More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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UFC - Isreal Adasanya batters white Brazilian (Paulo Costa)


Oh gee, this time the roles were reversed...


And this time...


Fighting isn't about racial toughness. It's about the skills on the day you halfwit.
This is how white people get their freedom. They always going to war. But they always condemn us for protestant human rights abuse.


Black African handiwork. Looks remarkably similar. Don't you think?

This is how white people get their freedom. They always going to war. But they always condemn us for protestant human rights abuse.


Black African handiwork. Looks remarkably similar. Don't you think?

What white people fear most is that you know that if the shoe was on the foot ? You would feel a murderous rage towards black people.

That fact is buried so deep in whites subconscious, you are aware of the violence, it takes to keep a system going that they receive collective privileges from.

My father always said the meanest people on earth were white People and that they are products of what is known as INVOLUTION which is the opposite of EVOLUTION.

Only a soul can make you a HUE-man and we use our pineal glands to connect with our souls. They don’t poison them, starve them and drop bombs on them and all that done from a people who have done nothing to them

When you look at black history it's almost like we are dealing with another species.

She is projecting. How she can claim that she knows the hearts and minds of every white person is beyond arrogant. Since you simply assume that every white person hates you? It clears your conscience to hate as you walk around with that giant chip on your shoulder. Bitterness will eat you up and eventually devour you whole if you continue down this path and no one will be willing to see anything from your point of view.
This is how white people get their freedom. They always going to war. But they always condemn us for protestant human rights abuse.


Black African handiwork. Looks remarkably similar. Don't you think?

What white people fear most is that you know that if the shoe was on the foot ? You would feel a murderous rage towards black people.

That fact is buried so deep in whites subconscious, you are aware of the violence, it takes to keep a system going that they receive collective privileges from.

My father always said the meanest people on earth were white People and that they are products of what is known as INVOLUTION which is the opposite of EVOLUTION.

Only a soul can make you a HUE-man and we use our pineal glands to connect with our souls. They don’t poison them, starve them and drop bombs on them and all that done from a people who have done nothing to them

When you look at black history it's almost like we are dealing with another species.

Dude, my ancestors died on the Trail of Tears. You either evolve, and figure out that the actions of assholes 150 years ago are not the actions of today, or you remain locked in a well of self pity, loathing, and hatred.

I chose to evolve.

Clearly you haven't.
******* are worthless and weak ...bottom feeders of the human race

Black lives dont matter at all
If yall just disappeared off the face of the earth tommorow the world wouldn't skip a beat ...

Unlike for instance when you destroy the white man's accomplishments and what he built in south Africa and Rhodesia boogies can't keep it together only takes a matter of a few short years to crumble when the savages are in charge .....prove me wrong

Burkino faso ain't cutting it either ...
This is how white people get their freedom. They always going to war. But they always condemn us for protestant human rights abuse.


Black African handiwork. Looks remarkably similar. Don't you think?

What white people fear most is that you know that if the shoe was on the foot ? You would feel a murderous rage towards black people.

That fact is buried so deep in whites subconscious, you are aware of the violence, it takes to keep a system going that they receive collective privileges from.

My father always said the meanest people on earth were white People and that they are products of what is known as INVOLUTION which is the opposite of EVOLUTION.

Only a soul can make you a HUE-man and we use our pineal glands to connect with our souls. They don’t poison them, starve them and drop bombs on them and all that done from a people who have done nothing to them

When you look at black history it's almost like we are dealing with another species.

Dude, my ancestors died on the Trail of Tears. You either evolve, and figure out that the actions of assholes 150 years ago are not the actions of today, or you remain locked in a well of self pity, loathing, and hatred.

I chose to evolve.

Clearly you haven't.
And that's why you guys still celebrate the fourth of July? It's all good to talk about the past when it glorifies whites, but when:

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

We've got to move on, evolve, forget about it.

It's all good to declare how we need to return America back to what the founders who lived 250 years ago intended, but when:

Many of our heralded founding fathers owned slaves. Out of the 55 so-called founders, 26 owned slaves and one owned a slave ship. The slave owners were:

Richard Bassett (DE), Jacob Broom (DE), John Dickinson (DE), George Read (DE),William Houstoun (GA), William Few (GA), William Samuel Johnson (CT), Daniel Carroll (MD), Luther Martin (MD), John Francis Mercer (MD), Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer (MD), William Livingston (NJ), William Blount (NC), William Richardson Davie (NC), Alexander Martin (NC), Richard Dobbs Spaight (NC), Pierce Butler (SC), Charles Cotesworth Pinckney (SC), Charles Pinckney (SC), John Rutledge (SC), John Blair (VA), James Madison (VA), George Mason (VA), Edmund Randolph (VA), George Washington (VA), George Wythe (VA), Robert Morris (PA)*.

*Robert Morris owned a slave ship. So while he didn’t own slave, he was a prime participant in the industry.

