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More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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Uh, well, no, it's really not the same thing... I am sure there are escort agencies that operate in the shadows, and frankly, I don't have a problem with that. The women are well-compensated and the children don't have to see that shit. The nasty crack ho wandering down the street, though, is a real problem, which is why we don't have that in Pleasantville.

Dude if that makes you sleep at night, if you need that ego massage, bcoz you have been with escorts and rationalize that these aint crack hoes, then so be it. Me ? I would NEVER pay for sex. Thjat's one of the most beta things a man can do.

1) Quite the contrary. Most black people killed by police brandished a gun or a knife. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
2) Universities ARE lowering standards. In principle, I have no problem with this, as long as they meet a minimum standard, and there are alternatives for the kids who get rejected. But SCOTUS is about to put an end to that.
3) Actually, companies are doing exactly that, and it's often obvious when they do.

4) Yes, facts are racist.


Again, lived and worked in some pretty rough neighborhoods when I was younger, so no.

Tough white dude we have here
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This is what I tell my sisters. These whites dudes stay on dode. They'll have their fun with you but they'll get out that bed and go right bk to white supremacy. They ain't gonna give u a biscuit. Don't believe the hype.

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Show me a black person who travelled two hundred miles, shot and killed ppl and got off by claiming self defence ?
This is you getting facts wrong again.

He didn't travel 200 miles. He travelled 22. To a town where he had been employed.

Tamir Rice wasn't seven.

I mean, your arguments would be LOT more effective if you weren't so piss-ignorant of the facts of the cases.

They wimped out because law enforcement has been inflitrated by cowards.

Or they were just small town cops... who didn't have the training.
You might want to do some research before you call somebody crazy.

Yup, because Cannibalism and Nuclear Waste Dumps are facts.

If I were to dump nuclear waste, the last place I'd do it in Somalia where Al Qaeda could convert it into dirty bombs.

The white boy easy answer to black issues is always wrong. Also, I'm talking about programs that would create the change needed to reduce or end the violence. And "we" have not thrown jack squat at ghettos since 1965. That's more white racist crap. And Joe, blacks pay taxes and we pay taxes then watch white communities get developed with money we pay. More money has been thrown to white communities.

We spend 500 Billion a year on poverty relief programs. We still have slums.

And here's the thing... a lot of these well intentioned programs make matters worse. FOr instance, letting drug addicts claim disability, or paying women to have babies out of wedlock.

Another excuse. There is no difference. The escort ho smokes crack too. Or maybe she does designer drugs then bugs out.

Or not. You aren't going to get the 1000 a night client by being wigged out.

I don't want to see the return of Jim Crow. The force of law was the only thing that has made whites give everybody a fair shot. You live in this delusion where you cannot see that it has been white men who have been the least qualified and handed jobs. Its either that or you are just a low down dirty dishonest....

Oh, I've honestly admitted that nepotism is alive and well, and a lot of bosses wouldn't hire black people given their druthers.

But here's the thing. White women are done with AA. They think they can get by without it. Asians folks are done with AA. They know they can get buy without it.

I doubt you have. And I bet you've seen far more unqualified whites. But this is the standard white racist tale. You always work with somebody black who couldn't do the job but never anybody white. Furthermore, in your delusion, nobody white ever gets hired because they are white. IfI had a dollar for every time somebody white told me either of these stories, Eon Musk would work for me..

Yeah, you see, here you go, making assumptions.

I never said I didn't work with white folks who had no business in their jobs. The worst thing I've had to deal with in any company is the entitled idiot who has a job because his daddy is a manager.

But your lack of logic is "X can't exist because Y does".
Why was that Joe? Could it have anything to do with years of police killing us?

Man, you are obtuse.

How many black people are killed by police every year.
Then subtract from that anyone stupid enough to go after a cop with a gun or a knife.

Okay. Good. Have that number.

Now how many black folks are killed by gangbangers every year?

Now, tell me, which number is larger. So why are you getting upset about the smaller number?
Tough white dude we have here

Oh, I'm an old man now. When I was younger, I was in the service, and did things you never could have.

