More refuse to stand for the Anthem. Good News...this time its no white people so you can be angry

So why do you live in a country that killed slaves then? Do the right thing and live somewhere else. Maybe zimbabwe or south africa .....
Maybe because he's on a mission to train Native American Indians so that they can regain their one and only place on this earth, the one that you stole from them. How is he going to accomplish that in Zimbabwe or South Africa? I think you just stepped into your own poo.
well actually they came from Asia and or the Soviet Union regions.
To all of you who are suggesting objectors go live somewhere else, it has never been
America: Love it or Leave it

It has always been
America: Love it or Change it.

You are all at it all the time. Everyone has that right without being told to leave.
Lol.."Love It, Change It". If you want to change it, you obviously don't love it as much as you pretend to.
To all of you who are suggesting objectors go live somewhere else, it has never been
America: Love it or Leave it

It has always been
America: Love it or Change it.

You are all at it all the time. Everyone has that right without being told to leave.
Lol.."Love It, Change It". If you want to change it, you obviously don't love it as much as you pretend to.

If you don't want it to change, then you're a blind sheep who follows in lockstep the tenets of patriotism and nationalism regardless of the facts. I'm really glad people like Frederick Douglass and Lincoln didn't follow your philosophy.
To all of you who are suggesting objectors go live somewhere else, it has never been
America: Love it or Leave it

It has always been
America: Love it or Change it.

You are all at it all the time. Everyone has that right without being told to leave.
Lol.."Love It, Change It". If you want to change it, you obviously don't love it as much as you pretend to.

If you don't want it to change, then you're a blind sheep who follows in lockstep the tenets of patriotism and nationalism regardless of the facts. I'm really glad people like Frederick Douglass and Lincoln didn't follow your philosophy.
Oh shut the fuck up, libtard.
To all of you who are suggesting objectors go live somewhere else, it has never been
America: Love it or Leave it

It has always been
America: Love it or Change it.

You are all at it all the time. Everyone has that right without being told to leave.
Lol.."Love It, Change It". If you want to change it, you obviously don't love it as much as you pretend to.

If you don't want it to change, then you're a blind sheep who follows in lockstep the tenets of patriotism and nationalism regardless of the facts. I'm really glad people like Frederick Douglass and Lincoln didn't follow your philosophy.
Oh shut the fuck up, libtard.

I'd expect nothing more from you based on your intellect.
To all of you who are suggesting objectors go live somewhere else, it has never been
America: Love it or Leave it

It has always been
America: Love it or Change it.

You are all at it all the time. Everyone has that right without being told to leave.
Lol.."Love It, Change It". If you want to change it, you obviously don't love it as much as you pretend to.

If you don't want it to change, then you're a blind sheep who follows in lockstep the tenets of patriotism and nationalism regardless of the facts. I'm really glad people like Frederick Douglass and Lincoln didn't follow your philosophy.

Lincoln didn't stand for the anthem?
Lets get over the fact that the Anthem sings about how awesome it is to kill slaves when they have the nerve to want to be free. Everyone should stand to support that :afro:
CC, slaves who signed up with the Brits for their freedom were our enemies on that day. We were at war with Britain. It wasn't racist--it was anti-enemy with a brief mention of who the enemy was.

Even slaves that didn't sign up were the enemy also.

No they were not, you lying sack of shit.

You're right, runaway slaves werent runaways :eusa_dance: White history is fun :eusa_dance:
....... It has always been
America: Love it or Change it. ....

You see now, that is the problem. It has not always been 'love it or change it', in fact it has only been 'love it or CHANGE it' in some rather brief moments in history. I agree with you one thousand percent that it ought to be 'love it or CHANGE it' and somewhere in it's short history it was meant to be 'love it or CHANGE it', but ....... here we are today, yesterday, last week, last month, last year, last decade .... uhhh yeah a long, long, long time ........ with the attitude 'love it or LEAVE it'. Or to put into Anti-Democratic words that most people are familiar with, 'Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country'. That means 'love it or LEAVE it' with a few extra verbs stuck in it to sound better when it exits from loud-speakers. I sometimes wonder if Josef Stalin said it first.
Protest the flag that allows u to protest. Wow this shit is crazy.

