More sexual pseudoscience, oppression and tyranny from the homofascist movement


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2019

Assaulting the First Amendment rights of others seems to be lefty's favorite pastime.
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Assault on the First Amendment seems to lefty's favorite pastime.

How HORRIBLE...asking Californians, including religious leaders to
This measure would call upon all Californians to embrace the individual and social benefits of family and community acceptance, upon religious leaders to counsel on LGBTQ matters from a place of love, compassion, and knowledge of the psychological and other harms of conversion therapy, and upon the people of California and the institutions of California with great moral influence to model equitable treatment of all people of the state.

Assaulting the First Amendment rights of others seems to be lefty's favorite pastime.

You snowflakes sure do have to dig around to find something to be offended by.

This measure would call upon all Californians to embrace the individual and social benefits of family and community acceptance, upon religious leaders to counsel on LGBTQ matters from a place of love, compassion, and knowledge of the psychological and other harms of conversion therapy, and upon the people of California and the institutions of California with great moral influence to model equitable treatment of all people of the state

How HORRIBLE...asking Californians, including religious leaders to
This measure would call upon all Californians to embrace the individual and social benefits of family and community acceptance, upon religious leaders to counsel on LGBTQ matters from a place of love, compassion, and knowledge of the psychological and other harms of conversion therapy, and upon the people of California and the institutions of California with great moral influence to model equitable treatment of all people of the state.

Behold the sexual pseudoscience and tyranical legislation of homofascist slogan speak.

How HORRIBLE...asking Californians, including religious leaders to
This measure would call upon all Californians to embrace the individual and social benefits of family and community acceptance, upon religious leaders to counsel on LGBTQ matters from a place of love, compassion, and knowledge of the psychological and other harms of conversion therapy, and upon the people of California and the institutions of California with great moral influence to model equitable treatment of all people of the state.

Behold the sexual pseudoscience legislation of homofascist slogan speak.
Look, if your homo desires are bothering you that much, go right ahead and seek conversion therapy. Knock yourself out.

"The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!"
"Sexual pseudoscience".

Classic projection from idiots who believe in "conversion therapy". :lol:
"Sexual pseudoscience".

Classic projection from idiots who believe in "conversion therapy". :lol:

Utter hogwash. Thousands have successfully dealt with unwanted, same-sex attractions and gender dysphoria via therapy. What the hell is your problem? What business is that of yours, let alone that of the state, you silly ass?

What kind of logic is that?

You leftist, statist bootlicks are the snow-flake busy bodies. Zoom Right over your head.

Assaulting the First Amendment rights of others seems to be lefty's favorite pastime.

You snowflakes sure do have to dig around to find something to be offended by.

This measure would call upon all Californians to embrace the individual and social benefits of family and community acceptance, upon religious leaders to counsel on LGBTQ matters from a place of love, compassion, and knowledge of the psychological and other harms of conversion therapy, and upon the people of California and the institutions of California with great moral influence to model equitable treatment of all people of the state

To find a melted "snowflake" search no farther than the puddle of naivety, hypocrisy, and ideological brainwashing gathered 'round your own two feet. The critical threat posed to our society by enforced acceptance of a mental sickness, one that sweepingly harms children upon exposure, is its anti-human core. If society truly wanted to "treat" LGTBQ "individuals" with love, then they'd do just that: treat them and help them get healthy again, not aid them in their mass delusion/misbelief that their sexual "preference" is a natural or normal state of being. Tell me, fool, can everyone be gay? If the majority of some future generation turned out to be, the end of our species would soon follow. "Snowflakes" such as yourself are too busy professing how no one has the right to identify and speak and name what is always right and always wrong. And that is no different than paving the road to hell. More like no one among your ilk has the courage to speak or stand up for truth, fact, logic or reality.

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