More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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Why do you care about black people who hurt other black people?

I said I care about black people. I didn't say I care about blk ppl who hurt black people.

A white person hurts one of my white friends and I will end him.

That don't mean anything. White ppl fight with each other all the time. But you drop your swoards when it comes to us.

Why do you allow violence to plague the black people?

The same way you allow violence to plague the white community
The past and present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history, white ppl are the main evil.

I don’t care about white ppl, the way you do and I’m pretty sure you feel the same way about blk ppl.
I care about most people, especially children and elderly, regardless of race. I do not care about criminals, regardless of race.
Why do you care about black people who hurt other black people?

I said I care about black people. I didn't say I care about blk ppl who hurt black people.

A white person hurts one of my white friends and I will end him.

That don't mean anything. White ppl fight with each other all the time. But you drop your swoards when it comes to us.

Why do you allow violence to plague the black people?

The same way you allow violence to plague the white community

Ahhh, but we don't. You make excuses for the black criminals, we work to get them off of the streets.

That's why per capita blacks commit more violent crimes.
Ahhh, but we don't. You make excuses for the black criminals, we work to get them off of the streets.

That's why per capita blacks commit more violent crimes.
White ppl are the biggest criminals. It’s just that white ppl commit crimes and get off were as blk ppl can’t.
1) The US supreme court is making it even easier for the cops to kill black people. That's all these laws about. Now sure, they don't mind a few white people getting caught in the crossfire, but essentially these laws are about killing or harming black people

2) What would have happened if he was black ?

A white man points gun at Cops. They Ask Him to Stand Down. He Shoots at them. They ask him to stand Down again. He refuses again and fights With Cops. But he is taken alive

What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


3) You know how white supremacist love to lie about "Were helping black people. Look at all this aid we give"

Yeah a bag of rice for a bag of diamonds.

This is an old mafia trick. The mafia used to kill a wife's husband then a week later, show up at her house with a envelope of money telling her "What a great guy he was". White supremacists acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion. You must keep the victims confused.

But this is what the Red cross is doing haiti. Child Sex rings etc. They've found 21 cases of sexual misconduct in last three years but of course keep digging and the real number is in the thousands. Not that the money was ever meant to go to Haiti.

Once again. White supremacists have history.


This is happening to black/African ppl globally. British soldiers that were forcing the poverty stricken African women and underage girls to have sex with them in exchange for food and clean water.

3) Screen writer of the original Planet of The Apes says the film was about about Black people


Now watch how quickly this post will get locked.

To the mods black people talking about racism on a section of a forum that's dedicated to racism is race baiting.


Because in USMB if you talk about racism then you must focus on how screwed up, violent or dumb black people supposedly are anything else is race baiting.
Sorry, you lost me when your first attachment said the police shot a dude in the legs, "spearing" his life.
The Buffalo Shooting

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Some of the victims. They're going after the softest targets imaginably. Unarmed old women and children and EVEN THEN that wasn't enough advantage. Even then he had to ambush them and he had to have FULL BODY ARMOUR. 38 pages of his 138 manifesto was just about body armour. This is why not to believe he was mentally ill angle. This white piece of SHIT went into meticulous detail about body armour.

This white bastard killed a grandmother who was a freaking missionary and fed the homeless every saturday (top right-Pearly Young) and where is sealybobo ? where is toobfreak ? where is Quasar44 ? where is Canon Shooter ? where is JoeB131 ? Where is Correll ? Where is Lisa558 ? Where are these white boys who are always talking about "Well ya know if blk ppl just do for them self and look after their community"

And by the way Lisa558 you notice this guy didn't go to Synagogue ? There are tons of Synagogues in New York.

No. No. See white supremacy measures the strength of the system by how much blk ppl are suffering are being mistreated ? See we have not been broken and this FAGGOT white boy like won't come close to breaking us. You hear me ?

The audacity to be concerned about “white replacement” in a country where white people aren’t even indigenous.
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The Buffalo Shooting

1652604190532.png 1652604191076.png

Some of the victims. They're going after the softest targets imaginably. Unarmed old women and children and EVEN THEN that wasn't enough advantage. Even then he had to ambush them and he had to have FULL BODY ARMOUR. 38 pages of his 138 manifesto was just about body armour. This is why not to believe he was mentally ill angle. This white piece of SHIT went into meticulous detail about body armour.

This white bastard killed a grandmother who was a freaking missionary and fed the homeless every saturday (top right-Pearly Young) and where is sealybobo ? where is toobfreak ? where is Quasar44 ? where is Canon Shooter ? where is JoeB131 ? Where is Correll ? Where is Lisa558 ? Where are these white boys who are always talking about "Well ya know if blk ppl just do for them self and look after their community"

And by the way Lisa558 you notice this guy didn't go to Synagogue ? There are tons of Synagogues in New York.

