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More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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Uh, that he says crazy shit like that, is kind of the point. Seriously, what kind of deranged mind thinks that there are white people out there looking too cook and eat him?
You're white and obviously unaware of the gruesome things whites have done to black people.

Your word dump on Serenity aside, the fact is that the community still hasn't coughed up the other two accomplices in her shooting. It was the Chicago Police that wanted to charge the one guy they caught, and Kim Foxx who fought indicting him.

The word dump shows that the community was outraged and that tired racist claim about the community protecting criminals is bs. `Again whites have ignored pleas from these communities for the funding to implement programs that would reduce this kind of violence. Yet we get whites like you who sit on their butts trying to judge.

Uh, guy, that's a HORRIBLE number. If you are 8 times more likely murdered as a black person than a white person, you really, really do have a problem. And blaming some "mysterious guy in a meat packing house" is laughable. Even if such a person existed, the fact that there is demand to start with is the problem.

JULY 17, 2020

Fact check: False data on U.S. racial murder rates​

Users on social media are sharing an image that features misleading data on black and white murder rates. Based on existing U.S. government data, all the figures are false.

According to the FBI’s Expanded Homicide data from 2018, the most recent report of this kind Reuters was able to find ( here ), 80.7% of the murders of white people were committed by white offenders (2,677 of a total of 3,315) while 15.5% of the murders of white people were committed by Black offenders (514).

FBI data from 2017 also follows this trend: 80.2% of white victims were killed by white offenders, 8.9% of Black victims were killed by whites, 88.5% of Black victims were killed by Blacks, and 16.1% of whites were killed by Blacks.

You miss the point about prostitution. Frankly, I think prostitution should be legalized. But there is a huge difference between a woman working for an escort agency for $1000 a throw and a crack ho wandering the streets for a $50.00 fix. They didn't have street prostitution in Marquette Park when the people in that neighborhood were being demonized as Nazis in the 1970's.

No I don't. Prostitution is prostitution. Whether you're a crack ho or cocaine ho sitting in madames house. Like I said, whites like you always have an excuse.

But here's the thing. White women don't think they need affirmative action anymore. They see it as something that holds back their husbands, sons and brothers. Asian Americans are actually being held back by affirmative action when an Asian who gets higher scores is rejected for a black person who had lower scores.

Joe, you're a white male. You've been getting what you think Affirmative action is since 1776. Furthermore Asians are not being held back by affirmative action. Asians are one of the groups included in Affirmative Action. The racists have affirmative action all wrong. The policy is not holding back white men. Dumb white men are still hired before anyone else. You keep repeating what white race pimps say and repeating myself on this is old and tiring.

Students for Fair Admissions v. President & Fellows of Harvard College.

In this case, the contention is that Asians are discriminated against based on the number of Asians turned down for Harvard admission. More than 30,000 students each year apply to Harvard. In 2019, there were 36,000 applicants for 1,600 slots. That meant 34,400 students of all races were not admitted. The claim is Asians get excluded to add black and Hispanic students. Ironically the claim is not made about Asians being passed over for white legacy students. Students for Fair Admissions claimed that Harvard violated Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Title VI “prohibits discrimination based on race, color, and national origin in federal financial assistance programs and activities.” Here is where the claim gets sticky. But before we get to that, we need to understand what courts use as regulations guiding a decision in cases such as this.

When a case such as this goes to court, the court considers many things. As it pertains to this case, the First Circuit Court determined that Harvard’s policy satisfied “strict scrutiny” and did not discriminate against Asians relative to admissions.

