More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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Heavy on opinion, light on facts. Try again.
Good response!

The only thing light here is your opinion. These were facts that we blacks know all too well. When you turn black tell us how it isn't.
I can't believe how jealous you are of whites.

On the link. Notice how sneaky they are ?

The operative words are “faces up to”

The media share headlines like these to make us and everyone think justice will be served. I'll check back to see what sentence he actually gets and then subtract the reduction for good behavior and the only reason he's being prosecuted is because he was off code so they had no choice.

If there was no text messages or cell phone video, it's just a normal day of terrorizing the black community with no accountability.
Heavy on opinion, light on facts. Try again.
Good response!

The only thing light here is your opinion. These were facts that we blacks know all too well. When you turn black tell us how it isn't.
I can't believe how jealous you are of whites.

Try every means of gaslighting you can son.

There is always the developmentally stalled white racist who says we are jealous of whites. Really? Do whites like you even think before the air phonetically comes out of their mouths in such sounds? I see no reason to be jealous of a group of people so weak they made laws excluding everyone else then brag like it's a major accomplishment because they achieved more than those they did not allow to compete.
Heavy on opinion, light on facts. Try again.
Good response!

The only thing light here is your opinion. These were facts that we blacks know all too well. When you turn black tell us how it isn't.
I can't believe how jealous you are of whites.

Try every means of gaslighting you can son.

There is always the developmentally stalled white racist who says we are jealous of whites. Really? Do whites like you even think before the air phonetically comes out of their mouths in such sounds? I see no reason to be jealous of a group of people so weak they made laws excluding everyone else then brag like it's a major accomplishment because they achieved more than those they did not allow to compete.
This has been fun, but the truth is, I don't care what blacks think so talk on. If a Neal DeGrasse Tyson is speaking, I'll listen- he is interesting and generally right. You and your "I am just as good as you" or your "I want revenge" tour has become tedious-see if you can find a southern cracker who will argue with you-should be an even battle.

The only thing light here is your opinion. These were facts that we blacks know all too well. When you turn black tell us how it isn't.
I can't believe how jealous you are of whites.

Try every means of gaslighting you can son.

There is always the developmentally stalled white racist who says we are jealous of whites. Really? Do whites like you even think before the air phonetically comes out of their mouths in such sounds? I see no reason to be jealous of a group of people so weak they made laws excluding everyone else then brag like it's a major accomplishment because they achieved more than those they did not allow to compete.
This has been fun, but the truth is, I don't care what blacks think so talk on. If a Neal DeGrasse Tyson is speaking, I'll listen- he is interesting and generally right. You and your "I am just as good as you" or your "I want revenge" tour has become tedious-see if you can find a southern cracker who will argue with you-should be an even battle.

Whites like you are a joke. There is no I want revenge tour here chump. And you're too fucking stupid to understand DeGrasse Tyson. You can only deal with blacks that say what you need to hear. You suffer from white fragility which means that because I challenge the lies you believe, you become defensive. And when you see that none of your gaslighting works, you run away.

I'm far smarter than you son and everything I have said to you is correct. So you see dunce cap, if your white asses would quit being racists, punks like you wouldn't run around scared of blacks wanting revenge.
Good response!

The only thing light here is your opinion. These were facts that we blacks know all too well. When you turn black tell us how it isn't.
I can't believe how jealous you are of whites.

Try every means of gaslighting you can son.

There is always the developmentally stalled white racist who says we are jealous of whites. Really? Do whites like you even think before the air phonetically comes out of their mouths in such sounds? I see no reason to be jealous of a group of people so weak they made laws excluding everyone else then brag like it's a major accomplishment because they achieved more than those they did not allow to compete.
This has been fun, but the truth is, I don't care what blacks think so talk on. If a Neal DeGrasse Tyson is speaking, I'll listen- he is interesting and generally right. You and your "I am just as good as you" or your "I want revenge" tour has become tedious-see if you can find a southern cracker who will argue with you-should be an even battle.

