More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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out of ALL the shootings of blacks, one of the FEW I think was wrong was TMartin
.....if they should've protested any of them it was TM's shooting---but I didn't see as much protesting for TM
....they went crazy for REAL criminals that got shot --not the innocent TM

Trayvon Martin was "innocent"? That's amusing. You couldn't find a more blatant example of someone who WASN'T innocent!
he was doing nothing but walking to his dad's apartment--undeniable
GZ aggressively followed him in his vehicle
then he got out of the vehicle and aggressively followed him on foot
......we can say TM was standing his ground against the person who INITIATED the confrontation [this is the exact meaning of stand your ground ]

GZ proves he's an IDIOT carrying a pistol:= he says
Zimmerman: Somethings wrong with him. Yup, he's coming to check me out, he's got
something in his hands, I don't know what his deal is.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fantastic logic/thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
something is wrong with him.......?? how does he know this??
he doesn't--GZ is OBSESSED wit hbeing a hreo and it WARPS his mind
Zimmerman: Okay. These assholes they always get away. When you come to the
clubhouse you come straight in and make a left. Actually you would go past the
ASSHOLE! this show hate/aggressiveness/etc
he doesn't even KNOW or has met TM--yet he calls him an ASSHOLE for---------------walking!!!!!!!!!?????
Somethings wrong with him. Yup, he's coming to check me out, he's got
something in his hands, I don't know what his deal is.
DUMBASS--he's checking GZ out because GZ keeps FOLLOWING him
and GZ can't add 1 =1 to figure this out
GZ cannot think logically
etc etc etc
Full text of "Transcript of George Zimmerman's Call to the Police"

Here's the HUGE problem with your narrative, Harmonica! Yes, Zimmerman did attempt to follow Trayvon but the fact of the matter is...he lost him. Trayvon called his friend to tell her that he was outside of the condo he was staying at the same time Zimmerman was telling the Police that he'd lost sight of Martin and was walking back to his vehicle to meet the Police at the gate of the community. That means in order for that confrontation to have taken place...Trayvon Martin had to walk BACK several hundred yards to intersect someone who WASN'T following him at all at that point! How do you make someone who does THAT...the victim? He's the aggressor at that point.
links on TMs position/route/quotes?
1. outside or nearby? the condo
2. TM has every right to WALK anywhere in that area--yes?
3. I certainly would not want some jackass who is AGGRESSIVELY following me to know where my relatives live--so I would not go near there

The person that was following you is nowhere near where your relative lives. He's several hundred yards away walking back to meet the police at that point. If you're really concerned about your safety or the safety of your family wouldn't you immediately go inside and call the Police to tell them about the man who was following you? Trayvon Martin didn't do that though...did he? No...he decided to walk back...confront the man...and attack him out of the dark. He doesn't have ANY right to do that! At that point HE is the aggressor and he is committing assault and battery![/QUOTE]

TM was not committing a crime--just WALKING
GZ started very stupid shit while armed
links to routes/etc please
how can TM be an aggressor when he's standing his ground?
he doesn't have to call police---he can stand his ground--that's his right, isn't it?
out of ALL the shootings of blacks, one of the FEW I think was wrong was TMartin
.....if they should've protested any of them it was TM's shooting---but I didn't see as much protesting for TM
....they went crazy for REAL criminals that got shot --not the innocent TM

Trayvon Martin was "innocent"? That's amusing. You couldn't find a more blatant example of someone who WASN'T innocent!
he was doing nothing but walking to his dad's apartment--undeniable
GZ aggressively followed him in his vehicle
then he got out of the vehicle and aggressively followed him on foot
......we can say TM was standing his ground against the person who INITIATED the confrontation [this is the exact meaning of stand your ground ]

GZ proves he's an IDIOT carrying a pistol:= he says
Zimmerman: Somethings wrong with him. Yup, he's coming to check me out, he's got
something in his hands, I don't know what his deal is.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fantastic logic/thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
something is wrong with him.......?? how does he know this??
he doesn't--GZ is OBSESSED wit hbeing a hreo and it WARPS his mind
Zimmerman: Okay. These assholes they always get away. When you come to the
clubhouse you come straight in and make a left. Actually you would go past the
ASSHOLE! this show hate/aggressiveness/etc
he doesn't even KNOW or has met TM--yet he calls him an ASSHOLE for---------------walking!!!!!!!!!?????
Somethings wrong with him. Yup, he's coming to check me out, he's got
something in his hands, I don't know what his deal is.
DUMBASS--he's checking GZ out because GZ keeps FOLLOWING him
and GZ can't add 1 =1 to figure this out
GZ cannot think logically
etc etc etc
Full text of "Transcript of George Zimmerman's Call to the Police"

Here's the HUGE problem with your narrative, Harmonica! Yes, Zimmerman did attempt to follow Trayvon but the fact of the matter is...he lost him. Trayvon called his friend to tell her that he was outside of the condo he was staying at the same time Zimmerman was telling the Police that he'd lost sight of Martin and was walking back to his vehicle to meet the Police at the gate of the community. That means in order for that confrontation to have taken place...Trayvon Martin had to walk BACK several hundred yards to intersect someone who WASN'T following him at all at that point! How do you make someone who does THAT...the victim? He's the aggressor at that point.
links on TMs position/route/quotes?
1. outside or nearby? the condo
2. TM has every right to WALK anywhere in that area--yes?
3. I certainly would not want some jackass who is AGGRESSIVELY following me to know where my relatives live--so I would not go near there