It is time to look at Blum's claim. He claims Asians are discriminated against in admissions. Harvard admission numbers do not support his claim. Asians are 6 percent of the American population, but they were 25.9 percent of the students entering Harvard in 2021. That is a full ten percentage points more than African Americans (15.9%) and more than double the percentage of both Hispanics(12.5%) and Native Americans(11%). In fact, there were more Asians admitted into Harvard than Hispanics and Native Americans combined. Additionally, a study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research and reported on the NBC.com website on September 20, 2019, revealed this:

“Using publicly released reports, we examine the preferences Harvard gives for recruited athletes, legacies, those on the dean’s interest list, and children of faculty and staff (ALDCs). Among white admits, over 43% are ALDC. Among admits who are African American, Asian American, and Hispanic, the share is less than 16% each. Our model of admissions shows that roughly three quarters of white ALDC admits would have been rejected if they had been treated as white non-ALDCs. Removing preferences for athletes and legacies would significantly alter the racial distribution of admitted students, with the share of white admits falling and all other groups rising or remaining unchanged.”

Here, we see that whites are provided entry by a plethora of other preferences they would not qualify for if not for connections they have due to their race. The study shows that Asians are not adversely impacted because Harvard must admit blacks and Hispanics that are presumably unqualified. Instead, we see white ALDC students who would not qualify under any other circumstance who get accepted at more than double the percentage of Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans who meet the same criteria.

Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President & Fellows of Harvard College, First Circuit Holds that Harvard’s Admissions Program Does Not Violate the Civil Rights Act., Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President & Fellows of Harvard College

Russell W. Galloway Jr., Basic Equal Protection Analysis, 29 Santa Clara L. Rev. 121 (1989). Basic Equal Protection Analysis

The diverse demographics of Asian Americans, The diverse demographics of Asian Americans

Admissions Statistics, A Brief Profile of the Admitted Class of 2025, Harvard welcomes students from across the country and all over, Admissions Statistics

Daniella Silva, Study on Harvard finds 43 percent of white students are legacy, athletes, related to donors or staff, Study finds 43 percent of Harvard's white students are legacy, athletes, related to donors or staff

Peter Arcidiacono, Josh Kinsler, Tyler Ransom, National Bureau Of Economic Research, Legacy And Athlete Preferences At Harvard, Working Paper 26316, Legacy and Athlete Preferences at Harvard

You have been race baited into believing a lie. Don't repeat this lie to me anymore.
They didn't have street prostitution in Marquette Park when the people in that neighborhood were being demonized as Nazis in the 1970's

Just one more thing. You seem to be a bit of an expert on this prostitution thing. You know about the parks were they hang out - the rates they charge

You got something say ? In fact you don't have to - You’re a trick.

I think uv busted yourself there son.


I always thought there was something off about you. You try a little bit TOO HARD to try to sound clever. Always pointing out grammar mistakes. When ppl flip out over little sh*t ? That means they're hiding some big sh*t
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Texas police opened fire on Ramos BEFORE he entered the school but his body armor protected him.

The fact he was able to be armed and wearing body armor in the first place is the problem.

So are you ready to create the jobs necessary in inner cities so that crime will be reduced?


Are you going to continue talking about unwed births as if blacks getting married when the woman gets pregnant is going to end everything?

Because whites like you and joe opposed ideas from blacks to stop such things while SERENITY BROUGHTON was living and now you sit on your pius white glutes pontificating. So you didn't give a damn. She was living in a community where people had lost hope, but you didn't care about that. Nor does Joe. You both are just jealous because BLM bought attention to something you both wanted to see continue.
The fact he was able to be armed and wearing body armor in the first place is the problem.

So are you ready to create the jobs necessary in inner cities so that crime will be reduced?


Are you going to continue talking about unwed births as if blacks getting married when the woman gets pregnant is going to end everything?