Whites like you are a joke. There is no I want revenge tour here chump. And you're too fucking stupid to understand DeGrasse Tyson. You can only deal with blacks that say what you need to hear. You suffer from white fragility which means that because I challenge the lies you believe, you become defensive. And when you see that none of your gaslighting works, you run away.

I'm far smarter than you son and everything I have said to you is correct. So you see dunce cap, if your white asses would quit being racists, punks like you wouldn't run around scared of blacks wanting revenge.
You are an uppity one aren't you. You are black so probably not that smart and I know more than Tyson anyway-I just listen to correct his mistakes. You are so bitter it shows thru your writing and so jealous of whites that you HAVE to call them racists- a word that no longer means anything to me due to overuse. As far as blacks wanting revenge, I would just pimp slap their asses and be done with them-but I think you are making that up because the black man is too scared to stand up for himself. When you think you might be able to stand up to a white, let me know, and we'll have a talk to straighten you out. In the meantime, just keep telling yourself you are smarter than me and someone somewhere somehow may believe you-but I doubt it. Good luck loser-you are going to need it.
Heavy on opinion, light on facts. Try again.
Good response!

The only thing light here is your opinion. These were facts that we blacks know all too well. When you turn black tell us how it isn't.
I can't believe how jealous you are of whites.
I'm not jealous of white people.

The past and present and future of black ppl concern me the most and in that history white ppl have been the main evil. I don't expect you to care about black ppl as much as I do. The same way I don't care about white ppl as much as you do.
but I think you are making that up because the black man is too scared to stand up for himself..
Black people are the only people on the planet who have gone head to head against white supremacy for 100 years.

From MLK, to Marcus Garvey, to the black panthers, to Nat Turner, to Mandela, to Harriet Tubman, to Farrakhan, to Khalid Muhammad, to Rosa Parks, to Huey Newton, to Steve Biko (and many more I could)

White people never wanna go 1 on 1 with a black man on a fair one

harmonica, you, abu afak, Weatherman2020, sealybobo, SobieskiSavedEurope they'll pipe down if black men were in the room. They wouldn't say nothing.

Anyone can tough in a cops uniform. They need a system of non justice, the police and the military before they act tough.

This is how you handle these white supremacists.

He was in Texas with his swastikia and he probably forgot that he wasn't on internet, where he probably acts real tough saying "N*gger ! N*gger ! N*gger"

So he tried to do that in the real world and a brother beat the shit out of him for throwing a bottle at his car and then made him clean it up.

Look at how humble he was.

That's how you handle these cowardly bastards
Last edited:
but I think you are making that up because the black man is too scared to stand up for himself..
Black people are the only people on the planet who have gone head to head against white supremacy for 100 years.

From MLK, to Marcus Garvey, to the black panthers, to Nat Turner, to Mandela, to Harriet Tubman, to Farrakhan, to Khalid Muhammad, to Rosa Parks, to Huey Newton, to Steve Biko (and many more I could)

White people never wanna go 1 on 1 with a black man on a fair one

harmonica, you, abu afak, Weatherman2020, sealybobo, SobieskiSavedEurope they'll pipe down if black men were in the room. They wouldn't say nothing.

Anyone can tough in a cops uniform. They need a system of non justice, the police and the military before they act tough.

This is how you handle these white supremacists.

He was in Texas with his swastikia and he probably forgot that he wasn't on internet, where he probably acts real tough saying "N*gger ! N*gger ! N*gger"

So he tried to do that in the real world and a brother beat the shit out of him for throwing a bottle at his car and then made him clean it up.

Look at how humble he was.

That's how you handle these cowardly bastards
You are delusional-I have seen 3 blacks cower before one white
The only thing light here is your opinion. These were facts that we blacks know all too well. When you turn black tell us how it isn't.
I can't believe how jealous you are of whites.

Try every means of gaslighting you can son.

There is always the developmentally stalled white racist who says we are jealous of whites. Really? Do whites like you even think before the air phonetically comes out of their mouths in such sounds? I see no reason to be jealous of a group of people so weak they made laws excluding everyone else then brag like it's a major accomplishment because they achieved more than those they did not allow to compete.
This has been fun, but the truth is, I don't care what blacks think so talk on. If a Neal DeGrasse Tyson is speaking, I'll listen- he is interesting and generally right. You and your "I am just as good as you" or your "I want revenge" tour has become tedious-see if you can find a southern cracker who will argue with you-should be an even battle.

