More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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White People Cheating on SAT'S Scandal (And please don't anyone say "She's Latino"....she's white)

Jared Kushner Shows There’s a Shady-Yet-Legal Way to Get Rich Kids Into College. Kushner son-in-law of Donald Trump, husband of Ivanka Trump, and son of Charles Kushner was accepted into Harvard shortly after his father pledged $2.5 million to the school.

What about the unfair advantage white people get who have mothers, fathers, etc who have influence in the work place; managers, CEO’s etc who buy a covenant position in their company for their child who barely graduated H.S.

But everyone knows the education system is rigged in favor of white people.

These college cheating scandals are not new. Check the Asian cheating college scandal & a few years ago a man was indicted for taking the exams for wealthy children in New Jersey. When I was in uni all I ever heard from white people was “my kids couldn’t get in”. They hate competing, so they rig the game in their favor. Cheating, nepotism, bribes, favoratism: WHITE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Now you know how George W. Bush got into and graduated from Yale.

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So you change the subject from this story about purposely spreading AIDS with a phony medical operation that is NEVER REPORTED by any Human Rights group or assistance agency to a picture of guy ALLEDGELY poisoned by SOMEONE dumping nuclear waste and that's why Somali pirates are so pissed
Because we live in a system of white supremacy.
I think you just have a low bar for vetting information.. And will search EVERYWHERE for conspiracies without ever critically THINKING about the stories.. This IS conspiracy theory territory.. And it can make you HIGHLY paranoid and angry...
Less than 22% of the world is white.
Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.

Yet they run the BBC, CNN, the New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge. They write most of the Hollywood films and Wikipedia articles. They even own BET. English-speaking white men own and run nearly all the main bits of the Vast Talking Machine.

You can depend on that 2.3% for all your information about the world. I don't
Without going between British soldiers and unknown, unidentified illegal dumping of nuclear waste.
And that's the thing, if that 2.3% of the world don't tell you what's going on, you don't know anything. That's why you don't dispute any info out side of what that 2.3% have told you....... you dismiss. You choose which facts you wishes to believe in. It is part of how your racist delusion works. If you are going to overlook whatever facts of history that do not suit your argument, then it is pointless to say anything to you.

You are locked in your own self-delusion. Debating with people like you is like farting in a windstorm. You have your preconceived notions in place and have no intentions of listening to what anyone has to say.
Why don't you pick ONE and follow thru on the credibility of it??
What's credible to the Wolf is not going to credible to the sheep. What's credible to the fox is not going to be credible to the hounds.
MAYBE there's "blood uranium" markets in Africa.. I would not doubt it. But like "blood diamonds" and "blood oil" the folks MANAGING those operations are native citizens of that country...
Are you saying that the diamonds mines in Sierra Leone are controlled by native black people in that country ?

You suffer in the area of perception. It's limited to what other people you respect have told you as opposed to finding your own knowledge and understanding.

My observations may seem like "junk-science" or "radical" interpretations. I've heard that before, but that's cool.

Your information concentrates on the end result. My observations speculate on the cause. I'll use a sport anology to break it down even further.

You're like a ref who catches the end of the play and calls the foul based on what you saw. I on the other hand have seen the play develop and saw the first elbow thrown.
Because whites owns businesses they are racists? Lol. Nobody is stopping you from doing the same.
OK. So how do you own a business ?
If you don't know then I guess you aren't qualified to run a business.
Of course i am not saying that. What i am saying is that you seem to think that all black people should get the job, the house, etc. Whites dont have it all either. It isnt always about race
I'm saying racism / white supremacy exists and there should not be a system of inequality based on race. Agreed ?
I am not responsible for that. It is more of a wealth issue than a race issue.
White People Cheating on SAT'S Scandal (And please don't anyone say "She's Latino"....she's white)
View attachment 250227
Jared Kushner Shows There’s a Shady-Yet-Legal Way to Get Rich Kids Into College. Kushner son-in-law of Donald Trump, husband of Ivanka Trump, and son of Charles Kushner was accepted into Harvard shortly after his father pledged $2.5 million to the school.

What about the unfair advantage white people get who have mothers, fathers, etc who have influence in the work place; managers, CEO’s etc who buy a covenant position in their company for their child who barely graduated H.S.

But everyone knows the education system is rigged in favor of white people.

