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More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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I really wonder which admissions program you worked with since you are oblivious to the pro-black, anti-white (and now anti-Asian) antics that go on.

But yet you can’t point to ONE college, ONE university that lowers the scores for blk ppl at the expense of whites

What I can not understand is this : Why can’t you be just a racist ? Why do you need these pseudos admissions explanations?

What is wrong with racism? You do promote it, so why be a shame of it?

Why you just can not say; “N****s are stupid.”? Why do you feel the need to have these crutches ?

In many ways it's a waste of time even debating with you as you can’t argue facts against beliefs. People believe what they want and use confirmation bias to justify what they want to be true.
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What she's going to get are cops more open to corruption and bad behavior.

As opposed to what? We are largely in this mess because the CPD and it's culture of corruption.

What Lightfoot has done that I agree with is that we have more transparency now. So when Adam Toledo was shot, instead of having a whole coverup like you did with Laquan McDonald that went up to the Fifth Floor of city hall, information was immediately released, including the video.

Now, most cops, as I've said, are good guys... but they are too inclined to see it as an us vs. them scenario, or maybe they really don't want to crucified for making the wrong decision with less than a second to react. We may be getting rid of the bad apples, but the good apples are figuring they'd rather work out in a suburb where the worst thing they have to worry about is a traffic stop.
Hey, everyone, let's track a Paul Essen post to see just how long it takes him to get to complete batshit crazy!!!

That's you and your fear. See this what guys like you want. You want LAWS passed not because anyone has done anything to you...no .....no....just because your scared of being mugged. Just because of what you think.......listen to this

Actually, I have been mugged, when I was a teenager. Not so much now because I'm bigger and kind of scary looking on my own. I don't want laws passed, but I do want the ones that are on the books enforced, and when you hear about someone who was involved in a murder and you find out that Kim Foxx released him on two or three previous offenses, and he put his ankle monitor around his cat's neck... um, yeah, something ain't working.

Once again. You're straw manning. That is you're making up an argument I have not said then knocking down your own made up argument. Have you had to regularly call upon police because of a significant crime problem where you live? The answer to this is no. You’re already living under a kind of de-policed reality. And you’re not suffering chaos as a result.

Dude, I'm arguing what your side has said.. not what you say. Most of what you say is so crazy it befuddles any attempt to respond to it.

Lowered the standards ? What ? Because they were so high initially ? CPD corruption runs deep many of them were gang affiliated, so they allowed things to happen. Google Chicago Police Indictments especially in the early 2000s

Okay, so we are talking about what, a dozen or so cops out of 14,000? Statistially, you can find bad apples in any group that large.

Why do all the shootings happen on the weekends ?
Why are the murders automatically blamed on black people despite 80% going unsolved ?
Why do 80% go unsolved in a city with so much surveillance ?

Weekends are when people have too much time on their hands.
80% go unsolved because "nobody saw nuthin!" We've been over this. Gangbangers shoot up a funeral, nobody saw nuthin.
Cameras are great and all, if they were running a red light at the moment they did the drive-by.

They never ask HOW these guns are getting into Chicago in the first place. Here's a BIG part of the answer. WHITE MALE Klent Kelley from Arkansas was caught trafficking military-style semi-automatic rifles and other guns in Chicago.

Oh, we know exactly how they are getting into Chicago. They are driving to Indiana and buying them.

Chicago will be ground zero of the Biden/Harris test run to see how American society reacts to government sponsored genocide of black people. They are being enacted by mercenaries, law enforcement operatives and supported by the 4th estate (white media) to propagandize it as black on black violence

Biden and Harris? Really? Mercenaries? The media is lying? Wow... and this is where he went off the deep end, folks.... I mean he can't possibly say anything crazier than this...

I guess this is conspiracy theory to you but it's more than interesting that In MICHIGAN, a company called Gift of Life said donations of bone and other tissues soared after its foundation gave some coroner offices iPads loaded with special software to record details of a death AT THE SCENE, which are transmitted instantly to the company.

