More Stuff You Didn't Know

Obama was in on the hoax, but don't feel Obama orchestrated the hoax. Don't feel he is high enough on the food chain to put it all together.

If I had to guess, it was a confluence of Hillary, Obama, et al and a suggestion from the Kremlin.

They wanted the crime family that they had a history of bribing, and the dossier was designed to sink a Trump candidacy.
And Hillary knew who to sign up for the plan.

Steele is key. He was a communist agent when he worked as a Brit agent, and the perfect conduit for Putin to Hillary.

1. [Supposed author of the dossier,] Steele was a “confirmed socialist” in college at Oxford when he was hired by MI6, another point of suspicion for someone who would be dispatched to Moscow as a spy and later serve as head of the Russian desk at MI6, all extremely sensitive positions." The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

2.. Christopher Steele, Hillary's employee, got the 'dossier' via
Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch linked to Vladimir Putin, according to a new report.

Christopher Steele Reportedly Worked For Sanctioned Russian Oligarch

3. Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

4. If any collusion occurred, it was through Democrats, the only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion.

5. Here's the quote that should not be overlooked:
Christopher Steele told [the DoJ] he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

Here is the question that has never been asked:
Steele is not even an American citizen…..what is behind this hatred of Trump, and his passion to end his chances of becoming President?

Not 100% clear on what the goal(s) are. If the goals are to implement a liberal agenda, it probably wouldn't be left up to a specific president, after all they may be gone in 4-8 years. I can possibly see how Obama wanted to pass the torch to Hillary, but that would allow her to put her own spin on the objective.

The goals are to end America a it was created......power to reverse these three original aims:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

1. FDR, Stalin's BFF engineered a ten year depression as per Rahm Emanuel's infamous 'never let a crisis go to waste,' to end the Constitution.
In July 5, 1935, in a letter to Representative Samuel B. Hill of Washington, the President manifested his contempt for the Constitution. Hill was chairman of the subcommittee studying the Guffey-Vinson bill to regulate the coal industry: the purpose of the legislation was to re-establish, for the coal industry, the NRA code system which the Supreme Court had unanimously declared unconstitutional. Roosevelt wrote: "I hope your committee will not permit doubts as to constitutionality, however reasonable, to block the legislation."
Letter to Representative Samuel B. Hill on H.R. 8479. | The American Presidency Project

This was the same Roosevelt who had sworn an oath on his 300 year old family Bible, to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Chesly Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 65.

2. The nation that the Left wants is via this rubric:
The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Ending America as it was created may be the objective. But it can't be up to a single individual (i.e. Obama or Clinton).

Those are their agents.

These are their agencies: Communism, Socialism, Fascism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism.

All have the same societal endgame in store for humanity.

I would agree, personally I would define those as concepts as opposed to agencies. My question would be who is in charge (person or group) of these agencies.
If I had to guess, it was a confluence of Hillary, Obama, et al and a suggestion from the Kremlin.

They wanted the crime family that they had a history of bribing, and the dossier was designed to sink a Trump candidacy.
And Hillary knew who to sign up for the plan.

Steele is key. He was a communist agent when he worked as a Brit agent, and the perfect conduit for Putin to Hillary.

1. [Supposed author of the dossier,] Steele was a “confirmed socialist” in college at Oxford when he was hired by MI6, another point of suspicion for someone who would be dispatched to Moscow as a spy and later serve as head of the Russian desk at MI6, all extremely sensitive positions." The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

2.. Christopher Steele, Hillary's employee, got the 'dossier' via
Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch linked to Vladimir Putin, according to a new report.

Christopher Steele Reportedly Worked For Sanctioned Russian Oligarch

3. Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

4. If any collusion occurred, it was through Democrats, the only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion.

5. Here's the quote that should not be overlooked:
Christopher Steele told [the DoJ] he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

Here is the question that has never been asked:
Steele is not even an American citizen…..what is behind this hatred of Trump, and his passion to end his chances of becoming President?

Not 100% clear on what the goal(s) are. If the goals are to implement a liberal agenda, it probably wouldn't be left up to a specific president, after all they may be gone in 4-8 years. I can possibly see how Obama wanted to pass the torch to Hillary, but that would allow her to put her own spin on the objective.

The goals are to end America a it was created......power to reverse these three original aims:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

1. FDR, Stalin's BFF engineered a ten year depression as per Rahm Emanuel's infamous 'never let a crisis go to waste,' to end the Constitution.
In July 5, 1935, in a letter to Representative Samuel B. Hill of Washington, the President manifested his contempt for the Constitution. Hill was chairman of the subcommittee studying the Guffey-Vinson bill to regulate the coal industry: the purpose of the legislation was to re-establish, for the coal industry, the NRA code system which the Supreme Court had unanimously declared unconstitutional. Roosevelt wrote: "I hope your committee will not permit doubts as to constitutionality, however reasonable, to block the legislation."
Letter to Representative Samuel B. Hill on H.R. 8479. | The American Presidency Project

This was the same Roosevelt who had sworn an oath on his 300 year old family Bible, to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Chesly Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 65.