No. No. See white supremacy measures the strength of the system by how much blk ppl are suffering are being mistreated ? See we have not been broken and this FAGGOT white boy like won't come close to breaking us. You hear me ?

The audacity to be concerned about “white replacement” in a country where white people aren’t even indigenous.

Yeah, the same as antifa and blm. Face it, these scumbags are cowards. The color doesn't matter. The character of the person does.

Wouldn't it be great if all the people of good character were able to imprison all of those with bad character.
The Buffalo Shooting

No. No. See white supremacy measures the strength of the system by how much blk ppl are suffering are being mistreated ? See we have not been broken and this FAGGOT white boy like won't come close to breaking us. You hear me ?

The audacity to be concerned about “white replacement” in a country where white people aren’t even indigenous.

Honestly, it sounds like he's already broken you.... You are losing your shit.

My position after this is exactly the same as it was after Frank James shot up that subway car a few weeks ago. It shouldn't be this damned easy for a mentally ill person to get a gun. It was my position when Seung-Hui Cho shot up a bunch of his classmates at VA Tech. It was my position when Adam Lanza shot up a bunch of preschoolers. It was my position when Joker Holmes shot up that movie theater.

End of the day, nothing is going to change, because America just loves, loves, loves it's gun culture. Instead we have to arm our cops like soldiers and punish them when the shoot the wrong people so they are less likely to engage.
Honestly, it sounds like he's already broken you.... You are losing your shit.

My position after this is exactly the same as it was after Frank James shot up that subway car a few weeks ago. It shouldn't be this damned easy for a mentally ill person to get a gun. It was my position when Seung-Hui Cho shot up a bunch of his classmates at VA Tech. It was my position when Adam Lanza shot up a bunch of preschoolers. It was my position when Joker Holmes shot up that movie theater.

End of the day, nothing is going to change, because America just loves, loves, loves it's gun culture. Instead we have to arm our cops like soldiers and punish them when the shoot the wrong people so they are less likely to engage.
He’s not mentally ill. Many white n non blk ppl think like him. He was just the only one willing to give his life away for it. Read his manifesto. That’s the most clear thinking white supremacist ever.

And you know what ? I like my white supremacy like this. This wakes black up and shows us what many white ppl are really like . I like it when white ppl stop messing about n like you try to become race intellectuals

And when white ppl show us what they are really like that makes us stronger.
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The Buffalo Shooting

1652604190532.png 1652604191076.png

Some of the victims. They're going after the softest targets imaginably. Unarmed old women and children and EVEN THEN that wasn't enough advantage. Even then he had to ambush them and he had to have FULL BODY ARMOUR. 38 pages of his 138 manifesto was just about body armour. This is why not to believe he was mentally ill angle. This white piece of SHIT went into meticulous detail about body armour.

This white bastard killed a grandmother who was a freaking missionary and fed the homeless every saturday (top right-Pearly Young) and where is sealybobo ? where is toobfreak ? where is Quasar44 ? where is Canon Shooter ? where is JoeB131 ? Where is Correll ? Where is Lisa558 ? Where are these white boys who are always talking about "Well ya know if blk ppl just do for them self and look after their community"

And by the way Lisa558 you notice this guy didn't go to Synagogue ? There are tons of Synagogues in New York.

No. No. See white supremacy measures the strength of the system by how much blk ppl are suffering are being mistreated ? See we have not been broken and this FAGGOT white boy like won't come close to breaking us. You hear me ?

The audacity to be concerned about “white replacement” in a country where white people aren’t even indigenous.
So a white guy didn’t go to a synagogue THIS time? What’s your point? That it isn’t always Jews? I never said it was. I just pointed that on a per capita basis, most hate crimes are against Jews.

And why are you inferring that I wasn’t outraged by this? I said on another thread how upset I was to learn this happened BEFORE I knew whether the killer was white or black. Unlike you, I don’t reserve my outrage for criminals based on their race.

And when you’re asking about outrage, where is the outrage coe the black racist who mowed down 50 white people at the parade? Where is your outrage for the 8-year-old who was killed?

Every normal person reading these threads knows that you are the racist here. In fact, you are very disturbed.

And as far as those slaughtered, may they RIP.
He’s not mentally ill. Many white n non blk ppl think like him. He was just the only one willing to give his life away for it. Read his manifesto. That’s the most clear thinking white supremacist ever.