Because whites like you and joe opposed ideas from blacks to stop such things while SERENITY BROUGHTON was living and now you sit on your pius white glutes pontificating. So you didn't give a damn. She was living in a community where people had lost hope, but you didn't care about that. Nor does Joe. You both are just jealous because BLM bought attention to something you both wanted to see continue.
Very good it only took about 50 posts for you to bring yourself to acknowledge Serenity Broughton. Excellent! :113: However this has no relevance to the discussion at hand. And furthermore I find it curious that alleged police inaction is in Paul's "Tales of White Supremacy and White Privilege". Has it been verified that all the Police hesitating to go into the school were all White and exerting their White Privilege? Once again you guys have confused me with your illogical posts. :confused-84::dunno:
Paul was right about the police in Uvalde.
Very good it only took about 50 posts for you to bring yourself to acknowledge Serenity Broughton. Excellent! :113: However this has no relevance to the discussion at hand. And furthermore I find it curious that alleged police inaction is in Paul's "Tales of White Supremacy and White Privilege". Has it been verified that all the Police hesitating to go into the school were all White and exerting their White Privilege? Once again you guys have confused me with your illogical posts. :confused-84::dunno:
It's taken you a lifetime and you still don't have a clue. I have acknowledged the Serenity Broughtons of this country my whole life. You haven't. To you, she was just the product of an unwed birth. Posting her name is no show of acknowledgment. So are you prepared to put the money and time in to develop a program that will create the jobs necessary in that community to end the violence or are you going to live with the delusion that saying a dead child's name all the time means something.

You ain't confused. You're dishonest. That's why you're using the death of kid you didn't' give a damn about while she was alive to spew your filth
It's taken you a lifetime and you still don't have a clue. I have acknowledged the Serenity Broughtons of this country my whole life. You haven't. To you, she was just the product of an unwed birth. Posting her name is no show of acknowledgment. So are you prepared to put the money and time in to develop a program that will create the jobs necessary in that community to end the violence or are you going to live with the delusion that saying a dead child's name all the time means something.

You ain't confused. You're dishonest. That's why you're using the death of kid you didn't' give a damn about while she was alive to spew your filth
As if you give a damn about all the black children killed. Wtf do you think he didn’t gives damn about the death of a child?
Of course they did. It's called the oldest profession for a reason.

Uh, well, no, it's really not the same thing... I am sure there are escort agencies that operate in the shadows, and frankly, I don't have a problem with that. The women are well-compensated and the children don't have to see that shit. The nasty crack ho wandering down the street, though, is a real problem, which is why we don't have that in Pleasantville.

Same sh*t

Not quite. The Escort Girl is going to do that for a few years and move on to something else. The Crack Ho is going to eventually enjoy a new career opportunity as a medical cadaver.

Cannibalism goes back a long way in white supremacist society bk to when the earliest white colonists starved to death and turned to cannibalism when the winters came in.. All that stopped when Black people started working in the colony but even today (click on pics)

Wow, so you had to harp on this one guy in Germany to prove rich people are eating blacks in this country?

White supremacist are doing all kinds of sh*t to black people all over the world but you ain't gonna read about it on fox.

Or anywhere else run by relatively sane people.

Black people dying is normal. It's not news. It's expected. That's the system of white supremacy. White supremacist killing black people in Africa ? Happens everyday.

Um, everyone dying is normal, and most of the time, we don't hear about it. This crazy rant about Somalia ( a country where they let all civil order fall apart and even took pot shots at the white people trying to save them) being a nuclear waste dump is just crazy talk.

  • You'll say that whites need to fix racism but then you'll justify pretty much every blk person murdered by police.
  • You'll say that whites need to fix racism but then you'll talk about universities lowering there admissions standards for blacks.
  • You'll say that whites need to fix racism but then you'll talk about blks getting undeserved jobs.
  • You'll say that whites need to fix racism but then you ll say blks commit 50% of murders in the USA.

1) Quite the contrary. Most black people killed by police brandished a gun or a knife. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
2) Universities ARE lowering standards. In principle, I have no problem with this, as long as they meet a minimum standard, and there are alternatives for the kids who get rejected. But SCOTUS is about to put an end to that.
3) Actually, companies are doing exactly that, and it's often obvious when they do.
4) Yes, facts are racist.

Once again - Your making the worth of black life conditional. Conditional on good behaviour, Meanwhile the worth of white life is taken seriously, as not being conditional.