Whites like you are a joke. There is no I want revenge tour here chump. And you're too fucking stupid to understand DeGrasse Tyson. You can only deal with blacks that say what you need to hear. You suffer from white fragility which means that because I challenge the lies you believe, you become defensive. And when you see that none of your gaslighting works, you run away.

I'm far smarter than you son and everything I have said to you is correct. So you see dunce cap, if your white asses would quit being racists, punks like you wouldn't run around scared of blacks wanting revenge.
You are an uppity one aren't you. You are black so probably not that smart and I know more than Tyson anyway-I just listen to correct his mistakes. You are so bitter it shows thru your writing and so jealous of whites that you HAVE to call them racists- a word that no longer means anything to me due to overuse. As far as blacks wanting revenge, I would just pimp slap their asses and be done with them-but I think you are making that up because the black man is too scared to stand up for himself. When you think you might be able to stand up to a white, let me know, and we'll have a talk to straighten you out. In the meantime, just keep telling yourself you are smarter than me and someone somewhere somehow may believe you-but I doubt it. Good luck loser-you are going to need it.

I've stood up to whites for 58 years. A punk like you is simple. Your entire post had me laughing. You know you've whipped a white racists ass when he starts trying to tell you how you are jealous of whites because he can't face the truth a black person has put in his face.

You see Cletus, in your last post DeGrasse Tyson was someone who was mostly right. Now you know more than Tyson. You're a loser. A chump. You descend from lazy shiftless, non productive people whose only contribution to the world are weapons of war. Your descendants are recorded to have been so lazy, that they were given free land in the form of headrights and then bought slaves to do their work. They were so scared of blacks they made laws to try keeping white women from running to blacks. Through the generations whites like you have been so scared you made laws to excluded others who were not white because they feared whites could not compete. This is documented fact boy. It's written in courthouses, state houses and in the library of congress. It's truth, not jealousy. It is a truth you can't face. It is the bitch slap you will get from me every time your white ass steps out of bounds.

but I think you are making that up because the black man is too scared to stand up for himself..
Black people are the only people on the planet who have gone head to head against white supremacy for 100 years.

From MLK, to Marcus Garvey, to the black panthers, to Nat Turner, to Mandela, to Harriet Tubman, to Farrakhan, to Khalid Muhammad, to Rosa Parks, to Huey Newton, to Steve Biko (and many more I could)

White people never wanna go 1 on 1 with a black man on a fair one

harmonica, you, abu afak, Weatherman2020, sealybobo, SobieskiSavedEurope they'll pipe down if black men were in the room. They wouldn't say nothing.

Anyone can tough in a cops uniform. They need a system of non justice, the police and the military before they act tough.

This is how you handle these white supremacists.

He was in Texas with his swastikia and he probably forgot that he wasn't on internet, where he probably acts real tough saying "N*gger ! N*gger ! N*gger"

So he tried to do that in the real world and a brother beat the shit out of him for throwing a bottle at his car and then made him clean it up.

Look at how humble he was.

That's how you handle these cowardly bastards
You are delusional-I have seen 3 blacks cower before one white

A nation of whites cowered before 2 black men. Malcolm X and Martin Luther King. A white man holding a gun doesn't count.
I can't believe how jealous you are of whites.

Try every means of gaslighting you can son.

There is always the developmentally stalled white racist who says we are jealous of whites. Really? Do whites like you even think before the air phonetically comes out of their mouths in such sounds? I see no reason to be jealous of a group of people so weak they made laws excluding everyone else then brag like it's a major accomplishment because they achieved more than those they did not allow to compete.
This has been fun, but the truth is, I don't care what blacks think so talk on. If a Neal DeGrasse Tyson is speaking, I'll listen- he is interesting and generally right. You and your "I am just as good as you" or your "I want revenge" tour has become tedious-see if you can find a southern cracker who will argue with you-should be an even battle.

