More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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LOL.....more k00k losing!!!

Minus 40 degree's in the mid-west tonight!!!

Dangerous Travel Along I-94 as Snowstorm Lashes Upper Midwest

Hmmm.....wonder if those folks will be sitting around the fire tonight planning on building their emergency ark in preparation for global warming doom?:rofl::rofl::up: And imagine one of the global warming nutters sitting at the fire raising the topic of global warming with these folks!!!!

Id pay to see it but it would be something like this........ " You fucking !!!"
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5 states about to go the way of North Dakota and BOOOOM with oil!!!

The Next North Dakota: 5 States About to Go Oil Boom | The Fiscal Times

Who is not winning?:fu:

Why do you suppose that big oil is willing to buy your scalp? There's still profit in the dregs of oil that are left. They own your mind and are going to squeeze it until they they get those last bucks.

There's still profit in the dregs of oil that are left.

Like the dregs in America?

America, the largest oil producer in the world.
Coal is expanding as well, Coal will be here tomorrow as well, and Solar Energy will always need Coal and Natural Gas to operate, without Fossil Fuels Solar Power panels can not be serviced nor produced.

Actually, Solar Panels increases demand for Fossil Fuels so if Solar is to expand, we must produce more Fossil Fuels.
Coal is expanding as well, Coal will be here tomorrow as well, and Solar Energy will always need Coal and Natural Gas to operate, without Fossil Fuels Solar Power panels can not be serviced nor produced.

Actually, Solar Panels increases demand for Fossil Fuels so if Solar is to expand, we must produce more Fossil Fuels.

If you want to buy into the meme that alternative energy sources always need back up, you could say that solar can't completely eliminate fossil fuel, but it certainly won't cause an increase in demand or usage.
It's certainly odd to believe that growing demand for fossil fuels, which has been predicted for decades to feed China and India and other developing countries, is good news. All that means is that we'll run out sooner, AGW extreme weather and rising sea levels will happen quicker, and supply and demand will drive prices up at a greater rate.
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and natural gas within this order will find themselves not able to expand over the next 70 years. Solar will be waiting ;)

Indeed s0n........:up:

But philosophy on a science forum is gay.

Evidently, the Obama EIA verifies that philosophy is gay >>>

EIA Report Estimates Growth of U.S. Energy Economy Through 2040 | Department of Energy

also links > philosophy

10 predictions for the world's energy future » News » OPB

Perhaps you're anxious for demand to finish up the remaining dregs of fossil fuels, so those that are desperate to squeeze out the last buck of profit will release you to think for yourself again.
It's certainly odd to believe that growing demand for fossil fuels, which has been predicted for decades to feed China and India and other developing countries, is good news. All that means is that we'll run out sooner, AGW extreme weather and rising sea levels will happen quicker, and supply and demand will drive prices up at a greater rate.

It's certainly odd to believe that growing demand for fossil fuels, which has been predicted for decades to feed China and India and other developing countries, is good news.

Rising standards of living are good news.

You're free to try to heat a house here in Chicago this winter with wind and solar.
Let me know how that works out for you.
and natural gas within this order will find themselves not able to expand over the next 70 years. Solar will be waiting ;)

Indeed s0n........:up:

But philosophy on a science forum is gay.

Evidently, the Obama EIA verifies that philosophy is gay >>>

EIA Report Estimates Growth of U.S. Energy Economy Through 2040 | Department of Energy

also links > philosophy

10 predictions for the world's energy future » News » OPB

Perhaps you're anxious for demand to finish up the remaining dregs of fossil fuels, so those that are desperate to squeeze out the last buck of profit will release you to think for yourself again.

That's one important difference between "green energy" and reliable fossil fuels, profit.

If green energy was as great as you claim, you'd be able to make a profit on it.
It's not, you can't.
It's certainly odd to believe that growing demand for fossil fuels, which has been predicted for decades to feed China and India and other developing countries, is good news. All that means is that we'll run out sooner, AGW extreme weather and rising sea levels will happen quicker, and supply and demand will drive prices up at a greater rate.

It's certainly odd to believe that growing demand for fossil fuels, which has been predicted for decades to feed China and India and other developing countries, is good news.

Rising standards of living are good news.

You're free to try to heat a house here in Chicago this winter with wind and solar.
Let me know how that works out for you.

I do here in New York.
Indeed s0n........:up:

But philosophy on a science forum is gay.

Evidently, the Obama EIA verifies that philosophy is gay >>>

EIA Report Estimates Growth of U.S. Energy Economy Through 2040 | Department of Energy

also links > philosophy

10 predictions for the world's energy future » News » OPB

Perhaps you're anxious for demand to finish up the remaining dregs of fossil fuels, so those that are desperate to squeeze out the last buck of profit will release you to think for yourself again.

That's one important difference between "green energy" and reliable fossil fuels, profit.

If green energy was as great as you claim, you'd be able to make a profit on it.
It's not, you can't.

If you were a business person you'd be more attuned to the inevitability of tomorrow coming, and the need to plan and be ready for it.
Indeed s0n........:up:

But philosophy on a science forum is gay.

Evidently, the Obama EIA verifies that philosophy is gay >>>

EIA Report Estimates Growth of U.S. Energy Economy Through 2040 | Department of Energy

also links > philosophy

10 predictions for the world's energy future » News » OPB

Perhaps you're anxious for demand to finish up the remaining dregs of fossil fuels, so those that are desperate to squeeze out the last buck of profit will release you to think for yourself again.

That's one important difference between "green energy" and reliable fossil fuels, profit.

If green energy was as great as you claim, you'd be able to make a profit on it.
It's not, you can't.

Some people like "PMZ" just can`t get a grip on reality.
The reality is that oil and gas amounts to ~ 10% of the total US GDP and the US Gov revenue share is ~ 15 % of the GDP.
Imagine the impact if 2/3 rd`s of that revenue is choked off for no good reason other than what a few lunatics who count tree rings have given.

Oil & gas moves money, money has to stay in motion and when the money flow stops, so does everything else.

That`s the system and those who don`t like it are free to opt out and live like a hermit picking roots and berries at any time.
Perhaps you're anxious for demand to finish up the remaining dregs of fossil fuels, so those that are desperate to squeeze out the last buck of profit will release you to think for yourself again.

That's one important difference between "green energy" and reliable fossil fuels, profit.

If green energy was as great as you claim, you'd be able to make a profit on it.
It's not, you can't.

Some people like "PMZ" just can`t get a grip on reality.
The reality is that oil and gas amounts to ~ 10% of the total US GDP and the US Gov revenue share is ~ 15 % of the GDP.
Imagine the impact if 2/3 rd`s of that revenue is choked off for no good reason other than what a few lunatics who count tree rings have given.

Oil & gas moves money, money has to stay in motion and when the money flow stops, so does everything else.

That`s the system and those who don`t like it are free to opt out and live like a hermit picking roots and berries at any time.

Does this mean that all life will end when fossil fuels are gone?
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