Dude if that makes you sleep at night, if you need that ego massage, bcoz you have been with escorts and rationalize that these aint crack hoes, then so be it. Me ? I would NEVER pay for sex. Thjat's one of the most beta things a man can do.
Yet you are the one who thinks Crack Ho's wandering about your neighborhood is an okay thing. Most of us would be horrified by that.
This is you getting facts wrong again.He didn't travel 200 miles. He travelled 22. To a town where he had been employed.

200 miles....2 miles. Who gives a F ? That doesn't affect my main point.

Show me a black man who has travelled (never mind 22 miles......2 miles) and shot and killed ppl and got off due to self defence

Yet you are the one who thinks Crack Ho's wandering about your neighborhood is an okay thing. Most of us would be horrified by that.

Do you really wanna go here with me ? Do you really wanna go there and have me point out all sexual deviants and prostitution rings you have in your white society ?

You really wanna there ?

Oh, I'm an old man now. When I was younger, I was in the service, and did things you never could have.

I don't know why you talk to me like this when you know I could kill you for it.
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200 miles....2 miles. Who gives a F ? That doesn't affect my main point.

Show me a black man who has travelled never mind 22 miles......2 miles and shot and killed ppl and got off due to self defence

Actually, it COMPLETELY effects your "point". Rittenhouse worked in that community. He was invited by businesses to provide security for their property. The people he shot were caught on tape attacking him.

Now, yeah, if he didn't have million dollar lawyers arguing against local civil servents, you might have had a different outcome.

Can you point out a case where a black person claimed self-defense and was found guilty anyway?
Actually, it COMPLETELY effects your "point". Rittenhouse worked in that community. He was invited by businesses to provide security for their property. The people he shot were caught on tape attacking him.

Show me a black man who travelled whatever miles shot and killed ppl and got off due to self defence ?

Now, yeah, if he didn't have million dollar lawyers arguing against local civil servents, you might have had a different outcome.

Show me a black man who travelled whatever miles shot and killed ppl and got off due to self defence ?

Can you point out a case where a black person claimed self-defense and was found guilty anyway?

Show me a black man who travelled whatever miles shot and killed ppl and got off due to self defence ?

Who supported that? I was critical of the police in ALL those incidents.

You support the killings of black men by police

Two of those officers went to prison.

Did they get life without parole ?

The rest lost their jobs and will never work in Law Enforcement again.

White men don't get fired. They get transferred

Oh, also Tamir Rice was 12 yeas old, was 5'8" tall and weighed 180 lbs. That's how often I discussed this with Ray from Cleveland, I didn't even have to look that up. It would be nice if you got your facts right before you go off on rants.

So unarmed blk 12 year old kids deserve to die. Ok. Got it

Now, on the subject of Rice, the proximate cause of that problem was that the officer who shot him was fired from a suburban police department, but hired by Cleveland, which was so desperate for cops they weren't really checking resumes at that point.

It was just systematic white supremacy

The ironic thing in that in vilifying cops, you've made it less likely good people will want to go into that career.

That's because you have allowed these white supremacists to become the most powerful. These cowardly white supremacists are the most powerful. That's the issue you have. So a "good cop" will be drown out by the white supremacists. So this is a fault of the very system you support

A white cop (Micheal A Wood) was a white retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans in Baltimore have long known.

The Police :
  • Racially profile.·
  • Lie.
  • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
  • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
  • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
  • Use unspoken arrest quota.
  • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
  • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
  • Are badly trained.
  • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other.

When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street. Also the police were told not to enforce drug laws against white people.

He did not see himself as racist but took part in a racist institution by following orders. And these orders came from top. Who were supported by politicians who represented not the people but moneyed interests like the prison-industrial complex that need 90% occupancy.

Or white cop Adrian Schoolcraft he logged how the NYPD used to manipulate crime stats. He recorded everything that was said with a small tape recorder while he was on duty.

Police officers were told how many people to stop and search. How many tickets to write. How many arrests to make every month. Meanwhile serious crime was not taken seriously. .

When he had a solid case he went to InternalAffairs. So the police arrived at his door with a dozen policemen. They tore his place apart. They threw him to the ground, beat him up and handcuffed him.

After six days missing his dad found his son at last in a mental ward in Queens NY, where the police had put him.

That's only touching the surface the police plant evidence on suspects to frame them, as with the Ramparts division scandal or they protect drug runners.
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Actually, it COMPLETELY effects your "point". Rittenhouse worked in that community. He was invited by businesses to provide security for their property. The people he shot were caught on tape attacking him.