These college cheating scandals are not new. Check the Asian cheating college scandal & a few years ago a man was indicted for taking the exams for wealthy children in New Jersey. When I was in uni all I ever heard from white people was “my kids couldn’t get in”. They hate competing, so they rig the game in their favor. Cheating, nepotism, bribes, favoratism: WHITE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Now you know how George W. Bush got into and graduated from Yale.
A poor white kid's parents could not do this, it is not racial it is about wealth.
So you change the subject from this story about purposely spreading AIDS with a phony medical operation that is NEVER REPORTED by any Human Rights group or assistance agency to a picture of guy ALLEDGELY poisoned by SOMEONE dumping nuclear waste and that's why Somali pirates are so pissed
Because we live in a system of white supremacy.
I think you just have a low bar for vetting information.. And will search EVERYWHERE for conspiracies without ever critically THINKING about the stories.. This IS conspiracy theory territory.. And it can make you HIGHLY paranoid and angry...
Less than 22% of the world is white.
Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.

Yet they run the BBC, CNN, the New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge. They write most of the Hollywood films and Wikipedia articles. They even own BET. English-speaking white men own and run nearly all the main bits of the Vast Talking Machine.

You can depend on that 2.3% for all your information about the world. I don't
Without going between British soldiers and unknown, unidentified illegal dumping of nuclear waste.
And that's the thing, if that 2.3% of the world don't tell you what's going on, you don't know anything. That's why you don't dispute any info out side of what that 2.3% have told you....... you dismiss. You choose which facts you wishes to believe in. It is part of how your racist delusion works. If you are going to overlook whatever facts of history that do not suit your argument, then it is pointless to say anything to you.

You are locked in your own self-delusion. Debating with people like you is like farting in a windstorm. You have your preconceived notions in place and have no intentions of listening to what anyone has to say.
Why don't you pick ONE and follow thru on the credibility of it??
What's credible to the Wolf is not going to credible to the sheep. What's credible to the fox is not going to be credible to the hounds.
MAYBE there's "blood uranium" markets in Africa.. I would not doubt it. But like "blood diamonds" and "blood oil" the folks MANAGING those operations are native citizens of that country...
Are you saying that the diamonds mines in Sierra Leone are controlled by native black people in that country ?

You suffer in the area of perception. It's limited to what other people you respect have told you as opposed to finding your own knowledge and understanding.

My observations may seem like "junk-science" or "radical" interpretations. I've heard that before, but that's cool.

Your information concentrates on the end result. My observations speculate on the cause. I'll use a sport anology to break it down even further.

You're like a ref who catches the end of the play and calls the foul based on what you saw. I on the other hand have seen the play develop and saw the first elbow thrown.
Because whites owns businesses they are racists? Lol. Nobody is stopping you from doing the same.
OK. So how do you own a business ?

Now see. I went thru that with your comrade IM2.. He complained that Hallmark cards were racist.. So I suggested HE start a niche biz catering to the Black community... He said it would be difficult for a black man to get capital... (Was told that by Marx himself I think.. LOL..)

SO -- I proceeded to show him how not ONE but TWO normal Black Joe Americans got fantastically rich doing just that..

Maybe you should read the Instruction Booklet for Capitalism and most of your "grievances" about greeting cards and kids cartoons would get fixed...
So you change the subject from this story about purposely spreading AIDS with a phony medical operation that is NEVER REPORTED by any Human Rights group or assistance agency to a picture of guy ALLEDGELY poisoned by SOMEONE dumping nuclear waste and that's why Somali pirates are so pissed
Because we live in a system of white supremacy.
I think you just have a low bar for vetting information.. And will search EVERYWHERE for conspiracies without ever critically THINKING about the stories.. This IS conspiracy theory territory.. And it can make you HIGHLY paranoid and angry...
Less than 22% of the world is white.
Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.

Yet they run the BBC, CNN, the New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge. They write most of the Hollywood films and Wikipedia articles. They even own BET. English-speaking white men own and run nearly all the main bits of the Vast Talking Machine.

You can depend on that 2.3% for all your information about the world. I don't
Without going between British soldiers and unknown, unidentified illegal dumping of nuclear waste.
And that's the thing, if that 2.3% of the world don't tell you what's going on, you don't know anything. That's why you don't dispute any info out side of what that 2.3% have told you....... you dismiss. You choose which facts you wishes to believe in. It is part of how your racist delusion works. If you are going to overlook whatever facts of history that do not suit your argument, then it is pointless to say anything to you.