Fascist symbolism, Fascist logic. If you agree to worship a piece of cloth (and convince yourself that it stands for what the Tyrant says it does) then you most certainly have enter the gates of Sheeple Town.

You said, 'Protest the flag that allows u to protest. Wow this shit is crazy.'
Try this on for size instead, 'Fear to protest beneath the flag that is suppose to stand for the freedom to protest'.
Lets get over the fact that the Anthem sings about how awesome it is to kill slaves when they have the nerve to want to be free. Everyone should stand to support that :afro:
Good Allah this is the stupidity of the dumbed down left. You guys will run with anything. You really are a clown
Lets get over the fact that the Anthem sings about how awesome it is to kill slaves when they have the nerve to want to be free. Everyone should stand to support that :afro:

What part of the song is that exactly? I thought it was about an attack on a US fort by the British

Their blood has wash'd out their foul footstep's pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave"

I do'nt remember that part in the anthem, guess it was omitted
Lets get over the fact that the Anthem sings about how awesome it is to kill slaves when they have the nerve to want to be free. Everyone should stand to support that :afro:
Good Allah this is the stupidity of the dumbed down left. You guys will run with anything. You really are a clown

You're right I forgot we should all be smarter and applaud murder
Protest the flag that allows u to protest. Wow this shit is crazy.

Fascist symbolism, Fascist logic. If you agree to worship a piece of cloth (and convince yourself that it stands for what the Tyrant says it does) then you most certainly have enter the gates of Sheeple Town.

You said, 'Protest the flag that allows u to protest. Wow this shit is crazy.'
Try this on for size instead, 'Fear to protest beneath the flag that is suppose to stand for the freedom to protest'.

Logical fail, Doesn't work, they are protesting the flag itself.
To all of you who are suggesting objectors go live somewhere else, it has never been
America: Love it or Leave it

It has always been
America: Love it or Change it.

You are all at it all the time. Everyone has that right without being told to leave.
Lol.."Love It, Change It". If you want to change it, you obviously don't love it as much as you pretend to.
What GaryDog said.
Lets get over the fact that the Anthem sings about how awesome it is to kill slaves when they have the nerve to want to be free. Everyone should stand to support that :afro:

And that is the main point you see in our national anthem? Its not about some little battle in a war with England?
Me thinks you guys will just dig deep at every opportunity to hate America. You hate the founders, you hate the anthem, you hate the flag, gotta hate the declaration of independence and the constitution cause it was written by slave holders, hate the demographics of the US because there's too many of one particular color,
I never thought America was perfect by any means, but the flag and those symbols stand for something many immigrants believed in when they came here including my family long ago. It's about hope for the future and being united, which is what the founders of this country were thinking about as well , the future generations.
Sure those are just symbols and people have the right to protest them, and they have a right to hate their country too, and we all have a right to hate each other. I choose not too. , see that? that you taking the high road.

tell me when Obama puts his hand over his chest during the anthem, is that just another lie? does he really believe like you do? probably
....... It has always been
America: Love it or Change it. ....

You see now, that is the problem. It has not always been 'love it or change it', in fact it has only been 'love it or CHANGE it' in some rather brief moments in history. I agree with you one thousand percent that it ought to be 'love it or CHANGE it' and somewhere in it's short history it was meant to be 'love it or CHANGE it', but ....... here we are today, yesterday, last week, last month, last year, last decade .... uhhh yeah a long, long, long time ........ with the attitude 'love it or LEAVE it'. Or to put into Anti-Democratic words that most people are familiar with, 'Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country'. That means 'love it or LEAVE it' with a few extra verbs stuck in it to sound better when it exits from loud-speakers. I sometimes wonder if Josef Stalin said it first.
I think you're hanging out with the wrong people. Every person here is hoping to change others' minds with their words.
Black players kneeling.

I think the long term answer here is to seek out a better representation of who the players are.

If you look at the NFL for instance, blacks are way over represented, and therefore your team is likely to be over populated by players who hate America.

If organizations like the NFL began drafting players based on affirmative action, we would have a more equitable roster and far less America haters.
None of this matters unless and until both ends of the discussion agree (a) to honestly communicate with each other towards real improvements and (b) to challenge their "side" to clean its own house before pointing the finger at each other.

I don't give a shit if a football player drags out a COT and fucking SLEEPS on it during the Anthem. Without communication, this is just drama and showbiz.
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