2. The nation that the Left wants is via this rubric:
The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Ending America as it was created may be the objective. But it can't be up to a single individual (i.e. Obama or Clinton).

Those are their agents.

These are their agencies: Communism, Socialism, Fascism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism.

All have the same societal endgame in store for humanity.

I would agree, personally I would define those as concepts as opposed to agencies. My question would be who is in charge (person or group) of these agencies.

I am not being snide here, but this is your clue:

There is a reason for education, for knowing history: it explains motives."Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton both cleave to the teachings of collectivist Saul Alinsky, ..."

Being unaware of the motives of their leaders is one reason that Liberals fail to recognize evil.

"Alinsky famously dedicated his book, Rules for Radicals, the subject of Hillary’s thesis, to Lucifer, “the first radical who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that, at least, he won his own kingdom.”

In 1972, he said in a Playboy interview, “If there is an after-life and I have anything to say about it I will, unreservedly, choose to go to Hell. Hell would be Heaven for me. All my life I have been with the have-nots. Over here if you’re a have-not you’re short of dough. If you’re a have-not in Hell you’re short of virtue. Once I get into Hell I’ll start organizing the have-nots. With a smile. They’re my kind of people.”

Saul Alinsky was the author of Chicago’s community organizing. Barack Obama’s only work experience previous to election as an Illinois senator was as an Alinsky movement community organizer. As state senator, huge number of his votes amounted to a contemptuous “present.” Hillary Clinton’s Worldview: A Eulogy – Mallory Millett

Like the 'undead,' the Democrat Marxists will be back. And, as told in vampire lore, they must be 'invited' in to do their mischief....they need be elected. And to do so, they will have no compunction about lying..... "Lies are their truth. This is why it’s so easy for Obama and Clinton to lie and lie again and again, to obfuscate endlessly."
1. Sooo.....many trace the Collusion Hoax back to the Australian diplomat Alexander Downer who tipped off the FBI in order to save the world.

Wadda guy!!!

  • In his most detailed remarks on the topic so far, former Australian diplomat Alexander Downer defended the tip he gave the FBI regarding George Papadopoulos.
  • Downer said that as a “warrior the Western alliance,” he provided the FBI with a memo he wrote after a May 10, 2016 meeting in which he says Papadopoulos mentioned that Russia might release information about Hillary Clinton close to the election.
  • “I don’t know why he told me this,” said Downer, dismissing Papadopoulos’s claims that the diplomat was sent to elicit damaging information about him.
Calling himself a “warrior for the Western alliance,” former Australian diplomat Alexander Downer defended sending in the tip that sparked the FBI’s investigation of then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign."
Alexander Downer Defends FBI Tipoff That Sparked Trump-Russia Probe

3. Soooo......the Hoax didn't begin with Hillary and the DNC colluding with Russia to produce the dossier????


4. Bet you didn't know that Downer is a Clinton apparatchik, huh?

“They started by telling the story of Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat, as having remembered a bar conversation with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. But how did the FBI know they should talk to him? That’s left out of their narrative. Downer’s signature appears on a $25 million contribution to the Clinton Foundation. You don’t need much imagination to figure that he was close with Clinton Foundation operatives who relayed information to the State Department, which then called the FBI to complete the loop. This wasn’t intelligence. It was likely opposition research from the start.”
Former Clinton Pollster Calls For End to the Mueller 'Partisan Inquisition'

5. “Australian diplomat whose tip prompted FBI’s Russia-probe has tie to Clintons

The Australian diplomat whose tip in 2016 prompted the Russia-Trump investigation previously arranged one of the largest foreign donations to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s charitable efforts, documents show.

Former Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer’s role in securing $25 million in aid from his country to help the Clinton Foundation fight AIDS is chronicled in decade-old government memos archived on the Australian foreign ministry’s website.

Downer, now Australia’s ambassador to London, provided the account of a conversation with Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos at a London bar in 2016 that became the official reason the FBI opened the Russia counterintelligence probe.

But lawmakers say the FBI didn’t tell Congress about Downer’s prior connection to the Clinton Foundation. Republicans say they are concerned the new information means nearly all of the early evidence the FBI used to justify its election-year probe of Trump came from sources supportive of the Clintons, including the controversial Steele dossier.

“The Clintons’ tentacles go everywhere. So, that’s why it’s important,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) chairman of a House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee that has been taking an increasingly visible role defending the Trump administration in the Russia probe. “We continue to get new information every week it seems that sort of underscores the fact that the FBI hasn’t been square with us.”