Holy fucking shit, I take that back. Apparently he can! So now all the crime is an actual conspiracy to harvest black people for their organs?
Now, most cops, as I've said, are good guys... but they are too inclined to see it as an us vs. them scenario, or maybe they really don't want to crucified for making the wrong decision with less than a second to react. We may be getting rid of the bad apples, but the good apples are figuring they'd rather work out in a suburb where the worst thing they have to worry about is a traffic stop.

The problem white ppl have ALLOWED the white supremacist to be the most powerful.

So you can talk all you like about good cops they are not the ones with the power.

So YES you have good cops But when the good cops challenge the bad ones, the bad ones close ranks and make life hell for the good?

Michael Wood Jr. and Joe Crystal — both of them white Baltimore cops whose honesty about police brutality got them run out of policing.

The good cops are not the ones with the muscle.

Systems have their own logic, and they operate as they are designed to operate, with or without the approval of all who turn the gears of the machine. You can even push against the gears if you like, but the machinery is stronger than you, which is why, in the case of policing, so few reforms end up changing the nature of law enforcement in America.
The problem white ppl have ALLOWED the white supremacist to be the most powerful.

So you can talk all you like about good cops they are not the ones with the power.

So YES you have good cops But when the good cops challenge the bad ones, the bad ones close ranks and make life hell for the good?

To a degree, that's true. And to a degree, the politicians are happy to make life hell for an officer even if he was in the right.

Let's take the officer who shot Adam Toledo.

Mayor Beetlejuice pretty much declared him guilty the minute it happened, but even Kim Foxx admitted that the action was lawfully justified. (I personally think the officer showed bad judgement by engaging in a foot chase). Yet as near as I can tell, he still hasn't been returned to the streets, his career is pretty much over.
Hey, everyone, let's track a Paul Essen post to see just how long it takes him to get to complete batshit crazy!!!

Actually, I have been mugged, when I was a teenager. Not so much now because I'm bigger and kind of scary looking on my own. I don't want laws passed, but I do want the ones that are on the books enforced, and when you hear about someone who was involved in a murder and you find out that Kim Foxx released him on two or three previous offenses, and he put his ankle monitor around his cat's neck... um, yeah, something ain't working.

Dude, I'm arguing what your side has said.. not what you say. Most of what you say is so crazy it befuddles any attempt to respond to it.

Okay, so we are talking about what, a dozen or so cops out of 14,000? Statistially, you can find bad apples in any group that large.

Weekends are when people have too much time on their hands.
80% go unsolved because "nobody saw nuthin!" We've been over this. Gangbangers shoot up a funeral, nobody saw nuthin.
Cameras are great and all, if they were running a red light at the moment they did the drive-by.

Oh, we know exactly how they are getting into Chicago. They are driving to Indiana and buying them.

Biden and Harris? Really? Mercenaries? The media is lying? Wow... and this is where he went off the deep end, folks.... I mean he can't possibly say anything crazier than this...

Holy fucking shit, I take that back. Apparently he can! So now all the crime is an actual conspiracy to harvest black people for their organs?
Organ harvesting is real and this is what happens when their done.


It's like a ritual even after Thousands of years they're still eating humans, but now call it a delacacy and called Anthropopaghy.
Molly, you were told and shown proof that white women have benefitted the most from affirmative action a long time ago. Now it's just way past time whites such as yourself and a whole bunch of others here understood that whites are not superior, that whites did not build this country by themselves, that whites have indeed been given massive amounts of government help and that affirmative action was not made to give blacks extra help. You and others in your demographic are where you are from the same affirmative action that you howl about. You guys seem perfectly fine with pointing fingers at blacks then running your white mouths based on fact less race baited garbage fed you by the disinformation you read, but when the truth hits about you guys, everybody has to be politically correct because white feelings are going to get hurt and they will threaten everybody about how they will turn racist if we don't stop.

As if whites making such comments ever stopped being racists in the first place..
Where did I ever say whites are superior? There is no PROOF that white women have benefitted the most from AA. Ironic that you think men get jobs, advancement, education etc because of their knowledge but woman can’t do the same. Where did I point my finger at blacks? There you go mouthing about racism, when I just talked about AA, in no way was my post racist. Are you saying white women aren’t qualified for anything? Nobody gave me shit. I was raised poor and worked all my life. I started at the bottom and worked my way up for any of my achievements. The only women I know of hired without skills are the bimbos that sexist employers wanted as eye candy for their clients to see at their place of business.

