More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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More epic fAiL losing for renewable energy!!!!!

Wind Power gets kicked in the balls........pleads guilty for killing lots and lots of birds.......forks over 1 million.

Robert Bryce: Wind Power Is Brought to Justice -

All win.....all the time

This is epic Skooks... Some of the money goes to the Nature Conservancy to buy some Old Age Eagle Rest Home areas...

Here's the funny deal you missed in this one ------

Duke is working to install radar technology, similar to that used by the military to monitor incoming missiles, that will detect eagles near the sites, according to the statement. The company also is employing field biologists who watch for the birds and temporarily shut down the turbines if necessary.

Compliance plan will cost Duke about $600,000 a year, according to court documents.

Energy company to pay $1 million in wind turbine eagle deaths -

Holy Feathers Tonto --- a ballastic bird warning system.. Radar and lookouts.. This is getting real interesting...

"Tweety to TailFeather,, ===== ahhhhhh, we've got a birdie incoming at 2 o'clock.. PZZZT. PZZZT.. Repeat --- Birdie at 2 o'clock inbound about 2 miles.. Initiate plan Tango.. PZZZZT.. Confirm Plan Tango.. OVER !!"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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While he had to fight House Republicans tooth and nail, Obama has finally unwound all the the Bush policies that created virtually 100% of our current debt.

Now, if business got back to the business of business, growing to full employment, we'd be back to Clinton days, except for Bush's debt.

Obama has finally unwound all the the Bush policies that created virtually 100% of our current debt.

Which policies has he unwound? Got a list?

Virtually ended the Holy wars

Ended the tax cuts

Ended and recovered from the Great Recession.

Virtually ended the Holy wars

Virtually? What does that mean?

Ended the tax cuts

Not even close.

Ended and recovered from the Great Recession

Bush's policy wasn't recession.
More epic fAiL losing for renewable energy!!!!!

Wind Power gets kicked in the balls........pleads guilty for killing lots and lots of birds.......forks over 1 million.

Robert Bryce: Wind Power Is Brought to Justice -

All win.....all the time

This is epic Skooks... Some of the money goes to the Nature Conservancy to buy some Old Age Eagle Rest Home areas...

Here's the funny deal you missed in this one ------

Duke is working to install radar technology, similar to that used by the military to monitor incoming missiles, that will detect eagles near the sites, according to the statement. The company also is employing field biologists who watch for the birds and temporarily shut down the turbines if necessary.

Compliance plan will cost Duke about $600,000 a year, according to court documents.

Energy company to pay $1 million in wind turbine eagle deaths -

Holy Feathers Tonto --- a ballastic bird warning system.. Radar and lookouts.. This is getting real interesting...

"Tweety to TailFeather,, ===== ahhhhhh, we've got a birdie incoming at 2 o'clock.. PZZZT. PZZZT.. Repeat --- Birdie at 2 o'clock inbound about 2 miles.. Initiate plan Tango.. PZZZZT.. Confirm Plan Tango.. OVER !!"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

There is no more reliable energy than wind, solar, and hydro.

Unless a bird flies overheard..........
Obama has finally unwound all the the Bush policies that created virtually 100% of our current debt.

Which policies has he unwound? Got a list?

Virtually ended the Holy wars

Ended the tax cuts

Ended and recovered from the Great Recession.

Virtually ended the Holy wars

Virtually? What does that mean?

Ended the tax cuts

Not even close.

Ended and recovered from the Great Recession

Bush's policy wasn't recession.

There is still mop up going on in Afghanistan.

The Bush 10 year tax cut legislation was ENDED over Republican objections after almost 12 years. The biggest of all of the causes of our $17T debt.

Bush's policies caused the great recession. His fueling the housing boom with give away Fed Res interest rates and cheering on mortgage backed derivatives.

His biggest mistake? He actually believed in the big myth. Reagonomics. Something for nothing. He thought that he could fund his wars with tax cuts.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Virtually ended the Holy wars

Ended the tax cuts

Ended and recovered from the Great Recession.