And you know what ? I like my white supremacy like this. This wakes black up and shows us what many white ppl are really like . I like it when white ppl stop messing about n like you try to become race intellectuals

And when white ppl show us what they are really like that makes us stronger.

The same can be said for black racists.

How awesome would it be if all the racists everywhere could be put on an island where they could fight each other eternally and leave the nice people alone.
So a white guy didn’t go to a synagogue THIS time? What’s your point? That it isn’t always Jews? I never said it was. I just pointed that on a per capita basis, most hate crimes are against Jews

Per capita my ass.

And why are you inferring that I wasn’t outraged by this?

You loved it. Who you think your trying to kid ?

I said on another thread how upset I was to learn this happened BEFORE I knew whether the killer was white or black. Unlike you, I don’t reserve my outrage for criminals based on their race.

No. You wasn't. This guy got his ideas from ppl like you. He got it from reddit and 4chan and various internet forums during lockdown.

He read from ppl with your mindset about how these dumb blacks are getting these undeserved places at colleges and undeserved job opportunities at the expense of the "naturally smarter whites and Asians" and how black ppl are whiners and commit all the crime and how every thing wrong with society is the fault of blk ppl.

And white people repeat this over and over and over again. So don't talk shit about how upset you are.

And when you’re asking about outrage, where is the outrage coe the black racist who mowed down 50 white people at the parade? Where is your outrage for the 8-year-old who was killed?

That wasn't racially motivated.

Being violent towards white people and having racist views about white people are not the same thing

The guy has no 138 page manifesto talking about his hatred for white ppl like this guy did for blks. This didn't spray "Cracka" on his car the same way this guy sprayed "N*gger" on his gun and thirdly black ppl were not defending the guy shifting the blame. The same way whites are doing with this guy

Every normal person reading these threads knows that you are the racist here. In fact, you are very disturbed.

I rest my case. At once it's the blk man fault.

How many times are you going to let someone punch you in the face before you react? That’s what white supremacy asks of the black community. To be perpetually punched in the face while wearing a smile
So a white guy didn’t go to a synagogue THIS time? What’s your point? That it isn’t always Jews? I never said it was. I just pointed that on a per capita basis, most hate crimes are against Jews

Per capita my ass.

And why are you inferring that I wasn’t outraged by this?

You loved it. Who you think your trying to kid ?

I said on another thread how upset I was to learn this happened BEFORE I knew whether the killer was white or black. Unlike you, I don’t reserve my outrage for criminals based on their race.

No. You wasn't. This guy got his ideas from ppl like you. He got it from reddit and 4chan and various internet forums during lockdown.

He read from ppl with your mindset about how these dumb blacks are getting these undeserved places at colleges and undeserved job opportunities at the expense of the "naturally smarter whites and Asians" and how black ppl are whiners and commit all the crime and how every thing wrong with society is the fault of blk ppl.

And white people repeat this over and over and over again. So don't talk shit about how upset you are.

And when you’re asking about outrage, where is the outrage coe the black racist who mowed down 50 white people at the parade? Where is your outrage for the 8-year-old who was killed?

That wasn't racially motivated.

Being violent towards white people and having racist views about white people are not the same thing

The guy has no 138 page manifesto talking about his hatred for white ppl like this guy did for blks. This didn't spray "Cracka" on his car the same way this guy sprayed "N*gger" on his gun and thirdly black ppl were not defending the guy shifting the blame. The same way whites are doing with this guy

Every normal person reading these threads knows that you are the racist here. In fact, you are very disturbed.

I rest my case. At once it's the blk man fault.

How many times are you going to let someone punch you in the face before you react? That’s what white supremacy asks of the black community. To be perpetually punched in the face while wearing a smile

It's not your fault because you are black. It IS your fault because you are mentally deranged.

No normal person would ever say they want to go out and murder black babies.

But YOU have said that that is exactly what yiu want to do to white babies.

That makes you fucked in the head dood.
It's not your fault because you are black. It IS your fault because you are mentally deranged.

No normal person would ever say they want to go out and murder black babies.

But YOU have said that that is exactly what yiu want to do to white babies.

That makes you fucked in the head dood.
Some of the black racists on this forum have said the most hateful things against whites. One of them, IM2 I believe it was, said he doesn’t care when whites are victims - that he only cares about black people.

It is surreal that blacks want whites to help them in the fight against racism, and then reveal that they are racist to whites. Don’t they realize that any special favors given to blacks - such as Affirmative Action - require whites to approve it?

It is the height of arrogance for a minority of people to make demands of the majority while simulataneously spewing venom at that majority.
Some of the black racists on this forum have said the most hateful things against whites. One of them, IM2 I believe it was, said he doesn’t care when whites are victims - that he only cares about black people.