Spokesman for the FBI and Russia special counsel Robert Mueller declined comment.

…. lawmakers say the FBI didn’t tell Congress about Downer’s prior connection to the Clinton Foundation. Republicans say they are concerned the new information means nearly all of the early evidence the FBI used to justify its election-year probe of Trump came from sources supportive of the Clintons, including the controversial Steele dossier."
Australian diplomat whose tip prompted FBI’s Russia-probe has tie to Clintons

Wake the heck up, Democrats!

The plot thickens.

Not a surprise though, is it
Has this Special Counsel finished up yet? You know...the one we were promised a year ago last July? In the Ruh Roooooh thread?

Poor bodies, you is heading for a big sad....can we look forward to pics of you screeching and tearing your hairs out?
Obama was in on the hoax, but don't feel Obama orchestrated the hoax. Don't feel he is high enough on the food chain to put it all together.

If I had to guess, it was a confluence of Hillary, Obama, et al and a suggestion from the Kremlin.

They wanted the crime family that they had a history of bribing, and the dossier was designed to sink a Trump candidacy.
And Hillary knew who to sign up for the plan.

Steele is key. He was a communist agent when he worked as a Brit agent, and the perfect conduit for Putin to Hillary.

1. [Supposed author of the dossier,] Steele was a “confirmed socialist” in college at Oxford when he was hired by MI6, another point of suspicion for someone who would be dispatched to Moscow as a spy and later serve as head of the Russian desk at MI6, all extremely sensitive positions." The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

2.. Christopher Steele, Hillary's employee, got the 'dossier' via
Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch linked to Vladimir Putin, according to a new report.

Christopher Steele Reportedly Worked For Sanctioned Russian Oligarch

3. Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

4. If any collusion occurred, it was through Democrats, the only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion.

5. Here's the quote that should not be overlooked:
Christopher Steele told [the DoJ] he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

Here is the question that has never been asked:
Steele is not even an American citizen…..what is behind this hatred of Trump, and his passion to end his chances of becoming President?

Not 100% clear on what the goal(s) are. If the goals are to implement a liberal agenda, it probably wouldn't be left up to a specific president, after all they may be gone in 4-8 years. I can possibly see how Obama wanted to pass the torch to Hillary, but that would allow her to put her own spin on the objective.

The goals are to end America a it was created......power to reverse these three original aims:
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

1. FDR, Stalin's BFF engineered a ten year depression as per Rahm Emanuel's infamous 'never let a crisis go to waste,' to end the Constitution.
In July 5, 1935, in a letter to Representative Samuel B. Hill of Washington, the President manifested his contempt for the Constitution. Hill was chairman of the subcommittee studying the Guffey-Vinson bill to regulate the coal industry: the purpose of the legislation was to re-establish, for the coal industry, the NRA code system which the Supreme Court had unanimously declared unconstitutional. Roosevelt wrote: "I hope your committee will not permit doubts as to constitutionality, however reasonable, to block the legislation."
Letter to Representative Samuel B. Hill on H.R. 8479. | The American Presidency Project

This was the same Roosevelt who had sworn an oath on his 300 year old family Bible, to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Chesly Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 65.

2. The nation that the Left wants is via this rubric:
The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Ending America as it was created may be the objective. But it can't be up to a single individual (i.e. Obama or Clinton).

Those are their agents.

These are their agencies: Communism, Socialism, Fascism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism.

All have the same societal endgame in store for humanity.
They’re especially good at providing lots and lots of free housing in gated communities surrounded by high walls and barbed wire.
1. Sooo.....many trace the Collusion Hoax back to the Australian diplomat Alexander Downer who tipped off the FBI in order to save the world.

Wadda guy!!!

  • In his most detailed remarks on the topic so far, former Australian diplomat Alexander Downer defended the tip he gave the FBI regarding George Papadopoulos.
  • Downer said that as a “warrior the Western alliance,” he provided the FBI with a memo he wrote after a May 10, 2016 meeting in which he says Papadopoulos mentioned that Russia might release information about Hillary Clinton close to the election.
  • “I don’t know why he told me this,” said Downer, dismissing Papadopoulos’s claims that the diplomat was sent to elicit damaging information about him.
Calling himself a “warrior for the Western alliance,” former Australian diplomat Alexander Downer defended sending in the tip that sparked the FBI’s investigation of then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign."
Alexander Downer Defends FBI Tipoff That Sparked Trump-Russia Probe

3. Soooo......the Hoax didn't begin with Hillary and the DNC colluding with Russia to produce the dossier????


4. Bet you didn't know that Downer is a Clinton apparatchik, huh?

“They started by telling the story of Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat, as having remembered a bar conversation with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. But how did the FBI know they should talk to him? That’s left out of their narrative. Downer’s signature appears on a $25 million contribution to the Clinton Foundation. You don’t need much imagination to figure that he was close with Clinton Foundation operatives who relayed information to the State Department, which then called the FBI to complete the loop. This wasn’t intelligence. It was likely opposition research from the start.”
Former Clinton Pollster Calls For End to the Mueller 'Partisan Inquisition'

5. “Australian diplomat whose tip prompted FBI’s Russia-probe has tie to Clintons

The Australian diplomat whose tip in 2016 prompted the Russia-Trump investigation previously arranged one of the largest foreign donations to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s charitable efforts, documents show.