Bring it.

The problem is my tough talking white supremacist dude...is that it takes heart to win a race war. That means you have to go toe to toe. And giving the history of white supremacists, you are too cowardly to have a race war, that's why the Buffalo shooter chose to ambush elderly blk women shopping in Buffalo New York and even then he had to have full cammo on. He didn't wanna hop on train to the Bronx
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Hey, everyone, let's track a Paul Essen post to see just how long it takes him to get to complete batshit crazy!!!

Actually, I have been mugged, when I was a teenager. Not so much now because I'm bigger and kind of scary looking on my own. I don't want laws passed, but I do want the ones that are on the books enforced, and when you hear about someone who was involved in a murder and you find out that Kim Foxx released him on two or three previous offenses, and he put his ankle monitor around his cat's neck... um, yeah, something ain't working.

Dude, I'm arguing what your side has said.. not what you say. Most of what you say is so crazy it befuddles any attempt to respond to it.

Okay, so we are talking about what, a dozen or so cops out of 14,000? Statistially, you can find bad apples in any group that large.

Weekends are when people have too much time on their hands.
80% go unsolved because "nobody saw nuthin!" We've been over this. Gangbangers shoot up a funeral, nobody saw nuthin.
Cameras are great and all, if they were running a red light at the moment they did the drive-by.

Oh, we know exactly how they are getting into Chicago. They are driving to Indiana and buying them.

Biden and Harris? Really? Mercenaries? The media is lying? Wow... and this is where he went off the deep end, folks.... I mean he can't possibly say anything crazier than this...

Holy fucking shit, I take that back. Apparently he can! So now all the crime is an actual conspiracy to harvest black people for their organs?
Paul is not crazy. You're just white and don't want to accept the reality many blacks face.

Joe, you're the crazy one. You think that because you're white that what you say about what YOU have experienced can be the only truth. You have made a bunch of koo koo clock crazy comments. Racism is crazy Joe, and you have shown yourself to be that. You exhibit what is described here:

“White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress. This insulated environment of racial protection builds white expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to what I refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.” Dr. Robin DiAngelo

“Any white person living in the United States will develop opinions about race simply by swimming in the water of our culture. But mainstream sources—schools, textbooks, media—don’t provide us with the multiple perspectives we need. Yes, we will develop strong emotionally laden opinions, but they will not be informed opinions. Our socialization renders us racially illiterate. When you add a lack of humility to that illiteracy (because we don’t know what we don’t know), you get the break-down we so often see when trying to engage white people in meaningful conversations about race.”
Dr. Robin DiAngelo

"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it. We are the least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences. At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism. Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience. This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as “people just need to see each other as individuals” or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue." -
Dr. Robin DiAngelo

Now you talk your white bs, but if blacks in Chicago don't trust police its earned. Homan Square was just not 10-11 police and blacks were put in there and left without getting their right to attorney or anything else. But whites like you ignore those things and your opinion is formed from your life in Pleasantville where the police are your friends, the justice system works properly, and you ignore your white collar criminal neighbor who is robbing peoples life savings, the crooked attorney across the street with his prescription drug-addicted bored housewife and the child molesting pediatric doctor on the corner.

Then your white --- wants to lecture black people on what you think are the problems in the black community. No Joe, Paul is not crazy, but YOU, well you live in a delusion of grandeur.

“Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.”-Horace Seldon
Paul is not crazy. You're just white and don't want to accept the reality many blacks face.

I'm pretty sure you aren't facing organ harvesting and cannibalism...

Joe, you're the crazy one. You think that because you're white that what you say about what YOU have experienced can be the only truth. You have made a bunch of koo koo clock crazy comments. Racism is crazy Joe, and you have shown yourself to be that. You exhibit what is described here:

Yawn, guy, I am a dispenser of unpleasant truths...

To white folks, I say, there really is racism, and we need to fix that.