The person that was following you is nowhere near where your relative lives. He's several hundred yards away walking back to meet the police at that point. If you're really concerned about your safety or the safety of your family wouldn't you immediately go inside and call the Police to tell them about the man who was following you? Trayvon Martin didn't do that though...did he? No...he decided to walk back...confront the man...and attack him out of the dark. He doesn't have ANY right to do that! At that point HE is the aggressor and he is committing assault and battery![/QUOTE]

hold it---
GZ thinks TM is an ASSHOLE
he calls a complete, total stranger who has not even come into contact/talked to/etc an ASSHOLE
someone who is just WALKING to his dad's apartment
please explain why he did this?
out of ALL the shootings of blacks, one of the FEW I think was wrong was TMartin
.....if they should've protested any of them it was TM's shooting---but I didn't see as much protesting for TM
....they went crazy for REAL criminals that got shot --not the innocent TM

Trayvon Martin was "innocent"? That's amusing. You couldn't find a more blatant example of someone who WASN'T innocent!
he was doing nothing but walking to his dad's apartment--undeniable
GZ aggressively followed him in his vehicle
then he got out of the vehicle and aggressively followed him on foot
......we can say TM was standing his ground against the person who INITIATED the confrontation [this is the exact meaning of stand your ground ]

GZ proves he's an IDIOT carrying a pistol:= he says
Zimmerman: Somethings wrong with him. Yup, he's coming to check me out, he's got
something in his hands, I don't know what his deal is.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fantastic logic/thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
something is wrong with him.......?? how does he know this??
he doesn't--GZ is OBSESSED wit hbeing a hreo and it WARPS his mind
Zimmerman: Okay. These assholes they always get away. When you come to the
clubhouse you come straight in and make a left. Actually you would go past the
ASSHOLE! this show hate/aggressiveness/etc
he doesn't even KNOW or has met TM--yet he calls him an ASSHOLE for---------------walking!!!!!!!!!?????
Somethings wrong with him. Yup, he's coming to check me out, he's got
something in his hands, I don't know what his deal is.
DUMBASS--he's checking GZ out because GZ keeps FOLLOWING him
and GZ can't add 1 =1 to figure this out
GZ cannot think logically
etc etc etc
Full text of "Transcript of George Zimmerman's Call to the Police"

Here's the HUGE problem with your narrative, Harmonica! Yes, Zimmerman did attempt to follow Trayvon but the fact of the matter is...he lost him. Trayvon called his friend to tell her that he was outside of the condo he was staying at the same time Zimmerman was telling the Police that he'd lost sight of Martin and was walking back to his vehicle to meet the Police at the gate of the community. That means in order for that confrontation to have taken place...Trayvon Martin had to walk BACK several hundred yards to intersect someone who WASN'T following him at all at that point! How do you make someone who does THAT...the victim? He's the aggressor at that point.
links on TMs position/route/quotes?
1. outside or nearby? the condo
2. TM has every right to WALK anywhere in that area--yes?
3. I certainly would not want some jackass who is AGGRESSIVELY following me to know where my relatives live--so I would not go near there

The person that was following you is nowhere near where your relative lives. He's several hundred yards away walking back to meet the police at that point. If you're really concerned about your safety or the safety of your family wouldn't you immediately go inside and call the Police to tell them about the man who was following you? Trayvon Martin didn't do that though...did he? No...he decided to walk back...confront the man...and attack him out of the dark. He doesn't have ANY right to do that! At that point HE is the aggressor and he is committing assault and battery![/QUOTE]

''''These assholes they always get away'''.

this is IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he has it in his mind that TM is a criminal----because he is just WALKING!!
this quote tells the whole story

get away!!----get away from WHAT???!!!! he's just walking
GZ proves he is a dumbass--a complete dumbass
Are you kidding? Police are getting assassinated in this country not because of something they were doing...but simply because they are wearing a uniform. It's a dangerous time to be a cop.
Really ? Where ? Where is this whole slaughter of cops happening then ?
As for what violent crime Martin was committing? Assault and battery.
  • Never mind that Zimmerman took out after Martin.
  • Never mind that Zimmerman accosted Martin and asked him what he was doing in the neighborhood.
  • Never mind that according to witnesses it was Zimmerman who pinned Martin down.
  • Never mind that Martin was in the community with his father visiting friends.
  • Never mind that Martin was armed only with Skittles and iced tea while Zimmerman carried a loaded weapon.
But we are supposed to feel sorry for the GZ because even in the light most favorable to him, his victim might have fought bk

Imagine that, fighting back against a total stranger who attacks you. Eh ?

Let me ask you simple question:

Would you be so willing to buy that argument if a black person were to chase down a white person in a mostly black neighborhood and then upon catching him, end his life when the white person resisted being pummeled ?

