More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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So there was another mass shooting in Dayton last night by a suspected white supremacist (Patrick Crusius)

We know the deal.


This is him. As you can see he looks so superior


This is him getting arrested


Notice they (White supremacist) all wear the same uniform (Same tan pants/black shoes outfit similar to the El Paso mass killer).




But notice how when you talk to whites about racism ? They act dumb. Here's a white man they can tell what the weather was like a thousand of years ago. They can get the bones of a millions of year old dinosaur and tell you what it had for breakfast.

They can do all that smart sh*t

But when racism/white supremacy is on the table they act dumb.

"I mean you know, cmon, we had Obama. I mean cmon, not all whites a racist. I mean, you know cmon. Chicago. I mean - you know cmon. What about white people inventions"

Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb

Meanwhile this white supremacist killed 20 people and was peacefully apprehended. They treated this dude like he just jaywalked, but they killed Tamir Rice, a child, for playing with a toy gun ?

The double standard of white supremacy never astounds me

His head should be smashed against a brick wall, top of a police car, SOMETHING. This is what 45 wanted right? Rough em up a little bit. This terrorist doesn’t have a scratch on him. It looks like they wanna take him to lunch.

Not one policeman fired there gun - Not one - But black men out here getting shot for being black.

That cop probably whispering in his ear "you are a hero now"

How can killing weaponless people make you feel like a man ? What kinda punk sh*t is that ?.

This is every week.

When America was attacked by foreign terrorists, they mobilized the FBI and military against ISIS and Al Queda. The USA is under act by white nationalist terrorists. When is the USA going to mobilize against those groups that propagate the ideology that radicalize these terrorists?
So there was another mass shooting in Dayton last night by a suspected white supremacist (Patrick Crusius)

We know the deal.


This is him. As you can see he looks so superior


This is him getting arrested


Notice they (White supremacist) all wear the same uniform (Same tan pants/black shoes outfit similar to the El Paso mass killer).




But notice how when you talk to whites about racism ? They act dumb. Here's a white man they can tell what the weather was like a thousand of years ago. They can get the bones of a millions of year old dinosaur and tell you what it had for breakfast.

They can do all that smart sh*t

But when racism/white supremacy is on the table they act dumb.

"I mean you know, cmon, we had Obama. I mean cmon, not all whites a racist. I mean, you know cmon. Chicago. I mean - you know cmon. What about white people inventions"

Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb

Meanwhile this white supremacist killed 20 people and was peacefully apprehended. They treated this dude like he just jaywalked, but they killed Tamir Rice, a child, for playing with a toy gun ?

The double standard of white supremacy never astounds me

His head should be smashed against a brick wall, top of a police car, SOMETHING. This is what 45 wanted right? Rough em up a little bit. This terrorist doesn’t have a scratch on him. It looks like they wanna take him to lunch.

Not one policeman fired there gun - Not one - But black men out here getting shot for being black.

That cop probably whispering in his ear "you are a hero now"

How can killing weaponless people make you feel like a man ? What kinda punk sh*t is that ?.

This is every week.

When America was attacked by foreign terrorists, they mobilized the FBI and military against ISIS and Al Queda. The USA is under act by white nationalist terrorists. When is the USA going to mobilize against those groups that propagate the ideology that radicalize these terrorists?

Well said my brother. You know the drill. Excuses and whataboutism.
This white dude

  • Murdered 2 women
  • Murdered 1 child
  • Attacked multiple officers
  • Choked an innocent bystander
  • All while naked
And police did not beat him, or fire one single shot at him. He was taken in completely.

Yet Tamir Rice was playing in a park when a 911 wolf cried had him killed. Cops DELIBERATELY plan to murder black people and cover it up by making the victim out to be the bad guy. It's legal, government sanctioned murder of black people.

Use him as an example when they say to black people "well if they had just complied, they wouldn't be dead"
This white dude

  • Murdered 2 women
  • Murdered 1 child
  • Attacked multiple officers
  • Choked an innocent bystander
  • All while naked
And police did not beat him, or fire one single shot at him. He was taken in completely.

Yet Tamir Rice was playing in a park when a 911 wolf cried had him killed. Cops DELIBERATELY plan to murder black people and cover it up by making the victim out to be the bad guy. It's legal, government sanctioned murder of black people.

Use him as an example when they say to black people "well if they had just complied, they wouldn't be dead"

Different cops in different places with different situations, react differently, and Paul, from hundreds of miles away and years after the fact,

knows why.
1) The US supreme court is making it even easier for the cops to kill black people. That's all these laws about. Now sure, they don't mind a few white people getting caught in the crossfire, but essentially these laws are about killing or harming black people

2) What would have happened if he was black ?

