is.

We simply can't afford conservatism.
A quote from 2008:
OBAMA: "The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents - #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back -- $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That's irresponsible. It's unpatriotic."

The current debt is from 10.6 trillion to 17.2 trillion. That's the better part of $7 trillion Obama has incurred, all by himself and the Pelosi Congress. The American people are not seeing good service from government agencies in return, and Obama's agencies are charged with giving taxpayers worse service than those receiving money for free from other taxpayers who have to work for a living.

By the time he leaves office, people will owe $80,000 apiece on the day of their birth.

That tells you too much is being done in the column of spending.

The interest on $17 trillion is not sustainable. Neither is more spending on the part of Congress.
You're the one who wants to destroy the economy.

We vote no.

Actually that's totally wrong. I want business to prosper from what the world has to do. I also want to avoid having to spend trillions of dollars on damage from and mitigation of a new climate and higher sea levels and extreme weather. We've all experienced how expensive doing nothing in the face of problems typically is.

We simply can't afford conservatism.
A quote from 2008:
OBAMA: "The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents - #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back -- $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That's irresponsible. It's unpatriotic."

The current debt is from 10.6 trillion to 17.2 trillion. That's the better part of $7 trillion Obama has incurred, all by himself and the Pelosi Congress. The American people are not seeing good service from government agencies in return, and Obama's agencies are charged with giving taxpayers worse service than those receiving money for free from other taxpayers who have to work for a living.

By the time he leaves office, people will owe $80,000 apiece on the day of their birth.

That tells you too much is being done in the column of spending.

The interest on $17 trillion is not sustainable. Neither is more spending on the part of Congress.

Debt isn't caused by dates for any President. It's caused by policies, some of which last much longer than an administration.

All of our current debt stems from Bush's holy wars, his tax cuts, the recovery from and cost of his Great Recession, plus a small contribution from Medicare Part D which he neglected to fund.

He could have left behind a debt free America. He chose not to.

Making him, by far, the most expensive mistake America has ever made.
The Skooker is still rooting hard for AGW. He's like the people who go to car races for the wrecks. He has a massive destruction fetish.

You're the one who wants to destroy the economy.

We vote no.

Actually that's totally wrong. I want business to prosper from what the world has to do. I also want to avoid having to spend trillions of dollars on damage from and mitigation of a new climate and higher sea levels and extreme weather. We've all experienced how expensive doing nothing in the face of problems typically is.

We simply can't afford conservatism.

Actually that's totally wrong. I want business to prosper

Forcing them, and us, to pay a lot more for less reliable energy is no way for them to prosper.

We simply can't afford liberal idiocy.
Actually that's totally wrong. I want business to prosper from what the world has to do. I also want to avoid having to spend trillions of dollars on damage from and mitigation of a new climate and higher sea levels and extreme weather. We've all experienced how expensive doing nothing in the face of problems typically is.

We simply can't afford conservatism.
We've all experienced how expensive doing nothing in the face of problems typically is.

Obama won't negotiate the debt ceiling because he has more people going bankrupt on his donor list, and he feels he has to bail them out and continue to enjoy their good campaign money, I mean good will, the next time he puts the bite on them for more money to keep the Republicans from getting enough power to find out what he did behind closed doors for 8 stinking years, when all he really did was think up ploys to discredit other Americans and divide black people away from being productive members of society by furnishing them the life of Riley.

Obama's "doing nothing" has taken the debt from $6 trillion in 2009 to $17 trillion, which he is now trying to blame on everyone else except himself, and you're buying the farm.

We're not your cattle nor are we going to be your slaves.

While he had to fight House Republicans tooth and nail, Obama has finally unwound all the the Bush policies that created virtually 100% of our current debt.

Now, if business got back to the business of business, growing to full employment, we'd be back to Clinton days, except for Bush's debt.

Obama has finally unwound all the the Bush policies that created virtually 100% of our current debt.

Which policies has he unwound? Got a list?
You're the one who wants to destroy the economy.

We vote no.

Actually that's totally wrong. I want business to prosper from what the world has to do. I also want to avoid having to spend trillions of dollars on damage from and mitigation of a new climate and higher sea levels and extreme weather. We've all experienced how expensive doing nothing in the face of problems typically is.

We simply can't afford conservatism.