You are locked in your own self-delusion. Debating with people like you is like farting in a windstorm. You have your preconceived notions in place and have no intentions of listening to what anyone has to say.
Why don't you pick ONE and follow thru on the credibility of it??
What's credible to the Wolf is not going to credible to the sheep. What's credible to the fox is not going to be credible to the hounds.
MAYBE there's "blood uranium" markets in Africa.. I would not doubt it. But like "blood diamonds" and "blood oil" the folks MANAGING those operations are native citizens of that country...
Are you saying that the diamonds mines in Sierra Leone are controlled by native black people in that country ?

You suffer in the area of perception. It's limited to what other people you respect have told you as opposed to finding your own knowledge and understanding.

My observations may seem like "junk-science" or "radical" interpretations. I've heard that before, but that's cool.

Your information concentrates on the end result. My observations speculate on the cause. I'll use a sport anology to break it down even further.

You're like a ref who catches the end of the play and calls the foul based on what you saw. I on the other hand have seen the play develop and saw the first elbow thrown.
Because whites owns businesses they are racists? Lol. Nobody is stopping you from doing the same.
OK. So how do you own a business ?

Now see. I went thru that with your comrade IM2.. He complained that Hallmark cards were racist.. So I suggested HE start a niche biz catering to the Black community... He said it would be difficult for a black man to get capital... (Was told that by Marx himself I think.. LOL..)

SO -- I proceeded to show him how not ONE but TWO normal Black Joe Americans got fantastically rich doing just that..

Maybe you should read the Instruction Booklet for Capitalism and most of your "grievances" about greeting cards and kids cartoons would get fixed...

I did not say Hallmark Cards was racist. And whites like you have a real bad habit of trying to make conclusions based on 1-2 people. I said what I did based on talking to thousands of blacks trying to start businesses and information from various National Black Business Associations. You're a bunch of hot air encased in pink skin flacaltenn. I've been in business, I've helped build 3. You can't show me shit.

We've read the book on capitalism, you need to STFU and read the instruction book on reality. Because the total sales recipts from all black businesses has annually been less than 1 percent. So those 2 black guys you tried using to lie to yourself don't prove anything.
you can erase HALF the black murderers--and blacks still murder at twice the rate
Really ?

So how do you explain today another cowardly white man (White Supremacist) who walked into a mosque in New Zealand and killed 49 people ?

And you want to focus on black people ?

White people have been the most violent people ever to walk the earth

But when white people get killed in Mass shooting like in Sandy Hook a few years bk ?

All of a sudden all of resources start flooding in. The people in Sandy Hook have been given the green light to sue the gun manufacturer

They open them doors for them.


Because white people got killed of course
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So you change the subject from this story about purposely spreading AIDS with a phony medical operation that is NEVER REPORTED by any Human Rights group or assistance agency to a picture of guy ALLEDGELY poisoned by SOMEONE dumping nuclear waste and that's why Somali pirates are so pissed
Because we live in a system of white supremacy.
I think you just have a low bar for vetting information.. And will search EVERYWHERE for conspiracies without ever critically THINKING about the stories.. This IS conspiracy theory territory.. And it can make you HIGHLY paranoid and angry...
Less than 22% of the world is white.
Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.

Yet they run the BBC, CNN, the New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge. They write most of the Hollywood films and Wikipedia articles. They even own BET. English-speaking white men own and run nearly all the main bits of the Vast Talking Machine.

You can depend on that 2.3% for all your information about the world. I don't
Without going between British soldiers and unknown, unidentified illegal dumping of nuclear waste.
And that's the thing, if that 2.3% of the world don't tell you what's going on, you don't know anything. That's why you don't dispute any info out side of what that 2.3% have told you....... you dismiss. You choose which facts you wishes to believe in. It is part of how your racist delusion works. If you are going to overlook whatever facts of history that do not suit your argument, then it is pointless to say anything to you.