Former Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer’s role in securing $25 million in aid from his country to help the Clinton Foundation fight AIDS is chronicled in decade-old government memos archived on the Australian foreign ministry’s website.

Downer, now Australia’s ambassador to London, provided the account of a conversation with Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos at a London bar in 2016 that became the official reason the FBI opened the Russia counterintelligence probe.

But lawmakers say the FBI didn’t tell Congress about Downer’s prior connection to the Clinton Foundation. Republicans say they are concerned the new information means nearly all of the early evidence the FBI used to justify its election-year probe of Trump came from sources supportive of the Clintons, including the controversial Steele dossier.

“The Clintons’ tentacles go everywhere. So, that’s why it’s important,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) chairman of a House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee that has been taking an increasingly visible role defending the Trump administration in the Russia probe. “We continue to get new information every week it seems that sort of underscores the fact that the FBI hasn’t been square with us.”

Spokesman for the FBI and Russia special counsel Robert Mueller declined comment.

…. lawmakers say the FBI didn’t tell Congress about Downer’s prior connection to the Clinton Foundation. Republicans say they are concerned the new information means nearly all of the early evidence the FBI used to justify its election-year probe of Trump came from sources supportive of the Clintons, including the controversial Steele dossier."
Australian diplomat whose tip prompted FBI’s Russia-probe has tie to Clintons

Wake the heck up, Democrats!

The plot thickens.

Not a surprise though, is it
Has this Special Counsel finished up yet? You know...the one we were promised a year ago last July? In the Ruh Roooooh thread?

Poor bodies, you is heading for a big sad....can we look forward to pics of you screeching and tearing your hairs out?
Now...why would I do that since I'm obviously displaying great patience waiting waiting waiting for that Special Counsel we were promised a year ago last July.....Ruh much longer do you think it will be?
1. Sooo.....many trace the Collusion Hoax back to the Australian diplomat Alexander Downer who tipped off the FBI in order to save the world.

Wadda guy!!!

  • In his most detailed remarks on the topic so far, former Australian diplomat Alexander Downer defended the tip he gave the FBI regarding George Papadopoulos.
  • Downer said that as a “warrior the Western alliance,” he provided the FBI with a memo he wrote after a May 10, 2016 meeting in which he says Papadopoulos mentioned that Russia might release information about Hillary Clinton close to the election.
  • “I don’t know why he told me this,” said Downer, dismissing Papadopoulos’s claims that the diplomat was sent to elicit damaging information about him.
Calling himself a “warrior for the Western alliance,” former Australian diplomat Alexander Downer defended sending in the tip that sparked the FBI’s investigation of then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign."
Alexander Downer Defends FBI Tipoff That Sparked Trump-Russia Probe

3. Soooo......the Hoax didn't begin with Hillary and the DNC colluding with Russia to produce the dossier????


4. Bet you didn't know that Downer is a Clinton apparatchik, huh?

“They started by telling the story of Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat, as having remembered a bar conversation with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. But how did the FBI know they should talk to him? That’s left out of their narrative. Downer’s signature appears on a $25 million contribution to the Clinton Foundation. You don’t need much imagination to figure that he was close with Clinton Foundation operatives who relayed information to the State Department, which then called the FBI to complete the loop. This wasn’t intelligence. It was likely opposition research from the start.”
Former Clinton Pollster Calls For End to the Mueller 'Partisan Inquisition'

5. “Australian diplomat whose tip prompted FBI’s Russia-probe has tie to Clintons

The Australian diplomat whose tip in 2016 prompted the Russia-Trump investigation previously arranged one of the largest foreign donations to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s charitable efforts, documents show.

Former Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer’s role in securing $25 million in aid from his country to help the Clinton Foundation fight AIDS is chronicled in decade-old government memos archived on the Australian foreign ministry’s website.

Downer, now Australia’s ambassador to London, provided the account of a conversation with Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos at a London bar in 2016 that became the official reason the FBI opened the Russia counterintelligence probe.

But lawmakers say the FBI didn’t tell Congress about Downer’s prior connection to the Clinton Foundation. Republicans say they are concerned the new information means nearly all of the early evidence the FBI used to justify its election-year probe of Trump came from sources supportive of the Clintons, including the controversial Steele dossier.