Trayvon Martin is the innocent one.

GZ was not even a cop

He's not even security guards. He's a self-appointed enforcers with no authority whatsoever

People may not know what happened when Zimmerman and the teen were face-to-face, but that really doesn't matter, as Zimmerman is the one who confronted the teen.

And the teen had a right to defend himself at that point. Under the law, the teen had every right to serve Zimmerman a can of whoop ass since he was the one who was confronted by the man who stalked and then confronted him armed with a gun.

Trayvon Martin is dead because George Zimmerman believed his neighborhood needed and deserved to be protected from young black men, who could not possibly belong there, in his estimation.

What witness ever said that Zimmerman pinned down Trayvon Martin? Every witness that had a view of what happened said that Martin was on top of Zimmerman "MMA style" raining strikes down on him while Zimmerman cried out for help!

Once again...Zimmerman did attempt to get out of his car and follow Martin when the police dispatcher asked which direction he had gone in. Once Martin was around the corner he went to the right towards the condo he was a visitor at...Zimmerman went straight...towards the back gate of the complex. Then when the police dispatcher told him not to try to follow Martin...Zimmerman turned around and started back to meet the police at the front gate of the complex. At this point the two men are far apart...Martin tells his friend on the phone that he's outside of the condo...Zimmerman is almost two hundred yards away headed back the way he came. In order for that confrontation to take place, Martin had to go back the way that he came. There is no way that the attack takes place if he doesn't.

There is absolutely no law that gives Trayvon the right to initiate a physical confrontation with someone because they had been following him earlier. It doesn't exist. You can't claim that he attacked Zimmerman because he was in fear of his life! He was at the condo. Zimmerman was nowhere to be seen! Trayvon had to go BACK to find him for them to have a fight. That's pure assault and battery.
Trayvon Martin was "innocent"? That's amusing. You couldn't find a more blatant example of someone who WASN'T innocent!
he was doing nothing but walking to his dad's apartment--undeniable
GZ aggressively followed him in his vehicle
then he got out of the vehicle and aggressively followed him on foot
......we can say TM was standing his ground against the person who INITIATED the confrontation [this is the exact meaning of stand your ground ]

GZ proves he's an IDIOT carrying a pistol:= he says
Zimmerman: Somethings wrong with him. Yup, he's coming to check me out, he's got
something in his hands, I don't know what his deal is.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fantastic logic/thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
something is wrong with him.......?? how does he know this??
he doesn't--GZ is OBSESSED wit hbeing a hreo and it WARPS his mind
Zimmerman: Okay. These assholes they always get away. When you come to the
clubhouse you come straight in and make a left. Actually you would go past the
ASSHOLE! this show hate/aggressiveness/etc
he doesn't even KNOW or has met TM--yet he calls him an ASSHOLE for---------------walking!!!!!!!!!?????
Somethings wrong with him. Yup, he's coming to check me out, he's got
something in his hands, I don't know what his deal is.
DUMBASS--he's checking GZ out because GZ keeps FOLLOWING him
and GZ can't add 1 =1 to figure this out
GZ cannot think logically
etc etc etc
Full text of "Transcript of George Zimmerman's Call to the Police"

Here's the HUGE problem with your narrative, Harmonica! Yes, Zimmerman did attempt to follow Trayvon but the fact of the matter is...he lost him. Trayvon called his friend to tell her that he was outside of the condo he was staying at the same time Zimmerman was telling the Police that he'd lost sight of Martin and was walking back to his vehicle to meet the Police at the gate of the community. That means in order for that confrontation to have taken place...Trayvon Martin had to walk BACK several hundred yards to intersect someone who WASN'T following him at all at that point! How do you make someone who does THAT...the victim? He's the aggressor at that point.
links on TMs position/route/quotes?
1. outside or nearby? the condo
2. TM has every right to WALK anywhere in that area--yes?
3. I certainly would not want some jackass who is AGGRESSIVELY following me to know where my relatives live--so I would not go near there

The person that was following you is nowhere near where your relative lives. He's several hundred yards away walking back to meet the police at that point. If you're really concerned about your safety or the safety of your family wouldn't you immediately go inside and call the Police to tell them about the man who was following you? Trayvon Martin didn't do that though...did he? No...he decided to walk back...confront the man...and attack him out of the dark. He doesn't have ANY right to do that! At that point HE is the aggressor and he is committing assault and battery!