You are locked in your own self-delusion. Debating with people like you is like farting in a windstorm. You have your preconceived notions in place and have no intentions of listening to what anyone has to say.
Why don't you pick ONE and follow thru on the credibility of it??
What's credible to the Wolf is not going to credible to the sheep. What's credible to the fox is not going to be credible to the hounds.
MAYBE there's "blood uranium" markets in Africa.. I would not doubt it. But like "blood diamonds" and "blood oil" the folks MANAGING those operations are native citizens of that country...
Are you saying that the diamonds mines in Sierra Leone are controlled by native black people in that country ?

You suffer in the area of perception. It's limited to what other people you respect have told you as opposed to finding your own knowledge and understanding.

My observations may seem like "junk-science" or "radical" interpretations. I've heard that before, but that's cool.

Your information concentrates on the end result. My observations speculate on the cause. I'll use a sport anology to break it down even further.

You're like a ref who catches the end of the play and calls the foul based on what you saw. I on the other hand have seen the play develop and saw the first elbow thrown.
Because whites owns businesses they are racists? Lol. Nobody is stopping you from doing the same.
OK. So how do you own a business ?

Now see. I went thru that with your comrade IM2.. He complained that Hallmark cards were racist.. So I suggested HE start a niche biz catering to the Black community... He said it would be difficult for a black man to get capital... (Was told that by Marx himself I think.. LOL..)

SO -- I proceeded to show him how not ONE but TWO normal Black Joe Americans got fantastically rich doing just that..

Maybe you should read the Instruction Booklet for Capitalism and most of your "grievances" about greeting cards and kids cartoons would get fixed...

I did not say Hallmark Cards was racist. And whites like you have a real bad habit of trying to make conclusions based on 1-2 people. I said what I did based on talking to thousands of blacks trying to start businesses and information from various National Black Business Associations. You're a bunch of hot air encased in pink skin flacaltenn. I've been in business, I've helped build 3. You can't show me shit.

We've read the book on capitalism, you need to STFU and read the instruction book on reality. Because the total sales recipts from all black businesses has annually been less than 1 percent. So those 2 black guys you tried using to lie to yourself don't prove anything.

You most CERTAINLY tossed out Hallmark cards as an example of institutionalized racism... Do I have to go find it?? The invisble package of unearned benefits

You posted a vid "explaining White privilege of a woman whining about "princess hair" and dance team make-up and Hallmark cards as her examples... And blew thru all those trivial gripes starting on page 6 with "princess hair" and Hallmark cards later on...

Black owned businesses are booming. It's not 1 or 2 people.. Revenues may be less than 1% because you can't compare the Dow 20 companies revenues to small businesses.. There is no substantial barrier to entry for forming an Internet business. Or opening a Main Street shop..

You need to reading more of BlackEnterprise and less of Paul's bad fictional tales about "intentional" radiation poisoning or AIDs infection in Africa....

The 11 Biggest African American Business Stories of 2017
1) The US supreme court is making it even easier for the cops to kill black people. That's all these laws about. Now sure, they don't mind a few white people getting caught in the crossfire, but essentially these laws are about killing or harming black people

2) What would have happened if he was black ?

A white man points gun at Cops. They Ask Him to Stand Down. He Shoots at them. They ask him to stand Down again. He refuses again and fights With Cops. But he is taken alive

What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


3) You know how white supremacist love to lie about "Were helping black people. Look at all this aid we give"

Yeah a bag of rice for a bag of diamonds.

This is an old mafia trick. The mafia used to kill a wife's husband then a week later, show up at her house with a envelope of money telling her "What a great guy he was". White supremacists acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion. You must keep the victims confused.

But this is what the Red cross is doing haiti. Child Sex rings etc. They've found 21 cases of sexual misconduct in last three years but of course keep digging and the real number is in the thousands. Not that the money was ever meant to go to Haiti.

Once again. White supremacists have history.


This is happening to black/African ppl globally. British soldiers that were forcing the poverty stricken African women and underage girls to have sex with them in exchange for food and clean water.

3) Screen writer of the original Planet of The Apes says the film was about about Black people


Now watch how quickly this post will get locked.

To the mods black people talking about racism on a section of a forum that's dedicated to racism is race baiting.


Because in USMB if you talk about racism then you must focus on how screwed up, violent or dumb black people supposedly are anything else is race baiting.

Oh be quiet.
You know our old white fart posters here would much rather be black.
All those free cell phones etc
you can erase HALF the black murderers--and blacks still murder at twice the rate
Really ?