A white man points gun at Cops. They Ask Him to Stand Down. He Shoots at them. They ask him to stand Down again. He refuses again and fights With Cops. But he is taken alive

What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


What would have happened if he was black ?


3) You know how white supremacist love to lie about "Were helping black people. Look at all this aid we give"

Yeah a bag of rice for a bag of diamonds.

This is an old mafia trick. The mafia used to kill a wife's husband then a week later, show up at her house with a envelope of money telling her "What a great guy he was". White supremacists acts of aggression are always followed by white supremacist acts of compassion. You must keep the victims confused.

But this is what the Red cross is doing haiti. Child Sex rings etc. They've found 21 cases of sexual misconduct in last three years but of course keep digging and the real number is in the thousands. Not that the money was ever meant to go to Haiti.

Once again. White supremacists have history.


This is happening to black/African ppl globally. British soldiers that were forcing the poverty stricken African women and underage girls to have sex with them in exchange for food and clean water.

3) Screen writer of the original Planet of The Apes says the film was about about Black people


Now watch how quickly this post will get locked.

To the mods black people talking about racism on a section of a forum that's dedicated to racism is race baiting.


Because in USMB if you talk about racism then you must focus on how screwed up, violent or dumb black people supposedly are anything else is race baiting.
That's irrelevant, blacks should still learn how to behave themselves in a normal society.
Their great great great grandma got raped by your great great great grandpa you inconsiderate asshole! Now, give them your bank account!
Actually, I've told them that my ancestors were serfs back in the old country, but it doesn't matter to them, their hate of white folks has totally blinded them.
The problem is that you are not living in the "old country" where your parents were serfs, but blacks are still living in the lands and among the group of people who have been their oppressors.
That I haven't oppressed anyone doesn't matter to you. When you see a white person, they're an oppressor to you. It must be difficult to go through life with such a large chip on your shoulder.
Look, just because you got turned down for something by a white person isn't oppression or racism every single time. Most of the time, it's because you simply don't measure up. I mean, just look at your attitude towards white people... it's not a pretty sight.
Exactly! Not all white people get the job, college entrance, bank account, etc.
Racist seven year old calling other blk kids n*ggas.

Now out of all the things I've posted this is probably one of my favorite videos.

She just doesn't know how to talk in code yet. This why I teach my son very early on.

Notice the things she said to the other blk kid "He needs help" because she knows that her and her people will grow up terrorizing black people, then she said "Is this being filmed ?" so at some level she knew what she was saying was fked up.

Black people know the look in her eye. That dead white supremacist look. That dead "Children Of The Corn" look


That cold evil look that they have.

And then at the end she said "Do you guys wanna go play at the park ?" lol.....


Basically she was saying "Look. N*ggers. Let's get something right. I'm superior. Let's get that straight out the gate. But now that's sorted. We can go and chill and have fun"

So don't be fooled by all these "Yo. Yo. Word to the mother" white ppl

She was trained to the max. Look how she deflected those perfect comments and questions the kid was asking. Loved how he said no they can't go and play with you and then stop the other child from going over there making a mistake. Well done kiddo! Can't wait to see her parents on Fox News
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Racist seven year old calling other blk kids n*ggas.

Now out of all the things I've posted this is probably one of my favorite videos.

She just doesn't know how to talk in code yet. This why I teach my son very early on.

Notice the things she said to the other blk kid "He needs help" because she knows that her and her people will grow up terrorizing black people, then she said "Is this being filmed ?" so at some level she knew what she was saying was fked up.

Black people know the look in her eye. That dead white supremacist look. That dead "Children Of The Corn" look


That cold evil look that they have.

And then at the end she said "Do you guys wanna go play at the park ?" lol.....


Basically she was saying "Look. N*ggers. Let's get something right. I'm superior. Let's get that straight out the gate. But now that's sorted. We can go and chill and have fun"

So don't be fooled by all these "Yo. Yo. Word to the mother" white ppl

She was trained to the max. Look how she deflected those perfect comments and questions the kid was asking. Loved how he said no they can't go and play with you and then stop the other child from going over there making a mistake. Well done kiddo! Can't wait to see her parents on Fox News

Lol a racist 7 year old? Seriously? Do you even know what racism means?
Racist seven year old calling other blk kids n*ggas.

Now out of all the things I've posted this is probably one of my favorite videos.

She just doesn't know how to talk in code yet. This why I teach my son very early on.

Notice the things she said to the other blk kid "He needs help" because she knows that her and her people will grow up terrorizing black people, then she said "Is this being filmed ?" so at some level she knew what she was saying was fked up.

Black people know the look in her eye. That dead white supremacist look. That dead "Children Of The Corn" look


That cold evil look that they have.