We are on President number 45 as of this posting. Out of these 45 presidents, it is a fact that 12 of them owned slaves. That’s more than ONE FOURTH of our presidents. Ten of the twelve owned slaves while in office. While many want to make this so clean and easy, I am not going to do that. It must be understood that presidents of this country conducted the business of slavery in the white house. They owned slaves in the white house. They beat their slaves in the white house. They bought and sold slaves from the white house. The ten slave owners while in the white house were:

Our nations “father” George Washington owned over 300 slaves. Thomas Jefferson owned 600 slaves. His slave mistress even had children by him. Think about that each time you see a black person with the last name Jefferson. James Madison owned more than 100 slaves. James Monroe owned 75 slaves. Andrew Jackson owned 200 slaves. Martin Van Buren owned 1 slave. I guess he would be considered a nice and humane slave owner. After all, he could have owned 600. William Henry Harrison owned 11 slaves. John Tyler owned 70 slaves. James K. Polk owned 25 slaves. Zachary Taylor owned about 150 slaves. These 10 men owned slaves as duly elected presidents of the United States.

We must forget about the past lest we get called childish names by dumb fucks who are white..

Racism goes on right now.. Pointing out our racist history shows that it has been continuous. Pointing that out is necessary and only white fragility causes a person to say what you have. You ain't native american, you're white claiming to be native American in an attempt to dismiss the truth Essen has spoken. The Trail of Tears is sacred to members of that nation. Do not denigrate the memory of their ancestors by using that in a racist attempt to defend white supremacy.
This is how white people get their freedom. They always going to war. But they always condemn us for protestant human rights abuse.


Black African handiwork. Looks remarkably similar. Don't you think?

Two world wars caused by whites.


That the best you can do? How many were killed in Rwanda, dickhead.
How many years did white colonizers perpetrate a racist lie to keep Rwandans divided?
******* are worthless and weak ...bottom feeders of the human race

Black lives dont matter at all
If yall just disappeared off the face of the earth tommorow the world wouldn't skip a beat ...

Unlike for instance when you destroy the white man's accomplishments and what he built in south Africa and Rhodesia boogies can't keep it together only takes a matter of a few short years to crumble when the savages are in charge .....prove me wrong

Burkino faso ain't cutting it either ...
Posted like a true bottom feeder.
This is how white people get their freedom. They always going to war. But they always condemn us for protestant human rights abuse.


Black African handiwork. Looks remarkably similar. Don't you think?

What white people fear most is that you know that if the shoe was on the foot ? You would feel a murderous rage towards black people.

That fact is buried so deep in whites subconscious, you are aware of the violence, it takes to keep a system going that they receive collective privileges from.

My father always said the meanest people on earth were white People and that they are products of what is known as INVOLUTION which is the opposite of EVOLUTION.

Only a soul can make you a HUE-man and we use our pineal glands to connect with our souls. They don’t poison them, starve them and drop bombs on them and all that done from a people who have done nothing to them

When you look at black history it's almost like we are dealing with another species.

Dude, my ancestors died on the Trail of Tears. You either evolve, and figure out that the actions of assholes 150 years ago are not the actions of today, or you remain locked in a well of self pity, loathing, and hatred.

I chose to evolve.

Clearly you haven't.
And that's why you guys still celebrate the fourth of July? It's all good to talk about the past when it glorifies whites, but when:

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.”

We've got to move on, evolve, forget about it.

It's all good to declare how we need to return America back to what the founders who lived 250 years ago intended, but when:

Many of our heralded founding fathers owned slaves. Out of the 55 so-called founders, 26 owned slaves and one owned a slave ship. The slave owners were:

Richard Bassett (DE), Jacob Broom (DE), John Dickinson (DE), George Read (DE),William Houstoun (GA), William Few (GA), William Samuel Johnson (CT), Daniel Carroll (MD), Luther Martin (MD), John Francis Mercer (MD), Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer (MD), William Livingston (NJ), William Blount (NC), William Richardson Davie (NC), Alexander Martin (NC), Richard Dobbs Spaight (NC), Pierce Butler (SC), Charles Cotesworth Pinckney (SC), Charles Pinckney (SC), John Rutledge (SC), John Blair (VA), James Madison (VA), George Mason (VA), Edmund Randolph (VA), George Washington (VA), George Wythe (VA), Robert Morris (PA)*.

*Robert Morris owned a slave ship. So while he didn’t own slave, he was a prime participant in the industry.

We are on President number 45 as of this posting. Out of these 45 presidents, it is a fact that 12 of them owned slaves. That’s more than ONE FOURTH of our presidents. Ten of the twelve owned slaves while in office. While many want to make this so clean and easy, I am not going to do that. It must be understood that presidents of this country conducted the business of slavery in the white house. They owned slaves in the white house. They beat their slaves in the white house. They bought and sold slaves from the white house. The ten slave owners while in the white house were:

Our nations “father” George Washington owned over 300 slaves. Thomas Jefferson owned 600 slaves. His slave mistress even had children by him. Think about that each time you see a black person with the last name Jefferson. James Madison owned more than 100 slaves. James Monroe owned 75 slaves. Andrew Jackson owned 200 slaves. Martin Van Buren owned 1 slave. I guess he would be considered a nice and humane slave owner. After all, he could have owned 600. William Henry Harrison owned 11 slaves. John Tyler owned 70 slaves. James K. Polk owned 25 slaves. Zachary Taylor owned about 150 slaves. These 10 men owned slaves as duly elected presidents of the United States.

