More than 100 wounded Syrians receive care in Israel


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
"Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thy heart be glad when he stumbleth"

Two boys, 9 and 15, who were wounded in the Syrian civil war, crossed the border between Syria and Israel Wednesday night, thus raising the number of wounded to receive medical care in Israel to around 100.

Their arrival in Israel came amid reports by international human rights organizations that the current death toll in the Syrian conflict has topped 100,000. The number of those injured has also seen a rise, and the two wounded boys join a long list of those hospitalized in Israel as a result of the conflict.

The younger of the two was escorted by his father, who said that only two weeks ago his son had lost his eye as a result of a shell that exploded in their house. According to the father, Syrian doctors attempted to take care of him but to no avail. The boy is currently taking medication to prevent the damage from spreading to his second eye and to heal his leg which sustained shrapnel injuries.


The condition of the second, older boy was more severe. He arrived in serious condition with shrapnel wounds across his entire body.

The boy recalled the incident that left him wounded – a rare feat according to doctors. The boy said he was riding on a tractor when suddenly he heard a blast. According to his doctors, the boy is suffering from a broken jaw, broken limbs and shrapnel in his back, in addition to the fact that some of his wounds have festered.

As mentioned, the two join a long list of Syrian's hospitalized in Israeli hospitals.,7340,L-4397565,00.html


I wish them a speedy recovery as I do all those non-combatants caught up in the area. Well done Israel for coming to their aid.
Regretfully no matter which side wins out in Syria's internal war, the biggest losers are the innocent children.

"Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thy heart be glad when he stumbleth"

Two boys, 9 and 15, who were wounded in the Syrian civil war, crossed the border between Syria and Israel Wednesday night, thus raising the number of wounded to receive medical care in Israel to around 100.

Their arrival in Israel came amid reports by international human rights organizations that the current death toll in the Syrian conflict has topped 100,000. The number of those injured has also seen a rise, and the two wounded boys join a long list of those hospitalized in Israel as a result of the conflict.

The younger of the two was escorted by his father, who said that only two weeks ago his son had lost his eye as a result of a shell that exploded in their house. According to the father, Syrian doctors attempted to take care of him but to no avail. The boy is currently taking medication to prevent the damage from spreading to his second eye and to heal his leg which sustained shrapnel injuries.


The condition of the second, older boy was more severe. He arrived in serious condition with shrapnel wounds across his entire body.

The boy recalled the incident that left him wounded – a rare feat according to doctors. The boy said he was riding on a tractor when suddenly he heard a blast. According to his doctors, the boy is suffering from a broken jaw, broken limbs and shrapnel in his back, in addition to the fact that some of his wounds have festered.

As mentioned, the two join a long list of Syrian's hospitalized in Israeli hospitals.

More than 100 wounded Syrians receive care in Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews


Once again the basic decency and humanity of Israel and its people is demonstrated to the world!

Unfortunately no matter what wonderful actions Israel does take, there are always skeptics and haters lurking in the undergrowth.

Your actions Israel are 100% correct and keep on the same path. :thup:
Galilee: A Syrian Father's Tears of Gratitude
X-ray technician at Western Galilee Hospital tells story of 12 year old Syrian patient.

By Gil Ronen
First Publish: 8/12/2013, 2:19 PM

Ariyai Halevi, X-ray technician at Western Galilee Hospital, posted a short status update to his Facebook page Sunday that speaks volumes, some would say, about the Middle East situation.

“So there's a 12 year old girl from Syria in the pediatric ICU for some time,” he wrote. “I had the opportunity to do several X-rays on her. One night, I arrive and the security guard (a guard or soldier is posted by each Syrian patient) tells me that the father has been brought in by the Shabak to be with the daughter.

“I walk up to the bed and the father greets me with a smile and a handshake. He then proceeds to speak to me in Arabic. Apparently, he's never seen a religious Jew before, and with my head cover and beard assumed I was some sort of Muslim. When I didn't respond fluently his smile turned into a puzzled look.

“The guard (a Druze who spoke Arabic) brought him to the side so I could do my job. Believe it or not, I have a very good bedside manner, especially with kids. After I was done, the guard came and told me that when he brought the guy to the side that he asked what I was with the getup and all. When he explained that I'm a very religious Jew and that's how we look, the dad got nervous. However, when he saw how nicely and kindly I treated his kid, he started crying and said that he can't believe that none of Syria's Arab neighbors like Lebanon or Jordan will take them in, but the religious Jew from Israel treats his kid like his own daughter.

“If only he would pass on his revelation to the rest of his country,” concludes Halevi.

On August 7, Halevi had written:

“I find it very ironic. Every week in my hospital we get several seriously wounded patients from Syria. This is besides the ones that go to Ziv, Poria, and Rambam. These patients are taken care of for free and brought to us by the U.N. since no one else will take care of them. So the U.N. knows Jews are the only ones who will help anyone no matter what background, yet they continue to bash us as Arab hating oppressors.”

Galilee: A Syrian Father's Tears of Gratitude - Middle East - News - Israel National News

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