So how do you explain today another cowardly white man (White Supremacist) who walked into a mosque in New Zealand and killed 49 people ?

And you want to focus on black people ?

White people have been the most violent people ever to walk the earth

But when white people get killed in Mass shooting like in Sandy Hook a few years bk ?

All of a sudden all of resources start flooding in. The people in Sandy Hook have been given the green light to sue the gun manufacturer

They open them doors for them.


Because white people got killed of course
A white man, ONE white man killed people at a mosque. That does not make whites more violent. Perhaps in the past, but not today. Pick up any local newspaper, it is not mostly whites in the news killing innocent people.
you can erase HALF the black murderers--and blacks still murder at twice the rate
Really ?

So how do you explain today another cowardly white man (White Supremacist) who walked into a mosque in New Zealand and killed 49 people ?

And you want to focus on black people ?

White people have been the most violent people ever to walk the earth

But when white people get killed in Mass shooting like in Sandy Hook a few years bk ?

All of a sudden all of resources start flooding in. The people in Sandy Hook have been given the green light to sue the gun manufacturer

They open them doors for them.


Because white people got killed of course
FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?
A white man, ONE white man killed people at a mosque. That does not make whites more violent. Perhaps in the past, but not today. Pick up any local newspaper, it is not mostly whites in the news killing innocent people.
Look. That "It's just one white man" excuse is over. It's tired. Used up and pathetic.

But the white media is trying humanize him of course.


All mass murders of last year were committed by white people

What you gonna do now ? Deflect and talk about Chicago ? The knock out game ?

It took this white supremacist 16 minutes to murder those people but the police are 4 minutes away ?

Something’s not right

The N.Zealand prime minster (Jacinda Ardem) said


It is clear this is one of New Zealand's darkest days,"

"What has happened is an extraordinary and unprecedented act of violence.

The way you white people never come off code for a second is impressive.

It was an act of terrorism. Punching someone in the face is an act of violence.

But white women protect their kings at all costs I’ll give them that

So let me get this straight - A white Australian born terrorist wearing a suicide vest who has British parents, shoots up two mosques in New Zealand, kills 49 (and counting) because he hates Muslim immigrants who keep blowing themselves up?

O.....the irony

He isn't from New Zealand. But he's over there killing people the same way he claims Islamists do.

Some white people are so entitled to things that were never theirs to begin with.

And to prove his entitlement even more, he made sure to live-stream it like a video game so the world could see. The gaming community is a hotbed for white extremists.

Once again

Look at the words white people use globally. Look at the way they all get on code.

So Trump calling it a "massacre", not a terrorist attack.

Let me tell you something a Muslim schoolboy could steal the lunch of some white boy in Iceland and Trump would be calling him a terrorist but he will never call a white man a terrorist.

He has to protect his white supremacist terrorists voter base at all costs.

Worse will come. If you know Muslim fanatics then you’ll know that there be retaliation.

They’re gonna strike back, bigger and badder. It’s not a matter of if, but when.
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A white man, ONE white man killed people at a mosque. That does not make whites more violent. Perhaps in the past, but not today. Pick up any local newspaper, it is not mostly whites in the news killing innocent people.
Look. That "It's just one white man" excuse is over. It's tired. Used up and pathetic.

But the white media is trying humanize him of course.


All mass murders of last year were committed by white people

What you gonna do now ? Deflect and talk about Chicago ? The knock out game ?

It took this white supremacist 16 minutes to murder those people but the police are 4 minutes away ?

Something’s not right

The N.Zealand prime minster (Jacinda Ardem) said


It is clear this is one of New Zealand's darkest days,"

"What has happened is an extraordinary and unprecedented act of violence.

The way you white people never come off code for a second is impressive.

It was an act of terrorism. Punching someone in the face is an act of violence.

But white women protect their kings at all costs I’ll give them that

So let me get this straight - A white Australian born terrorist wearing a suicide vest who has British parents, shoots up two mosques in New Zealand, kills 49 (and counting) because he hates Muslim immigrants who keep blowing themselves up?

O.....the irony

He isn't from New Zealand. But he's over there killing people the same way he claims Islamists do.

Some white people are so entitled to things that were never theirs to begin with.

And to prove his entitlement even more, he made sure to live-stream it like a video game so the world could see. The gaming community is a hotbed for white extremists.

Once again

Look at the words white people use globally. Look at the way they all get on code.

