More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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Are you saying racism does not exist ?

Yes Paul, racism exists.

In fact racism is just as real and disgusting as a HUGE population of CRIMINAL CHILD ABUSING black American women who President and Mrs. "GIRL POWER" Obama urban-TRUTH-teller friends HATEFULLY denigrate as less than human BITCHES, HOES, THOTS and RATCHET females unworthy of being treated with basic human respect.

"Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates" By Jazelle Hunt,

Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates

obama bitches hoes.jpg

obama white house guests.jpg

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So you change the subject from this story about purposely spreading AIDS with a phony medical operation that is NEVER REPORTED by any Human Rights group or assistance agency to a picture of guy ALLEDGELY poisoned by SOMEONE dumping nuclear waste and that's why Somali pirates are so pissed
Because we live in a system of white supremacy.
I think you just have a low bar for vetting information.. And will search EVERYWHERE for conspiracies without ever critically THINKING about the stories.. This IS conspiracy theory territory.. And it can make you HIGHLY paranoid and angry...
Less than 22% of the world is white.
Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.

Yet they run the BBC, CNN, the New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge. They write most of the Hollywood films and Wikipedia articles. They even own BET. English-speaking white men own and run nearly all the main bits of the Vast Talking Machine.

You can depend on that 2.3% for all your information about the world. I don't
Without going between British soldiers and unknown, unidentified illegal dumping of nuclear waste.
And that's the thing, if that 2.3% of the world don't tell you what's going on, you don't know anything. That's why you don't dispute any info out side of what that 2.3% have told you....... you dismiss. You choose which facts you wishes to believe in. It is part of how your racist delusion works. If you are going to overlook whatever facts of history that do not suit your argument, then it is pointless to say anything to you.

You are locked in your own self-delusion. Debating with people like you is like farting in a windstorm. You have your preconceived notions in place and have no intentions of listening to what anyone has to say.
Why don't you pick ONE and follow thru on the credibility of it??
What's credible to the Wolf is not going to credible to the sheep. What's credible to the fox is not going to be credible to the hounds.
MAYBE there's "blood uranium" markets in Africa.. I would not doubt it. But like "blood diamonds" and "blood oil" the folks MANAGING those operations are native citizens of that country...
Are you saying that the diamonds mines in Sierra Leone are controlled by native black people in that country ?

You suffer in the area of perception. It's limited to what other people you respect have told you as opposed to finding your own knowledge and understanding.

My observations may seem like "junk-science" or "radical" interpretations. I've heard that before, but that's cool.

Your information concentrates on the end result. My observations speculate on the cause. I'll use a sport anology to break it down even further.

You're like a ref who catches the end of the play and calls the foul based on what you saw. I on the other hand have seen the play develop and saw the first elbow thrown.
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Yes Paul, racism exists.
So there should not be a system of inequality based on race. Agreed ?

Paul, currently I believe mental illness caused by systemic and generational Child Abuse is the only impediment to black Americans experiencing equality, success and achievement.

Become enlightened, YouTube search terms: "mental health illness black community"

Dr. Umar Johnson Ph.D, Dr. Boyce Watkins Ph.D, Dr. Shonna Etienne.jpg

Denounce INTRA-Racial Discrimination.jpg

Where Where's the black walmart ? The black apple ? The black Amazon ? The black Microsoft ? The black KFC ? The black Starbucks ? Where ?

I'm living under a system of where white supremacy. Whites control all the jobs. All the money. All the land. All the real estate.

So once again. Where ?
Yes, where are they?
Where's the Black Steve Jobs? Bill Gates? or immigrant Sergey Brin? who started in their Garages, not rich.
Where's the Black Bobby Fisher? Albert Einstein? The Western world is DYING to find one.

If that's "White Supremacy" it's not a plot/conspiracy, it's Lower Black IQ and lack of industriousness.

Where are they in sub-Saharan Africa?
Where's the giant Chains, the Large Tech cos? the Large Electronic cos of Asia?
Where are the well organized Govt's of Higher IQ Groups?
You can't have Anything with an average IQ of 70 except ungovernable rabble you have now. (and ****** posters)
Nor much better with 85 IQ American 'black' mixes.
(avg 75% sub-Saharan/25% white)

There is a "supremacy" problem alright, and it's not a plot and not solvable.
It's Lower Black IQ, among other INNATE problems.

