More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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This is Albert N Wilson


He's a Black American man who was just sentenced to over 12 years in prison for a raping a White woman – that he never had sex with. After he gets out of prison he will have to register as a sex offender and be subject to lifetime supervision.

Judge: He was sentenced by Sally Pokorny, a White woman.

Jury: He was found guilty of rape by six women and three men, all of them White.

In prison he will likely be raped over and over again.

No trace of his DNA was found except kisses on her chest. No semen anywhere. She did not go to police till a month later. He said it was to get back at him for NOT having sex with her.

Wilson had no criminal record. He played football at Wichita Southeast High School and, after getting an associate’s degree, was going to Kansas University with dreams of becoming a sports journalist.

The System Of White Supremacy
This is Albert N Wilson


He's a Black American man who was just sentenced to over 12 years in prison for a raping a White woman – that he never had sex with. After he gets out of prison he will have to register as a sex offender and be subject to lifetime supervision.

Judge: He was sentenced by Sally Pokorny, a White woman.

Jury: He was found guilty of rape by six women and three men, all of them White.

In prison he will likely be raped over and over again.

No trace of his DNA was found except kisses on her chest. No semen anywhere. She did not go to police till a month later. He said it was to get back at him for NOT having sex with her.

Wilson had no criminal record. He played football at Wichita Southeast High School and, after getting an associate’s degree, was going to Kansas University with dreams of becoming a sports journalist.

The System Of White Supremacy

1. The bit about being arrested for rape because the girl had a few, is not limited to black guys. That is part of the lib anti-Male bigotry and discrimination. If I was on that jury, it would have been at least a mistrial.

2. NOt having to have intercourse for rape, is not news. Blowjobs count as sexually contact. You know that. Don't be silly.
1. The bit about being arrested for rape because the girl had a few, is not limited to black guys.
What "bit" about him being arrested for rape did I say ?

I said that he (Albert Wilson) got 12 years at Shawshank for raping a woman he didn't have sex with.

Meanwhile whites walk free.


That's the difference. Don't give a fk about who get's arrested

This is white Judge Aaron Persky said about Brock Turner

A prison sentence would have a severe impact on him. … I think he will not be a danger to others.


You heard of guy called David Becker ?

This is him


David Becker was charged with two counts of rape and one count of indecent assault and battery, but a judge gave him probation so that Becker “could enjoy a college experience.”

Or this guy Austin Wilkerson


This white man raped a young woman but got no prison time.

Or this white man Daniel Ryerson


He was convicted of raping a fellow cadet while the two attended a party in Boulder in 2014. He was convicted and sentenced for the rape — but was spared a prison term for the crime.

Or this white man John Enochs


This guy raped two women but got probation and no jail time.

And many whites still have the nerve to claim they're the ones who get discriminated against.
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Correll, it's simply time you shut up. You've been shown most of the evidence there is that shows you that your claim is bullshit.
1) The US supreme court is making it even easier for the cops to kill black people. That's all these laws about. Now sure, they don't mind a few white people getting caught in the crossfire, but essentially these laws are about killing or harming black people

2) What would have happened if he was black ?

A white man points gun at Cops. They Ask Him to Stand Down. He Shoots at them. They ask him to stand Down again. He refuses again and fights With Cops. But he is taken alive

What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


3) You know how white supremacist love to lie about "Were helping black people. Look at all this aid we give"

Yeah a bag of rice for a bag of diamonds.

This is an old mafia trick. The mafia used to kill a wife's husband then a week later, show up at her house with a envelope of money telling her "What a great guy he was". White supremacists acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion. You must keep the victims confused.

But this is what the Red cross is doing haiti. Child Sex rings etc. They've found 21 cases of sexual misconduct in last three years but of course keep digging and the real number is in the thousands. Not that the money was ever meant to go to Haiti.

Once again. White supremacists have history.


This is happening to black/African ppl globally. British soldiers that were forcing the poverty stricken African women and underage girls to have sex with them in exchange for food and clean water.

3) Screen writer of the original Planet of The Apes says the film was about about Black people


Now watch how quickly this post will get locked.

To the mods black people talking about racism on a section of a forum that's dedicated to racism is race baiting.