To black folks, I say, 90% of your problems are self-inflicted... Which is why you see all these posters of all around dirt bag George Floyd, and no one really makes nearly as much of a protest about Serenity Broughton, because she was only killed by gangbangers. No biggie.

Now you talk your white bs, but if blacks in Chicago don't trust police its earned. Homan Square was just not 10-11 police and blacks were put in there and left without getting their right to attorney or anything else. But whites like you ignore those things and your opinion is formed from your life in Pleasantville where the police are your friends, the justice system works properly, and you ignore your white collar criminal neighbor who is robbing peoples life savings, the crooked attorney across the street with his prescription drug-addicted bored housewife and the child molesting pediatric doctor on the corner.

Um, if I live in "Pleasantville", it because the people (of all races) who live here made the effort...I actually did live in Cicero, IL, for about 13 years, which is not going to ever be mistaken for "Pleasantville". The cops in Cicero made the Chicago Cops look like boy scouts.

All those things you list about what happens in the shadows are bad, but they don't impair my ability to go to the store or visit downtown...

Now, when I was growing up in those halcyon days of the 1970's we had a neighborhood called Marquette Park. And there was a big controversy because that neighborhood was resisting integration (also known as the period between the first black family moving in and the last white family moving out!) Of course the national media vilified the neighborhood, gave a whole bunch of media time to a gang of losers who liked to dress up like Nazis.

Anyway... Flash forward 30 years... my Aunt was in Holy Cross Hospital (the place where I was born) and I got to see the fully integrated Marquette Park. Which means, the first thing that caught my eye was a big old sign saying anyone caught engaging in prostitution would be arrested. Ummmm, progress?

Then your white --- wants to lecture black people on what you think are the problems in the black community. No Joe, Paul is not crazy, but YOU, well you live in a delusion of grandeur.

Here's the thing. What you see as the biggest problems really aren't. When you have 223 black people killed by cops and 5000 black people killed by gang bangers, um, yeah, then your focus is on the wrong place.

I'm 100% with you on the need for police reform... but who is going to reform the gangs? Because, yeah, there are neighborhoods on the South and West side I wouldn't go anywhere near today.
I'm pretty sure you aren't facing organ harvesting and cannibalism...
I'm pretty sure that you want to hang on to that while I'm talking about the overall picture. There is a history and you'll just have to face black skepticism.

Yawn, guy, I am a dispenser of unpleasant truths...

To white folks, I say, there really is racism, and we need to fix that.

To black folks, I say, 90% of your problems are self-inflicted... Which is why you see all these posters of all around dirt bag George Floyd, and no one really makes nearly as much of a protest about Serenity Broughton, because she was only killed by gangbangers. No biggie.

You are right about whites, but when you tell me that 90 percent of our problems are self inflicted you're wrong. I do believe the community was pretty angry about that but whites like you don't pay attention to such things unless there is a national stink.

Family, Neighbors Memorialize 7-Year-Old Serenity Broughton After Shooting: ‘She Didn’t Deserve What Happened’
Anti-violence workers and advocates, church leaders and aldermen representing Belmont Cragin — Gilbert Villegas (36th) and Felix Cardona Jr. (31st) — called for justice for Serenity’s family and for an end to Chicago’s gun violence epidemic, which has claimed the lives of many children.

“We’re losing babies, innocent children to this crazy [violence] that we have in our city, in our community,” said Elizabeth Ramirez, with Parents for Peace and Justice, as she held back tears. “We need the community to get involved, to be that voice for us. Enough is enough already.”

Villegas, who represents the area where Serenity was killed, urged anyone with information that could lead to an arrest to come forward.

“This is a call to action. We need help from the community. If you know something, say something. If you saw something, say something,” Villegas said.

Heartbreak and outrage after shooting of sisters

You run your mouth and show your racism. YOU paid no attention and want to make claims about the black community. Furthermore:

How a Chicago murder suspect was charged, then uncharged, in an extraordinary behind-the-scenes battle among law enforcement

After charges were dropped in the murder of 7-year-old Serenity Broughton earlier this month, her grandmother said the family doesn’t “know where to go. It’s not seeming like the justice system is working for us.”