Virtually ended the Holy wars

Virtually? What does that mean?

Ended the tax cuts

Not even close.

Ended and recovered from the Great Recession

Bush's policy wasn't recession.

There is still mop up going on in Afghanistan.

The Bush 10 year tax cut legislation was ENDED over Republican objections after almost 12 years. The biggest of all of the causes of our $17T debt.

Bush's policies caused the great recession. His fueling the housing boom with give away Fed Res interest rates and cheering on mortgage backed derivatives.

His biggest mistake? He actually believed in the big myth. Reagonomics. Something for nothing. He thought that he could fund his wars with tax cuts.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

The Bush 10 year tax cut legislation was ENDED over Republican objections after almost 12 years.

How many people, today, have lower tax rates than they did before Bush took office?

Bush's policies caused the great recession.

Really? What would Obama have done differently, to prevent the recession?

His fueling the housing boom with give away Fed Res interest rates

The Chairman of the Fed was in that office years before Bush was elected.

and cheering on mortgage backed derivatives.

Which mortgage backed derivatives are you confused about here?
Virtually ended the Holy wars

Virtually? What does that mean?

Ended the tax cuts

Not even close.

Ended and recovered from the Great Recession

Bush's policy wasn't recession.

There is still mop up going on in Afghanistan.

The Bush 10 year tax cut legislation was ENDED over Republican objections after almost 12 years. The biggest of all of the causes of our $17T debt.

Bush's policies caused the great recession. His fueling the housing boom with give away Fed Res interest rates and cheering on mortgage backed derivatives.

His biggest mistake? He actually believed in the big myth. Reagonomics. Something for nothing. He thought that he could fund his wars with tax cuts.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

The Bush 10 year tax cut legislation was ENDED over Republican objections after almost 12 years.

How many people, today, have lower tax rates than they did before Bush took office?

Bush's policies caused the great recession.

Really? What would Obama have done differently, to prevent the recession?

His fueling the housing boom with give away Fed Res interest rates

The Chairman of the Fed was in that office years before Bush was elected.

and cheering on mortgage backed derivatives.

Which mortgage backed derivatives are you confused about here?

"How many people, today, have lower tax rates than they did before Bush took office?"

None. Tax cuts cause debt and, thanks to Bush, we have quite enough, thank you very much.

"What would Obama have done differently, to prevent the recession?"

Followed Clinton's policies of peace and adequate tax rates and Wall Street oversight and middle of the road monetary policy.
There is still mop up going on in Afghanistan.

The Bush 10 year tax cut legislation was ENDED over Republican objections after almost 12 years. The biggest of all of the causes of our $17T debt.

Bush's policies caused the great recession. His fueling the housing boom with give away Fed Res interest rates and cheering on mortgage backed derivatives.

His biggest mistake? He actually believed in the big myth. Reagonomics. Something for nothing. He thought that he could fund his wars with tax cuts.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

The Bush 10 year tax cut legislation was ENDED over Republican objections after almost 12 years.

How many people, today, have lower tax rates than they did before Bush took office?

Bush's policies caused the great recession.

Really? What would Obama have done differently, to prevent the recession?

His fueling the housing boom with give away Fed Res interest rates

The Chairman of the Fed was in that office years before Bush was elected.

and cheering on mortgage backed derivatives.

Which mortgage backed derivatives are you confused about here?

"How many people, today, have lower tax rates than they did before Bush took office?"

None. Tax cuts cause debt and, thanks to Bush, we have quite enough, thank you very much.

"What would Obama have done differently, to prevent the recession?"

Followed Clinton's policies of peace and adequate tax rates and Wall Street oversight and middle of the road monetary policy.

"How many people, today, have lower tax rates than they did before Bush took office?"


You are mistaken. Every single America who pays income taxes has a lower rate today than on the day Bush was elected.

Tax cuts cause debt

Tax cuts reduced my debt. You must be confused.

"What would Obama have done differently, to prevent the recession?"