The Planet, of course, looks as it's IQ's would predict.
NE Asians - -- 106
White/Euro - - 100
USA 'Black' - - 85
sub-Saharan - 70

And who saved HALF of sub-Sahara TWICE in the last 20 years? (Ebola/AIDS)

**** OFF you clown.

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sure-the FBI are liars and put out fake stats because they hate blacks
The FBI have illegally sabotaged & assassinated every black leader from Garvey to MLK

The FBI have a history with black people of

  • Planting false stories in the press.
  • Planting false witnesses in court trials.
  • Sending false letters to create distrust and division among leaders.
  • Planting informers everywhere and then falsely named others as informers.
  • Got people fired at work.
  • Breaking up marriages.
  • Breaking into people’s houses to search them.
  • Arresting leaders for minor traffic violations.
  • Framing people for murder and other false charges – to lock them up or at least keep them tied up in court till something stuck.
  • Committing murder.
They killed Fred Hampton (A black panther leader in Chicago) That was proved in court.


They had the Chicago police break down his door in the middle of the night and gun him down. The FBI had been keeping a file on him even before he joined the Panthers.

They framed Geronimo Pratt (Below) for murder


And they made sure one of his defence lawyers was an FBI informer

Panthers secretly working for the FBI talked about the FBI blowing up department stores and giving the police an excuse to arrest top panthers and throw them in prison.

The press and the police did the FBI’s bidding. The Panthers found much of its leadership killed, sent to prison or driven out of the country.

Dick Gregory was such a powerful opponent against systematic racism, J. Edgar Hoover ordered the FBI to use the mafia to murder him.


And J Edgar Hoover was a cross dressing gay man who hated black people and he had a lover who was one of his top FBI Agents. Also the FBI wrote an anonymous letter to Martin Luther King encouraging him to kill himself ?

Or how about MKULTRA and those deeds? FBN and CIA connections with international crime syndicates and co-operation to bring in tons of drugs for the consumption of inner city blacks.

That started in the 1940’s and devastated whole cities eventually. A book about that and the whole war on drugs by Douglas Valentine: The Strength of the Wolf: The secret history of America’s war on drugs.

Even today the FBI has just released BIE (Black Identity Extremists). Another crock of B.S

Their objective is to murder innocent black people and use this BIE thing to kill even more of us. So when black folks protest or file citizen complaints about illegal searches and seizures, police theft of property, police violence in the form of needless beatings and brutality; cases of blatant police disrespect for the dignity of black people and actual state-sanctioned murders by police, their names will be placed on the terrorist watch list by the FBI.

So black people are being extreme if we hate or distrust an institution brimming with white supremacists.

And these are your sources for your facts ? Right ?
all the murder stats are wrong, then--huh? those are fake dead bodies?
..let's take off HALF of all black murderers--just to be on the very safe side--they still murder at TWICE the rate of whites, if you take off half
Yes, I do challenge you because you are delusional. When someone goes for a job interview, they don't go as a group. Not all white people get hired after an interview. As far as getting a job with a felony, many whites do not get the job either. Perhaps the felonies are worse. I would hire anyone of any race for a non violent felony before someone who committed a violent crime. Also, what is the background of the applicant? There are many factors that have nothing to do with race. WTF does Obama have to do with anything? Trump gets attacked more than Obama ever did, and I don't like Trump either.
Are you saying racism does not exist ?
Of course i am not saying that. What i am saying is that you seem to think that all black people should get the job, the house, etc. Whites dont have it all either. It isnt always about race
So you change the subject from this story about purposely spreading AIDS with a phony medical operation that is NEVER REPORTED by any Human Rights group or assistance agency to a picture of guy ALLEDGELY poisoned by SOMEONE dumping nuclear waste and that's why Somali pirates are so pissed
Because we live in a system of white supremacy.
I think you just have a low bar for vetting information.. And will search EVERYWHERE for conspiracies without ever critically THINKING about the stories.. This IS conspiracy theory territory.. And it can make you HIGHLY paranoid and angry...
Less than 22% of the world is white.
Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.