And then at the end she said "Do you guys wanna go play at the park ?" lol.....


Basically she was saying "Look. N*ggers. Let's get something right. I'm superior. Let's get that straight out the gate. But now that's sorted. We can go and chill and have fun"

So don't be fooled by all these "Yo. Yo. Word to the mother" white ppl

She was trained to the max. Look how she deflected those perfect comments and questions the kid was asking. Loved how he said no they can't go and play with you and then stop the other child from going over there making a mistake. Well done kiddo! Can't wait to see her parents on Fox News

Lol a racist 7 year old? Seriously? Do you even know what racism means?

He most certainly does and that 7 year old was a racist.
Racist seven year old calling other blk kids n*ggas.

Now out of all the things I've posted this is probably one of my favorite videos.

She just doesn't know how to talk in code yet. This why I teach my son very early on.

Notice the things she said to the other blk kid "He needs help" because she knows that her and her people will grow up terrorizing black people, then she said "Is this being filmed ?" so at some level she knew what she was saying was fked up.

Black people know the look in her eye. That dead white supremacist look. That dead "Children Of The Corn" look


That cold evil look that they have.

And then at the end she said "Do you guys wanna go play at the park ?" lol.....


Basically she was saying "Look. N*ggers. Let's get something right. I'm superior. Let's get that straight out the gate. But now that's sorted. We can go and chill and have fun"

So don't be fooled by all these "Yo. Yo. Word to the mother" white ppl

She was trained to the max. Look how she deflected those perfect comments and questions the kid was asking. Loved how he said no they can't go and play with you and then stop the other child from going over there making a mistake. Well done kiddo! Can't wait to see her parents on Fox News

Lol a racist 7 year old? Seriously? Do you even know what racism means?

He most certainly does and that 7 year old was a racist.

How do you know she thinks an entire race is superior to another?
Explain that, dumbfuck. She is 7 ffs
So there was another mass shooting in Dayton last night by a suspected white supremacist (Patrick Crusius)

We know the deal.


This is him. As you can see he looks so superior


This is him getting arrested


Notice they (White supremacist) all wear the same uniform (Same tan pants/black shoes outfit similar to the El Paso mass killer).




But notice how when you talk to whites about racism ? They act dumb. Here's a white man they can tell what the weather was like a thousand of years ago. They can get the bones of a millions of year old dinosaur and tell you what it had for breakfast.

They can do all that smart sh*t

But when racism/white supremacy is on the table they act dumb.

"I mean you know, cmon, we had Obama. I mean cmon, not all whites a racist. I mean, you know cmon. Chicago. I mean - you know cmon. What about white people inventions"

Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb

Meanwhile this white supremacist killed 20 people and was peacefully apprehended. They treated this dude like he just jaywalked, but they killed Tamir Rice, a child, for playing with a toy gun ?

The double standard of white supremacy never astounds me

His head should be smashed against a brick wall, top of a police car, SOMETHING. This is what 45 wanted right? Rough em up a little bit. This terrorist doesn’t have a scratch on him. It looks like they wanna take him to lunch.

Not one policeman fired there gun - Not one - But black men out here getting shot for being black.

That cop probably whispering in his ear "you are a hero now"

How can killing weaponless people make you feel like a man ? What kinda punk sh*t is that ?.

This is every week.

When America was attacked by foreign terrorists, they mobilized the FBI and military against ISIS and Al Queda. The USA is under act by white nationalist terrorists. When is the USA going to mobilize against those groups that propagate the ideology that radicalize these terrorists?
Except that idiot was another left wing terrorist.
Another white supremacist kills people in Odessa Texas


His name was Seth Ator


Law enforcement made sure they erased all of his social media and online footprints before they announced his name. This is how white supremacists stay on code with each other and protect each other’s actions. One of the reasons they didn’t say his name because he works for Slumberger one of the top three Oil Services Companies in the world.


So there was another mass shooting in Dayton last night by a suspected white supremacist (Patrick Crusius)

We know the deal.


This is him. As you can see he looks so superior


This is him getting arrested


Notice they (White supremacist) all wear the same uniform (Same tan pants/black shoes outfit similar to the El Paso mass killer).




But notice how when you talk to whites about racism ? They act dumb. Here's a white man they can tell what the weather was like a thousand of years ago. They can get the bones of a millions of year old dinosaur and tell you what it had for breakfast.

They can do all that smart sh*t

But when racism/white supremacy is on the table they act dumb.

"I mean you know, cmon, we had Obama. I mean cmon, not all whites a racist. I mean, you know cmon. Chicago. I mean - you know cmon. What about white people inventions"

Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb

Meanwhile this white supremacist killed 20 people and was peacefully apprehended. They treated this dude like he just jaywalked, but they killed Tamir Rice, a child, for playing with a toy gun ?

