More Than 40 Radio Stations Might Drop Limbaugh and Hannity

He's also a known coward, because he runs away from my smackdowns.

Here's another:

Wingnut Boycott #5:

You are the coward. And you are fully dishonest.

You have provided NOT one smack down to me, either.

You, you dishonest hack bitch, keep posting irrelevant shit about "boycotts."

But what you CLAIMED earlier was that I had endorsed or supported them.

When and if you ever man up, instead of posting shit about boycotts or suggested boycotts, you'll (for the first time ever) support your claim by demonstrating that I support them. That, of course, will be a motherfucking LOOOOONG wait since your claim was simply another lie by you.

I have already SAID that I wouldn't buy a Dixie Shits record. Beyond that, you have nothing. You made shit up and are now busy deflecting because you are a cowardly pussy and deflection is easier for a pussy like you than owning up to the truth.
He's also a known coward, because he runs away from my smackdowns.

Here's another:

Wingnut Boycott #5:

You are the coward. And you are fully dishonest.

You have provided NOT one smack down to me, either.

You, you dishonest hack bitch, keep posting irrelevant shit about "boycotts."

But what you CLAIMED earlier was that I had endorsed or supported them.

When and if you ever man up, instead of posting shit about boycotts or suggested boycotts, you'll (for the first time ever) support your claim by demonstrating that I support them. That, of course, will be a motherfucking LOOOOONG wait since your claim was simply another lie by you.

I have already SAID that I wouldn't buy a Dixie Shits record. Beyond that, you have nothing. You made shit up and are now busy deflecting because you are a cowardly pussy and deflection is easier for a pussy like you than owning up to the truth.

That will have to wait; I was first. STILL waiting for your quote of me calling for Rush to be "silenced". That, of course, will be a motherfucking LOOOOONG wait since your claim was simply another lie by you. Much like the spelling of ellipses.

Maybe you need to get your own house in order before making demands.

"Lie-ability". I get it now. :rofl:
I've never been a big fan of boycotts, I don't think they work.

I agree. Thats why I boycott boycotts. But since I boycott boycotts, I can't really boycott the boycott. It's all very confusing. I have to be selective and have found it is easy to boycott places and things if you weren't going to go there or buy those things anyhow. This method allows me to not boycott the places and things I like.

True, I have boycotted liver for years, I hate the taste and it has been a boycott that I have had the fortitude to endure.
He's also a known coward, because he runs away from my smackdowns.

Here's another:

Wingnut Boycott #5:

You are the coward. And you are fully dishonest.

You have provided NOT one smack down to me, either.

You, you dishonest hack bitch, keep posting irrelevant shit about "boycotts."

But what you CLAIMED earlier was that I had endorsed or supported them.

When and if you ever man up, instead of posting shit about boycotts or suggested boycotts, you'll (for the first time ever) support your claim by demonstrating that I support them. That, of course, will be a motherfucking LOOOOONG wait since your claim was simply another lie by you.

I have already SAID that I wouldn't buy a Dixie Shits record. Beyond that, you have nothing. You made shit up and are now busy deflecting because you are a cowardly pussy and deflection is easier for a pussy like you than owning up to the truth.

That will have to wait; I was first. STILL waiting for your quote of me calling for Rush to be "silenced". That, of course, will be a motherfucking LOOOOONG wait since your claim was simply another lie by you. Much like the spelling of ellipses.

Maybe you need to get your own house in order before making demands.

"Lie-ability". I get it now. :rofl:

And I already answered. I didn't quote you since I never claimed you had used that phrase. [To put it in your parlance, you dishonest bitch, QUOTE me saying that I siad you had personally called for Rush to be silenced in those precise words.] What I have told you (repeatedly now) is that it is not necessary to say something in precise words to make your position nonetheless quite clear. You dishonest hack bitch.

Pogo is so stupid and such a fully dishonest dick, he WAITS to hear something that has already been said.

You are the coward. And you are fully dishonest.

You have provided NOT one smack down to me, either.

You, you dishonest hack bitch, keep posting irrelevant shit about "boycotts."

But what you CLAIMED earlier was that I had endorsed or supported them.

When and if you ever man up, instead of posting shit about boycotts or suggested boycotts, you'll (for the first time ever) support your claim by demonstrating that I support them. That, of course, will be a motherfucking LOOOOONG wait since your claim was simply another lie by you.

I have already SAID that I wouldn't buy a Dixie Shits record. Beyond that, you have nothing. You made shit up and are now busy deflecting because you are a cowardly pussy and deflection is easier for a pussy like you than owning up to the truth.

That will have to wait; I was first. STILL waiting for your quote of me calling for Rush to be "silenced". That, of course, will be a motherfucking LOOOOONG wait since your claim was simply another lie by you. Much like the spelling of ellipses.

Maybe you need to get your own house in order before making demands.

"Lie-ability". I get it now. :rofl:

And I already answered. I didn't quote you since I never claimed you had used that phrase. [To put it in your parlance, you dishonest bitch, QUOTE me saying that I siad you had personally called for Rush to be silenced in those precise words.] What I have told you (repeatedly now) is that it is not necessary to say something in precise words to make your position nonetheless quite clear. You dishonest hack bitch.

Pogo is so stupid and such a fully dishonest dick, he WAITS to hear something that has already been said.

Oh the butthurt... :eusa_boohoo:

Well this is right in line with a welsher isn't it.

Remember the old "is is"?
As to the actual topic of this thread, it remains what has happened to Rush. You lolberals dislike what he has said, so your reaction is (not unexpectedly considering how much you loathe true free speech) is to attempt to stifle his ability to even have an audience.


Then there was "a-activists":
wow. You really are one dense asshole motherfucking stupid dishonest hack bitch.