''''These assholes they always get away'''.

this is IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he has it in his mind that TM is a criminal----because he is just WALKING!!
this quote tells the whole story

get away!!----get away from WHAT???!!!! he's just walking
GZ proves he is a dumbass--a complete dumbass[/QUOTE]

Zimmerman is obviously agitated because the man he suspects of doing something is getting away before the police get there. Why would that make him a "dumbass"? The complex was being plagued with break ins and Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch captain. This after Trayvon walked a circle around Zimmerman's SUV while Zimmerman was talking to the police. Who does that? What is the purpose of that...other than an attempt to intimidate...if you're simply out for a walk? You wonder why Zimmerman thought that Martin was an "asshole"? THAT lap around his SUV is probably what brought that outburst on!
Are you kidding? Police are getting assassinated in this country not because of something they were doing...but simply because they are wearing a uniform. It's a dangerous time to be a cop.
Really ? Where ? Where is this whole slaughter of cops happening then ?
As for what violent crime Martin was committing? Assault and battery.
  • Never mind that Zimmerman took out after Martin.
  • Never mind that Zimmerman accosted Martin and asked him what he was doing in the neighborhood.
  • Never mind that according to witnesses it was Zimmerman who pinned Martin down.
  • Never mind that Martin was in the community with his father visiting friends.
  • Never mind that Martin was armed only with Skittles and iced tea while Zimmerman carried a loaded weapon.
But we are supposed to feel sorry for the GZ because even in the light most favorable to him, his victim might have fought bk

Imagine that, fighting back against a total stranger who attacks you. Eh ?

Let me ask you simple question:

Would you be so willing to buy that argument if a black person were to chase down a white person in a mostly black neighborhood and then upon catching him, end his life when the white person resisted being pummeled ?

Trayvon Martin is the innocent one.

GZ was not even a cop

He's not even security guards. He's a self-appointed enforcers with no authority whatsoever

People may not know what happened when Zimmerman and the teen were face-to-face, but that really doesn't matter, as Zimmerman is the one who confronted the teen.

And the teen had a right to defend himself at that point. Under the law, the teen had every right to serve Zimmerman a can of whoop ass since he was the one who was confronted by the man who stalked and then confronted him armed with a gun.

Trayvon Martin is dead because George Zimmerman believed his neighborhood needed and deserved to be protected from young black men, who could not possibly belong there, in his estimation.

What witness ever said that Zimmerman pinned down Trayvon Martin? Every witness that had a view of what happened said that Martin was on top of Zimmerman "MMA style" raining strikes down on him while Zimmerman cried out for help!

Once again...Zimmerman did attempt to get out of his car and follow Martin when the police dispatcher asked which direction he had gone in. Once Martin was around the corner he went to the right towards the condo he was a visitor at...Zimmerman went straight...towards the back gate of the complex. Then when the police dispatcher told him not to try to follow Martin...Zimmerman turned around and started back to meet the police at the front gate of the complex. At this point the two men are far apart...Martin tells his friend on the phone that he's outside of the condo...Zimmerman is almost two hundred yards away headed back the way he came. In order for that confrontation to take place, Martin had to go back the way that he came. There is no way that the attack takes place if he doesn't.

There is absolutely no law that gives Trayvon the right to initiate a physical confrontation with someone because they had been following him earlier. It doesn't exist. You can't claim that he attacked Zimmerman because he was in fear of his life! He was at the condo. Zimmerman was nowhere to be seen! Trayvon had to go BACK to find him for them to have a fight. That's pure assault and battery.
Can you point to any black person who was shot n killed by the police who did not deserve to b shot n killed by the police ?
Can you point to a police officer that was killed in the line of duty that deserved it? Can you point to a innocent bystander who was shot by gang bangers that deserved to die? I have no clue what your point is when you demand to have black people who were wrongfully killed "listed" for you! People are killed that shouldn't be on a daily basis and the vast majority of them are not being killed by the police or by white people. Explain that...

You've given up trying to defend Trayvon Martin at this point? Probably a wise decision on your part. There are people of color who have been wronged by the police. Trayvon Martin was not one of them.
Can you point to a police officer that was killed in the line of duty that deserved it? Can you point to a innocent bystander who was shot by gang bangers that deserved to die? I have no clue what your point is when you demand to have black people who were wrongfully killed "listed" for you! People are killed that shouldn't be on a daily basis and the vast majority of them are not being killed by the police or by white people. Explain that...

You've given up trying to defend Trayvon Martin at this point? Probably a wise decision on your part. There are people of color who have been wronged by the police. Trayvon Martin was not one of them.
You miss the point.

I asked you if you could point out examples of black people being undeservedly shot n killed by the police and you could not.

So that comes bk to my original point is that harming blk ppl is essential in a system of white supremacy.

So whether its Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Philando Castille and many more.

This will always be rationalized away. Killing black ppl is essential in a system of white supremacy
Surprise! This happens to white people too.
But NOT because of racial animosity that was at one time in this country not just accepted as the social norm but was actually codified and made legal.

And in spite of this no longer being the law of the land, there are far too many whites who still conduct themselves as if it were.
And it is ASSumed that every black is denied anything because of race?
I never said racism ended. Your excuses are lame.
You can get jobs, houses, cars, loans etc if you get off your butt and get an education or get the skills.
The white supremacists control all the jobs, the cars, the loans and the education.
Don't get into trouble you wont get killed.
To be black is trouble to the white supremacist. It does not matter if black people committed no crime. The white supremacists would create more laws to criminalize black people. Those prisons have to be filled.
According to your posts, there shouldn't be any working blacks or successful black people.
I've never said that but there were successful and working blacks 50 years ago but there was still racism 50 years ago
Your excuses are lies. Whites are denied all the things blacks are. Like i said, if blacks were denied because of their race and supposedly white supremacists control everything, blacks would not be successful
Who are these successful black people ? I'd really like to know

When there's black owned and run McDonalds. A black owned and run Subway sandwich. A black walmart. A black ford motor company. A black bugatti company. A black JP morgan Chase. A black Amazon. A black Berkshire Hathaway. When black people control their own resources, control oil supplies, gold diamonds, sugar cocoa. When black people have black NASA to look into space. When black people own and control our image and have black NBC, CBS, ABC. When we have tons of Mark Zuckerbergs, Warren Buffets, Bill Gates.