Whites like you are a joke. There is no I want revenge tour here chump. And you're too fucking stupid to understand DeGrasse Tyson. You can only deal with blacks that say what you need to hear. You suffer from white fragility which means that because I challenge the lies you believe, you become defensive. And when you see that none of your gaslighting works, you run away.

I'm far smarter than you son and everything I have said to you is correct. So you see dunce cap, if your white asses would quit being racists, punks like you wouldn't run around scared of blacks wanting revenge.
You are an uppity one aren't you. You are black so probably not that smart and I know more than Tyson anyway-I just listen to correct his mistakes. You are so bitter it shows thru your writing and so jealous of whites that you HAVE to call them racists- a word that no longer means anything to me due to overuse. As far as blacks wanting revenge, I would just pimp slap their asses and be done with them-but I think you are making that up because the black man is too scared to stand up for himself. When you think you might be able to stand up to a white, let me know, and we'll have a talk to straighten you out. In the meantime, just keep telling yourself you are smarter than me and someone somewhere somehow may believe you-but I doubt it. Good luck loser-you are going to need it.

I've stood up to whites for 58 years. A punk like you is simple. Your entire post had me laughing. You know you've whipped a white racists ass when he starts trying to tell you how you are jealous of whites because he can't face the truth a black person has put in his face.

You see Cletus, in your last post DeGrasse Tyson was someone who was mostly right. Now you know more than Tyson. You're a loser. A chump. You descend from lazy shiftless, non productive people whose only contribution to the world are weapons of war. Your descendants are recorded to have been so lazy, that they were given free land in the form of headrights and then bought slaves to do their work. They were so scared of blacks they made laws to try keeping white women from running to blacks. Through the generations whites like you have been so scared you made laws to excluded others who were not white because they feared whites could not compete. This is documented fact boy. It's written in courthouses, state houses and in the library of congress. It's truth, not jealousy. It is a truth you can't face. It is the bitch slap you will get from me every time your white ass steps out of bounds.

I understand your race baiting. You are an old 58 still fighting the civil war. But, youhave explained how blacks have been able to act racist toward whites and get away WITH it. STUPIDITY
but I think you are making that up because the black man is too scared to stand up for himself..
Black people are the only people on the planet who have gone head to head against white supremacy for 100 years.

From MLK, to Marcus Garvey, to the black panthers, to Nat Turner, to Mandela, to Harriet Tubman, to Farrakhan, to Khalid Muhammad, to Rosa Parks, to Huey Newton, to Steve Biko (and many more I could)

White people never wanna go 1 on 1 with a black man on a fair one

harmonica, you, abu afak, Weatherman2020, sealybobo, SobieskiSavedEurope they'll pipe down if black men were in the room. They wouldn't say nothing.

Anyone can tough in a cops uniform. They need a system of non justice, the police and the military before they act tough.

This is how you handle these white supremacists.

He was in Texas with his swastikia and he probably forgot that he wasn't on internet, where he probably acts real tough saying "N*gger ! N*gger ! N*gger"

So he tried to do that in the real world and a brother beat the shit out of him for throwing a bottle at his car and then made him clean it up.

Look at how humble he was.

That's how you handle these cowardly bastards
You are delusional-I have seen 3 blacks cower before one white

A nation of whites cowered before 2 black men. Malcolm X and Martin Luther King. A white man holding a gun doesn't count.
If you count his arms as guns, yes. Those two were assassinated right? Cower? I think not.
but I think you are making that up because the black man is too scared to stand up for himself..
Black people are the only people on the planet who have gone head to head against white supremacy for 100 years.

From MLK, to Marcus Garvey, to the black panthers, to Nat Turner, to Mandela, to Harriet Tubman, to Farrakhan, to Khalid Muhammad, to Rosa Parks, to Huey Newton, to Steve Biko (and many more I could)

White people never wanna go 1 on 1 with a black man on a fair one

harmonica, you, abu afak, Weatherman2020, sealybobo, SobieskiSavedEurope they'll pipe down if black men were in the room. They wouldn't say nothing.