Followed Clinton's policies of peace and adequate tax rates and Wall Street oversight and middle of the road monetary policy.

Clinton's policies of peace? Could you be more specific?
Was it his policy of letting Bin Laden escape?
Letting him bomb the embassies in Africa and the USS Cole?

Are you claiming higher tax rates would have prevented the recession?
I'd like to see your train of logic on that one.

Which oversight policies? The ones that let Enron occur?
The ones that let Bernie Madoff prosper?
Could you be a little more specific?

The middle of the road policy of Alan Greenspan?
How was that different for Clinton than for Bush?
Be specific.
The Bush 10 year tax cut legislation was ENDED over Republican objections after almost 12 years.

How many people, today, have lower tax rates than they did before Bush took office?

Bush's policies caused the great recession.

Really? What would Obama have done differently, to prevent the recession?

His fueling the housing boom with give away Fed Res interest rates

The Chairman of the Fed was in that office years before Bush was elected.

and cheering on mortgage backed derivatives.

Which mortgage backed derivatives are you confused about here?

"How many people, today, have lower tax rates than they did before Bush took office?"

None. Tax cuts cause debt and, thanks to Bush, we have quite enough, thank you very much.

"What would Obama have done differently, to prevent the recession?"

Followed Clinton's policies of peace and adequate tax rates and Wall Street oversight and middle of the road monetary policy.

"How many people, today, have lower tax rates than they did before Bush took office?"


You are mistaken. Every single America who pays income taxes has a lower rate today than on the day Bush was elected.

Tax cuts cause debt

Tax cuts reduced my debt. You must be confused.

"What would Obama have done differently, to prevent the recession?"

Followed Clinton's policies of peace and adequate tax rates and Wall Street oversight and middle of the road monetary policy.

Clinton's policies of peace? Could you be more specific?
Was it his policy of letting Bin Laden escape?
Letting him bomb the embassies in Africa and the USS Cole?

Are you claiming higher tax rates would have prevented the recession?
I'd like to see your train of logic on that one.

Which oversight policies? The ones that let Enron occur?
The ones that let Bernie Madoff prosper?
Could you be a little more specific?

The middle of the road policy of Alan Greenspan?
How was that different for Clinton than for Bush?
Be specific.

You've really become desperate.

Why would anyone defend who most people consider the worst President in American history?

Without doubt, the most costly.

You must be really into war and debt.
"How many people, today, have lower tax rates than they did before Bush took office?"

None. Tax cuts cause debt and, thanks to Bush, we have quite enough, thank you very much.

"What would Obama have done differently, to prevent the recession?"

Followed Clinton's policies of peace and adequate tax rates and Wall Street oversight and middle of the road monetary policy.

"How many people, today, have lower tax rates than they did before Bush took office?"


You are mistaken. Every single America who pays income taxes has a lower rate today than on the day Bush was elected.

Tax cuts cause debt

Tax cuts reduced my debt. You must be confused.

"What would Obama have done differently, to prevent the recession?"

Followed Clinton's policies of peace and adequate tax rates and Wall Street oversight and middle of the road monetary policy.

Clinton's policies of peace? Could you be more specific?
Was it his policy of letting Bin Laden escape?
Letting him bomb the embassies in Africa and the USS Cole?

Are you claiming higher tax rates would have prevented the recession?
I'd like to see your train of logic on that one.

Which oversight policies? The ones that let Enron occur?
The ones that let Bernie Madoff prosper?
Could you be a little more specific?

The middle of the road policy of Alan Greenspan?
How was that different for Clinton than for Bush?
Be specific.

You've really become desperate.

Why would anyone defend who most people consider the worst President in American history?

Without doubt, the most costly.

You must be really into war and debt.

You've really become desperate.

How are those Obama approval ratings lately?

Why would anyone defend who most people consider the worst President in American history?

Show me one instance where I defended Obama.

Without doubt, the most costly.

It's true, Obama borrowed more in 5 years than Bush did in 8.
"How many people, today, have lower tax rates than they did before Bush took office?"