Yet they run the BBC, CNN, the New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge. They write most of the Hollywood films and Wikipedia articles. They even own BET. English-speaking white men own and run nearly all the main bits of the Vast Talking Machine.

You can depend on that 2.3% for all your information about the world. I don't
Without going between British soldiers and unknown, unidentified illegal dumping of nuclear waste.
And that's the thing, if that 2.3% of the world don't tell you what's going on, you don't know anything. That's why you don't dispute any info out side of what that 2.3% have told you....... you dismiss. You choose which facts you wishes to believe in. It is part of how your racist delusion works. If you are going to overlook whatever facts of history that do not suit your argument, then it is pointless to say anything to you.

You are locked in your own self-delusion. Debating with people like you is like farting in a windstorm. You have your preconceived notions in place and have no intentions of listening to what anyone has to say.
Why don't you pick ONE and follow thru on the credibility of it??
What's credible to the Wolf is not going to credible to the sheep. What's credible to the fox is not going to be credible to the hounds.
MAYBE there's "blood uranium" markets in Africa.. I would not doubt it. But like "blood diamonds" and "blood oil" the folks MANAGING those operations are native citizens of that country...
Are you saying that the diamonds mines in Sierra Leone are controlled by native black people in that country ?

You suffer in the area of perception. It's limited to what other people you respect have told you as opposed to finding your own knowledge and understanding.

My observations may seem like "junk-science" or "radical" interpretations. I've heard that before, but that's cool.

Your information concentrates on the end result. My observations speculate on the cause. I'll use a sport anology to break it down even further.

You're like a ref who catches the end of the play and calls the foul based on what you saw. I on the other hand have seen the play develop and saw the first elbow thrown.
Because whites owns businesses they are racists? Lol. Nobody is stopping you from doing the same.
So you change the subject from this story about purposely spreading AIDS with a phony medical operation that is NEVER REPORTED by any Human Rights group or assistance agency to a picture of guy ALLEDGELY poisoned by SOMEONE dumping nuclear waste and that's why Somali pirates are so pissed
Because we live in a system of white supremacy.
I think you just have a low bar for vetting information.. And will search EVERYWHERE for conspiracies without ever critically THINKING about the stories.. This IS conspiracy theory territory.. And it can make you HIGHLY paranoid and angry...
Less than 22% of the world is white.
Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.

Yet they run the BBC, CNN, the New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge. They write most of the Hollywood films and Wikipedia articles. They even own BET. English-speaking white men own and run nearly all the main bits of the Vast Talking Machine.

You can depend on that 2.3% for all your information about the world. I don't
Without going between British soldiers and unknown, unidentified illegal dumping of nuclear waste.
And that's the thing, if that 2.3% of the world don't tell you what's going on, you don't know anything. That's why you don't dispute any info out side of what that 2.3% have told you....... you dismiss. You choose which facts you wishes to believe in. It is part of how your racist delusion works. If you are going to overlook whatever facts of history that do not suit your argument, then it is pointless to say anything to you.

You are locked in your own self-delusion. Debating with people like you is like farting in a windstorm. You have your preconceived notions in place and have no intentions of listening to what anyone has to say.
Why don't you pick ONE and follow thru on the credibility of it??
What's credible to the Wolf is not going to credible to the sheep. What's credible to the fox is not going to be credible to the hounds.
MAYBE there's "blood uranium" markets in Africa.. I would not doubt it. But like "blood diamonds" and "blood oil" the folks MANAGING those operations are native citizens of that country...
Are you saying that the diamonds mines in Sierra Leone are controlled by native black people in that country ?

You suffer in the area of perception. It's limited to what other people you respect have told you as opposed to finding your own knowledge and understanding.

My observations may seem like "junk-science" or "radical" interpretations. I've heard that before, but that's cool.

Your information concentrates on the end result. My observations speculate on the cause. I'll use a sport anology to break it down even further.

You're like a ref who catches the end of the play and calls the foul based on what you saw. I on the other hand have seen the play develop and saw the first elbow thrown.

