More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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Are you really this ignorant? What is so funny or unbelievable about a Black sitter? I have 3 nieces and a granddaughter who all earn money doing it on weekends, and they all have classmates doing the same.
We use Mexicans or Jamaicans...string family values and no spending hours on the phone with the guy they’re having an affair with.

So you don't use white teenage girls.
Someone with your credentials caves so easily.
Is your Masters in Community Uprisings?

It's in destroying racist white talking points online.

Klansman, do you really think you've destroyed anything other than your own credibility?

I have to laugh at your dumb white ass calling me a klansman. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

My credibility is just fine.
How does a black person killing another black person affect white ppl ?

THERE IT IS. The ultimate expression of racist thinking, SO blind to it, he can't see it at all in himself while finding it everywhere else! In this guy's mind, how people affect and interact with each other is SOLELY determined by their SKIN color.
How does a black person killing another black person affect white ppl ?

THERE IT IS. The ultimate expression of racist thinking, SO blind to it, he can't see it at all in himself while finding it everywhere else! In this guy's mind, how people affect and interact with each other is SOLELY determined by their SKIN color.

That's not what is implied here but you are desperate to call a black person a racist.
Surprise! This happens to white people too.
But NOT because of racial animosity that was at one time in this country not just accepted as the social norm but was actually codified and made legal.

And in spite of this no longer being the law of the land, there are far too many whites who still conduct themselves as if it were.
And it is ASSumed that every black is denied anything because of race?
It doesn't have to happen to EVERY black person, the fact that it happens at all to ANY black person is what is at issue. I often hear you claim that racism no longer exists in the U.S. but it does, it's never gone anywhere other than underground since the racists could face repercussions if they are openly racist, but it lives nonetheless.

I used to think you just have a very Polly Anna worldview but now I'm not so sure since this has been explained to you repeatedly.

Do you know what a suspicious activity report is?
So you're a failure because of racism?
Yeah that makes sense. The only possible reason for my concen about people being subjected to racist acts that negatively impact their lives is because I'm the failure, not the people perpetuating the racists acts.

Your comments changes nothing in the logic in my previous statements nor of the lack thereof in the responses.
Surprise! This happens to white people too.
But NOT because of racial animosity that was at one time in this country not just accepted as the social norm but was actually codified and made legal.

And in spite of this no longer being the law of the land, there are far too many whites who still conduct themselves as if it were.
And it is ASSumed that every black is denied anything because of race?
It doesn't have to happen to EVERY black person, the fact that it happens at all to ANY black person is what is at issue. I often hear you claim that racism no longer exists in the U.S. but it does, it's never gone anywhere other than underground since the racists could face repercussions if they are openly racist, but it lives nonetheless.

I used to think you just have a very Polly Anna worldview but now I'm not so sure since this has been explained to you repeatedly.

Do you know what a suspicious activity report is?
So you're a failure because of racism?
Yeah that makes sense. The only possible reason for my concen about people being subjected to racist acts that negatively impact their lives is because I'm the failure, not the people perpetuating the racist acts.

Your comment changes nothing regarding the veracity of my previous statements nor of the lack thereof in the responses.
Surprise! This happens to white people too.
But NOT because of racial animosity that was at one time in this country not just accepted as the social norm but was actually codified and made legal.

And in spite of this no longer being the law of the land, there are far too many whites who still conduct themselves as if it were.
And it is ASSumed that every black is denied anything because of race?
It doesn't have to happen to EVERY black person, the fact that it happens at all to ANY black person is what is at issue. I often hear you claim that racism no longer exists in the U.S. but it does, it's never gone anywhere other than underground since the racists could face repercussions if they are openly racist, but it lives nonetheless.

I used to think you just have a very Polly Anna worldview but now I'm not so sure since this has been explained to you repeatedly.

Do you know what a suspicious activity report is?
So you're a failure because of racism?
Yeah that makes sense. The only possible reason for my concen about people being subjected to racist acts that negatively impact their lives is because I'm the failure, not the people perpetuating the racist acts.

Your comment changes nothing regarding the veracity of my previous statements nor of the lack thereof in the responses.
It has never occured to you that your failure could be for reasons other than racism?
1) The US supreme court is making it even easier for the cops to kill black people. That's all these laws about. Now sure, they don't mind a few white people getting caught in the crossfire, but essentially these laws are about killing or harming black people

2) What would have happened if he was black ?

A white man points gun at Cops. They Ask Him to Stand Down. He Shoots at them. They ask him to stand Down again. He refuses again and fights With Cops. But he is taken alive

What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


3) You know how white supremacist love to lie about "Were helping black people. Look at all this aid we give"

Yeah a bag of rice for a bag of diamonds.