You are mistaken. Every single America who pays income taxes has a lower rate today than on the day Bush was elected.

Tax cuts cause debt

Tax cuts reduced my debt. You must be confused.

"What would Obama have done differently, to prevent the recession?"

Followed Clinton's policies of peace and adequate tax rates and Wall Street oversight and middle of the road monetary policy.

Clinton's policies of peace? Could you be more specific?
Was it his policy of letting Bin Laden escape?
Letting him bomb the embassies in Africa and the USS Cole?

Are you claiming higher tax rates would have prevented the recession?
I'd like to see your train of logic on that one.

Which oversight policies? The ones that let Enron occur?
The ones that let Bernie Madoff prosper?
Could you be a little more specific?

The middle of the road policy of Alan Greenspan?
How was that different for Clinton than for Bush?
Be specific.

You've really become desperate.

Why would anyone defend who most people consider the worst President in American history?

Without doubt, the most costly.

You must be really into war and debt.

You've really become desperate.

How are those Obama approval ratings lately?

Why would anyone defend who most people consider the worst President in American history?

Show me one instance where I defended Obama.

Without doubt, the most costly.

It's true, Obama borrowed more in 5 years than Bush did in 8.

Clearly, you are unable to learn. So you're stuck where you are reciting Republican propaganda blindly but loyally. I suppose if you have nothing else, loyalty, even to a lost cause, is something.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
You've really become desperate.

Why would anyone defend who most people consider the worst President in American history?

Without doubt, the most costly.

You must be really into war and debt.

You've really become desperate.

How are those Obama approval ratings lately?

Why would anyone defend who most people consider the worst President in American history?

Show me one instance where I defended Obama.

Without doubt, the most costly.

It's true, Obama borrowed more in 5 years than Bush did in 8.

Clearly, you are unable to learn. So you're stuck where you are reciting Republican propaganda blindly but loyally. I suppose if you have nothing else, loyalty, even to a lost cause, is something.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Clearly, you are unable to learn.

Says the guy who thinks Obama reversed the Bush tax cuts. :cuckoo:

I suppose if you have nothing else, loyalty, even to a lost cause, is something.

True, but enough about you.
You've really become desperate.

How are those Obama approval ratings lately?

Why would anyone defend who most people consider the worst President in American history?

Show me one instance where I defended Obama.

Without doubt, the most costly.

It's true, Obama borrowed more in 5 years than Bush did in 8.

Clearly, you are unable to learn. So you're stuck where you are reciting Republican propaganda blindly but loyally. I suppose if you have nothing else, loyalty, even to a lost cause, is something.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Clearly, you are unable to learn.

Says the guy who thinks Obama reversed the Bush tax cuts. :cuckoo:

I suppose if you have nothing else, loyalty, even to a lost cause, is something.

True, but enough about you.

From Wikipedia.

"The phrase Bush tax cuts refers to changes to the United States tax code passed originally during the presidency of George W. Bush and extended during the presidency of Barack Obama, through:"

"Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA)"

"Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 (JGTRRA)"

"Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010
American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (partial extension)"

"While each act has its own legislative history and effect on the tax code, the JGTRRA amplified and accelerated aspects of the EGTRRA. Since 2003, the two acts have often been spoken of together, especially in terms of analyzing their effect on the U.S. economy and population and in discussing their political ramifications. Both laws were passed using controversial Congressional reconciliation procedures.[1]"

"The Bush tax cuts had sunset provisions that made them expire at the end of 2010, since otherwise they would fall under the Byrd Rule. Whether to renew the lowered rates, and how, became the subject of extended political debate, which was resolved during the presidency of Barack Obama by a two-year extension that was part of a larger tax and economic package, the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010. In 2012, during the fiscal cliff, the tax cuts were made permanent for single people making less than $400,000 per year and couples making less than $450,000 per year, and eliminated for everyone else, under the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012."

