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More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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I’m wondering why the black racists on this forum are intentionally trying to make whites hate them. Do they think it will make it more likely that they’ll get reparations? It makes it even more unlikely.
Are you so delusional that you think the shit you post isn't racist?
Modern racists will not express openly racist views. They believe racism is over and that racism is a thing of the past.
Just started "Unequal: A Story of America," by Michael Eric Dyson. Here's a pertinent part:

"The real story of racial inequality and resistance to it - is the prologue to our present. You can see it where we live, where we go to school, and where we work. It's reflected in our laws, in our system of government, and in who gets to call the shots.

History seems like it's behind us, and sometimes it is. Other times, though, the things that happen in the present are simply the latest episodes in a show that's been going on for years. We're surrounded by history's unfinished business, by story lines that will be wrapped up only when new characters step in - step up - to finish the plot."

I can already tell this is going to be a great read.
spewing the most disgusting things about “the Juden,” complete with suggestions for another “Final Solution,” and praise for Hitler. How can people be so opposed to bigotry on one hand, and then on the other hand, spew it against Jews?

If Jewish people are suffering from racism and discrimination then wouldn’t you think that you should be complaining racism and discrimination, rather than complaining about black people complaining about racism and discrimination ?

You haven't really thought this through have you ?

Yes Jewish people suffered from racism and discrimination but notice I don't say "That was a long time ago" or "Get over it" or try to make out that Hitler was a nice guy

You notice I'm not belittling what the Jews went through. You notice I'm not showing contempt to what the Jews went through

But when it comes to slavery you're all

Originally posted by Lisa558
"Liberals on one thread blaming slavery for black people’s problems today"
"still going on about slavery and Jim Crow and demanding 300 years of favoritism"

Look at the contempt of your writings. Look at the belittling of your writings

Black people are the only people challenging the white supremacy system which fked over your people.

Black ppl, by proxy, are essentially fighting for everyone’s rights and all we get in return is chastisement from those who would also benefit from change.

It’s an example of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

I think its a common issue of white people not being able to handle a discussion being about them in a way they may not particularly like. So you always bring "the Jewish were oppressed too" question in because you have an conscious or unconscious desire to deflect focus back to themselves, because you can’t actually bear to understand someone else’s experience. And then it's gets into an oppression Olympics which makes any conversation about racism with white people difficult, if not impossible.

People can always find reasons to complain about their lives not being 100% fair, However, the problem is, this prevents you from understanding racism, because even if you are a victim in some cases, you still have your white privilege.


Now if you go over to the religion forum - and here in politics too - it is one liberal after the other, the same liberals protesting how awful and unfair racism is,

So let me get this straight. You always talk about the Jews going through racism and persecution but when it come to ppl who try to challenge racism and persecution.....they're liberals now.

And who outside of me or IM2 or NewsVine_Mariyam writes against racism ?

I'll wait

And here's the thing. You seem to think it's tough to go after a black people.

Do you know what is tough ?

Doing what black Americans have done for centuries. Fighting for your rights against the most powerful military on the planet and the most powerful country on the planet and doing that knowing you are out-numbered, out-gunned and out-financed and still saying "Hell no !! We ain't bowing down to this sh*t"

That's tough

Not being a little cowardly b*tch and walking into store and shooting and killing elderly unarmed black ppl

1) Nope. Whites don’t hate blacks.

End of the day

If a black man is in court and you're the judge ? They're fked
If a black man is in for job and you're in charge of hiring and firing ?They're fked
If a black man is in jail ? And you're in charge of the parole board ? They're fked

I'm not saying all white people are Hitler......but there's little bit of Hitler in ALL WHITE PEOPLE and there's a lot more than they let on

That’s just you, making a wide-sweeping judgment about an entire group of people, which in itself is racist.

Says the person who makes sweeping judgments about blacks. Ok. Got it.

All white people raised in a society where racism has been (and still is) so common, will have internalized elements of racist thinking. So in countries where beliefs in European/white superiority and domination have been historically placed, then all white ppl will have soacked up some of that conditioning.

If they can convince ppl that certain brands are better to wipe their ass than other brands....then what do you think they can do for race ?

Originally posted by Lisa558
And blacks with much worse grades and scores than whites are accepted into educational programs that whites are rejected from.