Anyone can tough in a cops uniform. They need a system of non justice, the police and the military before they act tough.

This is how you handle these white supremacists.

He was in Texas with his swastikia and he probably forgot that he wasn't on internet, where he probably acts real tough saying "N*gger ! N*gger ! N*gger"

So he tried to do that in the real world and a brother beat the shit out of him for throwing a bottle at his car and then made him clean it up.

Look at how humble he was.

That's how you handle these cowardly bastards
You are delusional-I have seen 3 blacks cower before one white
No you haven't. You may have seen three black children cower before a white man. You may have seen 3 black women cower before one white man (And even then I doubt that). You may have seen three black men cower before one white cop or white man who has an advantage (Boss at work etc)

But you have never seen three straight grown black men cower before a white man unless the white men had an advantage.
Try every means of gaslighting you can son.

There is always the developmentally stalled white racist who says we are jealous of whites. Really? Do whites like you even think before the air phonetically comes out of their mouths in such sounds? I see no reason to be jealous of a group of people so weak they made laws excluding everyone else then brag like it's a major accomplishment because they achieved more than those they did not allow to compete.
This has been fun, but the truth is, I don't care what blacks think so talk on. If a Neal DeGrasse Tyson is speaking, I'll listen- he is interesting and generally right. You and your "I am just as good as you" or your "I want revenge" tour has become tedious-see if you can find a southern cracker who will argue with you-should be an even battle.

Whites like you are a joke. There is no I want revenge tour here chump. And you're too fucking stupid to understand DeGrasse Tyson. You can only deal with blacks that say what you need to hear. You suffer from white fragility which means that because I challenge the lies you believe, you become defensive. And when you see that none of your gaslighting works, you run away.

I'm far smarter than you son and everything I have said to you is correct. So you see dunce cap, if your white asses would quit being racists, punks like you wouldn't run around scared of blacks wanting revenge.
You are an uppity one aren't you. You are black so probably not that smart and I know more than Tyson anyway-I just listen to correct his mistakes. You are so bitter it shows thru your writing and so jealous of whites that you HAVE to call them racists- a word that no longer means anything to me due to overuse. As far as blacks wanting revenge, I would just pimp slap their asses and be done with them-but I think you are making that up because the black man is too scared to stand up for himself. When you think you might be able to stand up to a white, let me know, and we'll have a talk to straighten you out. In the meantime, just keep telling yourself you are smarter than me and someone somewhere somehow may believe you-but I doubt it. Good luck loser-you are going to need it.

I've stood up to whites for 58 years. A punk like you is simple. Your entire post had me laughing. You know you've whipped a white racists ass when he starts trying to tell you how you are jealous of whites because he can't face the truth a black person has put in his face.

You see Cletus, in your last post DeGrasse Tyson was someone who was mostly right. Now you know more than Tyson. You're a loser. A chump. You descend from lazy shiftless, non productive people whose only contribution to the world are weapons of war. Your descendants are recorded to have been so lazy, that they were given free land in the form of headrights and then bought slaves to do their work. They were so scared of blacks they made laws to try keeping white women from running to blacks. Through the generations whites like you have been so scared you made laws to excluded others who were not white because they feared whites could not compete. This is documented fact boy. It's written in courthouses, state houses and in the library of congress. It's truth, not jealousy. It is a truth you can't face. It is the bitch slap you will get from me every time your white ass steps out of bounds.

I understand your race baiting. You are an old 58 still fighting the civil war. But, youhave explained how blacks have been able to act racist toward whites and get away WITH it. STUPIDITY

Lol! Your gaslighting ain't going anywhere wb. The quicker you learn this, the better off you will be.
but I think you are making that up because the black man is too scared to stand up for himself..
Black people are the only people on the planet who have gone head to head against white supremacy for 100 years.

From MLK, to Marcus Garvey, to the black panthers, to Nat Turner, to Mandela, to Harriet Tubman, to Farrakhan, to Khalid Muhammad, to Rosa Parks, to Huey Newton, to Steve Biko (and many more I could)

White people never wanna go 1 on 1 with a black man on a fair one

harmonica, you, abu afak, Weatherman2020, sealybobo, SobieskiSavedEurope they'll pipe down if black men were in the room. They wouldn't say nothing.