It is surreal that blacks want whites to help them in the fight against racism, and then reveal that they are racist to whites. Don’t they realize that any special favors given to blacks - such as Affirmative Action - require whites to approve it?

It is the height of arrogance for a minority of people to make demands of the majority while simulataneously spewing venom at that majority.
No we don’t need your help. Help for what ? Whites have a fkin heart of stone when it comes blks.

Everything we have got had to be fought n died for. We are the ONLY ppl who practices true meritocracy. We get no help ever. Trust me if this happened to Jews or Asians ?

They’d b talking about hate crime bills everywhere.

They’d b putting Rico charges on Reddit on 4chan on all these internet sites that inspired him

The webmaster of the sites would be arrested.

They’d be talking about allocation of funds to Jewish and Asian ppl

Every celebrity from Ellen to Tom Cruise to Tom Hanks to Oprah would be out front condemning this.

But blk ppl ? In few days it’ll b forgotten n then white society will go bk to showing the same contempt towards blk ppl as always
So a white guy didn’t go to a synagogue THIS time? What’s your point? That it isn’t always Jews? I never said it was. I just pointed that on a per capita basis, most hate crimes are against Jews

Per capita my ass.

And why are you inferring that I wasn’t outraged by this?

You loved it. Who you think your trying to kid ?

I said on another thread how upset I was to learn this happened BEFORE I knew whether the killer was white or black. Unlike you, I don’t reserve my outrage for criminals based on their race.

No. You wasn't. This guy got his ideas from ppl like you. He got it from reddit and 4chan and various internet forums during lockdown.

He read from ppl with your mindset about how these dumb blacks are getting these undeserved places at colleges and undeserved job opportunities at the expense of the "naturally smarter whites and Asians" and how black ppl are whiners and commit all the crime and how every thing wrong with society is the fault of blk ppl.

And white people repeat this over and over and over again. So don't talk shit about how upset you are.

And when you’re asking about outrage, where is the outrage coe the black racist who mowed down 50 white people at the parade? Where is your outrage for the 8-year-old who was killed?

That wasn't racially motivated.

Being violent towards white people and having racist views about white people are not the same thing

The guy has no 138 page manifesto talking about his hatred for white ppl like this guy did for blks. This didn't spray "Cracka" on his car the same way this guy sprayed "N*gger" on his gun and thirdly black ppl were not defending the guy shifting the blame. The same way whites are doing with this guy

Every normal person reading these threads knows that you are the racist here. In fact, you are very disturbed.

I rest my case. At once it's the blk man fault.

How many times are you going to let someone punch you in the face before you react? That’s what white supremacy asks of the black community. To be perpetually punched in the face while wearing a smile
Your racism is blatantly obvious.

If you really believe most or all white people applaud the killer you are a sick m.f.
No we don’t need your help. Help for what ? Whites have a fkin heart of stone when it comes blks.

Everything we have got had to be fought n died for. We are the ONLY ppl who practices true meritocracy. We get no help ever. Trust me if this happened to Jews or Asians ?

They’d b talking about hate crime bills everywhere.

They’d b putting Rico charges on Reddit on 4chan on all these internet sites that inspired him

The webmaster of the sites would be arrested.

They’d be talking about allocation of funds to Jewish and Asian ppl

Every celebrity from Ellen to Tom Cruise to Tom Hanks to Oprah would be out front condemning this.

But blk ppl ? In few days it’ll b forgotten n then white society will go bk to showing the same contempt towards blk ppl as always

That is a lie. White people have donated more money to those starving in Africa than any other group.
This white bastard killed a grandmother who was a freaking missionary and fed the homeless every saturday (top right-Pearly Young) and where is sealybobo ? where is toobfreak ? where is Quasar44 ? where is Canon Shooter ? where is JoeB131 ? Where is Correll ? Where is Lisa558 ? Where are these white boys who are always talking about "Well ya know if blk ppl just do for them self and look after their community"

I'm right here, boy, so stop flappin' those blue gums and shut the fuck up.

This is an instance where it's a damn shame New York doesn't have the death penalty.

Is that clear enough for you, negro?

And by the way Lisa558 you notice this guy didn't go to Synagogue ? There are tons of Synagogues in New York.

I grew up in New York. I never went to a synagogue, either...

No. No. See white supremacy measures the strength of the system by how much blk ppl are suffering are being mistreated ? See we have not been broken and this FAGGOT white boy like won't come close to breaking us. You hear me ?

Oooohhh... you sound pretty tough...

The audacity to be concerned about “white replacement” in a country where white people aren’t even indigenous.

Neither are negroes...
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