"Before the tax cuts, the highest marginal income tax rate was 39.6 percent. After the cuts, the highest rate was 35 percent. Once the cuts were eliminated for high income levels (single people making $400,000+ per year and couples making $450,000+ per year), the top income tax rate returned to 39.6 percent."
Clearly, you are unable to learn. So you're stuck where you are reciting Republican propaganda blindly but loyally. I suppose if you have nothing else, loyalty, even to a lost cause, is something.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Clearly, you are unable to learn.

Says the guy who thinks Obama reversed the Bush tax cuts. :cuckoo:

I suppose if you have nothing else, loyalty, even to a lost cause, is something.

True, but enough about you.

From Wikipedia.

"The phrase Bush tax cuts refers to changes to the United States tax code passed originally during the presidency of George W. Bush and extended during the presidency of Barack Obama, through:"

"Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA)"

"Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 (JGTRRA)"

"Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010
American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (partial extension)"

"While each act has its own legislative history and effect on the tax code, the JGTRRA amplified and accelerated aspects of the EGTRRA. Since 2003, the two acts have often been spoken of together, especially in terms of analyzing their effect on the U.S. economy and population and in discussing their political ramifications. Both laws were passed using controversial Congressional reconciliation procedures.[1]"

"The Bush tax cuts had sunset provisions that made them expire at the end of 2010, since otherwise they would fall under the Byrd Rule. Whether to renew the lowered rates, and how, became the subject of extended political debate, which was resolved during the presidency of Barack Obama by a two-year extension that was part of a larger tax and economic package, the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010. In 2012, during the fiscal cliff, the tax cuts were made permanent for single people making less than $400,000 per year and couples making less than $450,000 per year, and eliminated for everyone else, under the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012."

"Before the tax cuts, the highest marginal income tax rate was 39.6 percent. After the cuts, the highest rate was 35 percent. Once the cuts were eliminated for high income levels (single people making $400,000+ per year and couples making $450,000+ per year), the top income tax rate returned to 39.6 percent."

"Before the tax cuts, the highest marginal income tax rate was 39.6 percent. After the cuts, the highest rate was 35 percent. Once the cuts were eliminated for high income levels (single people making $400,000+ per year and couples making $450,000+ per year), the top income tax rate returned to 39.6 percent."

Yup, and every dollar earned below $400,000 is at a lower rate.
Every qualified dividend is at a lower rate.
Interest income is at a lower rate.
Clearly, you are unable to learn.

Says the guy who thinks Obama reversed the Bush tax cuts. :cuckoo:

I suppose if you have nothing else, loyalty, even to a lost cause, is something.

True, but enough about you.

From Wikipedia.

"The phrase Bush tax cuts refers to changes to the United States tax code passed originally during the presidency of George W. Bush and extended during the presidency of Barack Obama, through:"

"Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA)"

"Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 (JGTRRA)"

"Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010
American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (partial extension)"

"While each act has its own legislative history and effect on the tax code, the JGTRRA amplified and accelerated aspects of the EGTRRA. Since 2003, the two acts have often been spoken of together, especially in terms of analyzing their effect on the U.S. economy and population and in discussing their political ramifications. Both laws were passed using controversial Congressional reconciliation procedures.[1]"

"The Bush tax cuts had sunset provisions that made them expire at the end of 2010, since otherwise they would fall under the Byrd Rule. Whether to renew the lowered rates, and how, became the subject of extended political debate, which was resolved during the presidency of Barack Obama by a two-year extension that was part of a larger tax and economic package, the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010. In 2012, during the fiscal cliff, the tax cuts were made permanent for single people making less than $400,000 per year and couples making less than $450,000 per year, and eliminated for everyone else, under the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012."

"Before the tax cuts, the highest marginal income tax rate was 39.6 percent. After the cuts, the highest rate was 35 percent. Once the cuts were eliminated for high income levels (single people making $400,000+ per year and couples making $450,000+ per year), the top income tax rate returned to 39.6 percent."