Your comments are full of stuff like this

This supposed “natural incapability of the Negro” is always used as your semi-unspoken argumentative crutch by you enthralled in the all-you-can-eat buffet of whiteness.

All I’m hearing from you black racist posters is how widespread racism is, but I hear very little racist remarks here.

They don't have to say the N-Word they have system that does just that.

In this country, whether it be on a national or local level. How are schools financed ? You should know the answer: property taxes. Since Black neighborhoods were INTENTIONALLY deprived of capital, businesses, and municipal resources, and CONTINUE to be deprived of capital, businesses, and municipal resources the value of most Black neighborhoods are less than the value of White neighborhoods.

For states that provide funding to local municipalities, White neighborhoods (per pupil) continue to receive more funding that Black neighborhoods. Since we live in a society where an EDUCATION is the key to success, then what do you think the outcome of that will be ? And even with that advantage whites are still always caught up in cheating scandals and admission scandals. Black people are the only ppl who practice meritocracy because there is no avenue for us to cheat the system. If we get. We earn it.

Tell me - Does the denial White people engage in, the magical thinking they practice and the fantasy world they inhabit have any adverse effects on their on their own psychological wellbeing?

The American racist system is so deep in the white collective mind that most do not even see it and if they do, they deny it because it makes them uncomfortable.

Look at the dumb sh*t you write

Originally posted by Lisa558
"Blacks are committing so much crime"
"Blacks get leniency and whites get the book thrown at them"
"There are no white racists here"
"Two solid generations of affirmative action, and you’re still blaming whitey for the blacks who can‘t make it out of the ghetto"
"Blacks are committing assaults against Asians far in excess to their percentage of the population, and whites far less"
"Not only do they admit lesser-qualified blacks over higher-qualified whites"
"Blacks are prioritized over whites"
"Blacks with substantially lower scores and GPA are accepted into higher Ed programs over whites with substantially higher scores"
" Blacks have been getting prefential treatment for decades"
"Blacks keep having OOW babies and dropping out of school"

"Blacks are committing a disproportionate amount of violent crime"


Originally Posted BY Lisa558
"I once accidentally walked in on a “black only” night and was practically slammed into a wall."

Just admit you went there wanting some black dk.

"Accidentally" my ass ..........and some dude probably spilt a drink over you and fell into a wall. Slammed lol

And "black only" night ? There is no way in America that whites can't go. But there are still places in the USA black can't go


Finally, yes…..hateful talk by blacks such as yourself DOES create racism. When I read your racist remarks,

Snap judgments made about Whites (as a group) by blacks don’t have the same amount of the power as the reverse situation. Saying “blks hates, blah, blah, blah” is one of those kumbayah platitudes because it assumes that there’s some kind of tug-of-war going on in which the opposing sides are tugging on ropes of equal quality. The reality is that one side of the rope is strong, while the other is often threadbare.

But let's say your right (even though you're not) Let's say that me and IM2 do hate white people

What can we do ?

Racism on the part of black folks, even the most vicious is pretty impotent. We are in a position to kill no one, and if we were to try we would go to jail. Forever. That’s not racism. Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And there are virtually no black folks who can do any of that to whites. But there are white folks in positions to do those things to blacks, and who do them regularly, as I have

I have to remind myself that people like you and IM2 are the minority, and most blacks aren’t hateful racists like you.

Me and IM2 are not as much of a minority as you think.

But because blks are often dependent on whites for jobs that means that black people have to watch what they say around white people and in many cases make that white person comfortable and rule number one for any black person who is dependent on white people

Do not talk about racism in a way that makes whites look or feel bad

But I guess you don't think that blk ppl have the same multi layered personalities as whites.

And I don't hate white ppl.

In fact I don't want black ppl to hate whites. I want black people to stop loving them. Black people are too nice and trusting to white people. That's why the Dylan Roofs and this guy can do what he did.

You simply have to show humilty and so do whites in general. Whites have a lot to answer for. Racism won’t go away as long as they are too afraid to just sit down, be honest, and look at why it’s still a problem and actually help find a solution.

No I don’t mean find a solution as in tell black people what to think or think that being nice to a black waitress gets you a medal. I mean genuinely sitting down, looking at themselves and realizing that there’s a whole world out there beyond themselves and their culture and they don’t have the right to pretend the entire universe was reserved for only them.


