More refuse to stand for the Anthem. Good News...this time its no white people so you can be angry

I am sick of blacks and liberals pretending they are the only ones that want change, and only their change is virtuous.

I hate what they have done, the difference is I am grown enough to stand for the anthem
To all of you who are suggesting objectors go live somewhere else, it has never been
America: Love it or Leave it

It has always been
America: Love it or Change it.

You are all at it all the time. Everyone has that right without being told to leave.
Lol.."Love It, Change It". If you want to change it, you obviously don't love it as much as you pretend to.

If you don't want it to change, then you're a blind sheep who follows in lockstep the tenets of patriotism and nationalism regardless of the facts. I'm really glad people like Frederick Douglass and Lincoln didn't follow your philosophy.

Lincoln didn't stand for the anthem?

Apparently you're not following the discussion thread.

Sorry, others do....So who's right?

You don't even grasp the question.

Your Massahs at the Soros hate sites are playing your racist ass to create anger and division.

You're just too stupid to grasp it.

CC just pawn of leftists much smarter than him..

View attachment 88849

I am sick of blacks and liberals pretending they are the only ones that want change, and only their change is virtuous.

I hate what they have done, the difference is I am grown enough to stand for the anthem
Where's the difference you speak of? You disapprove of blacks & liberals and you stand for the anthem. I see no contradiction anywhere in your position. You are a sheeple through and through.
Lets get over the fact that the Anthem sings about how awesome it is to kill slaves when they have the nerve to want to be free. Everyone should stand to support that :afro:

What part of the song is that exactly? I thought it was about an attack on a US fort by the British

Their blood has wash'd out their foul footstep's pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave"

You DO understand that the British used "hirelings" (mercenaries) and slaves to fight against the US in the War of 1812, right? - your supposition that these were supposedly slaves fighting for their freedom is historically inaccurate. In fact, these "hirelings and slaves" were enemies of the United States and, frankly, deserved to die. That's what war is all about ....
I guess in your whiteness you dont get that if someone is a slave then fighting against being a slave is a good thing. Face it. The anthem was written by a white guy for whites to feel patriotic. Basically sheep music. Dont expect me to respect that and whine when I dont.

If they were, in fact, fighting against being a slave, they would be fighting for their own freedom.

However, they were not. In fact, a large portion of the blacks fighting for the British were free men, who simply chose that side of the argument. The other blacks were escaped slaves, who chose that side of the fight. They were fighting against the United States, in an attempt to bring it down. It is pure folly to postulate that, had the British won, the slaves would have been freed, and thus, by some magical convoluted logic, the slaves were, somehow, fighting for their own freedom. There is no difference between that slave and the "hirelings".

It simply is not historically accurate --- thus, your argument falls apart because it is constructed on falsehoods, misinterpretations, and intentional violations of logic.

As for the clearly racist underpinnings of your argument (the disparagement of my "whiteness"), I will ignore it. I would suggest that your argument would be better advanced if you would, too.

As for your choice to not respect the national anthem, that, of course, is your right. But, I must admit that it strikes me as incongruous that you have no problem accepting the benefits and rights of this nation but choose not to respect, or acknowledge, the sacrifices and ideals of the very country who gave you those benefits and rights you so blithely accept as your due.

Sounds to me like "I love chocolate cake, but I hate the people who bake them." If you truly hate the bakers, maybe you shouldn't buy the chocolate cake.
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Sorry, but I find this all very amusing. We've got those who say this is all about the flag. A flag. Others say it's all about the country. A country. 'If you want change then you don't love it.' What does that mean? How do you 'love' a country in the first place? It's a fairy tale notion.

You are all arguing in abstract terms, senseless terms. It's like you think it's an omelette, it's made, either you like it or you don't. It's not an omelette. It's not a finished product. The US doesn't even live up to any of its promises, its' creed, its' constitution. I can't even begin to say how ridiculous I find it: A flag, a country. So when you say that's what it is about …. I'm thinking … who are these people?
Are you young or something? We were conditioned, man. The National Anthem gives me a chill, still to this day. I want to slap people who blatantly diss our president or burn our flag. It's just the way we were raised. Maybe it's not good, but I love our country, warts and all.

Sorry, others do....So who's right?

You don't even grasp the question.

Your Massahs at the Soros hate sites are playing your racist ass to create anger and division.

You're just too stupid to grasp it.

CC just pawn of leftists much smarter than him..

View attachment 88849

What IS that?
I think that's my aunt Alma .... but I could be wrong.

Sorry, others do....So who's right?

You don't even grasp the question.

Your Massahs at the Soros hate sites are playing your racist ass to create anger and division.

You're just too stupid to grasp it.

CC just pawn of leftists much smarter than him..

View attachment 88849

What IS that?

A puffer fish. That's Uncensored spirit animal. When the puffer feels threatened it puffs up to make itself seem bigger than it is. Uncensored does the same. When he's cornered he calls names and types in Caps to make distract from how little information he has. He'll be here in a second to call me racist again, no doubt.

Sorry, others do....So who's right?

You don't even grasp the question.

Your Massahs at the Soros hate sites are playing your racist ass to create anger and division.

You're just too stupid to grasp it.

CC just pawn of leftists much smarter than him..

View attachment 88849

What IS that?