Because in USMB if you talk about racism then you must focus on how screwed up, violent or dumb black people supposedly are anything else is race baiting.
If he was black he'd get full support from Hollywood ‘Empire’ Cast Pens Letter in Support of Jussie Smollett, Want Him Back on Show



and have the charges dropped


by a District Attorney who got her job cuz she met the qualification (black).

This is Albert N Wilson


He's a Black American man who was just sentenced to over 12 years in prison for a raping a White woman – that he never had sex with. After he gets out of prison he will have to register as a sex offender and be subject to lifetime supervision.

Judge: He was sentenced by Sally Pokorny, a White woman.

Jury: He was found guilty of rape by six women and three men, all of them White.

In prison he will likely be raped over and over again.

No trace of his DNA was found except kisses on her chest. No semen anywhere. She did not go to police till a month later. He said it was to get back at him for NOT having sex with her.

Wilson had no criminal record. He played football at Wichita Southeast High School and, after getting an associate’s degree, was going to Kansas University with dreams of becoming a sports journalist.

The System Of White Supremacy
Same shit happens to white men accused of rape.
Wrong man served 38 years for rape, murders; Golden State Killer link now sought
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1. The bit about being arrested for rape because the girl had a few, is not limited to black guys.
What "bit" about him being arrested for rape did I say ?

I said that he (Albert Wilson) got 12 years at Shawshank for raping a woman he didn't have sex with....t.

Yes, you did, but it was obvious from even the biased report you linked to, that he was arrested because she was supposedly drunk and they had some form of sexual contact, probably a blowjob.

Plenty of white guys getting slammed on that these days. And no it is not right.

But it is also not about race. It is the lib feminist hysteria.

If you want, I will stand with you, against the unfair imprisonment of men, white and black, for having sex with women, after both engage in social drinking.
This is Albert N Wilson


He's a Black American man who was just sentenced to over 12 years in prison for a raping a White woman – that he never had sex with. After he gets out of prison he will have to register as a sex offender and be subject to lifetime supervision.

Judge: He was sentenced by Sally Pokorny, a White woman.

Jury: He was found guilty of rape by six women and three men, all of them White.

In prison he will likely be raped over and over again.

No trace of his DNA was found except kisses on her chest. No semen anywhere. She did not go to police till a month later. He said it was to get back at him for NOT having sex with her.

Wilson had no criminal record. He played football at Wichita Southeast High School and, after getting an associate’s degree, was going to Kansas University with dreams of becoming a sports journalist.

The System Of White Supremacy
Same shit happens to white men accused of rape.
Wrong man served 38 years for rape, murders; Golden State Killer link now sought
Where did I state that no white person has ever been wrongfully convicted ?

This case doesn't change anything

The same way it's fact that smoking causes cancer, just because you can find people who have smoked all their lives and never got cancer does not change that fact. Or Racism is mainly economic to black people just because you can find some poor white people doesn't change that fact

Secondly this guy was given 21 mill, if he was black, he probably wouldn't have even been let out.

Black people got to jail for crimes they didn't commit all day.
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This is Albert N Wilson


He's a Black American man who was just sentenced to over 12 years in prison for a raping a White woman – that he never had sex with. After he gets out of prison he will have to register as a sex offender and be subject to lifetime supervision.

Judge: He was sentenced by Sally Pokorny, a White woman.

Jury: He was found guilty of rape by six women and three men, all of them White.

In prison he will likely be raped over and over again.

No trace of his DNA was found except kisses on her chest. No semen anywhere. She did not go to police till a month later. He said it was to get back at him for NOT having sex with her.

Wilson had no criminal record. He played football at Wichita Southeast High School and, after getting an associate’s degree, was going to Kansas University with dreams of becoming a sports journalist.

The System Of White Supremacy
Same shit happens to white men accused of rape.
Wrong man served 38 years for rape, murders; Golden State Killer link now sought
Where did I state that no white person has ever been wrongfully convicted ?

This case doesn't change anything

The same way it's fact that smoking causes cancer, just because you can find people who have smoked all their lives and never got cancer does not change that fact. Or Racism is mainly economic to black people just because you can find some poor white people doesn't change that fact

Secondly this guy was given 21 mill, if he was black, he probably wouldn't have even been let out.

Black people got to jail for crimes they didn't commit all day

So, you know the single or small numbers of examples by themselves don't prove anything. GOOD.