No-one belittled those white kids who were killed in the Sandy Hook school shooting by Adam Lanza.

We also didn't do anything about it.

No one belittled the Aurora theater shooting of white people by white psychopath, James Eagan Holmes.no one says “white people kill each other all the time, what’s the big deal?

Again, we didn't pass any gun laws as a result of that, either.

Again at the same time you'll say that whites need to fix racism I notice when white people fly planes into buildings, shoot up movie theaters, schools, religious buildings, rape children both here and abroad (Korea, Bangkok, recently Kenya) commit multiple acts of domestic terrorism and crimes against humanity you never demand that whites have to prove their humanity

Wasn't aware any white people flew planes into buildings. Pretty sure those were brown people. But your whining aside, when those crimes are committed, people are held accountable. When crimes happen in the hood, "nobody saw nuthin'!"

They treat white mass attacks as if they’re a weather phenomena (just something that “happens”), but they still pray about the actual weather but let black do it ? They’d bring on the total awesome force of US military & intel & law enforcement

Not sure what you are babbling about here, exactly. Frankly, what I remember about 2020 is we let the riots run rampant for months.

And I shouldn't even say this but there is no shortage of dedicated individuals and groups in the South Side city of Chicago and other places working day in and day.

The same is true in every major city in the country.

Black folks mostly, doing the unheralded and largely ignored community-building, violence prevention, gang intervention, and conflict resolution work about which White America knows almost nothing.

Well, they aren't making much progress, are they?

Some of the most consistent work in this regard in Chicago is being done by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan, and Father Michael Pfleger at St. Sabina Catholic Church.

Wow. So you got Pfleiger, who was accused of molesting kids.
Jeremiah Wright, who Obama couldn't run away from fast enough. (But not before he threw his poor white grandmother under the bus.)
And Farrakhan, a guy who said stuff about Jews that would make Hitler say, "Man, take it down a notch."

But you don’t know this because you don’t know hardly any black people and haven’t spent time yourself in those communities.

Again, lived and worked in some pretty rough neighborhoods when I was younger, so no.

And you most likely don’t read or listen to black media, where not only are such issues covered, but the efforts made by people in the community to address those problems are also highlighted and the media does not report on this. They only come in when someone get's blasted

Uh, okay. YOu realize most of the good works done in any community don't make the news, right? Yes, we hear about when people get blasted because it happens every day.
You're white and obviously unaware of the gruesome things whites have done to black people.

Then you wouldn't need to make shit up about Cannibalism and Organ Harvesting and Paul's new bit of crazy, Somalia being used a nuclear waste dump.

The word dump shows that the community was outraged and that tired racist claim about the community protecting criminals is bs. `Again whites have ignored pleas from these communities for the funding to implement programs that would reduce this kind of violence. Yet we get whites like you who sit on their butts trying to judge.

Uh, why do we need a program to catch the other two dirtbags?
"Hey, It was Jamal and Tyrone! I saw them do it."

See, that was easy. but nobody saw nuthin'!

We've been throwing Money at the ghettos since 1965... and we still have ghettos.

No I don't. Prostitution is prostitution. Whether you're a crack ho or cocaine ho sitting in madames house. Like I said, whites like you always have an excuse.

Well, no, there's a fairly major difference. An Escort is going to do it in the privacy of a hotel room, as opposed to the scary ass crack ho who is going to wander down the streets bugging out.

Joe, you're a white male. You've been getting what you think Affirmative action is since 1776. Furthermore Asians are not being held back by affirmative action. Asians are one of the groups included in Affirmative Action. The racists have affirmative action all wrong. The policy is not holding back white men. Dumb white men are still hired before anyone else. You keep repeating what white race pimps say and repeating myself on this is old and tiring.

Then you should have no problem when SCOTUS gets rid of AA, then.

You have been race baited into believing a lie. Don't repeat this lie to me anymore.