How a Chicago murder suspect was charged, then uncharged, in an extraordinary behind-the-scenes battle among law enforcement

Now do you think that if the killer had murdered a 6 year old white girl this would have happened? They may have him now but look at what it took. I get real tired of disingenuous whites and your b.s. You aren't delivering any truth. You are no different than Lisa and Ray. I've lived as a black person, not as some white clown with an overblown opinion that comes from white entitlement. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.

Um, if I live in "Pleasantville", it because the people (of all races) who live here made the effort...I actually did live in Cicero, IL, for about 13 years, which is not going to ever be mistaken for "Pleasantville". The cops in Cicero made the Chicago Cops look like boy scouts.

All those things you list about what happens in the shadows are bad, but they don't impair my ability to go to the store or visit downtown...

Now, when I was growing up in those halcyon days of the 1970's we had a neighborhood called Marquette Park. And there was a big controversy because that neighborhood was resisting integration (also known as the period between the first black family moving in and the last white family moving out!) Of course the national media vilified the neighborhood, gave a whole bunch of media time to a gang of losers who liked to dress up like Nazis.

Anyway... Flash forward 30 years... my Aunt was in Holy Cross Hospital (the place where I was born) and I got to see the fully integrated Marquette Park. Which means, the first thing that caught my eye was a big old sign saying anyone caught engaging in prostitution would be arrested. Ummmm, progress?
And you can go to the store or downtown in black communities. Millions do so daily. In 2020 there were some 45 million blacks in America. 7,700 were killed by another black Thats a small portion of the black population but whites like yourself overblow black crime and underestimate the crime in your own community. You just did that. In Pleasantville, the Crime Boss running the meat company front is responsible for the guns and drugs in communities like the one that little girl whose death you used to spew racism. But hey, Pleasantville is safe and you can preach to me about how terrible black communities are. White thugs buy houses in Pleasantville while doing dirt in the hood.

You saw a sign for prostitution at that park, but the madams who run escort services live in Pleasantville. I think it's time whites like you stopped thinking you can tell me anything. You are way off and like I said, I can respect Lisa and Ray more because they are honest about their racism. You're one of those whites who thinks you know more about blacks than blacks do and that we must listen to you to be saved.

The men who would eventually go on to become the Tuskegee Airmen had to sue the United States military in order for them to be allowed to participate in the military efforts of WWII and receive training as fighter pilots. They lived and worked in segregated barracks and were not allowed the freedom to move around that the white soldiers had simply because they were black
One of the Tuskegee Airmen became my friend and fellow choir member at church years ago. He passed quite a few years back, but boy could he tell you stories. He was a wonderful person.
There is no evidence of white women being hired because if AA. What you are saying is that white women aren’t hired for their skills,which is ridiculous.
Why should anyone believe you instead of the government agencies that deal with compliance, the evidence gathered in discrimination lawsuits or more importantly, the people whose job it is to track these trends?

This inability to consume and understand facts is the very reason why white racists insist that black people are inferior to whites in every meaningful way, even when presented data to the contrary.

It's like racism is a mis-wiring of the brain. Or vice versa.
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Sally Kohn, Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone, Time, JUNE 17, 2013, Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone.

Fact Sheet: Affirmative Action and What It Means for Women, July 1, 2000, The National Womens Law Center, https://nwlc.org/resources/affirmative-action-and-what-it-means-women/

Tim Wise, Is Sisterhood Conditional?: White Women and the Rollback of Affirmative Action, September 23, 1998, Is Sisterhood Conditional?: White Women and the Rollback of Affirmative Action

Victoria M. Massie, White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents, White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents
Why should anyone believe you instead of the government agencies that deal with compliance, the evidence gathered in discrimination lawsuits or more importantly, the people whose job it is to track these trends?

This inability to consume and understand facts is the very reason why white racists insist that black people are inferior to whites in every meaningful way, even when presented data to the contrary.