So Trump calling it a "massacre", not a terrorist attack.

Let me tell you something a Muslim schoolboy could steal the lunch of some white boy in Iceland and Trump would be calling him a terrorist but he will never call a white man a terrorist.

He has to protect his white supremacist terrorists voter base at all costs.

Worse will come. If you know Muslim fanatics then you’ll know that there be retaliation.

They’re gonna strike back, bigger and badder. It’s not a matter of if, but when.
Your excuses for black criminals is old, tired and pathetic. More whites are killed by cops than blacks. The main difference that is apparent: YOU defend black criminals, I DON'T defend any criminals. YES, there are still racists, YES there are FEW black rogue cops. NO, it is not the norm. Quit making excuses for black criminals, how about if the criminals don't threaten cops or disobey orders? I don't give a shit what race you are, quit committing crimes.
A white man, ONE white man killed people at a mosque. That does not make whites more violent. Perhaps in the past, but not today. Pick up any local newspaper, it is not mostly whites in the news killing innocent people.
Look. That "It's just one white man" excuse is over. It's tired. Used up and pathetic.

But the white media is trying humanize him of course.


All mass murders of last year were committed by white people

What you gonna do now ? Deflect and talk about Chicago ? The knock out game ?

It took this white supremacist 16 minutes to murder those people but the police are 4 minutes away ?

Something’s not right

The N.Zealand prime minster (Jacinda Ardem) said


It is clear this is one of New Zealand's darkest days,"

"What has happened is an extraordinary and unprecedented act of violence.

The way you white people never come off code for a second is impressive.

It was an act of terrorism. Punching someone in the face is an act of violence.

But white women protect their kings at all costs I’ll give them that

So let me get this straight - A white Australian born terrorist wearing a suicide vest who has British parents, shoots up two mosques in New Zealand, kills 49 (and counting) because he hates Muslim immigrants who keep blowing themselves up?

O.....the irony

He isn't from New Zealand. But he's over there killing people the same way he claims Islamists do.

Some white people are so entitled to things that were never theirs to begin with.

And to prove his entitlement even more, he made sure to live-stream it like a video game so the world could see. The gaming community is a hotbed for white extremists.

Once again

Look at the words white people use globally. Look at the way they all get on code.

So Trump calling it a "massacre", not a terrorist attack.

Let me tell you something a Muslim schoolboy could steal the lunch of some white boy in Iceland and Trump would be calling him a terrorist but he will never call a white man a terrorist.

He has to protect his white supremacist terrorists voter base at all costs.

Worse will come. If you know Muslim fanatics then you’ll know that there be retaliation.

They’re gonna strike back, bigger and badder. It’s not a matter of if, but when.
Your excuses for black criminals is old, tired and pathetic. More whites are killed by cops than blacks. The main difference that is apparent: YOU defend black criminals, I DON'T defend any criminals. YES, there are still racists, YES there are FEW black rogue cops. NO, it is not the norm. Quit making excuses for black criminals, how about if the criminals don't threaten cops or disobey orders? I don't give a shit what race you are, quit committing crimes.[/QUOTE]The problem and white supremacy. Even intimes like this you want to talk about blk ppl.

The most criminal n most violent ppl ever to walk the earth are white ppl.
you can erase HALF the black murderers--and blacks still murder at twice the rate
Really ?

So how do you explain today another cowardly white man (White Supremacist) who walked into a mosque in New Zealand and killed 49 people ?

And you want to focus on black people ?

White people have been the most violent people ever to walk the earth

But when white people get killed in Mass shooting like in Sandy Hook a few years bk ?

All of a sudden all of resources start flooding in. The people in Sandy Hook have been given the green light to sue the gun manufacturer

They open them doors for them.


Because white people got killed of course
FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?
the BOJ and FBI are just racist--putting out fake stats--somehow
A white man, ONE white man killed people at a mosque. That does not make whites more violent. Perhaps in the past, but not today. Pick up any local newspaper, it is not mostly whites in the news killing innocent people.
Look. That "It's just one white man" excuse is over. It's tired. Used up and pathetic.

But the white media is trying humanize him of course.


All mass murders of last year were committed by white people

What you gonna do now ? Deflect and talk about Chicago ? The knock out game ?

It took this white supremacist 16 minutes to murder those people but the police are 4 minutes away ?