“The Clintons’ tentacles go everywhere. So, that’s why it’s important,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) chairman of a House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee that has been taking an increasingly visible role defending the Trump administration in the Russia probe. “We continue to get new information every week it seems that sort of underscores the fact that the FBI hasn’t been square with us.”

Spokesman for the FBI and Russia special counsel Robert Mueller declined comment.

…. lawmakers say the FBI didn’t tell Congress about Downer’s prior connection to the Clinton Foundation. Republicans say they are concerned the new information means nearly all of the early evidence the FBI used to justify its election-year probe of Trump came from sources supportive of the Clintons, including the controversial Steele dossier."
Australian diplomat whose tip prompted FBI’s Russia-probe has tie to Clintons

Wake the heck up, Democrats!

The plot thickens.

Not a surprise though, is it
Has this Special Counsel finished up yet? You know...the one we were promised a year ago last July? In the Ruh Roooooh thread?

Poor bodies, you is heading for a big sad....can we look forward to pics of you screeching and tearing your hairs out?

What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.
Again, wasn't Obama in the White House during the 2016 election? Wasn't James Comey and Dickhead Clapper in charge of intel agencies that should of found the Russians involved in the scandal and all they could do is dream up the Dossier that wasn't verified but submitted to the FISA courts? Damn you are a dumbass liberal(I know redundant statement).
Again, wasn't Obama in the White House during the 2016 election? Wasn't James Comey and Dickhead Clapper in charge of intel agencies that should of found the Russians involved in the scandal and all they could do is dream up the Dossier that wasn't verified but submitted to the FISA courts? Damn you are a dumbass liberal(I know redundant statement).
Here's a better question, Dimwit: why would anyone believe anything Trump or his Losers have to say?

William Barr corrects himself, confirms Trump campaign was warned in 2016 about Russian interference

"'Why didn’t President Obama do something about Russia in September (before November Election) when told by the FBI?' Trump tweeted Wednesday. “He did NOTHING, and had no intention of doing anything!'"

"Attorney General William Barr confirmed Wednesday during testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee that the Trump campaign was briefed in 2016 that the Russians would try to infiltrate it, contrary to previous remarks made by the president.

"'I have been told during the break that a lesser kind of briefing, a security briefing that generally discusses general threats, apparently was given to the campaign in August [2016],' Barr told lawmakers after returning from a brief recess."
What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.
Why didn't black jesus and lynch do something? They were in charge.
What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.

If I had to make up an imbecile to point at for this thread, and put absurd words in his mouth.....this would be it;

"What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?"

If I can quote Thomas Hardy to tell you how I feel about you......

“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

Write soon....I need the laugh.
Write soon....I need the laugh.
What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.

If I had to make up an imbecile to point at for this thread, and put absurd words in his mouth.....this would be it;

"What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?"

If I can quote Thomas Hardy to tell you how I feel about you......

“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

Write soon....I need the laugh.
Write soon....I need the laugh.

What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.
Again, wasn't Obama in the White House during the 2016 election? Wasn't James Comey and Dickhead Clapper in charge of intel agencies that should of found the Russians involved in the scandal and all they could do is dream up the Dossier that wasn't verified but submitted to the FISA courts? Damn you are a dumbass liberal(I know redundant statement).
Again, wasn't Obama in the White House during the 2016 election? Wasn't James Comey and Dickhead Clapper in charge of intel agencies that should of found the Russians involved in the scandal and all they could do is dream up the Dossier that wasn't verified but submitted to the FISA courts? Damn you are a dumbass liberal(I know redundant statement).
Here's a better question, Dimwit: why would anyone believe anything Trump or his Losers have to say?

William Barr corrects himself, confirms Trump campaign was warned in 2016 about Russian interference

"'Why didn’t President Obama do something about Russia in September (before November Election) when told by the FBI?' Trump tweeted Wednesday. “He did NOTHING, and had no intention of doing anything!'"

"Attorney General William Barr confirmed Wednesday during testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee that the Trump campaign was briefed in 2016 that the Russians would try to infiltrate it, contrary to previous remarks made by the president.

"'I have been told during the break that a lesser kind of briefing, a security briefing that generally discusses general threats, apparently was given to the campaign in August [2016],' Barr told lawmakers after returning from a brief recess."

Did Russians infiltrate Trump's campaign? According to Mueller, they did not.

By the way, was Trump briefed that American spies would try to infiltrate his campaign?
The big problem for the Ds is the trade war, which will pay for the infrastructure and projects Barr bringing criminal charges against sanctuary jurisdiction. Without state and local machines stuffing ballots the Ds are in big trouble and rolling over for clemency will be the battle cry.
What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.