This is an old mafia trick. The mafia used to kill a wife's husband then a week later, show up at her house with a envelope of money telling her "What a great guy he was". White supremacists acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion. You must keep the victims confused.

But this is what the Red cross is doing haiti. Child Sex rings etc. They've found 21 cases of sexual misconduct in last three years but of course keep digging and the real number is in the thousands. Not that the money was ever meant to go to Haiti.

Once again. White supremacists have history.


This is happening to black/African ppl globally. British soldiers that were forcing the poverty stricken African women and underage girls to have sex with them in exchange for food and clean water.

3) Screen writer of the original Planet of The Apes says the film was about about Black people


Now watch how quickly this post will get locked.

To the mods black people talking about racism on a section of a forum that's dedicated to racism is race baiting.


Because in USMB if you talk about racism then you must focus on how screwed up, violent or dumb black people supposedly are anything else is race baiting.
It was the Southern White Democrats that prevented black people from owning guns , so the KKK could terrorize them. It is the Democrats today that want to prevent people from having weapons, again to protect them, yet have to rely on the police that the Democrats so hate. Most black people vote for Democrats. Do black people have a death wish?

Sorry Libs… The NRA Was There to Help Blacks Defend Themselves From KKK Democrats, Not the Other Way Around
Real Reasons Liberals Hate Guns
Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage: analysis

You don't get killed by cops for being black or white or yellow or any other color people get killed by cops because Cops would rather be tried by 12 then carried by 6 just like the rest of us. and dead men don't lie black or white.
But NOT because of racial animosity that was at one time in this country not just accepted as the social norm but was actually codified and made legal.

And in spite of this no longer being the law of the land, there are far too many whites who still conduct themselves as if it were.
And it is ASSumed that every black is denied anything because of race?
It doesn't have to happen to EVERY black person, the fact that it happens at all to ANY black person is what is at issue. I often hear you claim that racism no longer exists in the U.S. but it does, it's never gone anywhere other than underground since the racists could face repercussions if they are openly racist, but it lives nonetheless.

I used to think you just have a very Polly Anna worldview but now I'm not so sure since this has been explained to you repeatedly.

Do you know what a suspicious activity report is?
So you're a failure because of racism?
Yeah that makes sense. The only possible reason for my concen about people being subjected to racist acts that negatively impact their lives is because I'm the failure, not the people perpetuating the racist acts.

Your comment changes nothing regarding the veracity of my previous statements nor of the lack thereof in the responses.
It has never occured to you that your failure could be for reasons other than racism?
Like people just think you're an asshole and are probably going to cause issues HMMM!
The worst of whites are worse than the worst of blacks.Far more intelligent coercive. Dark skins react momentarily. Whitey constructs a plan.
How many black " serial killers' existed in 200 years ? Most are too dumb to clean out a liquor store.....unless a hurricane came through
Surprise! This happens to white people too.
But NOT because of racial animosity that was at one time in this country not just accepted as the social norm but was actually codified and made legal.

And in spite of this no longer being the law of the land, there are far too many whites who still conduct themselves as if it were.
And it is ASSumed that every black is denied anything because of race?
It doesn't have to happen to EVERY black person, the fact that it happens at all to ANY black person is what is at issue. I often hear you claim that racism no longer exists in the U.S. but it does, it's never gone anywhere other than underground since the racists could face repercussions if they are openly racist, but it lives nonetheless.

I used to think you just have a very Polly Anna worldview but now I'm not so sure since this has been explained to you repeatedly.

Do you know what a suspicious activity report is?
So you're a failure because of racism?
Yeah that makes sense. The only possible reason for my concen about people being subjected to racist acts that negatively impact their lives is because I'm the failure, not the people perpetuating the racists acts.

Your comments changes nothing in the logic in my previous statements nor of the lack thereof in the responses.
Surprise! This happens to white people too.
But NOT because of racial animosity that was at one time in this country not just accepted as the social norm but was actually codified and made legal.

And in spite of this no longer being the law of the land, there are far too many whites who still conduct themselves as if it were.
And it is ASSumed that every black is denied anything because of race?
It doesn't have to happen to EVERY black person, the fact that it happens at all to ANY black person is what is at issue. I often hear you claim that racism no longer exists in the U.S. but it does, it's never gone anywhere other than underground since the racists could face repercussions if they are openly racist, but it lives nonetheless.