As long as you view the situation as a case of angry black people instead of viewing things from a perspective that does not favour the privilege you (deep in side) are too scared to lose, you won’t have that “Kumbaya” you keep asking for.

Thank you Paul, I wish I could vote you up more than once.
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A guy who can barely spell talking to us about "evolution"... it's too funny.

You go on and on about racism in this country, and it's an ill we really do need to fix.

But you ignore the fact that Race in America is a challenge because we are so diverse. The Japanese don't have this problem. Everyone in Japan is Japanese. Racism in Japan is that the 1% Korean minority is discriminated against, while most Americans couldn't pick a Korean out of a crowd of Japanese.

In Africa you have the Hutus murdering the Tutsi, or people killing each other in other countries over diamonds or strategic metals.

America has her problems, but man, I would hate to live just about anywhere else in the world. Instead of incessantly whining, you should be counting your blessings.
No Joe, race is an issue because whites created a system that excluded others, refuse to admit they created the problem and refuse to do what it takes to fix the damage.

I wish whites would quit talking about Africa when we are talking about America. You talk about the Hutu's and Tutsi's. And you bringing that up shows how little you really know. So I am going to repost something I wrote earlier. White colonization of other countries because they wanted to extract resources has caused a lot of problems.

“From 1894 until the end of World War I, Rwanda, along with Burundi and present-day Tanzania, was part of German East Africa. Belgium claimed it thereafter, becoming the administering authority from 1924 to 1962. During their colonial tenure, the Germans and Belgians ruled Rwanda indirectly through Tutsi monarchs and their chiefs. The colonialists developed the socalled Hamitic hypothesis or myth, which held that the Tutsi and everything humanly superior in Central Africa came from ancient Egypt or Abyssinia. The Europeans regarded Hutu and Twa (about 3% of the population) as inferior to Tutsi. Sixty years of such prejudicial fabrications inflated Tutsi egos inordinately and crushed Hutu feelings, which coalesced into an aggressively resentful inferiority complex.”

The entire world was shown the horrors of attempted genocide in Rwanda. Here in America, many of us received a half story about the Hutus and Tutsi’s that makes it look like one side woke up one day and decided to erase the other side. Unless you go to scholars who study Africa or talk to a Rwandan, the American half story is all you know.

Rwanda and Burundi had existed for centuries without European assistance, but due to the Berlin Conference in 1884, whites decided that Germany could have Rwanda and Burundi. In 1916 Belgian took control of Rwanda and Burundi due to a League of Nations mandate. Once Rwanda was colonized by Europeans, the colonizers invented a fake racial hierarchy whereby the Europeans deemed themselves superior, decided that the Tutsis were closer to white than the Hutus, and gave Tutsis preference over the Hutus. Under this fake hierarchy, Tutsis were deemed more intelligent and were born to rule, while Hutus were second class citizens .

Once put in force, this European construct limited the employment opportunities and educational attainment of the Hutus. Because the colonizers considered the Tutsis the preferred group, Tutsis were given positions Hutus were not allowed to have. To enforce this preference system, the Belgian colonizers introduced identity cards labeling each individual as Tutsi, Hutu, Twa, or Naturalised. Before that time, it had been possible for some Hutus to become “honorary Tutsis,” but the implementation of identity cards eliminated that possibility, thereby cementing Hutu second-class status.

This Belgian belief of superiority was based on the Hamidic Hypothesis, which claims that blacks are the cursed descendants of Ham and whites the descendants of Japheth. Using Genesis 9:25, where Ham was cursed because he looked upon Noah's nudity, white supremacists have claimed biblical justification for slavery and black second-class status. Besides the fact that would have made one of Noah’s sons black and the other white, the point is that Europeans created a false history and fake racial superiority between African tribes to control a nation and colonize the people living there. Belgium's rule favoring the Tutsi created hatred and animosity. Tensions grew between the groups, and in 1959 Rwanda had a revolution whereby the Hutus killed Tutsis, destroyed Tutsi property, and made the Tutsis flee the country.

To make a long story short, Rwanda gained independence in 1962. It's funny how I say that when they had been independent before the Berlin Conference. Africans are not perfect, and over the centuries before the Berlin Conference, there were wars in Africa just like there were everywhere else. However, the 58 years of colonization created periods of strife after Rwanda gained independence. Sporadically Tutsis living in surrounding countries would attack and Hutus would retaliate until the 1990 civil war that resulted in the near genocide of the Tutsis. All this was the result of the colonization of Rwanda by Europeans.