I actually know you're sane when you drop the sketchy conspiracy tales of horror and get back to basics. Gotta tell you -- using those undocumented examples just screams crazy... There is so much ACTUAL conflict in Africa -- nobody needs to invent scripts for fictional documentaries that get awards for politically correctness.
So you change the subject from this story about purposely spreading AIDS with a phony medical operation that is NEVER REPORTED by any Human Rights group or assistance agency to a picture of guy ALLEDGELY poisoned by SOMEONE dumping nuclear waste and that's why Somali pirates are so pissed
Because we live in a system of white supremacy.
I think you just have a low bar for vetting information.. And will search EVERYWHERE for conspiracies without ever critically THINKING about the stories.. This IS conspiracy theory territory.. And it can make you HIGHLY paranoid and angry...
Less than 22% of the world is white.
Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.

Yet they run the BBC, CNN, the New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge. They write most of the Hollywood films and Wikipedia articles. They even own BET. English-speaking white men own and run nearly all the main bits of the Vast Talking Machine.

You can depend on that 2.3% for all your information about the world. I don't
Without going between British soldiers and unknown, unidentified illegal dumping of nuclear waste.
And that's the thing, if that 2.3% of the world don't tell you what's going on, you don't know anything. That's why you don't dispute any info out side of what that 2.3% have told you....... you dismiss. You choose which facts you wishes to believe in. It is part of how your racist delusion works. If you are going to overlook whatever facts of history that do not suit your argument, then it is pointless to say anything to you.

You are locked in your own self-delusion. Debating with people like you is like farting in a windstorm. You have your preconceived notions in place and have no intentions of listening to what anyone has to say.
Why don't you pick ONE and follow thru on the credibility of it??
What's credible to the Wolf is not going to credible to the sheep. What's credible to the fox is not going to be credible to the hounds.
MAYBE there's "blood uranium" markets in Africa.. I would not doubt it. But like "blood diamonds" and "blood oil" the folks MANAGING those operations are native citizens of that country...
Are you saying that the diamonds mines in Sierra Leone are controlled by native black people in that country ?

You suffer in the area of perception. It's limited to what other people you respect have told you as opposed to finding your own knowledge and understanding.

My observations may seem like "junk-science" or "radical" interpretations. I've heard that before, but that's cool.

Your information concentrates on the end result. My observations speculate on the cause. I'll use a sport anology to break it down even further.

You're like a ref who catches the end of the play and calls the foul based on what you saw. I on the other hand have seen the play develop and saw the first elbow thrown.
Because whites owns businesses they are racists? Lol. Nobody is stopping you from doing the same.
OK. So how do you own a business ?
Of course i am not saying that. What i am saying is that you seem to think that all black people should get the job, the house, etc. Whites dont have it all either. It isnt always about race
I'm saying racism / white supremacy exists and there should not be a system of inequality based on race. Agreed ?
Of course i am not saying that. What i am saying is that you seem to think that all black people should get the job, the house, etc. Whites dont have it all either. It isnt always about race
I'm saying racism / white supremacy exists and there should not be a system of inequality based on race. Agreed ?
Then should whites go don't to the level of blacks, or should blacks come up to our level?
Then should whites go don't to the level of blacks, or should blacks come up to our level?
So by that statement do you mean that white people are superior to black people ? So black people have to come up to white people's level ? Is that what you are saying ? Or are black people superior to white people ? So white people have to come up to black people's level ? I'm not sure what you are saying with that statement as it was not clear
Then should whites go don't to the level of blacks, or should blacks come up to our level?
So by that statement do you mean that white people are superior to black people ? So black people have to come up to white people's level ? Is that what you are saying ? Or are black people superior to white people ? So white people have to come up to black people's level ? I'm not sure what you are saying with that statement as it was not clear
Black people are below whites IN GENERAL at this point in time with regards to staying in school. Not saying they can't catch up, they can if they change they mentality about education.
Black people are below whites IN GENERAL at this point in time with regards to staying in school. Not saying they can't catch up, they can if they change they mentality about education.
OK. So are you superior to black men ?
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