Now, yeah, if he didn't have million dollar lawyers arguing against local civil servents, you might have had a different outcome.

Can you point out a case where a black person claimed self-defense and was found guilty anyway?

His grandmother and father lived there too
Show me a black man who travelled whatever miles shot and killed ppl and got off due to self defence ?

Show me one who legitimately made that claim.

You support the killings of black men by police
I support police protecting their own lives against legitimate threats.

Did they get life without parole ?

Most murderers don't get life without parole. The average term for murder served in the US is 13.6 years


A cop who showed bad judgment certainly doesn't merit the same sentence as a pre-meditated murderer.

White men don't get fired. They get transferred

Really? Wilson hasn't worked in Law Enforcement since
Loehmann hasn't worked in LE since.

So unarmed blk 12 year old kids deserve to die. Ok. Got it
Nope. I think that Loehmann should have been charged. But the incident wouldn't have happened if Rice hadn't been waiving around a realistic looking gun.

That's because you have allowed these white supremacists to become the most powerful. These cowardly white supremacists are the most powerful. That's the issue you have. So a "good cop" will be drown out by the white supremacists. So this is a fault of the very system you support

I'll take the most corrupt cop over the most honest gangbanger any day.

I'll be the first one to say there are bad cops. I even agree with you that there are bad policies.

But man, I wouldn't want to live in a society without them.
Rittenhouse went free because the people he shot attacked him. I think it was a shitty decision because they ignored everything Rittenhouse did to provoke the situation and only focused on the moments of the shooting.

Show me a black person who travelled two hundred miles, shot and killed ppl and got off by claiming self defence ?

The gunman entered the school at 11:40, and the shooting was over by 11:44. The rest was a standoff until the cops shot him. The cops had to evacuate students and staff, and contain parents outside the school. Not saying this was good police work, it probably wasn't. It was a small town police department that probably didn't have the training to deal with a situation like this.

They wimped out because law enforcement has been inflitrated by cowards.

You guys spent two years demonizing the police, and wonder why they aren't keen to engage?

Don't put words in my mouth. I like police. What I don't like is white supremacist cowardly police officers.

Who supported that? I was critical of the police in ALL those incidents. Two of those officers went to prison. The rest lost their jobs and will never work in Law Enforcement again.

Oh, also Tamir Rice was 12 yeas old, was 5'8" tall and weighed 180 lbs. That's how often I discussed this with Ray from Cleveland, I didn't even have to look that up. It would be nice if you got your facts right before you go off on rants.

Now, on the subject of Rice, the proximate cause of that problem was that the officer who shot him was fired from a suburban police department, but hired by Cleveland, which was so desperate for cops they weren't really checking resumes at that point. The ironic thing in that in vilifying cops, you've made it less likely good people will want to go into that career. Lightfoot has lowered the standards for new cops in Chicago, and I'm sure that will turn out well.

Rittenhouse drove from home to his job less than twenty miles, not two hundred.
I'll take the most corrupt cop over the most honest gangbanger any day.


Most murderers don't get life without parole. The average term for murder served in the US is 13.6 years. A cop who showed bad judgment certainly doesn't merit the same sentence as a pre-meditated murderer.

Life without parole. Unarmed blk ppl unjustly killed by police will stop overnight

Nope. I think that Loehmann should have been charged. But the incident wouldn't have happened if Rice hadn't been waiving around a realistic looking gun.

Life without parole. Unarmed blk ppl unjustly killed by police will stop overnight
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If that was the case, we'd have no murder at all... much less cops making mistakes...

Life without parole. Unarmed blk ppl unjustly killed by police will stop overnight

I'll be the first one to say there are bad cops. I even agree with you that there are bad policies.

What does "bad cops" mean ? What does "bad policies" mean ?
Rittenhouse drove from home to his job less than twenty miles, not two hundred.

Who cares ?

The old worn out “I feared for my life” "They attacked me" defense that only works for white people.

That fake crying jag with no visible tears and a sideways glance at the jury to see how it played was a stall for Shittenhouse to reconsider his story of the first shooting.

Shittenhouse is just the tip of the spear of an organized system of white supremacy that includes the local police and the FBI.