Then you can talk to me about successful blacks.

When we have. what whites have and use that to serve the black community. The way whites use everything they have, to serve the white community then you may have a point about successful blacks

I don't give a fuck about Le-Bron.

Go to any NBA game. You won't see a significant number of black people there. LeBron plays for LA Lakers now. You think Inglewood and Compton are in the house ?

Happen. Not. Gonna


This white woman (Jeanie Buss) is the owner of the LA Lakers


I almost think that they went out of their way to find the most white Aryan looking woman they could find

White people have never minded black people entertaining them. That's part of white supremacy. Watching two black guys beat each other to pulp in a ring. Even at the height of racism you still your Muhammad Ali's, Jim Brown, Tina Turner's, Sammy Davis jnr's
Who is keeping you from opening your own black owned restaurant or any other business? So, if a white person enjoys black entertainment they are white supremacists? There are white boxers, but you want to whine about black boxers for some reason, nobody forced them to box. It appears you want your own black country. Anything a white does is racist, if they succeed, it was because of racism, if they work hard, they got their from racism, etc etc. Your excuses for why you perceive blacks as being kicked down are pathetic.
I can point out numerous examples where black people, Hispanic people, Oriental people and Caucasian people have been shot and killed by police that did not deserve that fate.
OK. Like who ? Name examples of blk ppl (Not hispanics or Orientals or whites) who were killed by law enforcement but did not deserve it ?
Police are put into situations where they are expected to make life and death decisions sometimes in a split second.
How many cops have been killed by an unarmed citizen? ZERO.
How many times a year does a police officer get beaten to death? ZERO.
How many officers in the field are killed each year by violence, 0.5 per state.

There are over 900,000 sworn law enforcement officers and less than one officer per state meets a violent demise.
Only 100 officers are killed in the line of duty each year and even then most are by vehicle accidents.

So tell me - Where is this life and death danger ?
Mistakes are made.
The mistakes always happen to be black

So either we have big coincendence thing going on or we live in system of white supremacy which mandates the killing of black people

The police go out of there way not to shoot unarmed whites.
The police know not to shoot unarmed white kids. Show me the examples of the police shooting and killing unarmed white children ?

Police make decisions based on what they perceive and to be quite blunt they perceive black people to be more of a threat than Oriental people and that perception is based upon experience.
Right. So it's black people fault then ? Every black person is at fault because they were born black. According to you. right ?
That goes for both black and white Police officers!
Of course. Police racism does not require that the person is white. Black folks are capable of internalizing and then acting upon the same anti-black prejudices and stereotypes as whites.
That doesn't change the fact that Trayvon Martin was shot because he was committing a violent crime against another person...a person who has the right to defend themselves. If you want to call out the "system" for racism...Trayvon Martin's shooting is a horribly bad example to cite!
What violent crime was he committing ?
he was doing nothing but walking to his dad's apartment--undeniable
GZ aggressively followed him in his vehicle
then he got out of the vehicle and aggressively followed him on foot
......we can say TM was standing his ground against the person who INITIATED the confrontation [this is the exact meaning of stand your ground ]

GZ proves he's an IDIOT carrying a pistol:= he says
Zimmerman: Somethings wrong with him. Yup, he's coming to check me out, he's got
something in his hands, I don't know what his deal is.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fantastic logic/thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
something is wrong with him.......?? how does he know this??
he doesn't--GZ is OBSESSED wit hbeing a hreo and it WARPS his mind
Zimmerman: Okay. These assholes they always get away. When you come to the
clubhouse you come straight in and make a left. Actually you would go past the
ASSHOLE! this show hate/aggressiveness/etc
he doesn't even KNOW or has met TM--yet he calls him an ASSHOLE for---------------walking!!!!!!!!!?????
Somethings wrong with him. Yup, he's coming to check me out, he's got
something in his hands, I don't know what his deal is.
DUMBASS--he's checking GZ out because GZ keeps FOLLOWING him
and GZ can't add 1 =1 to figure this out
GZ cannot think logically
etc etc etc
Full text of "Transcript of George Zimmerman's Call to the Police"

Here's the HUGE problem with your narrative, Harmonica! Yes, Zimmerman did attempt to follow Trayvon but the fact of the matter is...he lost him. Trayvon called his friend to tell her that he was outside of the condo he was staying at the same time Zimmerman was telling the Police that he'd lost sight of Martin and was walking back to his vehicle to meet the Police at the gate of the community. That means in order for that confrontation to have taken place...Trayvon Martin had to walk BACK several hundred yards to intersect someone who WASN'T following him at all at that point! How do you make someone who does THAT...the victim? He's the aggressor at that point.
links on TMs position/route/quotes?
1. outside or nearby? the condo
2. TM has every right to WALK anywhere in that area--yes?
3. I certainly would not want some jackass who is AGGRESSIVELY following me to know where my relatives live--so I would not go near there

The person that was following you is nowhere near where your relative lives. He's several hundred yards away walking back to meet the police at that point. If you're really concerned about your safety or the safety of your family wouldn't you immediately go inside and call the Police to tell them about the man who was following you? Trayvon Martin didn't do that though...did he? No...he decided to walk back...confront the man...and attack him out of the dark. He doesn't have ANY right to do that! At that point HE is the aggressor and he is committing assault and battery!