So stop doing that.
1) The US supreme court is making it even easier for the cops to kill black people. That's all these laws about. Now sure, they don't mind a few white people getting caught in the crossfire, but essentially these laws are about killing or harming black people

2) What would have happened if he was black ?

A white man points gun at Cops. They Ask Him to Stand Down. He Shoots at them. They ask him to stand Down again. He refuses again and fights With Cops. But he is taken alive

What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


3) You know how white supremacist love to lie about "Were helping black people. Look at all this aid we give"

Yeah a bag of rice for a bag of diamonds.

This is an old mafia trick. The mafia used to kill a wife's husband then a week later, show up at her house with a envelope of money telling her "What a great guy he was". White supremacists acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion. You must keep the victims confused.

But this is what the Red cross is doing haiti. Child Sex rings etc. They've found 21 cases of sexual misconduct in last three years but of course keep digging and the real number is in the thousands. Not that the money was ever meant to go to Haiti.

Once again. White supremacists have history.


This is happening to black/African ppl globally. British soldiers that were forcing the poverty stricken African women and underage girls to have sex with them in exchange for food and clean water.

3) Screen writer of the original Planet of The Apes says the film was about about Black people


Now watch how quickly this post will get locked.

To the mods black people talking about racism on a section of a forum that's dedicated to racism is race baiting.


Because in USMB if you talk about racism then you must focus on how screwed up, violent or dumb black people supposedly are anything else is race baiting.
If he was black he'd get full support from Hollywood ‘Empire’ Cast Pens Letter in Support of Jussie Smollett, Want Him Back on Show



and have the charges dropped


by a District Attorney who got her job cuz she met the qualification (black).


Things just don't work that way boy. And you know that. It is the only reason you tried using Jessie Smollette. We can show your punk ass years of what Essen describes. It is documented. Since it is, STFU.
1) The US supreme court is making it even easier for the cops to kill black people. That's all these laws about. Now sure, they don't mind a few white people getting caught in the crossfire, but essentially these laws are about killing or harming black people

2) What would have happened if he was black ?

A white man points gun at Cops. They Ask Him to Stand Down. He Shoots at them. They ask him to stand Down again. He refuses again and fights With Cops. But he is taken alive

What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


3) You know how white supremacist love to lie about "Were helping black people. Look at all this aid we give"

Yeah a bag of rice for a bag of diamonds.

This is an old mafia trick. The mafia used to kill a wife's husband then a week later, show up at her house with a envelope of money telling her "What a great guy he was". White supremacists acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion. You must keep the victims confused.

But this is what the Red cross is doing haiti. Child Sex rings etc. They've found 21 cases of sexual misconduct in last three years but of course keep digging and the real number is in the thousands. Not that the money was ever meant to go to Haiti.

Once again. White supremacists have history.


This is happening to black/African ppl globally. British soldiers that were forcing the poverty stricken African women and underage girls to have sex with them in exchange for food and clean water.

3) Screen writer of the original Planet of The Apes says the film was about about Black people


Now watch how quickly this post will get locked.

To the mods black people talking about racism on a section of a forum that's dedicated to racism is race baiting.


Because in USMB if you talk about racism then you must focus on how screwed up, violent or dumb black people supposedly are anything else is race baiting.
If he was black he'd get full support from Hollywood ‘Empire’ Cast Pens Letter in Support of Jussie Smollett, Want Him Back on Show



and have the charges dropped


by a District Attorney who got her job cuz she met the qualification (black).


Things just don't work that way boy. And you know that. It is the only reason you tried using Jessie Smollette. We can show your punk ass years of what Essen describes. It is documented. Since it is, STFU.

So, then why do YOU think the charges against Smollet were dropped, if it was not because of race and racial politics?
1) The US supreme court is making it even easier for the cops to kill black people. That's all these laws about. Now sure, they don't mind a few white people getting caught in the crossfire, but essentially these laws are about killing or harming black people

2) What would have happened if he was black ?

A white man points gun at Cops. They Ask Him to Stand Down. He Shoots at them. They ask him to stand Down again. He refuses again and fights With Cops. But he is taken alive

What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


3) You know how white supremacist love to lie about "Were helping black people. Look at all this aid we give"

Yeah a bag of rice for a bag of diamonds.