Actually that's totally wrong. I want business to prosper

Forcing them, and us, to pay a lot more for less reliable energy is no way for them to prosper.

We simply can't afford liberal idiocy.

There is no more reliable energy than wind, solar, and hydro. It's intermittent, but we are a long way from that being limiting.

Sustainable energy in the long run is much, much cheaper than energy from fuels that create waste.

You seem to be of the mind that you say something over and over again, it's odds of becoming true get higher. Not true.
The carbon tax is alive and well here in California, Green programs here are steam rolling forward, all this impacts the cost of water, which impacts the cost of food, which impacts the entire country.

If you look at the price of produce, the price of Romaine lettuce, it is clear that the Global Warming Kooks have won.

That's California......the Stoopid Capital of the World. Nobody cares about California.

Green energy is and will continue to be a fringe energy source for decades and least that's what Obama's EIA says and every other study looking at future energy trends. Which is exactly why I started this will ALWAYS be the perpetual thread in this forum because I'll continue to update it with all matters related to climate nutter losing.

Like this :lol::lol::lol:>>>>>>>

Nearly 1000 Record Low Temperatures Set As Another Round of Arctic Air Forecast To Deep Freeze The U.S. | Climate Depot

Top story on DRUDGE right now!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:

So, are you a nihilist? Do you bring anything to the table?

Most of us KNOW that::

We could eliminate MOST of our CO2 from electrical generation tomorrow. We could tear down the coal plants a lot quicker. We could open the dams and free the salmon. And save BILLIONS on flaky renewable schemes ----- ALL TOMORROW..

You know we could to -- I bet.. Problem is --- the "global warmers" are more scared of nuclear power plants than they are of CO2...
Actually that's totally wrong. I want business to prosper from what the world has to do. I also want to avoid having to spend trillions of dollars on damage from and mitigation of a new climate and higher sea levels and extreme weather. We've all experienced how expensive doing nothing in the face of problems typically is.

We simply can't afford conservatism.

Actually that's totally wrong. I want business to prosper

Forcing them, and us, to pay a lot more for less reliable energy is no way for them to prosper.

We simply can't afford liberal idiocy.

There is no more reliable energy than wind, solar, and hydro. It's intermittent, but we are a long way from that being limiting.

Sustainable energy in the long run is much, much cheaper than energy from fuels that create waste.

You seem to be of the mind that you say something over and over again, it's odds of becoming true get higher. Not true.

There is no more reliable energy than wind, solar, and hydro. It's intermittent, but we are a long way from that being limiting.

Coal, nuclear and natural gas is much more reliable than wind and solar.

Sustainable energy in the long run is much, much cheaper than energy from fuels that create waste.

Do you have any proof for this claim?

You seem to be of the mind that you say something over and over again, it's odds of becoming true get higher.

There you go, projecting again. If only we could get power from that........:lol:
Even with PMZ on ignore.. Sometimes the stink gets so bad in here, you got to go for the can of Glade.

The TROLL sez....

There is no more reliable energy than wind, solar, and hydro. It's intermittent, but we are a long way from that being limiting.

This is a production chart from one of the Worlds best sited Wind farms..


Intermittent?? NO PERPETUALLY FUCKING USELESS............

Obama won't negotiate the debt ceiling because he has more people going bankrupt on his donor list, and he feels he has to bail them out and continue to enjoy their good campaign money, I mean good will, the next time he puts the bite on them for more money to keep the Republicans from getting enough power to find out what he did behind closed doors for 8 stinking years, when all he really did was think up ploys to discredit other Americans and divide black people away from being productive members of society by furnishing them the life of Riley.

Obama's "doing nothing" has taken the debt from $6 trillion in 2009 to $17 trillion, which he is now trying to blame on everyone else except himself, and you're buying the farm.

We're not your cattle nor are we going to be your slaves.

While he had to fight House Republicans tooth and nail, Obama has finally unwound all the the Bush policies that created virtually 100% of our current debt.

Now, if business got back to the business of business, growing to full employment, we'd be back to Clinton days, except for Bush's debt.

Obama has finally unwound all the the Bush policies that created virtually 100% of our current debt.

Which policies has he unwound? Got a list?

Virtually ended the Holy wars

Ended the tax cuts

Ended and recovered from the Great Recession.
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