''''These assholes they always get away'''.

this is IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he has it in his mind that TM is a criminal----because he is just WALKING!!
this quote tells the whole story

get away!!----get away from WHAT???!!!! he's just walking
GZ proves he is a dumbass--a complete dumbass

Zimmerman is obviously agitated because the man he suspects of doing something is getting away before the police get there. Why would that make him a "dumbass"? The complex was being plagued with break ins and Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch captain. This after Trayvon walked a circle around Zimmerman's SUV while Zimmerman was talking to the police. Who does that? What is the purpose of that...other than an attempt to intimidate...if you're simply out for a walk? You wonder why Zimmerman thought that Martin was an "asshole"? THAT lap around his SUV is probably what brought that outburst on![/QUOTE]

hahahahahhahah--you just said it!!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!
1. he's ALSO agitated !!! thank you
he has NO reason to be agitated
2. what did he do that is suspicious?? NOTHING--he's walking
even the cops have to have reasonable cause to stop you
3. sure, sure, you want to be on the look out for SUSPICIOUS activity in the area--that's fine--but your mind can't be so warped you think EVERY black man is suspicious
and when you are armed and your mind is fked, this causes people to get murdered

he's a dumbass for:
1. thinking TM is an asshole when TM is just walking
2. not being able to add 1 + 1;
..a. TM is staring at GZ because GZ is aggressively following him !! GZ can't figure this out

like I said, this quote [ from GZ himself ] tells a lot = ''these assholes always get away''
......GZ will NOT let the INNOCENT, non-suspicious '''asshole'' get away ---he will keep going after him--no matter what
he keeps going and going -----and TM stands his ground

Can I Walk Away?
Unless a police officer has “probable cause” to make an arrest, “reasonable suspicion” to conduct a “stop and frisk,” or a warrant, a person generally has the legal right to walk away from the officer
Stopping and Questioning People on the Street
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Can you point to a police officer that was killed in the line of duty that deserved it? Can you point to a innocent bystander who was shot by gang bangers that deserved to die? I have no clue what your point is when you demand to have black people who were wrongfully killed "listed" for you! People are killed that shouldn't be on a daily basis and the vast majority of them are not being killed by the police or by white people. Explain that...

You've given up trying to defend Trayvon Martin at this point? Probably a wise decision on your part. There are people of color who have been wronged by the police. Trayvon Martin was not one of them.
You miss the point.

I asked you if you could point out examples of black people being undeservedly shot n killed by the police and you could not.

So that comes bk to my original point is that harming blk ppl is essential in a system of white supremacy.

So whether its Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Philando Castille and many more.

This will always be rationalized away. Killing black ppl is essential in a system of white supremacy

Interesting concept. You think white's killing innocent black people is "essential" to maintain a system of white supremacy? How do you explain the following then? The most recent data available from the FBI (which is for 2015) indicates that 89.3 percent of black murder victims that year were killed by black perpetrators. How is it exactly that white supremacists are making blacks murder each other? What strange power is it that they have over your minds to accomplish THAT!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fantastic logic/thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
something is wrong with him.......?? how does he know this??
he doesn't--GZ is OBSESSED wit hbeing a hreo and it WARPS his mind
2. ASSHOLE! this show hate/aggressiveness/etc
he doesn't even KNOW or has met TM--yet he calls him an ASSHOLE for---------------walking!!!!!!!!!?????
3. DUMBASS--he's checking GZ out because GZ keeps FOLLOWING him
and GZ can't add 1 =1 to figure this out
GZ cannot think logically
etc etc etc
Full text of "Transcript of George Zimmerman's Call to the Police"

Here's the HUGE problem with your narrative, Harmonica! Yes, Zimmerman did attempt to follow Trayvon but the fact of the matter is...he lost him. Trayvon called his friend to tell her that he was outside of the condo he was staying at the same time Zimmerman was telling the Police that he'd lost sight of Martin and was walking back to his vehicle to meet the Police at the gate of the community. That means in order for that confrontation to have taken place...Trayvon Martin had to walk BACK several hundred yards to intersect someone who WASN'T following him at all at that point! How do you make someone who does THAT...the victim? He's the aggressor at that point.
links on TMs position/route/quotes?
1. outside or nearby? the condo
2. TM has every right to WALK anywhere in that area--yes?
3. I certainly would not want some jackass who is AGGRESSIVELY following me to know where my relatives live--so I would not go near there

The person that was following you is nowhere near where your relative lives. He's several hundred yards away walking back to meet the police at that point. If you're really concerned about your safety or the safety of your family wouldn't you immediately go inside and call the Police to tell them about the man who was following you? Trayvon Martin didn't do that though...did he? No...he decided to walk back...confront the man...and attack him out of the dark. He doesn't have ANY right to do that! At that point HE is the aggressor and he is committing assault and battery!