"Before the tax cuts, the highest marginal income tax rate was 39.6 percent. After the cuts, the highest rate was 35 percent. Once the cuts were eliminated for high income levels (single people making $400,000+ per year and couples making $450,000+ per year), the top income tax rate returned to 39.6 percent."

Yup, and every dollar earned below $400,000 is at a lower rate.
Every qualified dividend is at a lower rate.
Interest income is at a lower rate.

However capital gains are at a lower tax rate too. Tax income from wealth less than income from work. The Republican mantra. Or, is it a fund raising slogan.

When you are not at war, tax cuts sometimes are affordable. When you're in a great recession, tax cuts are necessary.

It takes a great deal more thought than Reagonomics.
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From Wikipedia.

"The phrase Bush tax cuts refers to changes to the United States tax code passed originally during the presidency of George W. Bush and extended during the presidency of Barack Obama, through:"

"Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA)"

"Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 (JGTRRA)"

"Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010
American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (partial extension)"

"While each act has its own legislative history and effect on the tax code, the JGTRRA amplified and accelerated aspects of the EGTRRA. Since 2003, the two acts have often been spoken of together, especially in terms of analyzing their effect on the U.S. economy and population and in discussing their political ramifications. Both laws were passed using controversial Congressional reconciliation procedures.[1]"

"The Bush tax cuts had sunset provisions that made them expire at the end of 2010, since otherwise they would fall under the Byrd Rule. Whether to renew the lowered rates, and how, became the subject of extended political debate, which was resolved during the presidency of Barack Obama by a two-year extension that was part of a larger tax and economic package, the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010. In 2012, during the fiscal cliff, the tax cuts were made permanent for single people making less than $400,000 per year and couples making less than $450,000 per year, and eliminated for everyone else, under the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012."

"Before the tax cuts, the highest marginal income tax rate was 39.6 percent. After the cuts, the highest rate was 35 percent. Once the cuts were eliminated for high income levels (single people making $400,000+ per year and couples making $450,000+ per year), the top income tax rate returned to 39.6 percent."

"Before the tax cuts, the highest marginal income tax rate was 39.6 percent. After the cuts, the highest rate was 35 percent. Once the cuts were eliminated for high income levels (single people making $400,000+ per year and couples making $450,000+ per year), the top income tax rate returned to 39.6 percent."

Yup, and every dollar earned below $400,000 is at a lower rate.
Every qualified dividend is at a lower rate.
Interest income is at a lower rate.

However capital gains are at a lower tax rate too. Tax income from wealth less than income from work. The Republican mantra. Or, is it a fund raising slogan.

When you are not at war, tax cuts sometimes are affordable. When you're in a great recession, tax cuts are necessary.

It takes a great deal more thought than Reagonomics.

How many people, today, have lower tax rates than they did before Bush took office?


Back to the losing..........

As has been amply illustrated in page after page on this thread, the whole green energy experiment in the EU is now going in the shitter!!! And Im laughing.........

The technical challenges aren’t new, but the market conditions, which RWE described a “prohibitive,” seem to be. That’s because British politicians are running—not walking—back from green energy commitments in the wake of spiraling gas and electricity bills. Suddenly, the $6.5 billion project doesn’t seem like a smart bet, now that strong government support isn’t a given.

Like I always say........"costs" are not at all important to the climate crusaders. A total afterthought!!!:lol:

But it sure is important to the rest of us!!!!!
Back to the losing..........

As has been amply illustrated in page after page on this thread, the whole green energy experiment in the EU is now going in the shitter!!! And Im laughing.........

The technical challenges aren’t new, but the market conditions, which RWE described a “prohibitive,” seem to be. That’s because British politicians are running—not walking—back from green energy commitments in the wake of spiraling gas and electricity bills. Suddenly, the $6.5 billion project doesn’t seem like a smart bet, now that strong government support isn’t a given.

Like I always say........"costs" are not at all important to the climate crusaders. A total afterthought!!!:lol:

But it sure is important to the rest of us!!!!!

Of course you're wrong. Minimizing total long term costs are the only thing. Conservatives only care about today.
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