Something’s not right

The N.Zealand prime minster (Jacinda Ardem) said


It is clear this is one of New Zealand's darkest days,"

"What has happened is an extraordinary and unprecedented act of violence.

The way you white people never come off code for a second is impressive.

It was an act of terrorism. Punching someone in the face is an act of violence.

But white women protect their kings at all costs I’ll give them that

So let me get this straight - A white Australian born terrorist wearing a suicide vest who has British parents, shoots up two mosques in New Zealand, kills 49 (and counting) because he hates Muslim immigrants who keep blowing themselves up?

O.....the irony

He isn't from New Zealand. But he's over there killing people the same way he claims Islamists do.

Some white people are so entitled to things that were never theirs to begin with.

And to prove his entitlement even more, he made sure to live-stream it like a video game so the world could see. The gaming community is a hotbed for white extremists.

Once again

Look at the words white people use globally. Look at the way they all get on code.

So Trump calling it a "massacre", not a terrorist attack.

Let me tell you something a Muslim schoolboy could steal the lunch of some white boy in Iceland and Trump would be calling him a terrorist but he will never call a white man a terrorist.

He has to protect his white supremacist terrorists voter base at all costs.

Worse will come. If you know Muslim fanatics then you’ll know that there be retaliation.

They’re gonna strike back, bigger and badder. It’s not a matter of if, but when.
Your excuses for black criminals is old, tired and pathetic. More whites are killed by cops than blacks. The main difference that is apparent: YOU defend black criminals, I DON'T defend any criminals. YES, there are still racists, YES there are FEW black rogue cops. NO, it is not the norm. Quit making excuses for black criminals, how about if the criminals don't threaten cops or disobey orders? I don't give a shit what race you are, quit committing crimes.[/QUOTE]The problem and white supremacy. Even intimes like this you want to talk about blk ppl.

The most criminal n most violent ppl ever to walk the earth are white ppl.[/QUOTE]
You don't read the newspapers or watch the news...oh think it is fake news LOL
Because we live in a system of white supremacy.

Less than 22% of the world is white.
Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.

Yet they run the BBC, CNN, the New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge. They write most of the Hollywood films and Wikipedia articles. They even own BET. English-speaking white men own and run nearly all the main bits of the Vast Talking Machine.

You can depend on that 2.3% for all your information about the world. I don't
And that's the thing, if that 2.3% of the world don't tell you what's going on, you don't know anything. That's why you don't dispute any info out side of what that 2.3% have told you....... you dismiss. You choose which facts you wishes to believe in. It is part of how your racist delusion works. If you are going to overlook whatever facts of history that do not suit your argument, then it is pointless to say anything to you.

You are locked in your own self-delusion. Debating with people like you is like farting in a windstorm. You have your preconceived notions in place and have no intentions of listening to what anyone has to say.
What's credible to the Wolf is not going to credible to the sheep. What's credible to the fox is not going to be credible to the hounds.
Are you saying that the diamonds mines in Sierra Leone are controlled by native black people in that country ?

You suffer in the area of perception. It's limited to what other people you respect have told you as opposed to finding your own knowledge and understanding.

My observations may seem like "junk-science" or "radical" interpretations. I've heard that before, but that's cool.

Your information concentrates on the end result. My observations speculate on the cause. I'll use a sport anology to break it down even further.

You're like a ref who catches the end of the play and calls the foul based on what you saw. I on the other hand have seen the play develop and saw the first elbow thrown.
Because whites owns businesses they are racists? Lol. Nobody is stopping you from doing the same.
OK. So how do you own a business ?

Now see. I went thru that with your comrade IM2.. He complained that Hallmark cards were racist.. So I suggested HE start a niche biz catering to the Black community... He said it would be difficult for a black man to get capital... (Was told that by Marx himself I think.. LOL..)

SO -- I proceeded to show him how not ONE but TWO normal Black Joe Americans got fantastically rich doing just that..

Maybe you should read the Instruction Booklet for Capitalism and most of your "grievances" about greeting cards and kids cartoons would get fixed...

I did not say Hallmark Cards was racist. And whites like you have a real bad habit of trying to make conclusions based on 1-2 people. I said what I did based on talking to thousands of blacks trying to start businesses and information from various National Black Business Associations. You're a bunch of hot air encased in pink skin flacaltenn. I've been in business, I've helped build 3. You can't show me shit.