Shittenhouse was allowed to pass through by the police (despite being underage to carry a gun) because he was acting as a police approved vigilante enforcer of white supremacy. Everyone knew he'd get off because or get a mistrial because at least one white juror will buy into the self defense claims.

Shittenhouse is already on a white-sheet covered pedestal. Look at how much was raised for his bail and defense right after he was arrested? That judge made sure Shittenhouse was going to be acquitted.

Also, his mother should have been charged for aiding and abetting because she drove him from Indiana to Kenosha, Wisconsin to commit his murders. She didn’t know he was carrying an assault rifle with him? Really?

Final sum up of their case:

1. Shittenhouse admitted he traveled to a town where he didn’t live as an armed vigilante.
2. Shittenhouse admitted he shot 3 people, killing 2 and wounding 1.
3. Shittenhouse wanted the jury to blame the victims for scaring him.
Life without parole. Unarmed blk ppl unjustly killed by police will stop overnight

Not really, but since you aren't rational, I'm probably not going to be able to treat you like you are.

We send cops out there to deal with drug addicts, armed lunatics, and mentally disturbed people, and most of the time, they get it right.

On the off chance you have a job, can you honestly say you've never, ever made a mistake? My guess is, if you do, it's always someone else's fault.

What does "bad cops" mean ? What does "bad policies" mean ?

Bad cops mean people who probably never should have been cops, or people who after living too long dealing with the criminal element, have burned out. It happens. We need to get better at weeding them out.

Take Loehmann... the town of Independence started procedures to fire him because of emotional instability. The man literally broke down crying on a firing range over a relationship. But Cleveland scooped him right up. Maybe they were desperate for bodies. Maybe someone in HR didn't do their job.

Bad policies- putting more emphasis on traffic control than crime control. Training officers to shoot instead of de-escalate a situation. Things I've argued to fix.

Final sum up of their case:

1. Shittenhouse admitted he traveled to a town where he didn’t live as an armed vigilante.
2. Shittenhouse admitted he shot 3 people, killing 2 and wounding 1.
3. Shittenhouse wanted the jury to blame the victims for scaring him.

Rittenhouse benefited from good lawyering, just like OJ did.
And frankly, that's the problem. Innocent people go to jail because they have inept public defenders, while criminals with resources can get away
Bad cops mean people who probably never should have been cops,

And who should never have been cops ? And what's the criteria for them being a cop ?

or people who after living too long dealing with the criminal element, have burned out.

And how is it judged if someone is burnt out ?

Take Loehmann... the town of Independence started procedures to fire him because of emotional instability. The man literally broke down crying on a firing range over a relationship.

The reason Timonty Loehmann killed Tamir Rice is because he's a white supremacist and understands the system of white supremacy and he knew in this system he could (as long as he get's his lie straight) get away with it

That's why he told the lies after Tamir was shot. For instance saying Tamir was with a group of guys, he was told to drop the gun 3 times, he was pointing the gun at others when he was shot.

The video proved he was a liar.

Timothy Loehmann started shooting 2 seconds after he got out of his patrol car.

And I'm pretty sure you know this

But yet this is a guy you want blk ppl to feel sorry for because of relationship break up ?

But Cleveland scooped him right up. Maybe they were desperate for bodies. Maybe someone in HR didn't do their job.

With a history like Timonty Loehmann has under his belt, I can see why Cleveland goons hired him -- HE FITS RIGHT IN.

Training officers to shoot instead of de-escalate a situation. Things I've argued to fix.

Officers know how to de-escalate situations when they're white

Rittenhouse benefited from good lawyering, just like OJ did.

He benefitted from being white.

Kalief Browder and Kyle Rittenhouse.

Both were 17 when arrested.

Guess which one was arrested for allegedly stealing a backpack and which was arrested for murdering 2 people.

Guess which one was released on bond and which spent 3 years on Rikers Island without a trial.


Rittenhouse benefited from good lawyering, just like OJ did.

The white supremacist Judge Schroeder acted as Kyle's defense attorney from day one. That's why Kyle is out having a ticker tape parade with white supremacist ever since


All parties were on CODE ready to celebrate his victory. Giving more privileges for hunting season on Black people. The victims are colleteral damages for WS Second Amendment rights.