We must forget about the past lest we get called childish names by dumb fucks who are white..

Racism goes on right now.. Pointing out our racist history shows that it has been continuous. Pointing that out is necessary and only white fragility causes a person to say what you have. You ain't native american, you're white claiming to be native American in an attempt to dismiss the truth Essen has spoken. The Trail of Tears is sacred to members of that nation. Do not denigrate the memory of their ancestors by using that in a racist attempt to defend white supremacy.

Yes, racism does go on right now. You're a prime example of it. There are racists everywhere. There is no denying that. It's how you deal with them that matters.

I simply ignore them. I don't try and fight them, though if one does something untoward to a friend of mine they will get their just desserts.

I don't seek out trouble. You and paul though, do. That's what makes you bad. Your Rights end at my nose. You are free to say anything you wish.

You are not free to harm me or mine.
This is how white people get their freedom. They always going to war. But they always condemn us for protestant human rights abuse.


Black African handiwork. Looks remarkably similar. Don't you think?

Two world wars caused by whites.


That the best you can do? How many were killed in Rwanda, dickhead.
How many years did white colonizers perpetrate a racist lie to keep Rwandans divided?

Hutu's, and Tutsi's have been killing each other lo g before the white man ever set foot in Africa.

You need to accept responsibility for your own actions, dude.
This is how white people get their freedom. They always going to war. But they always condemn us for protestant human rights abuse.


Black African handiwork. Looks remarkably similar. Don't you think?

Two world wars caused by whites.


That the best you can do? How many were killed in Rwanda, dickhead.
How many years did white colonizers perpetrate a racist lie to keep Rwandans divided?

Hutu's, and Tutsi's have been killing each other lo g before the white man ever set foot in Africa.

You need to accept responsibility for your own actions, dude.

Whites like you need to STFU.

Tonight's lesson:

The Case of White Colonial Divide and Conquer in Rwanda

European colonialism had a drastic impact in Rwanda with consequences lasting long after its independence in 1962. Formal colonization of Rwanda began in 1884 when Germany took control of the region. In 1919, Belgium inherited the colony as part of a League of Nations mandate, which partitioned German territories after World War I. Belgian colonizers initiated more direct control in Rwanda maintaining an existing political system, which allowed native monarchs to rule over the local populous. This policy intensified ethnic divisions and fueled conflict that lasted into 1990s.

Prior to colonization, Hutu peoples were typically farmers, while Tutsis were cattle herders. According to Jean-Marie Kamatali, Ubuhake, a social system in which the Hutus worked in the service of Tutsis in exchange for cattle, characterized relations between the two peoples. Ubahake, not unlike European feudalism, led to a class-dominated system instilling the Tutsis as a privileged minority and Hutus as the working class majority. Upon first entering the region, German colonizers rationalized subjugation of Rwanda’s large Hutu population under the flawed assumption that the Tutsi were more Caucasian and thus more fit to rule.

Belgian Rule
Allowing the existing Tutsi monarchs to exhibit control over the Hutus proved immediately effective, allowing for colonization without a large force of European troops. The Belgians further exploited the Tutsi-Hutu division, lending military and political support to Tutsi leaders who maintained the policies of their colonial rulers. According to the University of Pennsylvania’s African Studies Center, Belgium instituted political and economic reforms in the 1920s and 1930s in hopes of integrating native Rwandans into the political process. However, these policies only served to consolidate power among the Tutsi elite, who controlled much of the country’s resources and intuitions.

Following World War II, opinions regarding colonization and racial-ethnic class divisions began to shift in Europe. This shift was felt in Rwanda with increasing political activism on the part of Hutus, and a distaste for the old systems of class and colonization in favor of democracy on the part of Belgians who became increasingly sympathetic to the Hutus. Amid violent clashes, the Tutsi government was overturned. Tutsi leaders were deposed and replaced by Belgian-backed Hutus. Thousands of Tutsi civilians were forced out of Rwanda into neighboring countries such as Uganda, Zaire and Burundi. In 1962, Rwanda became an independent nation. However, deep-seeded ethnic tensions remained between newly empowered Hutus and displaced Tutsis.

On Oct. 1, 1990, the Rwandan Patriotic Front, made up of Tutsis living in neighboring Uganda, invaded Rwanda and began a civil war that lasted until Aug. 4, 1993. The war resulted in a joint government between the Tutsi RPF and Hutu President Juvénal Habyarimana. On April 6, 1994 Habyarimana’s plane was shot down, killing everyone on board, and Rwanda erupted in violence once again. This time the upheaval resulted in the systematic genocide of nearly 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus by extremists seeking to cleanse the nation of opposing political factions and prevent a re-occurrence of Hutu subjugation characteristic of the Belgian colonial period. Soldiers and militia often distinguished Tutsis by government-issued identification cards, which stated their ethnicity. The process of formally identifying Hutus and Tutsis with identification papers began under Belgian rule in the 1930s.

Here endeth the lesson.
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