It's like racism is a mis-wiring of the brain. Or vice versa.
I am not a white racist, so why did you even mention it? I do not believe black people are inferior. Unless there is a lawsuit where an employer can be proven to have hired a white woman because of her sex and gender, there cannot be proof that it is global or that white women benefit more from AA. It’s absolutely ridiculous. Do these so called statistics come from polling every employer on the planet and ask why he hired a person of a particular race and/or gender? These so called studies ASSume that’s why white women were hired. Women do get discriminated against in the workforce, I’m not saying NO women are hired because of race and gender, I am saying that the studies are skewed. More women work now because they have to. There are a lot of jobs you see very few men doing that are usually held by women, nursing, secretarial, child care, etc. those jobs have basically always been jobs that are targeted by women.
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I'm pretty sure that you want to hang on to that while I'm talking about the overall picture. There is a history and you'll just have to face black skepticism.

Uh, that he says crazy shit like that, is kind of the point. Seriously, what kind of deranged mind thinks that there are white people out there looking too cook and eat him?

You are right about whites, but when you tell me that 90 percent of our problems are self inflicted you're wrong. I do believe the community was pretty angry about that but whites like you don't pay attention to such things unless there is a national stink.

Your word dump on Serenity aside, the fact is that the community still hasn't coughed up the other two accomplices in her shooting. It was the Chicago Police that wanted to charge the one guy they caught, and Kim Foxx who fought indicting him.

And you can go to the store or downtown in black communities. Millions do so daily. In 2020 there were some 45 million blacks in America. 7,700 were killed by another black Thats a small portion of the black population but whites like yourself overblow black crime and underestimate the crime in your own community. You just did that. In Pleasantville, the Crime Boss running the meat company front is responsible for the guns and drugs in communities like the one that little girl whose death you used to spew racism. But hey, Pleasantville is safe and you can preach to me about how terrible black communities are. White thugs buy houses in Pleasantville while doing dirt in the hood.

Uh, guy, that's a HORRIBLE number. If you are 8 times more likely murdered as a black person than a white person, you really, really do have a problem. And blaming some "mysterious guy in a meat packing house" is laughable. Even if such a person existed, the fact that there is demand to start with is the problem.


You saw a sign for prostitution at that park, but the madams who run escort services live in Pleasantville. I think it's time whites like you stopped thinking you can tell me anything. You are way off and like I said, I can respect Lisa and Ray more because they are honest about their racism. You're one of those whites who thinks you know more about blacks than blacks do and that we must listen to you to be saved.

You miss the point about prostitution. Frankly, I think prostitution should be legalized. But there is a huge difference between a woman working for an escort agency for $1000 a throw and a crack ho wandering the streets for a $50.00 fix. They didn't have street prostitution in Marquette Park when the people in that neighborhood were being demonized as Nazis in the 1970's.

Sally Kohn, Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone, Time, JUNE 17, 2013,

But here's the thing. White women don't think they need affirmative action anymore. They see it as something that holds back their husbands, sons and brothers. Asian Americans are actually being held back by affirmative action when an Asian who gets higher scores is rejected for a black person who had lower scores.
You miss the point about prostitution. Frankly, I think prostitution should be legalized.

Struggling to get laid eh ?.

But there is a huge difference between a woman working for an escort agency for $1000 a throw and a crack ho wandering the streets for a $50.00 fix.

Same sh*t

They didn't have street prostitution in Marquette Park when the people in that neighborhood were being demonized as Nazis in the 1970's

Of course they did. It's called the oldest profession for a reason.

I'm pretty sure you aren't facing organ harvesting and cannibalism...

Cannibalism goes back a long way in white supremacist society bk to when the earliest white colonists starved to death and turned to cannibalism when the winters came in.. All that stopped when Black people started working in the colony but even today (click on pics)




White supremacist are doing all kinds of sh*t to black people all over the world but you ain't gonna read about it on fox.

Black people dying is normal. It's not news. It's expected. That's the system of white supremacy. White supremacist killing black people in Africa ? Happens everyday.


To white folks, I say, there really is racism, and we need to fix that.
  • You'll say that whites need to fix racism but then you'll justify pretty much every blk person murdered by police.
  • You'll say that whites need to fix racism but then you'll talk about universities lowering there admissions standards for blacks.
  • You'll say that whites need to fix racism but then you'll talk about blks getting undeserved jobs.
  • You'll say that whites need to fix racism but then you ll say blks commit 50% of murders in the USA.
I mean if you can't see the irony here, then it's almost pointless to say anything to you.