''''These assholes they always get away'''.

this is IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he has it in his mind that TM is a criminal----because he is just WALKING!!
this quote tells the whole story

get away!!----get away from WHAT???!!!! he's just walking
GZ proves he is a dumbass--a complete dumbass

Zimmerman is obviously agitated because the man he suspects of doing something is getting away before the police get there. Why would that make him a "dumbass"? The complex was being plagued with break ins and Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch captain. This after Trayvon walked a circle around Zimmerman's SUV while Zimmerman was talking to the police. Who does that? What is the purpose of that...other than an attempt to intimidate...if you're simply out for a walk? You wonder why Zimmerman thought that Martin was an "asshole"? THAT lap around his SUV is probably what brought that outburst on!

hahahahahhahah--you just said it!!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!
1. he's ALSO agitated !!! thank you
he has NO reason to be agitated
2. what did he do that is suspicious?? NOTHING--he's walking
even the cops have to have reasonable cause to stop you
3. sure, sure, you want to be on the look out for SUSPICIOUS activity in the area--that's fine--but your mind can't be so warped you think EVERY black man is suspicious
and when you are armed and your mind is fked, this causes people to get murdered

he's a dumbass for:
1. thinking TM is an asshole when TM is just walking
2. not being able to add 1 + 1;
..a. TM is staring at GZ because GZ is aggressively following him !! GZ can't figure this out

like I said, this quote [ from GZ himself ] tells a lot = ''these assholes always get away''
......GZ will NOT let the INNOCENT, non-suspicious '''asshole'' get away ---he will keep going after him--no matter what
he keeps going and going -----and TM stands his ground

Can I Walk Away?
Unless a police officer has “probable cause” to make an arrest, “reasonable suspicion” to conduct a “stop and frisk,” or a warrant, a person generally has the legal right to walk away from the officer
Stopping and Questioning People on the Street[/QUOTE]

First of all it's a gated community. Trayvon Martin is not known to George Zimmerman so he's obviously viewing him as someone from outside of the community. Zimmerman is part of the neighborhood watch...which was formed because of a rash of break ins at the gated community. Zimmerman is suspicious of the stranger and calls the police. Martin for some reason decides that he's going to walk in a circle around the SUV that Zimmerman is sitting in. Martin then runs away...goes around the corner of a building and disappears from view. The police dispatcher asks Zimmerman which direction the suspect was going at which point Zimmerman gets out of his SUV and attempts to see where it is that Martin has gone but Martin has gone to the right and down a side walk and Zimmerman goes straight, headed towards a back gate where he thinks Martin has gone. The dispatcher at this point hears Zimmerman breathing hard and realizes that he's gotten out of his SUV and attempted to follow the which point the dispatcher tells him NOT to follow and return to the front gate to meet the police car that's been dispatched. Zimmerman never makes it to that front gate however because Trayvon Martin has walked BACK from the condo he's staying at and then attacks Zimmerman.
Bottom line is this...Trayvon Martin played wide receiver for his high school football team. He's obviously got some quick in him! So you tell me how fast he's going to leave a fat and out of shape couch potato like George Zimmerman in the dust if he takes off running? By the time Zimmerman gets out of his SUV and trots around the building that Martin has disappeared behind...Trayvon is already close to the condo he's staying in...hundreds of yards away! He's as safe as safe can be! If he goes inside he's alive today but he chose not to do that...he chose to turn around and make his way BACK to where Zimmerman was walking back to the front gate.
Can you point to a police officer that was killed in the line of duty that deserved it? Can you point to a innocent bystander who was shot by gang bangers that deserved to die? I have no clue what your point is when you demand to have black people who were wrongfully killed "listed" for you! People are killed that shouldn't be on a daily basis and the vast majority of them are not being killed by the police or by white people. Explain that...

You've given up trying to defend Trayvon Martin at this point? Probably a wise decision on your part. There are people of color who have been wronged by the police. Trayvon Martin was not one of them.
You miss the point.

I asked you if you could point out examples of black people being undeservedly shot n killed by the police and you could not.

So that comes bk to my original point is that harming blk ppl is essential in a system of white supremacy.

So whether its Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Philando Castille and many more.

This will always be rationalized away. Killing black ppl is essential in a system of white supremacy

Interesting concept. You think white's killing innocent black people is "essential" to maintain a system of white supremacy? How do you explain the following then? The most recent data available from the FBI (which is for 2015) indicates that 89.3 percent of black murder victims that year were killed by black perpetrators. How is it exactly that white supremacists are making blacks murder each other? What strange power is it that they have over your minds to accomplish THAT!