If I had to make up an imbecile to point at for this thread, and put absurd words in his mouth.....this would be it;

"What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?"

If I can quote Thomas Hardy to tell you how I feel about you......

“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

Write soon....I need the laugh.
Write soon....I need the laugh.

What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.

If I had to make up an imbecile to point at for this thread, and put absurd words in his mouth.....this would be it;

"What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?"

If I can quote Thomas Hardy to tell you how I feel about you......

“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

Write soon....I need the laugh.
Write soon....I need the laugh.


What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.
Again, wasn't Obama in the White House during the 2016 election? Wasn't James Comey and Dickhead Clapper in charge of intel agencies that should of found the Russians involved in the scandal and all they could do is dream up the Dossier that wasn't verified but submitted to the FISA courts? Damn you are a dumbass liberal(I know redundant statement).
Again, wasn't Obama in the White House during the 2016 election? Wasn't James Comey and Dickhead Clapper in charge of intel agencies that should of found the Russians involved in the scandal and all they could do is dream up the Dossier that wasn't verified but submitted to the FISA courts? Damn you are a dumbass liberal(I know redundant statement).
Here's a better question, Dimwit: why would anyone believe anything Trump or his Losers have to say?

William Barr corrects himself, confirms Trump campaign was warned in 2016 about Russian interference

"'Why didn’t President Obama do something about Russia in September (before November Election) when told by the FBI?' Trump tweeted Wednesday. “He did NOTHING, and had no intention of doing anything!'"

"Attorney General William Barr confirmed Wednesday during testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee that the Trump campaign was briefed in 2016 that the Russians would try to infiltrate it, contrary to previous remarks made by the president.

"'I have been told during the break that a lesser kind of briefing, a security briefing that generally discusses general threats, apparently was given to the campaign in August [2016],' Barr told lawmakers after returning from a brief recess."

Did Russians infiltrate Trump's campaign? According to Mueller, they did not.

By the way, was Trump briefed that American spies would try to infiltrate his campaign?

I usually get long winded, this time I promise I won't!

Brennan is the puppet master, period! Not that he wasn't under orders, clandestinely or otherwise, but the fact remains------------------->if the Republicans do NOT get Brennan, they have done a disservice to the US of A!

There is no doubt that this was CIA. Comey was a dupe, and if you read the transcripts of Lisa Paige's testimony, you will understand how this was pulled off.

By the way, a little insight-------------------> Steele INSISTED to the State Department and FBI 10 days BEFORE the 1st FISA was issued, that this whole CONSPIRACY/COLLUSION was being run between the Trump campaign, and the Russian Consulate in Miami! That is what the FBI was TOLD!

10 days later, Comey signed the ORIGINAL FISA warrant, and VERIFIED that the evidence was VETTED, and ACCURATE!

Funny thing-) There is NO RUSSIAN CONSULATE in Miami, lololololol, and yet, the Democrats James (Homey) Comey SWORE everything was accurate, vetted, and true!
What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.

If I had to make up an imbecile to point at for this thread, and put absurd words in his mouth.....this would be it;

"What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?"

If I can quote Thomas Hardy to tell you how I feel about you......

“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

Write soon....I need the laugh.
Write soon....I need the laugh.

What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.

If I had to make up an imbecile to point at for this thread, and put absurd words in his mouth.....this would be it;

"What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?"

If I can quote Thomas Hardy to tell you how I feel about you......

“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

Write soon....I need the laugh.
Write soon....I need the laugh.


What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.
Again, wasn't Obama in the White House during the 2016 election? Wasn't James Comey and Dickhead Clapper in charge of intel agencies that should of found the Russians involved in the scandal and all they could do is dream up the Dossier that wasn't verified but submitted to the FISA courts? Damn you are a dumbass liberal(I know redundant statement).
Again, wasn't Obama in the White House during the 2016 election? Wasn't James Comey and Dickhead Clapper in charge of intel agencies that should of found the Russians involved in the scandal and all they could do is dream up the Dossier that wasn't verified but submitted to the FISA courts? Damn you are a dumbass liberal(I know redundant statement).
Here's a better question, Dimwit: why would anyone believe anything Trump or his Losers have to say?

William Barr corrects himself, confirms Trump campaign was warned in 2016 about Russian interference

"'Why didn’t President Obama do something about Russia in September (before November Election) when told by the FBI?' Trump tweeted Wednesday. “He did NOTHING, and had no intention of doing anything!'"

"Attorney General William Barr confirmed Wednesday during testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee that the Trump campaign was briefed in 2016 that the Russians would try to infiltrate it, contrary to previous remarks made by the president.

"'I have been told during the break that a lesser kind of briefing, a security briefing that generally discusses general threats, apparently was given to the campaign in August [2016],' Barr told lawmakers after returning from a brief recess."