White racism is irrational and self-serving.

It cannot be “disproved”, only confirmed. So all it takes are a few bad apples for Whites to think their stereotypes are true: “I’ve been attacked – jumped by blacks.”

Your arguments prevails on black people accepting our role in the house of white racism; a house that we did not ask to be held captive in.

The onus turns on us to become respectable to whites when whites created the rules that make us unrespectable by default. It's a hamster wheel within the cage.

To black folks, I say, 90% of your problems are self-inflicted.

Thjere two types of advice people give

1) There is advice you give to help someone with there problems
2) There is advice you give to help yourself feel better about not knowing how to them with their poblem.

The difference is all in the context

If someone was to tell you to brush your teeth everyday ? That's generally good advice but if you've just lost your teeth in a car accident within that context their advice is terrible.

And that's how your arguments and most white supremacists argument work. That is handing out advice that's sometimes valid in the abstract but totally usless in context.

Advice that serves to not help them with their problems but blame that person for their problems so that you can feel better about seeing them have problems.

Because let's be clear


You and other white supremacist arguments serve as a function to help you rationalize your shame that you project on to those young blk men when you walk by them on the street

YOUR SHAME - YOUR GUILT - YOUR FEAR.......your petty superficial shame that comes YOU internalizing the same racism that's really at the root of black peoples issues - -

Which is why you see all these posters of all around dirt bag George Floyd, and no one really makes

Are more blk ppl were kiled by blk ppl than by the police ?

Yup. That's correct

But that would have been correct 100 years ago

But I guess that would have justified the lynching and hangings from the Klan ? Right ?

The black on black crime figure will always be higher that white on black. Why ? Because those are the people you live around.

You're argument is as stupid as me telling a woman with breast cancer, not focus on it because all the focus is on Lung Cancer because is the biggest cancer killer.

Saying, Black people need to do A before they can do B is stupid. Why can’t blk ppl do both? The sequential nature of the argument is false. You don’t have to do one BEFORE you do the other. While some are addressing one problem, other’s can be addressing another.

You’re argument falls on its face on the grounds mere stupidity.

The police are held to a higher standard. Because if you have the power to kill me, then you better believe I'm gonna hold you to a higher standard.

It's the same way a teacher can't be late often for their class and then turn around and say "Well some of you are late too"

With great power comes greater responsibility, they are the rules

nearly as much of a protest about Serenity Broughton, because she was only killed by gangbangers. No biggie.

Once again - Your making the worth of black life conditional. Conditional on good behaviour, Meanwhile the worth of white life is taken seriously, as not being conditional.

No-one belittled those white kids who were killed in the Sandy Hook school shooting by Adam Lanza.

No one belittled the Aurora theater shooting of white people by white psychopath, James Eagan Holmes.no one says “white people kill each other all the time, what’s the big deal?

Again at the same time you'll say that whites need to fix racism I notice when white people fly planes into buildings, shoot up movie theaters, schools, religious buildings, rape children both here and abroad (Korea, Bangkok, recently Kenya) commit multiple acts of domestic terrorism and crimes against humanity you never demand that whites have to prove their humanity

They treat white mass attacks as if they’re a weather phenomena (just something that “happens”), but they still pray about the actual weather but let black do it ? They’d bring on the total awesome force of US military & intel & law enforcement


And I shouldn't even say this but there is no shortage of dedicated individuals and groups in the South Side city of Chicago and other places working day in and day.

The same is true in every major city in the country.

Black folks mostly, doing the unheralded and largely ignored community-building, violence prevention, gang intervention, and conflict resolution work about which White America knows almost nothing.

The media doesn’t cover it but it’s happening every day.

Some of the most consistent work in this regard in Chicago is being done by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan, and Father Michael Pfleger at St. Sabina Catholic Church.

The same people who call out white racism and police misconduct are the ones who do the community self-help work. .

But you don’t know this because you don’t know hardly any black people and haven’t spent time yourself in those communities.

And you most likely don’t read or listen to black media, where not only are such issues covered, but the efforts made by people in the community to address those problems are also highlighted and the media does not report on this. They only come in when someone get's blasted
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