Bottom line is this...Trayvon Martin played wide receiver for his high school football team. He's obviously got some quick in him! So you tell me how fast he's going to leave a fat and out of shape couch potato like George Zimmerman in the dust if he takes off running? By the time Zimmerman gets out of his SUV and trots around the building that Martin has disappeared behind...Trayvon is already close to the condo he's staying in...hundreds of yards away! He's as safe as safe can be! If he goes inside he's alive today but he chose not to do that...he chose to turn around and make his way BACK to where Zimmerman was walking back to the front gate.

How does a black person killing another black person affect white ppl?
Oh right Okay lol

So black people should be thankful that we don't get our brains blown out by in any altercation by cops ?

We should be thankful that some police know how to do there job ?

The police are not there to blast unarmed citizens

Plus I did not see any serious resistance from this guy so I would even say this was good example.

Besides pointing to one or two examples is like me pointing Stevie Wonder money n then claiming there's no disadvantages in being blind
You didnt see any resistance?! The judge said she would have been in the right to shoot him. Anyway, you dont need to continue believing in your racist conspiracy theory now that youve been shown video proof that it isnt true.
of course the judge is gonna say the blk man should have been killed.

Of course the judge is gonna say that. We live in a system of white supremacy. I did not see any resistance at all
Even a black judge would say that
Educated Blacks don’t have many kind words for the “Reparations” crowd.


Should there be reparations for African Americans? Scholars tackle the topic at Monday panel

What did you say?

We demand reparations for past and continuing harms. The government, responsible corporations and other institutions that have profited off of the harm they have inflicted on Black people — from colonialism to slavery through food and housing redlining, mass incarceration, and surveillance — must repair the harm done.

Reparations - The Movement for Black Lives

Members of the United Front
Black Alliance for Just Immigration
Black Youth Project 100 (BYP100)
Project South
Southerners On New Ground
Philadelphia Student Union
Alliance for Educational Justice
Black Lives Matter Network
Dream Defenders
Baltimore Bloc
Freedom Inc.
Organization for Black Struggle
Highlander Research and Education Center
Million Hoodies Movement for Justice
The National Conference of Black Lawyers
Black Women’s Blueprint
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
SpiritHouse Inc.
The Worker’s Center for Racial Justice
The BlackOut Collective
Open Democracy Project at Crescent City Media Group
National Black Food and Justice Alliance
Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth
Dignity and Power Now
Center for Media Justice
Environmental Justice Advocates of Minnesota
BIG: Blacks in Green
Mothers Against Police Brutality

Endorsing Organizations
Color of Change
Black Leadership Organizing Collaborative
Black Liberation Collective
Black Organizing for Leadership & Dignity
Center for Constitutional Rights
The Provisional Government of the Republic of New Afrika
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Central Illinois CBTU
Racial Justice Action Center (RJAC)
Solutions Not Punishment Coalition (Snap Co.)
Causa Justa Just Cause
National Black Justice Coalition
Brooklyn Community Bail Fund
FUREE (Families United for Racial and Economic Equality)
Girls for Gender Equity
ArchCity Defenders
The National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
Women of Color Network, Inc.
Right To The City
Freedom Side
Jobs With Justice
Philly Coalition for REAL Justice
Race Forward
Center for Social Inclusion
Center For Third World Organizing
PICO’s Live Free Campaign
Southeast Asian Freedom Network
National Economic & Social Rights Initiative
Center for Popular Democracy
Chicago Anti-Eviction Campaign
Picture The Homeless
Project NIA
Community Justice Network for Youth
Institute of the Black World 21st Century
National African American Reparations Commission
Brooklyn Movement Center
The Truth Telling Project
New York State Prisoner Justice Network
Good Jobs Now
The Ordinary People’s Society
People’s Justice Project
Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment
Urban Youth Collaborative
European Reparations Commission (ERC)
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)
Direct Action for Rights and Equality (DARE)
Minnesota Voice
Fellowship of Reconciliation, USA
North Star Fund
James and Grace Lee Boggs Center to Nurture Community Leadership
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Ferguson Response Network
Democratic Socialists of America
National Lawyer’s Guild
Citizen Action of New York
Jewish Voice for Peace
Working Families Party: People of Color Caucus
Queer Palestinian Empowerment Network
New York Communities for Change
The Power Shift Network
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
Ashoka Changemakers
Partnership for Working Families
Wildfire Project
Prison Action Network

Endorsing Organizations (continued) - The Movement for Black Lives

You are wrong. As usual.

90% or more of those organizations are Communist.

The NAACP isn't about advancing Colored People, it's about advancing Communism while using black people as tools.
Surprise! This happens to white people too.
But NOT because of racial animosity that was at one time in this country not just accepted as the social norm but was actually codified and made legal.

And in spite of this no longer being the law of the land, there are far too many whites who still conduct themselves as if it were.
And it is ASSumed that every black is denied anything because of race?
It doesn't have to happen to EVERY black person, the fact that it happens at all to ANY black person is what is at issue. I often hear you claim that racism no longer exists in the U.S. but it does, it's never gone anywhere other than underground since the racists could face repercussions if they are openly racist, but it lives nonetheless.

I used to think you just have a very Polly Anna worldview but now I'm not so sure since this has been explained to you repeatedly.

Do you know what a suspicious activity report is?
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