More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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Your excuses for black criminals is old, tired and pathetic. More whites are killed by cops than blacks. The main difference that is apparent: YOU defend black criminals, I DON'T defend any criminals. YES, there are still racists, YES there are FEW black rogue cops. NO, it is not the norm. Quit making excuses for black criminals, how about if the criminals don't threaten cops or disobey orders? I don't give a shit what race you are, quit committing crimes.

Then shut the fuck up and stop whites from committing more crimes than everybody else.
LOL you don't read or comprehend very well. Blacks commit more VIOLENT crimes. How do you propose I stop anyone from committing crimes? I am not a criminal, I am responsible for myself.
Your excuses for black criminals is old, tired and pathetic.
When did I excuse black criminals ?
More whites are killed by cops than blacks.
I've never said that was not true. However I'm talking about unarmed black people

Now let's compare how many unarmed white people killed by the police and unarmed black people ?

That's the key. That's the reason for the demos etc.
The main difference that is apparent: YOU defend black criminals
When did I defend black criminals ?
I DON'T defend any criminals.
OK. So what makes someone a criminal ?
YES, there are still racists
And I suspect that you are one of them
YES there are FEW black rogue cops. NO, it is not the norm.
Like who ? And let me show you the rogue white cops and let's see who wins ?
Quit making excuses for black criminals,
When did I excuse black criminals ?
how about if the criminals don't threaten cops or disobey orders?
So how come it's only when white men threaten cops and disobey they don't get shot ?

Your excuses for black criminals is old, tired and pathetic.
When did I excuse black criminals ?
More whites are killed by cops than blacks.
I've never said that was not true. However I'm talking about unarmed black people

Now let's compare how many unarmed white people killed by the police and unarmed black people ?

That's the key. That's the reason for the demos etc.
The main difference that is apparent: YOU defend black criminals
When did I defend black criminals ?
I DON'T defend any criminals.
OK. So what makes someone a criminal ?
YES, there are still racists
And I suspect that you are one of them
YES there are FEW black rogue cops. NO, it is not the norm.
Like who ? And let me show you the rogue white cops and let's see who wins ?
Quit making excuses for black criminals,
When did I excuse black criminals ?
how about if the criminals don't threaten cops or disobey orders?
So how come it's only when white men threaten cops and disobey they don't get shot ?

Being unarmed but still threatening is a crime. How many "unarmed" blacks are killed? You and many blacks condemn cops when they kill any black criminal. How many unarmed people are innocent? No, being guilty is not a death sentence, yes, innocents do get killed, but not many. The rogue cops should be prosecuted. There are more blacks who won't comply with the police demands, so there will be more altercations. I do not condone cops killing innocent people, or killing unarmed people who are not threatening. Police -- Racism Isn’t Why Black Men Get Shot | National Review
Being unarmed but still threatening is a crime.
OK. So what is your universal definition of threatening behaviour?

A spider walking across a room can be threatening to some. A person can tightrope over the grand canyon and not find that threatening. A black man does not have to do much to threaten white people. Hell white people are so fragile nowadays that last week a white women in Massachusetts called the cops on a black man whose dog started humping her dog.

She was trying to get him killed. That's why she called the police in the first place but that's white supremacist heaven, the idea that they can call the cavalry on black men and a bunch of noble white guys will come out blasting but even the police are sick of white and non black people calling the police on black people

So what is your universal definition of threatening behaviour?
How many "unarmed" blacks are killed?
Here's just a few in the last seven years. Plenty more