We have the first amendment right to peacefully state our grievance Joe and I'm getting sick and tired of whites who don't face racism and all their excuses. We do not have to count anything based on what some white man thinks. Until you live one day as a black person refrain from the excuses and sermons about what we should be counting.

Paul Magnarella, Explaining Rwanda’s 1994 Genocide, Human Rights and Human Welfare, Volume 2:1 – Winter 2002, Josef Korbel School of International Studies | University of Denver

History Of Rwanda, HISTORY OF RWANDA

Troy Riemer, How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide, August 16, 2011, How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide
No better example of modern racism exists than what many in America saw during the confirmation hearings of Kitanje Brown-Jackson. Knowing they could not openly object to her based on race or qualifications, Republican senators latched on to decisions by Jackson in a very narrow portion of her cases to use to voice their disapproval of her nomination.

Oh, please. ANYONE who would have gotten nominated would have undergone that kind of scrutiny. Kavanaugh practically got accused of rape.

Symbolic racism is a belief that: 1. Blacks no longer face much prejudice or discrimination, 2. Black failure to progress results from their unwillingness to work hard enough, 3. Blacks are demanding too much too fast, 4. Blacks have gotten more than they deserve.”

Here's the problem with that kind of thinking.

Asians and Hispanics are able to work hard enough and overcome racism. They don't demand what they've gotten, they've worked for it. Sure, they encounter racism, but they take it in stride. They don't whine about stuff that happened 100 years ago. If a member of their group dies of aggravated dumbassary, they don't start riots and paint murals celebrating him.


Quit lying to yourself. Polls consistently show that 30 percent of the whites in America hold white supremacist beliefs. There are more whites with that belief than the entire population of blacks in this country. When you extrapolate those numbers, racists equal 23 percent of the American population. And whites do think about race, you're doing it here. You see racism as the Jim Crow type of racism. That kind of racism is as rare as a model T. What we see now is a modern form of racism and it goes like this:

“Laissez-Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America's racist social conditions and institutions.”

Here's the problem.... I would argue that AA actually holds black people back. When a white person sucks at his job, he gets fired. When a black person sucks at her job, people assume she only got it through affirmative action and management is terrified to fire her less they get hit with a lawsuit. And people will ignore the five hard working people to remember that one slacker who gamed the system.

So I temped for a company a few years ago, and they hired this black lady instead of me for a full time position. And she was kind of useless. Couldn't figure out our computer system. They had to take accounts away from her because she couldn't handle them. She spent half her workday surfing Amazon. And at the end of the day, they got rid of the contractors and kept her. I get it, path of least resistance, that's how businesses work today more than "systematic racism".

Funny part. She called me at home after about a week to ask me how to create a report that had been assigned to her. while I didn't tell her where to stick it, I did politely decline.

Funnier part still. Within about a month, I got a better paying job at another company, because an Asian woman I helped earlier in her career recommended me to the Department Manager. A few years later, Ms. AA saw I worked there on LinkedIn and asked what it was like to work there, because she had just interviewed. I let her know it was a good company, but the work was very challenging and very demanding. Never heard from her again!
1) The US supreme court is making it even easier for the cops to kill black people. That's all these laws about. Now sure, they don't mind a few white people getting caught in the crossfire, but essentially these laws are about killing or harming black people

2) What would have happened if he was black ?

A white man points gun at Cops. They Ask Him to Stand Down. He Shoots at them. They ask him to stand Down again. He refuses again and fights With Cops. But he is taken alive

What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


3) You know how white supremacist love to lie about "Were helping black people. Look at all this aid we give"

Yeah a bag of rice for a bag of diamonds.

This is an old mafia trick. The mafia used to kill a wife's husband then a week later, show up at her house with a envelope of money telling her "What a great guy he was". White supremacists acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion. You must keep the victims confused.

But this is what the Red cross is doing haiti. Child Sex rings etc. They've found 21 cases of sexual misconduct in last three years but of course keep digging and the real number is in the thousands. Not that the money was ever meant to go to Haiti.

Once again. White supremacists have history.


This is happening to black/African ppl globally. British soldiers that were forcing the poverty stricken African women and underage girls to have sex with them in exchange for food and clean water.