Anyone can tough in a cops uniform. They need a system of non justice, the police and the military before they act tough.

This is how you handle these white supremacists.

He was in Texas with his swastikia and he probably forgot that he wasn't on internet, where he probably acts real tough saying "N*gger ! N*gger ! N*gger"

So he tried to do that in the real world and a brother beat the shit out of him for throwing a bottle at his car and then made him clean it up.

Look at how humble he was.

That's how you handle these cowardly bastards
You are delusional-I have seen 3 blacks cower before one white

A nation of whites cowered before 2 black men. Malcolm X and Martin Luther King. A white man holding a gun doesn't count.
If you count his arms as guns, yes. Those two were assassinated right? Cower? I think not.

Whites like you are scared of us. That's why you are a racist. What you say didn't happen unless it was a grown white man threatening some children. Assassinations occur because the opposition represents a threat. That's fear boy.
but I think you are making that up because the black man is too scared to stand up for himself..
Black people are the only people on the planet who have gone head to head against white supremacy for 100 years.

From MLK, to Marcus Garvey, to the black panthers, to Nat Turner, to Mandela, to Harriet Tubman, to Farrakhan, to Khalid Muhammad, to Rosa Parks, to Huey Newton, to Steve Biko (and many more I could)

White people never wanna go 1 on 1 with a black man on a fair one

harmonica, you, abu afak, Weatherman2020, sealybobo, SobieskiSavedEurope they'll pipe down if black men were in the room. They wouldn't say nothing.

Anyone can tough in a cops uniform. They need a system of non justice, the police and the military before they act tough.

This is how you handle these white supremacists.

He was in Texas with his swastikia and he probably forgot that he wasn't on internet, where he probably acts real tough saying "N*gger ! N*gger ! N*gger"

So he tried to do that in the real world and a brother beat the shit out of him for throwing a bottle at his car and then made him clean it up.

Look at how humble he was.

That's how you handle these cowardly bastards
You are delusional-I have seen 3 blacks cower before one white
No you haven't. You may have seen three black children cower before a white man. You may have seen 3 black women cower before one white man (And even then I doubt that). You may have seen three black men cower before one white cop or white man who has an advantage (Boss at work etc)

But you have never seen three straight grown black men cower before a white man unless the white men had an advantage.
Sorry, but that has happened many times before.
This has been fun, but the truth is, I don't care what blacks think so talk on. If a Neal DeGrasse Tyson is speaking, I'll listen- he is interesting and generally right. You and your "I am just as good as you" or your "I want revenge" tour has become tedious-see if you can find a southern cracker who will argue with you-should be an even battle.

Whites like you are a joke. There is no I want revenge tour here chump. And you're too fucking stupid to understand DeGrasse Tyson. You can only deal with blacks that say what you need to hear. You suffer from white fragility which means that because I challenge the lies you believe, you become defensive. And when you see that none of your gaslighting works, you run away.

I'm far smarter than you son and everything I have said to you is correct. So you see dunce cap, if your white asses would quit being racists, punks like you wouldn't run around scared of blacks wanting revenge.
You are an uppity one aren't you. You are black so probably not that smart and I know more than Tyson anyway-I just listen to correct his mistakes. You are so bitter it shows thru your writing and so jealous of whites that you HAVE to call them racists- a word that no longer means anything to me due to overuse. As far as blacks wanting revenge, I would just pimp slap their asses and be done with them-but I think you are making that up because the black man is too scared to stand up for himself. When you think you might be able to stand up to a white, let me know, and we'll have a talk to straighten you out. In the meantime, just keep telling yourself you are smarter than me and someone somewhere somehow may believe you-but I doubt it. Good luck loser-you are going to need it.

I've stood up to whites for 58 years. A punk like you is simple. Your entire post had me laughing. You know you've whipped a white racists ass when he starts trying to tell you how you are jealous of whites because he can't face the truth a black person has put in his face.

