More reading materials of who's who


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
ALEC Exposed

Corporations do have people working for in and for them but a corporation is not a person and it does not have a living soul. Generally the only reason for a corporation is to make money above any other consideration. Some corporations do have good people working in them and for them but the bottom line is still profit driven and generally short sighted.

i.e. "We have to spend billions of tax dollars to get rid of lead paint cause all them little kids are eating it off of the base boards and door jams."

I have seen a lot of old houses in my day and I have never seen childrens teeth marks on baseboards or door jams or siding. Nor have I ever seen a child chewing on lead paint. But it sure was a good deal for the latex industry and the faux wood sidings, such as PVC and composite siding industries. There are a whole lot of people allergic to Latex paints and also the molds that grow on it, PVC heated even by the Sun puts off toxic gas and the coposites deteriorate rapidly and grow funguses and mold but hey that is okay because "WE have an in on getting in on some medical and pharmicutical company shares in order to take care of you".

i.e. "Oh' let's get behind some insurance companies and we can build that industry too".

Upcoming tragedies for many and some great windfalls at the expense of others for a few.

That's commerce folks. Dream up a need and shove it down everyone's throat whether they like it or not.

Does anyone have any idea's on what the new additives are that are going to be blended into the taxpayer supported Ethanol products? How about that news last year about concrete being detrimental to your health?

"We would not want building to last too long people won't spend money for remediations. Let's tell them its unhealthy for them that will do it."

Or how about this one. "Let's invest in soap. We can outlaw all the outdated soaps and sell ours instead." The pharm industry, "Oh yeah good idea! I can sell more inhalers for all those people that will have asthma when you do that. Oh' we can help that along and put some Benzalkonium in some of those which will increase the need too."

The giants who hold their hands with cash and perks over the peoples representatives say to you, "Sorry folks the economy is not coming back and you are mandated to pay for insurance for everyone that we have and are posioning. And don't forget we have your best interest in our minds and plans for your future. (snicker; we have the judges too)"

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