3) Screen writer of the original Planet of The Apes says the film was about about Black people


Now watch how quickly this post will get locked.

To the mods black people talking about racism on a section of a forum that's dedicated to racism is race baiting.


Because in USMB if you talk about racism then you must focus on how screwed up, violent or dumb black people supposedly are anything else is race baiting.
Lol, crying jig.
No Joe, race is an issue because whites created a system that excluded others, refuse to admit they created the problem and refuse to do what it takes to fix the damage.

I wish whites would quit talking about Africa when we are talking about America. You talk about the Hutu's and Tutsi's. And you bringing that up shows how little you really know. So I am going to repost something I wrote earlier. White colonization of other countries because they wanted to extract resources has caused a lot of problems.

Yup, you can always find a white person to blame. Point is, other than those two Belgium nuns, the Rwanda genocide was black people killing each other.

We have the first amendment right to peacefully state our grievance Joe and I'm getting sick and tired of whites who don't face racism and all their excuses. We do not have to count anything based on what some white man thinks. Until you live one day as a black person refrain from the excuses and sermons about what we should be counting.

And I'll say it again. My grandparents came here with less than the contents of a couple of steamer trunks. No one was happy to see a bunch of Krauts show up between the world wars. We don't even pronounce the family name the right way because we wanted to sound less German.

The biggest challenge I face professionally right now is age discrimination. I overcome it by dying my hair to look younger.

Everyone's got a sad story, bud.

Now, thing is, yes, I support police reform. I support affirmative action (although I think it needs to be reformed in some ways , because in some ways, it makes employers less likely to want to hire minorities), I support criminal justice reform.

But at the end of the day, you have to realize that you have the hand of cards you are dealt, and even if the dealer was bit sketchy, you have to make the most of it.
Thank you Paul, I wish I could vote you up more than once.
I see you’re being a bigot and ignoring antisemitism - Jews are more likely to suffer from a hate crime than blacks! - while calling me a racist for simply pointing out that blacks in poverty, just like whites, can move out of it with the right choices. Apparently, thinking that blacks and whites are capable of the same thing is now considered racist among black leftists.

and you are uo voting Paul!?? You’re OK with his disgusting, deranged, one-sided racism against whites? You have no credibility to call other people racists when you admire racists yourself.
Another thing people like Lisa558 is that she can get away with her "my family suffered perscution but they built themselves up and started going to university and builing business" She can get away with that with someone who doesn't know there history

But what she doesn't tell you is the Jewish ppl were given repriations to the holocaust survivors even though the only role black ppl played in the hokocaust was stopping the holocaust


But look at the vile SH*T she says blk ppl who gave their lives to save her people.

Originally posted by Lisa558
"Blacks are committing so much crime"
"Blacks get leniency and whites get the book thrown at them"
"There are no white racists here"
"Two solid generations of affirmative action, and you’re still blaming whitey for the blacks who can‘t make it out of the ghetto"
"Blacks are committing assaults against Asians far in excess to their percentage of the population, and whites far less"
"Not only do they admit lesser-qualified blacks over higher-qualified whites"
"Blacks are prioritized over whites"
"Blacks with substantially lower scores and GPA are accepted into higher Ed programs over whites with substantially higher scores"
" Blacks have been getting prefential treatment for decades"
"Blacks keep having OOW babies and dropping out of school"

The level of contempt that Jewish ppl have for blk ppl.


It was Dan Burros (A Jew) that blew up and killed four young black girls 16th bombing in 1963


It was William Levitt (A Jew) who built tons whites only burbs.


And they had nuremberg trials. In fact even today if they find a 101 year old Nazi they still make them stand trial. They drag their half dead, can barely walk or talk ass into court

My great grandfather is still alive.. He's in late 90's. He's a WW2 vet.

Guess what happened when he returned ?

He came to bk the USA and saw his white vets get trillions from the GI BILL or the readjustment act as it was sometimes called. The (whites and Jews included) used that to buy homes, to open businesses, to get pensions, to get healthcase, to go to colege

So when white vets had children they were able to pass down land, businesses, housing and other assess.

Guess what my great granfater got ? Nothing. All he gave his children was nothing but the same poverty that he had been born into.