This is an old mafia trick. The mafia used to kill a wife's husband then a week later, show up at her house with a envelope of money telling her "What a great guy he was". White supremacists acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion. You must keep the victims confused.

But this is what the Red cross is doing haiti. Child Sex rings etc. They've found 21 cases of sexual misconduct in last three years but of course keep digging and the real number is in the thousands. Not that the money was ever meant to go to Haiti.

Once again. White supremacists have history.


This is happening to black/African ppl globally. British soldiers that were forcing the poverty stricken African women and underage girls to have sex with them in exchange for food and clean water.

3) Screen writer of the original Planet of The Apes says the film was about about Black people


Now watch how quickly this post will get locked.

To the mods black people talking about racism on a section of a forum that's dedicated to racism is race baiting.


Because in USMB if you talk about racism then you must focus on how screwed up, violent or dumb black people supposedly are anything else is race baiting.
If he was black he'd get full support from Hollywood ‘Empire’ Cast Pens Letter in Support of Jussie Smollett, Want Him Back on Show



and have the charges dropped


by a District Attorney who got her job cuz she met the qualification (black).


Things just don't work that way boy. And you know that. It is the only reason you tried using Jessie Smollette. We can show your punk ass years of what Essen describes. It is documented. Since it is, STFU.
Feel free to make me STFU.
So, you know the single or small numbers of examples by themselves don't prove anything. GOOD.
So stop doing that.
In a system of white supremacy some whites will be sacrificed.

So MizMolly pointing to whites who have been wrongfully convicted is a stupid as me pointing out that Walmart throws out tons of food and then making the argument that Walmart must not make any money.
1) The US supreme court is making it even easier for the cops to kill black people. That's all these laws about. Now sure, they don't mind a few white people getting caught in the crossfire, but essentially these laws are about killing or harming black people

2) What would have happened if he was black ?

A white man points gun at Cops. They Ask Him to Stand Down. He Shoots at them. They ask him to stand Down again. He refuses again and fights With Cops. But he is taken alive

What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


3) You know how white supremacist love to lie about "Were helping black people. Look at all this aid we give"

Yeah a bag of rice for a bag of diamonds.

This is an old mafia trick. The mafia used to kill a wife's husband then a week later, show up at her house with a envelope of money telling her "What a great guy he was". White supremacists acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion. You must keep the victims confused.

But this is what the Red cross is doing haiti. Child Sex rings etc. They've found 21 cases of sexual misconduct in last three years but of course keep digging and the real number is in the thousands. Not that the money was ever meant to go to Haiti.

Once again. White supremacists have history.


This is happening to black/African ppl globally. British soldiers that were forcing the poverty stricken African women and underage girls to have sex with them in exchange for food and clean water.

3) Screen writer of the original Planet of The Apes says the film was about about Black people


Now watch how quickly this post will get locked.

To the mods black people talking about racism on a section of a forum that's dedicated to racism is race baiting.


Because in USMB if you talk about racism then you must focus on how screwed up, violent or dumb black people supposedly are anything else is race baiting.
If he was black he'd get full support from Hollywood ‘Empire’ Cast Pens Letter in Support of Jussie Smollett, Want Him Back on Show



and have the charges dropped


by a District Attorney who got her job cuz she met the qualification (black).


Things just don't work that way boy. And you know that. It is the only reason you tried using Jessie Smollette. We can show your punk ass years of what Essen describes. It is documented. Since it is, STFU.
Feel free to make me STFU.

It's easy to make that comment online. Because you'd never make the comments you do here to a black persons face. I've stood in front of white mayors saying what I do here.
So, you know the single or small numbers of examples by themselves don't prove anything. GOOD.
So stop doing that.
In a system of white supremacy some whites will be sacrificed.

So MizMolly pointing to whites who have been wrongfully convicted is a stupid as me pointing out that Walmart throws out tons of food and then making the argument that Walmart must not make any money.

Miz Molly doesn't seem to understand that she has the freedom she does because blacks fought for civil rights. All whites like her have is whataboutism and false equivalences.
This is Albert N Wilson


He's a Black American man who was just sentenced to over 12 years in prison for a raping a White woman – that he never had sex with. After he gets out of prison he will have to register as a sex offender and be subject to lifetime supervision.