The double standard of white supremacy never astounds me

His head should be smashed against a brick wall, top of a police car, SOMETHING. This is what 45 wanted right? Rough em up a little bit. This terrorist doesn’t have a scratch on him. It looks like they wanna take him to lunch.

Not one policeman fired there gun - Not one - But black men out here getting shot for being black.

That cop probably whispering in his ear "you are a hero now"

How can killing weaponless people make you feel like a man ? What kinda punk sh*t is that ?.

This is every week.

When America was attacked by foreign terrorists, they mobilized the FBI and military against ISIS and Al Queda. The USA is under act by white nationalist terrorists. When is the USA going to mobilize against those groups that propagate the ideology that radicalize these terrorists?
Except that idiot was another left wing terrorist.

Many of the thoughts and beliefs that he expressed in his manifesto(which is now online), sound identical to yours.
So there was another mass shooting in Dayton last night by a suspected white supremacist (Patrick Crusius)

We know the deal.


This is him. As you can see he looks so superior


This is him getting arrested


Notice they (White supremacist) all wear the same uniform (Same tan pants/black shoes outfit similar to the El Paso mass killer).




But notice how when you talk to whites about racism ? They act dumb. Here's a white man they can tell what the weather was like a thousand of years ago. They can get the bones of a millions of year old dinosaur and tell you what it had for breakfast.

They can do all that smart sh*t

But when racism/white supremacy is on the table they act dumb.

"I mean you know, cmon, we had Obama. I mean cmon, not all whites a racist. I mean, you know cmon. Chicago. I mean - you know cmon. What about white people inventions"

Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb

Meanwhile this white supremacist killed 20 people and was peacefully apprehended. They treated this dude like he just jaywalked, but they killed Tamir Rice, a child, for playing with a toy gun ?

The double standard of white supremacy never astounds me

His head should be smashed against a brick wall, top of a police car, SOMETHING. This is what 45 wanted right? Rough em up a little bit. This terrorist doesn’t have a scratch on him. It looks like they wanna take him to lunch.

Not one policeman fired there gun - Not one - But black men out here getting shot for being black.

That cop probably whispering in his ear "you are a hero now"

How can killing weaponless people make you feel like a man ? What kinda punk sh*t is that ?.

This is every week.

When America was attacked by foreign terrorists, they mobilized the FBI and military against ISIS and Al Queda. The USA is under act by white nationalist terrorists. When is the USA going to mobilize against those groups that propagate the ideology that radicalize these terrorists?
Except that idiot was another left wing terrorist.
What the fk is left wing terrorist ? A left wing white supremacist or a right wing white supremacist is the same thing really.

The right wing white supremacist would drown a boat load of black ppl. The left wing white supremacist would give the black ppl on the boat a cushion to make the drowning easier. That's the only difference

Reminds me of that business in Charlottesville.

I just sat back with my popcorn and let the Normal Racist White People (Antifa) fight the Extremely Racist White People (Alt Right)

Let them duke it out.

If they really don’t like Racism, let them eradicate it.

It's white people put their skin color above GOD’S Kingdom & in return GOD is going to destroy the US by giving white people everything they ask for.

It was even funnier when Nazi Christopher Cantrell, who was real gangster on TV bragging about their terror attack in Charlottesville started crying about an arrest warrant

What you crying for ? You're a bad ass ain't ya ? He was talking all that good shit on VICE. Then he was crying like the b*tch he is. This is the same man who said he was “ready for violence” This is same man who said "all n*ggers and Jews must die"

And then a Jew and a brother cop was beating on his door the next day with an arrest warrant.

white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
blacks murder 3000 per year
blacks 13% of the population--whites 67%--yet:
white on black murders 229
black on white murders 500
blacks commit hate crimes at twice the rate of whites
etc etc
if you want links, just ask
How do you know she thinks an entire race is superior to another?
Explain that, dumbfuck. She is 7 ffs
White ppl (for the most part) don't give our kids a pass.



This is Matt and Jenny Barker. A few months back Matt "accidentally" left their Black adopted daughter Katera Barker in a car all day, where she later died because of the heat. Neither of the adoptive parents have been charged


It was two kids in the car at the same time and the other kid was dropped off at the daycare that they both attend. How was that other kid not forgotten but this baby was? Wouldn’t you see both of them in back seat when you took that one out?


So back to the so called white supremacist seven year old. She did know what she’s saying and she knows its meaning that’s why she says the boys one and she’s not.

Treat white kids EXACTLY how white people treat black kids
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