I used to think you just have a very Polly Anna worldview but now I'm not so sure since this has been explained to you repeatedly.

Do you know what a suspicious activity report is?
Show ONE time where I said racism no longer exists. You can't because I didn't. I never doubted that race can be a factor, but I still believe there usually is more to it. Whites are also denied the same stuff, could it possibly be because they are not qualified,skilled etc? Why, yes it can.
The worst of whites are worse than the worst of blacks.Far more intelligent coercive. Dark skins react momentarily. Whitey constructs a plan.
How many black " serial killers' existed in 200 years ? Most are too dumb to clean out a liquor store.....unless a hurricane came through
Unlikely. Let's talk about today, not the past. MOST of the violent crime is NOT committed by white people. Also, I also don't see the majority of whites siding with the perpetrators, regardless of race.
It has never occured to you that your failure could be for reasons other than racism?
Which failure would that be? THere are idiots on this message board complaining that my life is more successful than the average white person. Why would they be complaining about that if I am a failure?
You can take the "your" as in "your failure" as personal or impersonal. I don't care. Every black poster on this site who does this poor-pitiful-me spiel is weirdly very successful.
Show ONE time where I said racism no longer exists. You can't because I didn't. I never doubted that race can be a factor, but I still believe there usually is more to it. Whites are also denied the same stuff, could it possibly be because they are not qualified,skilled etc? Why, yes it can.
MizMolly life happens to all of us, yes that's true. However IN ADDITION TO the stuff that happens to everyone that's just a part of life, there are far too many people of color, specifically "people of African descent" as we are referred to by the courts and laws which allowed racial discrimination, who experience discrimination due to the prejudice and discrimination against non-whites, again specifically against black people.

How you can acknowledge racism on one hand and then deny it's actual affects on the other is what is baffling
Can you point to a police officer that was killed in the line of duty that deserved it? Can you point to a innocent bystander who was shot by gang bangers that deserved to die? I have no clue what your point is when you demand to have black people who were wrongfully killed "listed" for you! People are killed that shouldn't be on a daily basis and the vast majority of them are not being killed by the police or by white people. Explain that...

You've given up trying to defend Trayvon Martin at this point? Probably a wise decision on your part. There are people of color who have been wronged by the police. Trayvon Martin was not one of them.
You miss the point.

I asked you if you could point out examples of black people being undeservedly shot n killed by the police and you could not.

So that comes bk to my original point is that harming blk ppl is essential in a system of white supremacy.

So whether its Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Philando Castille and many more.

This will always be rationalized away. Killing black ppl is essential in a system of white supremacy

Interesting concept. You think white's killing innocent black people is "essential" to maintain a system of white supremacy? How do you explain the following then? The most recent data available from the FBI (which is for 2015) indicates that 89.3 percent of black murder victims that year were killed by black perpetrators. How is it exactly that white supremacists are making blacks murder each other? What strange power is it that they have over your minds to accomplish THAT!

Bottom line is this...Trayvon Martin played wide receiver for his high school football team. He's obviously got some quick in him! So you tell me how fast he's going to leave a fat and out of shape couch potato like George Zimmerman in the dust if he takes off running? By the time Zimmerman gets out of his SUV and trots around the building that Martin has disappeared behind...Trayvon is already close to the condo he's staying in...hundreds of yards away! He's as safe as safe can be! If he goes inside he's alive today but he chose not to do that...he chose to turn around and make his way BACK to where Zimmerman was walking back to the front gate.

How does a black person killing another black person affect white ppl?

When 89.3 percent of the black people being murdered in the US are being murdered by another black person don't you think that makes your claim that it's whites killing blacks that keeps your alleged "white supremacy" intact rather ridiculous? To be quite blunt, Paul...whites killing blacks isn't the problem in the black community...your problem is that you're killing each other! The percentage of blacks being killed by the police is only 1% yet you think THAT is the thing that's hurting your people and once again to be blunt...that's ridiculous!
How does a black person killing another black person affect white ppl ?

I didn't say that it did. You however are claiming that blacks being killed by whites is what's driving "white supremacy" and the facts simply don't support that! If 89.3 percent of black people being murdered in the US were being killed by whites...then you'd have a point! Furthermore for you to claim that it's police murdering blacks that's the real issue when only 1% of blacks killed are killed by police officers borders on farce.
You can take the "your" as in "your failure" as personal or impersonal. I don't care. Every black poster on this site who does this poor-pitiful-me spiel is weirdly very successful.
Ah, so that's the problem, you're projecting your own perceptions of African Americans on the black posters on this site.