Rittenhouse benefited from good lawyering, just like OJ did.

Let's imagine that white folks were out demonstrating about something, and some of them were tearing shit up, and then let's imagine a 17 year old Black guy from the neighboring state were to come to the scene of the protest worried (rightly or wrongly) about the possibility of property destruction, and carrying a gun he wasn't supposed to have.

And let's imagine some right-wing white guys were to taunt him and chase him. (And now, putting aside the fact that he'd already have been shot dead probably, by cops or one of those white guys) and imagine he then shot several of those protesters

Does you really think a self defense claim would have worked in that case ?
Do you think the whites defending Rittenhouse would have rallied to that Black guy's defense, even after it was HE who came with the gun and inserted himself in the situation ?

And frankly, that's the problem. Innocent people go to jail because they have inept public defenders, while criminals with resources can get away


Rittenhouse benefited from good lawyering, just like OJ did.

His goal was to ambush black people but he tried doing it in a cowardly by asking people "Hey do you want some medical help" and that's what led him to the altercation with the two dead white people.

This case was important to teach the next generation of white supremacists by saying "Look if you go out there and kill black people we will have your back. But you have to be on the code of white supremacy !!! You can't be out here helping negroes !!!"


Those whites who died were seen as helping black people.

Coz you know the ol saying "The only thing worse than a n*gger is a n*gger lova"

Whites supremacists want a system were they can kill any black man, women or child, at any time and say "I fired for my life" and the system will have his back

That's the goal

That why Kyle could walk up to police fully armed and them not be bothered by him one bit because he was deputized by the police to do their dirty work.

And lets be clear black people were the first people to put his name out there because they stalled on releasing his name so could they delete all his social media

This is the precedent that they want to set but that precedent can go both ways, meaning if they want to kill black people, then we have the right to respond with maxium retaliation too.
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Yup, because Cannibalism and Nuclear Waste Dumps are facts.

If I were to dump nuclear waste, the last place I'd do it in Somalia where Al Qaeda could convert it into dirty bombs.
Maybe you go do some research about what America has done in Somalia before you run your white mouth..

We purposefully kept them without a government.

Somalia: How Colonial Powers drove a Country into Chaos​

Since 1990, there has been no government in Somalia. The country is in the hands of warlords. European and Asiatic ships took advantage of this chaotic situation and fished along the Somali coast without a license or respect for elementary rules. They did not observe the quotas in force in their own country to protect the species and they used fishing techniques –even bombs!- that created huge damages to the wealth of the Somali seas.

That’s not all! Taking also advantage of this lack of any political authority, European companies, with the help of the mafia, dumped nuclear wastes offshore Somali coasts. Europe knew of this but turned a blind eye as that solution presented a practical and economical advantage for the nuclear waste management. Yet, the 2005 Tsunami brought a big part of these wastes into the Somali lands. Unfamiliar diseases appeared for the first time among the population. This is the context in which the piracy mainly developed. Somali fishermen, who had primitive fishing techniques, were no more able to work. So they decided to protect themselves and their seas. This is exactly what the United States did during the civilian war against the British (1756-1763): with no naval forces, President George Washington made a deal with pirates to protect the wealth of the American seas.

No Somali state for almost twenty years! How is that possible?

This is the result of an American strategy.

The US Role in Somalia's Calamity​

US policy not only has displayed a callous disregard for the basic human rights of Somalis, but it has failed on its own terms, breeding the very extremism it sought to eliminate. Drawing on widespread hostility to the Ethiopian intervention and resentment of the abuses, insurgents loosely grouped under the banner of a group called Al-Shabaab ("youth") have become the most powerful military force on the ground. Al-Shabaab's leaders preach a kind of Islamist extremism that had never managed to take root in Somalia before the nightmare of the last two years. Meanwhile attacks at sea by Somali pirates have grown, unchecked, a product of the lawless chaos that prevails on land. Ethiopia says its battered military will soon withdraw, leaving US policymakers desperate to empower relatively moderate Somali opposition leaders to fill the vacuum.

These policies have created the conditions there today. Now I'm sure you try that it was in the past stuff while simultaneously understanding how 9-11 impacts America now, because excuses used to deny are all you have. Whites like you called blacks crazy for saying that the government injected black men with syphillis.
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