Like I've said, I've seen it in action.
Just one more thing. You seem to be a bit of an expert on this prostitution thing. You know about the parks were they hang out - the rates they charge

NO, I was pointing out that there were anti-prostitution signs in Marquette park, the neighborhood that was demonized for years for wanting to resist "integration".

I did not see any hookers that day, but that was probably because it was 12 noon and I was on my way to see my Aunt in the hospital. The very same hospital I was born at in 1962. A hospital that now gets a 2.1 rating because the quality of care has declined so much.
The fact he was able to be armed and wearing body armor in the first place is the problem.

True. But America doesn't want to change our gun laws. We didn't change them after Sandy Hook and we won't change them now. When the 80% who don't own guns care as much about this issue as the 20% who do, then things might change.

So are you ready to create the jobs necessary in inner cities so that crime will be reduced?

I think you have that backwards, the inner cities have to make the city inviting enough to attract businesses. You suffer from what Robert Heinlein called "The socialist disease in it's worst form, the belief the world owes you a living." But he was just an old white dude...

If had a choice between opening a business in a white suburb and a black inner city, I'm probably going to open in the latter, where I am going to get a more favorable tax treatment, better security for my facility, and a higher quality of entry level employees.

Are you going to continue talking about unwed births as if blacks getting married when the woman gets pregnant is going to end everything?

It would probably help. When I was in the National Guard, I was amazed about how many people had "Unknown" listed under father on their birth certificates. Why? Because you get more money that way!

Because whites like you and joe opposed ideas from blacks to stop such things while SERENITY BROUGHTON was living and now you sit on your pius white glutes pontificating. So you didn't give a damn. She was living in a community where people had lost hope, but you didn't care about that. Nor does Joe. You both are just jealous because BLM bought attention to something you both wanted to see continue.

You know, as Hillary said, 'it takes a village to raise a child". Serenity's village didn't give a crap about her. Didn't hold her "baby daddy" to account and made her a ward of the government. Didn't report it when three dirtbags shot her while she sat in a car seat.

BLM screamed they didn't want any more cops, and the cops kind of gave up, and now you are bitching because murders are rampant. There's no pleasing some people.



Black people have been saying that these officer are cowards and you have allowed these cowards to infiltrate law enfocerment.

When they're running up in blk ppl homes and shooting us in our sleep. When they killed eight year old Tamir Rice, you sat up there and justified that. You all supported the killers of Freddie Gray, Micheal Brown, George Floyd and Laquan McDonald and many more. Thinking that these guys were tough because "They're sticking it to those blacks !!!!"


So now when it's time to do some REAL POLICE work, like stop a real KILLER not kill some blk woman in her sleep...they cower out like BITCHES and stand outside and let kids get slaughtered and everyone is like "O wow I didn't the police is full of bitches"

Well we told you. But ppl like me and IM2 are whiners and playing the race card. Right ?

Where is all that "brave boys in blue" talk ? It was funny when these cowards were killing blks


You don't have hardly any REAL COPS. Firefighters rush into burning buildings ....no problem but in Law enforcment you have bunch of PUNKS .........and let's be clear.

It's not like they were facing John Rambo or the Terminator or some Green Beret Special forces dude.

They were facing an untrained 18 year old kid with an Ar 15 with no body armour.

If 10 police officers can't handle that ? That's a sorry ass police force you have

Even the parents with no body armour no weapons wanted to go in n handle that guy. They had more balls but they were stopped by the cowards outside.

You have coddled cowards and you now have a whole law enforcement who ain't gonna BUSS a fkin grape when sh*t goes down for real.........FOR REAL and blk ppl warned you about this.

That's what happens when you allow the Kyle Ritternhouse's to go free. You overplyed the white supremacist hand.
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Black people have been saying that these officer are cowards and you have allowed these cowards to infiltrate law enfocerment.