Judge: He was sentenced by Sally Pokorny, a White woman.

Jury: He was found guilty of rape by six women and three men, all of them White.

In prison he will likely be raped over and over again.

No trace of his DNA was found except kisses on her chest. No semen anywhere. She did not go to police till a month later. He said it was to get back at him for NOT having sex with her.

Wilson had no criminal record. He played football at Wichita Southeast High School and, after getting an associate’s degree, was going to Kansas University with dreams of becoming a sports journalist.

The System Of White Supremacy
Same shit happens to white men accused of rape.
Wrong man served 38 years for rape, murders; Golden State Killer link now sought
Where did I state that no white person has ever been wrongfully convicted ?

This case doesn't change anything

The same way it's fact that smoking causes cancer, just because you can find people who have smoked all their lives and never got cancer does not change that fact. Or Racism is mainly economic to black people just because you can find some poor white people doesn't change that fact

Secondly this guy was given 21 mill, if he was black, he probably wouldn't have even been let out.

Black people got to jail for crimes they didn't commit all day.
It is wrong for anyone to go to jail for something they did not do. It is NOT exclusive to black people.
So, you know the single or small numbers of examples by themselves don't prove anything. GOOD.
So stop doing that.
In a system of white supremacy some whites will be sacrificed.

So MizMolly pointing to whites who have been wrongfully convicted is a stupid as me pointing out that Walmart throws out tons of food and then making the argument that Walmart must not make any money.

Miz Molly doesn't seem to understand that she has the freedom she does because blacks fought for civil rights. All whites like her have is whataboutism and false equivalences.
You have your freedom because whites fought to end slavery, amongst other things. What is false equivalence about people being sentenced for things they did not do? It does not just happen to blacks, that is why I posted that article.
So, you know the single or small numbers of examples by themselves don't prove anything. GOOD.
So stop doing that.
In a system of white supremacy some whites will be sacrificed.

So MizMolly pointing to whites who have been wrongfully convicted is a stupid as me pointing out that Walmart throws out tons of food and then making the argument that Walmart must not make any money.
My post showed that not only innocent black people get convicted. Your stupid Walmart post has nothing to do with the article.
1) The US supreme court is making it even easier for the cops to kill black people. That's all these laws about. Now sure, they don't mind a few white people getting caught in the crossfire, but essentially these laws are about killing or harming black people

2) What would have happened if he was black ?

A white man points gun at Cops. They Ask Him to Stand Down. He Shoots at them. They ask him to stand Down again. He refuses again and fights With Cops. But he is taken alive

What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


3) You know how white supremacist love to lie about "Were helping black people. Look at all this aid we give"

Yeah a bag of rice for a bag of diamonds.

This is an old mafia trick. The mafia used to kill a wife's husband then a week later, show up at her house with a envelope of money telling her "What a great guy he was". White supremacists acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion. You must keep the victims confused.

But this is what the Red cross is doing haiti. Child Sex rings etc. They've found 21 cases of sexual misconduct in last three years but of course keep digging and the real number is in the thousands. Not that the money was ever meant to go to Haiti.

Once again. White supremacists have history.


This is happening to black/African ppl globally. British soldiers that were forcing the poverty stricken African women and underage girls to have sex with them in exchange for food and clean water.

3) Screen writer of the original Planet of The Apes says the film was about about Black people


Now watch how quickly this post will get locked.

To the mods black people talking about racism on a section of a forum that's dedicated to racism is race baiting.


Because in USMB if you talk about racism then you must focus on how screwed up, violent or dumb black people supposedly are anything else is race baiting.
If he was black he'd get full support from Hollywood ‘Empire’ Cast Pens Letter in Support of Jussie Smollett, Want Him Back on Show



and have the charges dropped


by a District Attorney who got her job cuz she met the qualification (black).


Things just don't work that way boy. And you know that. It is the only reason you tried using Jessie Smollette. We can show your punk ass years of what Essen describes. It is documented. Since it is, STFU.
Feel free to make me STFU.

It's easy to make that comment online. Because you'd never make the comments you do here to a black persons face. I've stood in front of white mayors saying what I do here.
What comments do I make here that I don't in front of blacks?
FYI, my wife is black. Everyone at work knows where I stand. I don't go for this race-baiting BS here or anywhere else.
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