Let's go back further Let's go to the Homestead act. It's gave away millions of acres of land to only white people. To this day 48 to 60 million white Americans can trace their wealth bk to the homestead act. And where does most wealth come from ? LAND

That been said

Black Americans coming out of slavery without a penny been given to us, living in the mud, function illiterate, dealing with extreme anti black violence.

We still were able to build 50 black wall streets. We were able to amass 16 to 19 million acres of property and that's with lynching being number cause of land theft. Let's not even talking redlining. Let's not even talk about Jim Crow

And she has the fnerve to preach this we did it on our own" nonsense.

To this day Jews are backed and propped up

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Asians and Hispanics are able to work hard enough and overcome racism.

They ain't overcome nothing. They're just happy to play second fiddle to the white supremacists. We ain't. They have been broken. We ain't. They are fine with white supremacy just as long as it's mainly aimed at black people.

Asian men can't fk white women. Black men can fk white women with ease. So their is no sexual threat from Asian men. White men feel very insecure about their masculinity in regard to black men. So there is there a masculinity threat and sexual threat from black men. That's not there for other races of men non white men.

They don't demand what they've gotten, they've worked for it.

No. They didnt. Japan had a Marshall plan

After WW2 Japan was bombed. The USA rebuilt Japan to 20th century specifications and now uses it as one of their puppet states.

So Japan is NOT a sovereign nation, it's a COLONY of the U.S. That’s why Japan is one of the only (or the only) “super power” that doesn’t have any nuclear weapons (and It won’t be allowed to have any).

Germany ALSO lost the war but it has nuclear weapons and no one worries about them having them in spite of Hitler’s campaign to dominate the planet. Why? Because Germany is a “white nation.”

If you look at the nations where possession of nuclear weapons is a “problem” for the U.S. or Israel or NATO — they are always NON-WHITE nations.

And that’s why Japan cannot force the U.S. to remove its military bases even though it has begged and pleaded many times over the years to ASK (not tell) the U.S. to remove them and the U.S. has the power to refuse to do it.

Japan can’t build anything — even a convenience store — in the U.S. without permission from US government so how can they build, even expand a military presence in Japan without their permission? Because Japan is not just a U.S. colony it is a non-white nation under the system of white supremacy.

Sure, they encounter racism, but they take it in stride.

And that's the difference between us and other non white people. We fight against 1% of injustice. We have not been broken mentally. All these other non white groups are broken mentally, We are the only ones who fight against white supremacy.

White people judge the strength of white supremacy by how well blk ppl are doing. If black people are getting mistreated ? White people are happy. If not ? If they see blk ppl moving forward ? That's when you have cowardly punks like this dude on saturday.
Another thing people like Lisa558 is that she can get away with her "my family suffered perscution but they built themselves up and started going to university and builing business" She can get away with that with someone who doesn't know there history

But what she doesn't tell you is the Jewish ppl were given repriations to the holocaust survivors even though the only role black ppl played in the hokocaust was stopping the holocaust

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But look at the vile SH*T she says blk ppl who gave their lives to save her people.

Originally posted by Lisa558
"Blacks are committing so much crime"
"Blacks get leniency and whites get the book thrown at them"
"There are no white racists here"
"Two solid generations of affirmative action, and you’re still blaming whitey for the blacks who can‘t make it out of the ghetto"
"Blacks are committing assaults against Asians far in excess to their percentage of the population, and whites far less"
"Not only do they admit lesser-qualified blacks over higher-qualified whites"
"Blacks are prioritized over whites"
"Blacks with substantially lower scores and GPA are accepted into higher Ed programs over whites with substantially higher scores"
" Blacks have been getting prefential treatment for decades"
"Blacks keep having OOW babies and dropping out of school"

The level of contempt that Jewish ppl have for blk ppl.

View attachment 646286

It was Dan Burros (A Jew) that blew up and killed four young black girls 16th bombing in 1963

View attachment 646287

It was William Levitt (A Jew) who built tons whites only burbs.

View attachment 646288

And they had nuremberg trials. In fact even today if they find a 101 year old Nazi they still make them stand trial. They drag their half dead, can barely walk or talk ass into court

My great grandfather is still alive.. He's in late 90's. He's a WW2 vet.

Guess what happened when he returned ?