2018: Botham Jean (Dallas, TX)
2018: Antwon Rose (East Pittsburgh, PA)
2018: Shaheed Vassell (New York, NY)
2017: Patrick Harmon (Salt Lake City, UT)
2017: Jordan Edwards (Balch Springs, TX)
2016: Alfred Olango (El Cajon, CA)
2016: Terence Crutcher (Tulsa, OK)
2015: Jamar Clark (Minneapolis, MN)
2015: India Kager (Virginia Beach, VA)
2015: Christian Taylor (Arlington, TX)
2015: Sam Dubose (Cincinnati, OH)
2015: Icarus Randolph (Witchita, KS)
2015: Walter Scott (North Charleston, SC)
2015: Tony Robinson (Madison, WI)
2015: Anthony Hill (Chamblee, GA)
2014: Victor White III (Iberia Parish, LA)
2014: Dante Parker (San Bernardino County, CA)
2014: Ezell Ford (Los Angeles, CA)
2014: Tyree Woodson (Baltimore, MD)
2014: Yvette Smith (Bastrop, TX)
2014: Donitre Hamilton (Milwaukee, WI)
2014: Jordan Baker (Houston, TX)
2013: Linwood Lambert (South Boston, VA)
2013: Ryan Stokes (Kansas City, MO)
2013: Barrington Williams (New York, NY)
2013: Carlos Alcis (New York, NY)
2013: Deion Fludd (New York, NY)
2013: Kyam Livingstone (New York, NY)
2013: Larry Eugene Jackson, Jr. (Austin, TX)
2013: Miriam Carey (Washington, DC)
2013: Tyrone West (Baltimore, MD)
2012: Chavis Carter (Jonesboro, AR)
2012: Dante Price (Dayton, OH)
2012: Duane Brown (New York, NY)
2012: Ervin Jefferson (Atlanta, GA)
2012: Jersey Green (Aurora, IL)
2012: Johnnnie Kamahi Warren (Dotham, AL)
2012: Justin Slipp (New Orleans, LA)
2012: Kendrec McDade (Pasadena, CA)
2012: Nehemiah Dillard (Gainesville, FL)
2012: Raymond Allen (Galveston, TX)
2012: Reynaldo Cuevas (New York, NY)
2012: Robert Dumas Jr (Cleveland, OH)
2012: Sgt. Manuel Loggins Jr (Orange County, CA)
2012: Shantel Davis (New York, NY)
2012: Sharmel Edwards (Las Vegas, NV)
2012: Shereese Francis (New York, NY)
2012: Tamon Robinson (New York, NY)
2012: Wendell Allen (New Orleans, LA)
You and many blacks condemn cops when they kill any black criminal.
Your assuming that black people who are killed by cops are criminals

In a system of white supremacy, being black is the crime.
How many unarmed people are innocent?
I can't give you a number but if they were white the vast majority would not have been shot. The police seem to know all kinds of non-lethal ways to stop white people even when they are armed. A police office in Georgia a few years back admitted that the police only kill black people. He did not say "black crminals".....he just said "Black people". The police are told not to enforce drug laws against white people
No, being guilty is not a death sentence, yes, innocents do get killed, but not many.
And the innocents, just by some magical coincendence just happen to be black. The police know not to shoot and kill unarmed white people
The rogue cops should be prosecuted.
What's a rogue cop then ?

You have the New Jersey chiefs of police wanting to kill all black people and the Philly Police Union president call BLM activists "Wild Animals" or Cali Police sympathizingwith white supremacist and Sheriff Scott Israel in Florida getting caught entrapping 18 black people in 2016 (0 white people,) but is more recently accused of directing deputies to put on ski masks & bust up a venue repeatedly on hip hop nights


These are chiefs of police and sheriffs. People
with power who can easily wreck a black person life. This is why I laugh when guys like you and ptbw forever, Correll, Mudda, Slyhunter, harmonica try and prove black racism.

So planting evidence, creating bogus stats, framing black people is very common in the police force and these are just the ones who have been "outed"

There are no doubt scores of other chiefs of police who think just like them and think like you, but have not openly shown themselves

After all how do you explain the findings of Michael A. Wood Jr who was a retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014 ?

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans have long known.

The Police

    • Lie.
    • Racially profile.
    • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
    • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
    • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
    • Use unspoken arrest quota.
    • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
    • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
    • Are badly trained.
    • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other. When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street.