We've read the book on capitalism, you need to STFU and read the instruction book on reality. Because the total sales recipts from all black businesses has annually been less than 1 percent. So those 2 black guys you tried using to lie to yourself don't prove anything.

You most CERTAINLY tossed out Hallmark cards as an example of institutionalized racism... Do I have to go find it?? The invisble package of unearned benefits

You posted a vid "explaining White privilege of a woman whining about "princess hair" and dance team make-up and Hallmark cards as her examples... And blew thru all those trivial gripes starting on page 6 with "princess hair" and Hallmark cards later on...

Black owned businesses are booming. It's not 1 or 2 people.. Revenues may be less than 1% because you can't compare the Dow 20 companies revenues to small businesses.. There is no substantial barrier to entry for forming an Internet business. Or opening a Main Street shop..

You need to reading more of BlackEnterprise and less of Paul's bad fictional tales about "intentional" radiation poisoning or AIDs infection in Africa....

The 11 Biggest African American Business Stories of 2017

And like I said you search or one irrelevant example to use in order to try dismissing the overall message. So you go the white person who made this statement and ask them the question.

And from this you made up a lie.

That's the problem with your argument, I do read black Enterprise and have done so for over 20 years. But you see BlackEnterprise magazine is not the only source of information.


The State of Black Businesses in the United States

The month of February marks the beginning of Black History Month, a time where the nation recalls the triumphs, inventions and strides of African-Americans in United States history.

While the month is usually geared towards celebrating Black individuals in United States, it can also be used as a point in time to reflect on the current state of Black people. One area in particular is the growth of Black wealth in the nation, which can easily be measured by the amount of Black businesses in operation.

So how well are Black Businesses in the United States?

State of Black Businesses:

African-American businesses have grown at an exponential rate in the 21st Century. According to the United States Black Chambers, Inc., in 2012 there were 1.9 million Black businesses. In Fall of 2015, there were over 2.6 million. Black women tend to start more businesses on average, according to the data.

However, Black Businesses still face challenges in the new year.

"The challenges the Black businesses face, any business regardless of race for that matter, is location and access to capital," said Ron Busby, Sr., CEO and President of the United States Black Chambers, Inc.

When small Black Businesses obtain capital through loans, they either have a high interest rate or never receive as much as needed, Busby said.

While access to capital is one disadvantage of minority firms, information is among the many that can stagnate Black businesses.

"Challenges Black businesses face year to year is the same: It's access to information. Most small minority businesses are unaware of many opportunities," said Kelisha Garrett, the executive director of the New Orleans Regional Black Chambers of Commerce.

Garret works for the Consulting Group Gen-X, which focuses on business development by linking small minority firms to large corporations that are looking to fulfill contracted tasks.

"There has been a significant push from the smaller corporate entities for more inclusion with more minority businesses," Garret said.

Particularly in New Orleans, infrastructure and construction related services have been on a rise, especially for minority businesses. However, professional services, such as marketing, public relations and legal have not grown nearly as fast.

"We have capable minority businesses that provide those services, but they are not highly identified within the larger push that's coming from the public or private sector," Garrett said.

The State of Black Businesses in the United States

Number of Black-Owned Businesses Grows, Challenges Remain

The American dream is alive and well: Survey | Black Owned Businesses Statistics

National Urban League | Empowering Communities, Changing Lives.


NBMBAA – Empowering Visionaries


Black Business and Professional Association | The premiere destination for Black Businesses and Professionals

Understand that we know more about being black than you do and govern your comments accordingly.
Black people are below whites IN GENERAL at this point in time with regards to staying in school. Not saying they can't catch up, they can if they change they mentality about education.
OK. So are you superior to black men ?
Don't worry so much, I'm superior to most white people too.

That's the funniest statement in this forum in a LONG time. Tell some more jokes, please
Your excuses for black criminals is old, tired and pathetic. More whites are killed by cops than blacks. The main difference that is apparent: YOU defend black criminals, I DON'T defend any criminals. YES, there are still racists, YES there are FEW black rogue cops. NO, it is not the norm. Quit making excuses for black criminals, how about if the criminals don't threaten cops or disobey orders? I don't give a shit what race you are, quit committing crimes.

Then shut the fuck up and stop whites from committing more crimes than everybody else.
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