Did Russians infiltrate Trump's campaign? According to Mueller, they did not.

By the way, was Trump briefed that American spies would try to infiltrate his campaign?

I usually get long winded, this time I promise I won't!

Brennan is the puppet master, period! Not that he wasn't under orders, clandestinely or otherwise, but the fact remains------------------->if the Republicans do NOT get Brennan, they have done a disservice to the US of A!

There is no doubt that this was CIA. Comey was a dupe, and if you read the transcripts of Lisa Paige's testimony, you will understand how this was pulled off.

By the way, a little insight-------------------> Steele INSISTED to the State Department and FBI 10 days BEFORE the 1st FISA was issued, that this whole CONSPIRACY/COLLUSION was being run between the Trump campaign, and the Russian Consulate in Miami! That is what the FBI was TOLD!

10 days later, Comey signed the ORIGINAL FISA warrant, and VERIFIED that the evidence was VETTED, and ACCURATE!

Funny thing-) There is NO RUSSIAN CONSULATE in Miami, lololololol, and yet, the Democrats James (Homey) Comey SWORE everything was accurate, vetted, and true!

Not just Brennan.....

What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.

If I had to make up an imbecile to point at for this thread, and put absurd words in his mouth.....this would be it;

"What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?"

If I can quote Thomas Hardy to tell you how I feel about you......

“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

Write soon....I need the laugh.
Write soon....I need the laugh.

Here's your laugh, Loser.

Will you SOB like a snowflake when he's forced from office?
What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.

If I had to make up an imbecile to point at for this thread, and put absurd words in his mouth.....this would be it;

"What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?"

If I can quote Thomas Hardy to tell you how I feel about you......

“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

Write soon....I need the laugh.
Write soon....I need the laugh.

Here's your laugh, Loser.

Will you SOB like a snowflake when he's forced from office?

No, but you're going to have a stroke when he's reelected.
What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.
Again, wasn't Obama in the White House during the 2016 election? Wasn't James Comey and Dickhead Clapper in charge of intel agencies that should of found the Russians involved in the scandal and all they could do is dream up the Dossier that wasn't verified but submitted to the FISA courts? Damn you are a dumbass liberal(I know redundant statement).
Again, wasn't Obama in the White House during the 2016 election? Wasn't James Comey and Dickhead Clapper in charge of intel agencies that should of found the Russians involved in the scandal and all they could do is dream up the Dossier that wasn't verified but submitted to the FISA courts? Damn you are a dumbass liberal(I know redundant statement).
Here's a better question, Dimwit: why would anyone believe anything Trump or his Losers have to say?

William Barr corrects himself, confirms Trump campaign was warned in 2016 about Russian interference

"'Why didn’t President Obama do something about Russia in September (before November Election) when told by the FBI?' Trump tweeted Wednesday. “He did NOTHING, and had no intention of doing anything!'"

"Attorney General William Barr confirmed Wednesday during testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee that the Trump campaign was briefed in 2016 that the Russians would try to infiltrate it, contrary to previous remarks made by the president.

"'I have been told during the break that a lesser kind of briefing, a security briefing that generally discusses general threats, apparently was given to the campaign in August [2016],' Barr told lawmakers after returning from a brief recess."

Did Russians infiltrate Trump's campaign? According to Mueller, they did not.

By the way, was Trump briefed that American spies would try to infiltrate his campaign?
Did Russians infiltrate Trump's campaign? According to Mueller, they did not.
How are you defining "infiltrate"?
Russians infiltrated Trump's campaign in ways they never did with Clinton's.

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. I, P. 33)

"7. Interactions and Contacts with the Trump Campaign

"The investigation identified two different forms of connections between the IRA and members of the Trump Campaign. (The investigation identified no similar connections between the IRA and the Clinton Campaign.)

"First, on multiple occasions, members and surrogates of the Trump Campaign promoted — typically by linking, retweeting, or similar methods of reposting — pro-Trump or anti-Clinton content published by the IRA through IRA-controlled social media accounts.

"Additionally, in a few instances, IRA employees represented themselves as U.S. persons to communicate with members of the Trump Campaign in an effort to seek assistance and coordination on IRA-organized political rallies inside the United States."
What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.
Again, wasn't Obama in the White House during the 2016 election? Wasn't James Comey and Dickhead Clapper in charge of intel agencies that should of found the Russians involved in the scandal and all they could do is dream up the Dossier that wasn't verified but submitted to the FISA courts? Damn you are a dumbass liberal(I know redundant statement).
Again, wasn't Obama in the White House during the 2016 election? Wasn't James Comey and Dickhead Clapper in charge of intel agencies that should of found the Russians involved in the scandal and all they could do is dream up the Dossier that wasn't verified but submitted to the FISA courts? Damn you are a dumbass liberal(I know redundant statement).
Here's a better question, Dimwit: why would anyone believe anything Trump or his Losers have to say?