When they're running up in blk ppl homes and shooting us in our sleep. When they killed seven year old Tamir Rice, you sat up there and justfied that. You all supported the killers of Freddie Gray, Micheal Brown, George Floyd Laquan McDonald and many more. Thinking that these guys were tough because "They're sticking it to those blacks !!!!"

Who supported that? I was critical of the police in ALL those incidents. Two of those officers went to prison. The rest lost their jobs and will never work in Law Enforcement again.

Oh, also Tamir Rice was 12 yeas old, was 5'8" tall and weighed 180 lbs. That's how often I discussed this with Ray from Cleveland, I didn't even have to look that up. It would be nice if you got your facts right before you go off on rants.

Now, on the subject of Rice, the proximate cause of that problem was that the officer who shot him was fired from a suburban police department, but hired by Cleveland, which was so desperate for cops they weren't really checking resumes at that point. The ironic thing in that in vilifying cops, you've made it less likely good people will want to go into that career. Lightfoot has lowered the standards for new cops in Chicago, and I'm sure that will turn out well.

So now when it's time to do some REAL POLICE work, like stop a real KILLER not kill some blk woman in her sleep...they cower out like BITCHES and stand outside and let kids get slaughtered and everyone is lile "O wow I didn't the police is full of bitches"

Well we told you. But ppl like me and @IM2 are whiners and playing the race card. Right ?

Where is all that "brave boys in blue" talk ? It was funny when these cowards were killing blks

The gunman entered the school at 11:40, and the shooting was over by 11:44. The rest was a standoff until the cops shot him. The cops had to evacuate students and staff, and contain parents outside the school. Not saying this was good police work, it probably wasn't. It was a small town police department that probably didn't have the training to deal with a situation like this.

They were facing an untrained 18 year old kid with an Ar 15 but no body armour.

Even the parents with no body armour no weapons wanted to go in n handle that guy. They had more balls but they were stopped by the cowards outside.

You have coddled cowards and you now have a whole law enfocemet who ain't gonna BUSS a fkin grape when sh*t goes down for real.........FOR REAL and blk ppl warned you about this.

That's what happens when allow the Kyle Ritternhouse's to go free. You overplyed the white supremacist hand.

Wow... Paul.

Rittenhouse went free because the people he shot attacked him. I think it was a shitty decision because they ignored everything Rittenhouse did to provoke the situation and only focused on the moments of the shooting.

You guys spent two years demonizing the police, and wonder why they aren't keen to engage?
Rittenhouse went free because the people he shot attacked him. I think it was a shitty decision because they ignored everything Rittenhouse did to provoke the situation and only focused on the moments of the shooting.

Show me a black person who travelled two hundred miles, shot and killed ppl and got off by claiming self defence ?

The gunman entered the school at 11:40, and the shooting was over by 11:44. The rest was a standoff until the cops shot him. The cops had to evacuate students and staff, and contain parents outside the school. Not saying this was good police work, it probably wasn't. It was a small town police department that probably didn't have the training to deal with a situation like this.

They wimped out because law enforcement has been inflitrated by cowards.

You guys spent two years demonizing the police, and wonder why they aren't keen to engage?

Don't put words in my mouth. I like police. What I don't like is white supremacist cowardly police officers.

Who supported that? I was critical of the police in ALL those incidents. Two of those officers went to prison. The rest lost their jobs and will never work in Law Enforcement again.

Oh, also Tamir Rice was 12 yeas old, was 5'8" tall and weighed 180 lbs. That's how often I discussed this with Ray from Cleveland, I didn't even have to look that up. It would be nice if you got your facts right before you go off on rants.

Now, on the subject of Rice, the proximate cause of that problem was that the officer who shot him was fired from a suburban police department, but hired by Cleveland, which was so desperate for cops they weren't really checking resumes at that point. The ironic thing in that in vilifying cops, you've made it less likely good people will want to go into that career. Lightfoot has lowered the standards for new cops in Chicago, and I'm sure that will turn out well.