Some of my ancestors were a part of the Underground Railroad and many of them were educators, risking severe punishment for covertly teaching other blacks how to read & write, not to mention stealing them away from their "owners".

In order to dismantle a system, you have to first understand. There is nothing weird about about black people helping one another but in order to do so you generally have to have achieved a certain measure of success yourself.
You miss the point.

I asked you if you could point out examples of black people being undeservedly shot n killed by the police and you could not.

So that comes bk to my original point is that harming blk ppl is essential in a system of white supremacy.

So whether its Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Philando Castille and many more.

This will always be rationalized away. Killing black ppl is essential in a system of white supremacy

Interesting concept. You think white's killing innocent black people is "essential" to maintain a system of white supremacy? How do you explain the following then? The most recent data available from the FBI (which is for 2015) indicates that 89.3 percent of black murder victims that year were killed by black perpetrators. How is it exactly that white supremacists are making blacks murder each other? What strange power is it that they have over your minds to accomplish THAT!

Bottom line is this...Trayvon Martin played wide receiver for his high school football team. He's obviously got some quick in him! So you tell me how fast he's going to leave a fat and out of shape couch potato like George Zimmerman in the dust if he takes off running? By the time Zimmerman gets out of his SUV and trots around the building that Martin has disappeared behind...Trayvon is already close to the condo he's staying in...hundreds of yards away! He's as safe as safe can be! If he goes inside he's alive today but he chose not to do that...he chose to turn around and make his way BACK to where Zimmerman was walking back to the front gate.

How does a black person killing another black person affect white ppl?

When 89.3 percent of the black people being murdered in the US are being murdered by another black person don't you think that makes your claim that it's whites killing blacks that keeps your alleged "white supremacy" intact rather ridiculous? To be quite blunt, Paul...whites killing blacks isn't the problem in the black community...your problem is that you're killing each other! The percentage of blacks being killed by the police is only 1% yet you think THAT is the thing that's hurting your people and once again to be blunt...that's ridiculous!
How does a black person killing another black person affect white ppl ?

I didn't say that it did. You however are claiming that blacks being killed by whites is what's driving "white supremacy" and the facts simply don't support that! If 89.3 percent of black people being murdered in the US were being killed by whites...then you'd have a point! Furthermore for you to claim that it's police murdering blacks that's the real issue when only 1% of blacks killed are killed by police officers borders on farce.

White ppl don't care if a black person kills another black person.

So why are you worried about something you don't care about ?

Now lets deal with the "blks killling blks" issue.

Are more black people killed by black people than by the police ?


But guess what ?

That would have been true a 100 years ago.

But would the "blks kill more blks than the police kill blks" justified the lynchings and hangings of blks a hundred years ago ?


So why should it today ?

And why dont white ppl use the same logic on them?

Why did whites worry about 9-11 ? More white ppl have been killed by whites than Muslims who have killed whites ?

Your argument is like telling a center for breast cancer "Dont worry about breast cancer. Just stop all the research. Halt all funding and focus on Lung cancer because that's the biggest cancer killer"

The reason why cop killings of black ppl cause the fuss they do is because the police are held to a higher standard.

Because if you have the power to kill then u better believe I'm gonna hold you to a higher standard.

It's the same way a teacher can't be late for their class n say "some of u r late too"

With power comes responsibility.
Show ONE time where I said racism no longer exists. You can't because I didn't. I never doubted that race can be a factor, but I still believe there usually is more to it. Whites are also denied the same stuff, could it possibly be because they are not qualified,skilled etc? Why, yes it can.
MizMolly life happens to all of us, yes that's true. However IN ADDITION TO the stuff that happens to everyone that's just a part of life, there are far too many people of color, specifically "people of African descent" as we are referred to by the courts and laws which allowed racial discrimination, who experience discrimination due to the prejudice and discrimination against non-whites, again specifically against black people.

How you can acknowledge racism on one hand and then deny it's actual affects on the other is what is baffling
I don't deny it. I am saying the blacks on these forums talk as if that the only problem with them getting ahead is because of whites, denying that there could be any other reason. I have worked a lot in my 62 years, for many companies. I have seen blacks turned down for jobs where I worked, not because of racism but because of the chip on their shoulders, attitude, criminal backgrounds, etc. Same with whites who were turned down, yet the blacks claim it was because of racism. I saw blacks and whites fired for lying on their applications, but the blacks claim it was because of their race,bullshit. I saw blacks hired and not fired because they did not lie.I do believe there are people who deny based on race, but I do not believe it is done as much as the blacks on this forum claim, simply because I have witnessed the excuses in person.
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