He was just following orders but those orders came from top. These prisons need 90% occupancy remember.

Or the white cop Adrian Schoolcraft logged how the NYPD used to manipulate crime stats. Police officers were told how many people to stop and search. How many tickets to write. How many arrests to make every month. Serious crime was not taken seriously. .

That's only touching the surface the police plant evidence on suspects to frame them, as with the Ramparts division scandal or they protect drug runners.

The police deal in drugs THEMSELVES. Ever heard about New York’s infamous 75th precinct ?

The police murder those who file complaints against them

So you still want to prosecute rogue cops ?
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A teacher will legally shoot an innocent Black student/parent in the near future. *Mark this tweet* Florida House panel approves school bill allowing arming of teachers


These black kids in kindergarten, junior high, high school are on the list , these white mofos will shoot and kill you with no problems. And nothing will get done about it as usual.

Florida All So Has These Stand Your Ground Law's, Remember Zimmerman,/ Trayvon Martin Situation......Basically If A White Person Feel's Threatened By A Melaniated Person For Any Reason, They Are Allowed To Shoot And Kill Them With Impunity!
A teacher will legally shoot an innocent Black student/parent in the near future. *Mark this tweet* Florida House panel approves school bill allowing arming of teachers


These black kids in kindergarten, junior high, high school are on the list , these white mofos will shoot and kill you with no problems. And nothing will get done about it as usual.

Florida All So Has These Stand Your Ground Law's, Remember Zimmerman,/ Trayvon Martin Situation......Basically If A White Person Feel's Threatened By A Melaniated Person For Any Reason, They Are Allowed To Shoot And Kill Them With Impunity!


Here we have a white man who resists arrests for a minute, fights with a cop, steals the baton and then robs the cop car and spens off and all this without a shot being fired.

I'm not even gonna say what would have happened if he was black because that's too easy.

But this is why all this "Police need more training" "Police fear black people"

The police don't fear black people or need more training

All that "They fear us" plays to black people's ego "O. Shit !! They fear me !! I'm a real man. They're scared of me"

No. The police know they have system to shut down any black person so when they step out of that car. The police are very calm. They know how not shoot to whites.

Not all blacks who are approached by cops are shot for disobeying
Oh, it's true alright:

Where did HIV come from?
Scientists identified a type of chimpanzee in West Africa as the source of HIV infection in humans. They believe that the chimpanzee version of the immunodeficiency virus (called simian immunodeficiency virus or SIV) most likely was transmitted to humans and mutated into HIV when humans hunted these chimpanzees for meat and came into contact with their infected blood. Over decades, the virus slowly spread across Africa and later into other parts of the world.

What's not true is your claim that AIDS was the only thing blacks invented you dumb bastard.

That's true. Blacks didn't invent AIDS so much as "develop" it by eating chimpazees. Sorry.
How many Countries in Africa can you name ?

Without cheating I don't think you can name more than ten.

But yet your up here acting like your an expert on Aids and Africa.
pretty much all of them. Minored in Cultural Geography. Those little elongated state on the Slave Coast west of Nigeria can be a bit tricky though.
Without cheating you could not name 10......actually 5 countries in Africa. Fact. And I'm being dead serious
Could you point to Africa on a world map?
A white man, ONE white man killed people at a mosque. That does not make whites more violent. Perhaps in the past, but not today. Pick up any local newspaper, it is not mostly whites in the news killing innocent people.
Look. That "It's just one white man" excuse is over. It's tired. Used up and pathetic.

But the white media is trying humanize him of course.


All mass murders of last year were committed by white people

What you gonna do now ? Deflect and talk about Chicago ? The knock out game ?

It took this white supremacist 16 minutes to murder those people but the police are 4 minutes away ?

Something’s not right

The N.Zealand prime minster (Jacinda Ardem) said


It is clear this is one of New Zealand's darkest days,"

"What has happened is an extraordinary and unprecedented act of violence.

The way you white people never come off code for a second is impressive.