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True. But America doesn't want to change our gun laws. We didn't change them after Sandy Hook and we won't change them now. When the 80% who don't own guns care as much about this issue as the 20% who do, then things might change.

I think you have that backwards, the inner cities have to make the city inviting enough to attract businesses. You suffer from what Robert Heinlein called "The socialist disease in it's worst form, the belief the world owes you a living." But he was just an old white dude...

If had a choice between opening a business in a white suburb and a black inner city, I'm probably going to open in the latter, where I am going to get a more favorable tax treatment, better security for my facility, and a higher quality of entry level employees.

It would probably help. When I was in the National Guard, I was amazed about how many people had "Unknown" listed under father on their birth certificates. Why? Because you get more money that way!

You know, as Hillary said, 'it takes a village to raise a child". Serenity's village didn't give a crap about her. Didn't hold her "baby daddy" to account and made her a ward of the government. Didn't report it when three dirtbags shot her while she sat in a car seat.

BLM screamed they didn't want any more cops, and the cops kind of gave up, and now you are bitching because murders are rampant. There's no pleasing some people.
Joe, you're full of it. Serenitys village did care, and they have been asking for the necessary funds to erase some pf the problems. Whites like you are real quick to try blaming things on people based on simple minded comments. BLM did not say they didn't want any more cops, what people are saying is that we need a different model of public safety.

And no Joe, I don't have anything backward. If suburban citizens can own rental property in the hood, then the hood is attractive for businesses to move there.

Talking to some whites here gives me a headache. You don't know what the hell you're talking about when you speak on issues affecting blacks and your opinions are full of bigotry.

Oh, also Tamir Rice was 12 yeas old, was 5'8" tall and weighed 180 lbs. That's how often I discussed this with Ray from Cleveland, I didn't even have to look that up. It would be nice if you got your facts right before you go off on rants.
Discussing the death of a black person at the hands of police with Ray is sure to not be one where you get accurate information. Tamir Rice was 12, it doesn't matter his height and weight. The policeman who murdered him had been released from another department because he was mentally unstable. Did ray tell you that? I doubt it.
You guys spent two years demonizing the police, and wonder why they aren't keen to engage?

Why was that Joe? Could it have anything to do with years of police killing us?

Man, you are obtuse.
Then you wouldn't need to make shit up about Cannibalism and Organ Harvesting and Paul's new bit of crazy, Somalia being used a nuclear waste dump.

You might want to do some research before you call somebody crazy.

Uh, why do we need a program to catch the other two dirtbags?
"Hey, It was Jamal and Tyrone! I saw them do it."

See, that was easy. but nobody saw nuthin'!

We've been throwing Money at the ghettos since 1965... and we still have ghettos.

The white boy easy answer to black issues is always wrong. Also, I'm talking about programs that would create the change needed to reduce or end the violence. And "we" have not thrown jack squat at ghettos since 1965. That's more white racist crap. And Joe, blacks pay taxes and we pay taxes then watch white communities get developed with money we pay. More money has been thrown to white communities.

Well, no, there's a fairly major difference. An Escort is going to do it in the privacy of a hotel room, as opposed to the scary ass crack ho who is going to wander down the streets bugging out.

Another excuse. There is no difference. The escort ho smokes crack too. Or maybe she does designer drugs then bugs out.
Then you should have no problem when SCOTUS gets rid of AA, then.
I don't want to see the return of Jim Crow. The force of law was the only thing that has made whites give everybody a fair shot. You live in this delusion where you cannot see that it has been white men who have been the least qualified and handed jobs. Its either that or you are just a low down dirty dishonest....

Like I've said, I've seen it in action.
I doubt you have. And I bet you've seen far more unqualified whites. But this is the standard white racist tale. You always work with somebody black who couldn't do the job but never anybody white. Furthermore, in your delusion, nobody white ever gets hired because they are white. IfI had a dollar for every time somebody white told me either of these stories, Eon Musk would work for me..
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