He came to bk the USA and saw his white vets get trillions from the GI BILL or the readjustment act as it was sometimes called. The (whites and Jews included) used that to buy homes, to open businesses, to get pensions, to get healthcase, to go to colege

So when white vets had children they were able to pass down land, businesses, housing and other assess.

Guess what my great granfater got ? Nothing. All he gave his children was nothing but the same poverty that he had been born into.

Let's go back further Let's go to the Homestead act. It's gave away millions of acres of land to only white people. To this day 48 to 60 million white Americans can trace their wealth bk to the homestead act. And where does most wealth come from ? LAND

That been said

Black Americans coming out of slavery without a penny been given to us, living in the mud, function illiterate, dealing with extreme anti black violence.

We still were able to build 50 black wall streets. We were able to amass 16 to 19 million acres of property and that's with lynching being number cause of land theft. Let's not even talking redlining. Let's not even talk about Jim Crow

And she has the fnerve to preach this we did it on our own" nonsense.

To this day Jews are backed and propped up

I don't know how many times I have to explain this to you.

Black Americans in WW2 had higher standards than whites.

We do the exact opposite since 1965. Lower standards, lower results

That's why the Europeans were so confused by our racism. They were like "what the fuck the ******* seem just as capable if not more so than us"

Well turns out that's because we left the dumb ones at home.
When Black people are killed by cowardly white supremacists, New York State Attorney General Leticia James offers her prayers! When dealing with Asian issues, she TAKES ACTION, AND FINDS RESOURCES!


We need to bring back public executions and medieval torture methods.

Drag the white piece of shit by his greasy dog hair into the street and let a black crowd form.

We should make it a national holiday so this shit wont happen ever again. These males know they are going to get a trial, a lawyer, international coverage, an interview, spend their life living comfortably in a jail cell.

The hatred, yet obsession with black people is so weird and perverse . Such a ungodly group of people.

Imagine being 18 years old and this is the best you can do ?

Once again - If he was so concerned with the white race population, why didn't he just marry a cross-eyed inbred girl, they have plenty of them in Upstate NY and start making white babies????

White people are becoming famous for this shit but yet always play scared of blacks.

The ugly ass mole rat couldn’t have just had a bunch of white kids to try and populate the country? Behind bars helps his cause how? But people keep thinking this new generation is so woke. As long as fanatics make these white basic males feel special by defending the race it will never end.

If they aren’t making enough white babies that is not anyones fault but theirs. No one is “replacing” you. You decided not to replace yourself. That is not black people’s problem or burden.

Rest in peace to all of the victims

I never seen such an entitled, lazy, and self absorbed group of people with this dumbass ideology.

White ppl literally have a layup in this country for being born male and white but still want to whine.

No you are just a loser looking to blame your problems on everybody else. His ancestors literally stole, lie, pillaged, rape, and bastardized every culture and history they encountered from pre colonization but have the NERVE to cry in 2022 about declining birth rates, being “replaced”, and feeling other well b*tch it’s called karma.
When Black people are killed by cowardly white supremacists, New York State Attorney General Leticia James offers her prayers! When dealing with Asian issues, she TAKES ACTION, AND FINDS RESOURCES!

View attachment 646290

We need to bring back public executions and medieval torture methods.

Drag the white piece of shit by his greasy dog hair into the street and let a black crowd form.

We should make it a national holiday so this shit wont happen ever again. These males know they are going to get a trial, a lawyer, international coverage, an interview, spend their life living comfortably in a jail cell.

The hatred, yet obsession with black people is so weird and perverse . Such a ungodly group of people.
Just like black murderers do.

These white males who complain about being “replaced” are the absolute dumbest.

Maybe you are being “replaced” because you are mediocre. And if he care so much about the lack of white people he could alway make more white babies but he can’t do that because his own woman don’t want him

White supremacist hate biology and mother nature very bad. Being white isn't genetically beneficial. It is best for one's progeny to be less white. White people have to deal with a high chance of skin cancer and if they have non-brown eyes, weakening of the vision.

Where in nature do you see a huge population of albinos? They don't realize that their just spouting insecurities.
No Joe, race is an issue because whites created a system that excluded others, refuse to admit they created the problem and refuse to do what it takes to fix the damage.

I wish whites would quit talking about Africa when we are talking about America. You talk about the Hutu's and Tutsi's. And you bringing that up shows how little you really know. So I am going to repost something I wrote earlier. White colonization of other countries because they wanted to extract resources has caused a lot of problems.