You see Cletus, in your last post DeGrasse Tyson was someone who was mostly right. Now you know more than Tyson. You're a loser. A chump. You descend from lazy shiftless, non productive people whose only contribution to the world are weapons of war. Your descendants are recorded to have been so lazy, that they were given free land in the form of headrights and then bought slaves to do their work. They were so scared of blacks they made laws to try keeping white women from running to blacks. Through the generations whites like you have been so scared you made laws to excluded others who were not white because they feared whites could not compete. This is documented fact boy. It's written in courthouses, state houses and in the library of congress. It's truth, not jealousy. It is a truth you can't face. It is the bitch slap you will get from me every time your white ass steps out of bounds.

I understand your race baiting. You are an old 58 still fighting the civil war. But, youhave explained how blacks have been able to act racist toward whites and get away WITH it. STUPIDITY

Lol! Your gaslighting ain't going anywhere wb. The quicker you learn this, the better off you will be.
Oh, please learn me bro
but I think you are making that up because the black man is too scared to stand up for himself..
Black people are the only people on the planet who have gone head to head against white supremacy for 100 years.

From MLK, to Marcus Garvey, to the black panthers, to Nat Turner, to Mandela, to Harriet Tubman, to Farrakhan, to Khalid Muhammad, to Rosa Parks, to Huey Newton, to Steve Biko (and many more I could)

White people never wanna go 1 on 1 with a black man on a fair one

harmonica, you, abu afak, Weatherman2020, sealybobo, SobieskiSavedEurope they'll pipe down if black men were in the room. They wouldn't say nothing.

Anyone can tough in a cops uniform. They need a system of non justice, the police and the military before they act tough.

This is how you handle these white supremacists.

He was in Texas with his swastikia and he probably forgot that he wasn't on internet, where he probably acts real tough saying "N*gger ! N*gger ! N*gger"

So he tried to do that in the real world and a brother beat the shit out of him for throwing a bottle at his car and then made him clean it up.

Look at how humble he was.

That's how you handle these cowardly bastards
You are delusional-I have seen 3 blacks cower before one white

A nation of whites cowered before 2 black men. Malcolm X and Martin Luther King. A white man holding a gun doesn't count.
If you count his arms as guns, yes. Those two were assassinated right? Cower? I think not.

Whites like you are scared of us. That's why you are a racist. What you say didn't happen unless it was a grown white man threatening some children. Assassinations occur because the opposition represents a threat. That's fear boy.
You think you are tough but I guarantee you are not. I fear no man or woman. I fear no word like racist or homo. Do you?
but I think you are making that up because the black man is too scared to stand up for himself..
Black people are the only people on the planet who have gone head to head against white supremacy for 100 years.

From MLK, to Marcus Garvey, to the black panthers, to Nat Turner, to Mandela, to Harriet Tubman, to Farrakhan, to Khalid Muhammad, to Rosa Parks, to Huey Newton, to Steve Biko (and many more I could)

White people never wanna go 1 on 1 with a black man on a fair one

harmonica, you, abu afak, Weatherman2020, sealybobo, SobieskiSavedEurope they'll pipe down if black men were in the room. They wouldn't say nothing.

Anyone can tough in a cops uniform. They need a system of non justice, the police and the military before they act tough.

This is how you handle these white supremacists.

He was in Texas with his swastikia and he probably forgot that he wasn't on internet, where he probably acts real tough saying "N*gger ! N*gger ! N*gger"

So he tried to do that in the real world and a brother beat the shit out of him for throwing a bottle at his car and then made him clean it up.

Look at how humble he was.

That's how you handle these cowardly bastards
You are delusional-I have seen 3 blacks cower before one white
No you haven't. You may have seen three black children cower before a white man. You may have seen 3 black women cower before one white man (And even then I doubt that). You may have seen three black men cower before one white cop or white man who has an advantage (Boss at work etc)

But you have never seen three straight grown black men cower before a white man unless the white men had an advantage.
Sorry, but that has happened many times before.
Not unless the white man had an advantage.

White men don't act big and bad around black men unless they have an advantage
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