A puffer fish. That's Uncensored spirit animal. When the puffer feels threatened it puffs up to make itself seem bigger than it is. Uncensored does the same. When he's cornered he calls names and types in Caps to make distract from how little information he has. He'll be here in a second to call me racist again, no doubt.
Oops. I just did a REALLY big holler --like the biggest font, in bold, too, in another thread.
West Virginia Tech volleyball players kneel during national anthem

MONTGOMERY, WV (WCHS/WVAH) — Following Colin Kaepernick, athletes across the nation are not standing for the national anthem and now some local college athletes are joining in the protest.

Before Wednesday night’s volleyball game at West Virginia University Tech, three volleyball players chose to take a stance on something they feel very strongly about by kneeling during the Star Spangled Banner in support of Kaepernick’s protest.

As an athlete and vice president of the Black Student Union at WVU Tech, Keyonna Morrow said that something needed to be done to show her support for Kaepernick's choice to kneel during the national anthem

"He’s exercising his right to choose to sit or stand, so you have to recognize that he's got that right," Morrow said.

Morrow and two other teammates chose to join the protest by kneeling when the anthem was played before the game, saying everyone should be treated equally.

"I hope that it just makes people reconsider before they judge someone for something,” Morrow said.

WVU Tech student Tiffany Reavis said she disagrees.

“You stand for the national anthem, regardless. It's kind of like a respect thing for everyone who served, here especially,” Reavis said.

Kaeprnick is making a lot of money off white American capitalism. And showboating for a weak political cause. Great, how about he quits the NBA and donates his time and his life savings to helping poor blacks in bad communities overcome violence instead of grandstanding?
Kaeprnick ....... how about he quits the NBA and donates his time and his life savings to helping poor blacks in bad communities overcome violence instead of grandstanding?
It is my firm belief that he has come to realize the only way to help his fellow countrymen - black and white - is to do exactly what he is doing.
Kaeprnick ....... how about he quits the NBA and donates his time and his life savings to helping poor blacks in bad communities overcome violence instead of grandstanding?
It is my firm belief that he has come to realize the only way to help his fellow countrymen - black and white - is to do exactly what he is doing.
It's symbolic, and people are free to see symbols any way they want. Yes. But taking lots of money for playing a child's game and in turn being disrespectful of that societies symbols is like biting the hand that feeds you. He's grandstanding for a cause that I feel is being misrepresented and isn't entirely honest. If he is so passionate about injustice, he can donate his huge income to fighting racial disparity, instead of superficial and phony gestures like this.
It's symbolic, and people are free to see symbols any way they want. Yes. But taking lots of money for playing a child's game and in turn being disrespectful of that societies symbols is like biting the hand that feeds you. He's grandstanding for a cause that I feel is being misrepresented and isn't entirely honest. If he is so passionate about injustice, he can donate his huge income to fighting racial disparity, instead of superficial and phony gestures like this.
Rock stars and athletes are today's political prophets. Kaepernick didn't make it that way. That's just the way it is. I think Kaepernick is doing a fine job for his countrymen. I never thought political propaganda was very nice in sports and it's the government's fault that there is so much of it. Kaepernick had a look around, saw the lay of the land ........ and adapted himself. Isn't that what America and Capitalism is suppose to be about?
It's symbolic, and people are free to see symbols any way they want. Yes. But taking lots of money for playing a child's game and in turn being disrespectful of that societies symbols is like biting the hand that feeds you. He's grandstanding for a cause that I feel is being misrepresented and isn't entirely honest. If he is so passionate about injustice, he can donate his huge income to fighting racial disparity, instead of superficial and phony gestures like this.
Rock stars and athletes are today's political prophets. Kaepernick didn't make it that way. That's just the way it is. I think Kaepernick is doing a fine job for his countrymen. I never thought political propaganda was very nice in sports and it's the government's fault that there is so much of it. Kaepernick had a look around, saw the lay of the land ........ and adapted himself. Isn't that what America and Capitalism is suppose to be about?
I am a fellow country person of Kaepernick. The man is playing a child's game. He is an entertainer. He is good at what he does. Talent should be rewarded. But I have no respect for this fellow because he is using racial politics in a way that is greatly exaggerated if not a lie, in my opinion. He's a egotist that is strutting around like a peacock. I don't believe this guys motives one bit. He is promoting himself as a iconoclast fighting the power.
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Protest the flag that allows u to protest. Wow this shit is crazy.

Fascist symbolism, Fascist logic. If you agree to worship a piece of cloth (and convince yourself that it stands for what the Tyrant says it does) then you most certainly have enter the gates of Sheeple Town.

You said, 'Protest the flag that allows u to protest. Wow this shit is crazy.'
Try this on for size instead, 'Fear to protest beneath the flag that is suppose to stand for the freedom to protest'.
Glastnost, what does the American flag stand for, to you?
OK, this is a pipe dream, but perhaps given the growing ranks of spoiled over paid athletes disrespecting the culture that enables them we find other more worthy forms of entertainment. Boycott all major sports events if you feel so motivated. Frankly, I wouldn't pay any of these idiot sports figures more than minimum wage and see if they want to grandstand over invalid social causes.
OK, this is a pipe dream, but perhaps given the growing ranks of spoiled over paid athletes disrespecting the culture that enables them we find other more worthy forms of entertainment. Boycott all major sports events if you feel so motivated. Frankly, I wouldn't pay any of these idiot sports figures more than minimum wage and see if they want to grandstand over invalid social causes.

Spoiled, immature punks who found enough fools to pay big money to watch them is all these guys are. Now the punks are wealthy, you'd think they could afford to move to a country that's not so horrible like America is. This crap is being caused by obama, who disrespects and criticizes this country and especially white folk every chance he gets, although a few black nationalists did something similar in the olympics in the 60's.
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