“From 1894 until the end of World War I, Rwanda, along with Burundi and present-day Tanzania, was part of German East Africa. Belgium claimed it thereafter, becoming the administering authority from 1924 to 1962. During their colonial tenure, the Germans and Belgians ruled Rwanda indirectly through Tutsi monarchs and their chiefs. The colonialists developed the socalled Hamitic hypothesis or myth, which held that the Tutsi and everything humanly superior in Central Africa came from ancient Egypt or Abyssinia. The Europeans regarded Hutu and Twa (about 3% of the population) as inferior to Tutsi. Sixty years of such prejudicial fabrications inflated Tutsi egos inordinately and crushed Hutu feelings, which coalesced into an aggressively resentful inferiority complex.”

The entire world was shown the horrors of attempted genocide in Rwanda. Here in America, many of us received a half story about the Hutus and Tutsi’s that makes it look like one side woke up one day and decided to erase the other side. Unless you go to scholars who study Africa or talk to a Rwandan, the American half story is all you know.

Rwanda and Burundi had existed for centuries without European assistance, but due to the Berlin Conference in 1884, whites decided that Germany could have Rwanda and Burundi. In 1916 Belgian took control of Rwanda and Burundi due to a League of Nations mandate. Once Rwanda was colonized by Europeans, the colonizers invented a fake racial hierarchy whereby the Europeans deemed themselves superior, decided that the Tutsis were closer to white than the Hutus, and gave Tutsis preference over the Hutus. Under this fake hierarchy, Tutsis were deemed more intelligent and were born to rule, while Hutus were second class citizens .

Once put in force, this European construct limited the employment opportunities and educational attainment of the Hutus. Because the colonizers considered the Tutsis the preferred group, Tutsis were given positions Hutus were not allowed to have. To enforce this preference system, the Belgian colonizers introduced identity cards labeling each individual as Tutsi, Hutu, Twa, or Naturalised. Before that time, it had been possible for some Hutus to become “honorary Tutsis,” but the implementation of identity cards eliminated that possibility, thereby cementing Hutu second-class status.

This Belgian belief of superiority was based on the Hamidic Hypothesis, which claims that blacks are the cursed descendants of Ham and whites the descendants of Japheth. Using Genesis 9:25, where Ham was cursed because he looked upon Noah's nudity, white supremacists have claimed biblical justification for slavery and black second-class status. Besides the fact that would have made one of Noah’s sons black and the other white, the point is that Europeans created a false history and fake racial superiority between African tribes to control a nation and colonize the people living there. Belgium's rule favoring the Tutsi created hatred and animosity. Tensions grew between the groups, and in 1959 Rwanda had a revolution whereby the Hutus killed Tutsis, destroyed Tutsi property, and made the Tutsis flee the country.

To make a long story short, Rwanda gained independence in 1962. It's funny how I say that when they had been independent before the Berlin Conference. Africans are not perfect, and over the centuries before the Berlin Conference, there were wars in Africa just like there were everywhere else. However, the 58 years of colonization created periods of strife after Rwanda gained independence. Sporadically Tutsis living in surrounding countries would attack and Hutus would retaliate until the 1990 civil war that resulted in the near genocide of the Tutsis. All this was the result of the colonization of Rwanda by Europeans.

We have the first amendment right to peacefully state our grievance Joe and I'm getting sick and tired of whites who don't face racism and all their excuses. We do not have to count anything based on what some white man thinks. Until you live one day as a black person refrain from the excuses and sermons about what we should be counting.

Paul Magnarella, Explaining Rwanda’s 1994 Genocide, Human Rights and Human Welfare, Volume 2:1 – Winter 2002, Josef Korbel School of International Studies | University of Denver

History Of Rwanda, HISTORY OF RWANDA

Troy Riemer, How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide, August 16, 2011, How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide
^^^ a tale of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

All the white supremacist demons and their Asian incel allies post on 4chan. The FBI is out here going after Youtubers, but anyone that post on that cesspool is good.

If Trump wins if he runs, he'll pardon this guy.

And get this. In that press conference a spokesman for the Buffalo PD said the shooter put the gun to his neck but the officers were able to "TALK him into dropping the gun".

This guy just executed 10 people and injured others and he had the benefit of being coddled into dropping his weapon because he's white.
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