William Barr corrects himself, confirms Trump campaign was warned in 2016 about Russian interference

"'Why didn’t President Obama do something about Russia in September (before November Election) when told by the FBI?' Trump tweeted Wednesday. “He did NOTHING, and had no intention of doing anything!'"

"Attorney General William Barr confirmed Wednesday during testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee that the Trump campaign was briefed in 2016 that the Russians would try to infiltrate it, contrary to previous remarks made by the president.

"'I have been told during the break that a lesser kind of briefing, a security briefing that generally discusses general threats, apparently was given to the campaign in August [2016],' Barr told lawmakers after returning from a brief recess."

Did Russians infiltrate Trump's campaign? According to Mueller, they did not.

By the way, was Trump briefed that American spies would try to infiltrate his campaign?
By the way, was Trump briefed that American spies would try to infiltrate his campaign?
Before or after a FISA warrant was issued?

FBI releases FISA warrant for former Trump campaign aide Carter Page
What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.

If I had to make up an imbecile to point at for this thread, and put absurd words in his mouth.....this would be it;

"What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?"

If I can quote Thomas Hardy to tell you how I feel about you......

“Thou suffering thing,
Know that thy sorrow is my ecstasy,
That thy love's loss is my hate's profiting!”

Write soon....I need the laugh.
Write soon....I need the laugh.

Here's your laugh, Loser.

Will you SOB like a snowflake when he's forced from office?

Another flaccid post.

I already put you in your place......and this is the best you can do in response?????

Until you came along I always wondered how the dinosaurs survived for millions of years with walnut sized brains.
What "hoax" are you hallucinating now?

Mueller Report - Wikipedia

"Volume I of the report concludes that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election occurred 'in sweeping and systematic fashion' and 'violated U.S. criminal law'.[2][3][4]

"It lists two methods by which Russia attempted to influence the election.

"Firstly, a social media campaign by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) which supported the Trump presidential campaign, attacked the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and aimed to 'amplify political and social discord.'

"Secondly, Russian intelligence GRU conducted computer hacking and strategically released damaging material stolen from the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations.[8][9][10]

"The report identifies links between Trump campaign officials and individuals with ties to the Russian government,[11] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations."

The only hoax involved in this matter is currently living in the White House.
Again, wasn't Obama in the White House during the 2016 election? Wasn't James Comey and Dickhead Clapper in charge of intel agencies that should of found the Russians involved in the scandal and all they could do is dream up the Dossier that wasn't verified but submitted to the FISA courts? Damn you are a dumbass liberal(I know redundant statement).
Again, wasn't Obama in the White House during the 2016 election? Wasn't James Comey and Dickhead Clapper in charge of intel agencies that should of found the Russians involved in the scandal and all they could do is dream up the Dossier that wasn't verified but submitted to the FISA courts? Damn you are a dumbass liberal(I know redundant statement).
Here's a better question, Dimwit: why would anyone believe anything Trump or his Losers have to say?

William Barr corrects himself, confirms Trump campaign was warned in 2016 about Russian interference

"'Why didn’t President Obama do something about Russia in September (before November Election) when told by the FBI?' Trump tweeted Wednesday. “He did NOTHING, and had no intention of doing anything!'"

"Attorney General William Barr confirmed Wednesday during testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee that the Trump campaign was briefed in 2016 that the Russians would try to infiltrate it, contrary to previous remarks made by the president.

"'I have been told during the break that a lesser kind of briefing, a security briefing that generally discusses general threats, apparently was given to the campaign in August [2016],' Barr told lawmakers after returning from a brief recess."

Did Russians infiltrate Trump's campaign? According to Mueller, they did not.

By the way, was Trump briefed that American spies would try to infiltrate his campaign?
Did Russians infiltrate Trump's campaign? According to Mueller, they did not.
How are you defining "infiltrate"?
Russians infiltrated Trump's campaign in ways they never did with Clinton's.

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. I, P. 33)

"7. Interactions and Contacts with the Trump Campaign

"The investigation identified two different forms of connections between the IRA and members of the Trump Campaign. (The investigation identified no similar connections between the IRA and the Clinton Campaign.)

"First, on multiple occasions, members and surrogates of the Trump Campaign promoted — typically by linking, retweeting, or similar methods of reposting — pro-Trump or anti-Clinton content published by the IRA through IRA-controlled social media accounts.

"Additionally, in a few instances, IRA employees represented themselves as U.S. persons to communicate with members of the Trump Campaign in an effort to seek assistance and coordination on IRA-organized political rallies inside the United States."

Mueller said no collusion and no obstruction.

You didn't know that????

I notice you only post dumb things in days of the week ending in ‘y’

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