It was an act of terrorism. Punching someone in the face is an act of violence.

But white women protect their kings at all costs I’ll give them that

So let me get this straight - A white Australian born terrorist wearing a suicide vest who has British parents, shoots up two mosques in New Zealand, kills 49 (and counting) because he hates Muslim immigrants who keep blowing themselves up?

O.....the irony

He isn't from New Zealand. But he's over there killing people the same way he claims Islamists do.

Some white people are so entitled to things that were never theirs to begin with.

And to prove his entitlement even more, he made sure to live-stream it like a video game so the world could see. The gaming community is a hotbed for white extremists.

Once again

Look at the words white people use globally. Look at the way they all get on code.

So Trump calling it a "massacre", not a terrorist attack.

Let me tell you something a Muslim schoolboy could steal the lunch of some white boy in Iceland and Trump would be calling him a terrorist but he will never call a white man a terrorist.

He has to protect his white supremacist terrorists voter base at all costs.

Worse will come. If you know Muslim fanatics then you’ll know that there be retaliation.

They’re gonna strike back, bigger and badder. It’s not a matter of if, but when.

Know what happens then?

1nuke mecca.gif

Problem solved. :)
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Police have arrested a 23-year-old White man, Holden Matthews, in connection with the fires that destroyed three Black churches in Louisiana in the last two weeks. Matthews is the son of a St. Landry sheriff's deputy & has neo-Nazi ties.

They got him. And of course no officer feared for his life when they apprehended him. So did he get to stop for burgers too?


Can you imagine what would happen if a black man was running around burning white churches with majority white people inside ?

Everyone would know about it

Not forgetting the fact that louisiana is the world's prison capital, it has the highest per capita incarceration rate in the US, by design black men disproportionately make up the largest demographic, my suggestion, make sure he has a comfortable stay in general population, justice will be served!
Can you imagine what would happen if a black man was running around burning white churches with majority white people inside ?

The racist left would cheering and the dumbass right would do nothing.

Not to mention the media would refuse to say that the perpetrator was black and that the victims were white.
Police have arrested a 23-year-old White man, Holden Matthews, in connection with the fires that destroyed three Black churches in Louisiana in the last two weeks. Matthews is the son of a St. Landry sheriff's deputy & has neo-Nazi ties.

They got him. And of course no officer feared for his life when they apprehended him. So did he get to stop for burgers too?

View attachment 255233

Can you imagine what would happen if a black man was running around burning white churches with majority white people inside ?

Everyone would know about it

Not forgetting the fact that louisiana is the world's prison capital, it has the highest per capita incarceration rate in the US, by design black men disproportionately make up the largest demographic, my suggestion, make sure he has a comfortable stay in general population, justice will be served!

Funny how whenever a white guy gets caught for an alleged hate-crime, black people always suggest putting him in general population so he will be raped by black people.
Police have arrested a 23-year-old White man, Holden Matthews, in connection with the fires that destroyed three Black churches in Louisiana in the last two weeks. Matthews is the son of a St. Landry sheriff's deputy & has neo-Nazi ties.

They got him. And of course no officer feared for his life when they apprehended him. So did he get to stop for burgers too?

View attachment 255233

Can you imagine what would happen if a black man was running around burning white churches with majority white people inside ?

Everyone would know about it

Not forgetting the fact that louisiana is the world's prison capital, it has the highest per capita incarceration rate in the US, by design black men disproportionately make up the largest demographic, my suggestion, make sure he has a comfortable stay in general population, justice will be served!

Funny how whenever a white guy gets caught for an alleged hate-crime, black people always suggest putting him in general population so he will be raped by black people.
Who said anything about being raped by black ppl ?

You said that. Not me.

The fact that being raped by black men is the first thing you think says more about your own gay fantasies.

Bottom line is put this white boy in general population n let's see how brave he is then.

But that won't happen bcoz he'll have white supremacists guards. wardens n gangs who will protect him n make sure no harm comes to him.
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