Try to keep up you hack bitch troll mental midget.

YOU support the efforts of the agitators and a"activists" who seek to persuade advertisers NOT to do business with Rush's show. THAT is metaphorically putting the thumb on the scale, you dopey twat.

Get your thumb OFF the scale and let the audience (JUST the audience) ALONE decide whether or not they wish to listen to Rush's show, and the audience numbers would then advise the advertisers whether or not to put their ads on his show.


But wait. There's more. NOW how much would you pay?

Why don't all you liberal nutjobs hold your breath until Limbaugh is off the air. Should be any second now right?


That would be up to the free market.

But you lolberal hypocritical filth don't wish for the free market to make the determination.

Damn but you guys are stupid AND dishonest.


"Lie-ability". You should just go back to that.
Dumb shit.
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* * * *

Dumb shit.

^ ploddo now signs his post?

His first crack at being honest and it's a smashing success.


By the way, in each and every one of your "examples," ploddo, you dull-witted transparent liar, you offered no evidence AT ALL that I claimed you had SAID it.

I DID say that you support the garbage, but I didn't claim that you said it in as many words.

Thanks for proving that you are both dishonest AND brainless, ploddo. Or shall we just call you "Dumb shit" from now on?
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* * * *

Dumb shit.

^ ploddo now signs his post?

His first crack at being honest and it's a smashing success.


By the way, in each and every one of your "examples," ploddo, you dull-witted transparent liar, you offered no evidence AT ALL that I claimed you had SAID it.

I DID say that you support the garbage, but I didn't claim that you said it in as many words.

So in other words the same approach to manning up, as the approach to betting.
Why am I not surprised...

But you're right, dumb shit, we did this before. I duly translated it as "Don't tell me what you think! I'll tell you what you think!"

Lie-ability. It's what's for dinner.
Dumb shit said:
* * * *
So in other words the same approach to manning up, as the approach to betting.
* * * *

Dumb shit, since you are far less than honest and have no working knowledge of manning up, your bleatings are quite meaningless.

My "approach" to betting is to honor bets. It involves something you have no ability to fathom from real life experience: honesty.

Shit for brain dishonest hack bitches (like you) apparently wish to pretend that if two people make a bet but one has to "leave" before the bet comes to term, that the "bet" nevertheless continues.


Dumb shit said:
* * * *
So in other words the same approach to manning up, as the approach to betting.
* * * *

Dumb shit, since you are far less than honest and have no working knowledge of manning up, your bleatings are quite meaningless.

My "approach" to betting is to honor bets. It involves something you have no ability to fathom from real life experience: honesty.

Shit for brain dishonest hack bitches (like you) apparently wish to pretend that if two people make a bet but one has to "leave" before the bet comes to term, that the "bet" nevertheless continues.

I believe the terms of your Welsh rare-bet were that if you lost you would exit and not return. That's an action entirely on you; doesn't depend on whether anyone else is here or not. Everybody on the site could "leave"; you would still have the obligation.

Well, you lost, loser, and you failed to honor your own bet just as you failed to justify your prior claims. Conclusion: you are a dishonest hack.

Now back to our regularly scheduled threadgram:

>> This is inevitable. In order to maintain a top radio show, you have to continually draw new audience members in from the younger generations as the older one move onto other forms of entertainment.

The problem here is, Limbaugh's radio audience has always been Baby Boomers and Gen Xers, who carried him through his heyday during the conservative surge of the 1990s and early 2000s. Additionally, Limbaugh's audience has always been AM radio listeners who have never had an interest in Internet radio or podcasts. I know Limbaugh runs his program in podcast format and Internet streaming but I highly doubt he's carried high ratings here.

Now cut to 2013. Gen Xers are becoming increasingly disinterested in the conservative movement and the Conservative Baby Boomers are literally dying out, diminishing the audience for Limbaugh and Hannity, etc. Add to that Gen Y and Millennials don't give a shit about Limbaugh, and he has an audience growing smaller and smaller every day with no prospects of reversing this. And also radio is shifting over to the Internet and satellite subscription services - at least good radio is - because the audience can get more of the shows they want when they want them, no commercial breaks and they don't have the FCC's politeness police breathing down their necks (yet).

This makes Limbaugh, Hannity, Ingraham, Medved, Savage, and their conservative ilk dinosaurs in a brave new world which can't support them. And it definitely can't support their asking salaries. Limbaugh once bragged in a Rolling Stone article about being paid $80 million a year plus a nine figure signing bonus for his current contract with Clear Channel. But he also got that much when he could pull 15 million listeners a week (he's not doing that now!). And his audience has become fickle with him. During his last controversy where he called Georgetown student Sandra Fluke a slut for demanding that Obamacare cover birth control, six major sponsors and a quarter of Limbaugh's audience threatened to walk away from the show, prompting Rush to apologize on air for the remark. Clearly Rush does not draw the number of WASP males required to support this kind of ideology he used to. <<

-- found and pasted from the internets (anonymous)
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Dumb shit said:
I believe the terms of your Welsh rare-bet were that if you lost you would exit and not return. That's an action entirely on you; doesn't depend on whether anyone else is here or not.

Well, you lost. Now do the right thing. Loser.

The "terms" of the bet were irrelevant since the OTHER party to the bet got perma-banned BEFORE the terms came to fruition.

What this means, ya Dumb shit, is that s/he was in no position to pay off in the event that I had "won" the bet. That's why he/she's perma-banning VOIDED the bet. Nullified.

A nullified bet is no bet at all.

HAD s/he NOT gotten perma-banned BEFORE the General Dejection, I agree, I WOULD have lost the bet. But the hand of fate made it moot.

I did do the right thing. :cool:

That's why a Dumb shit like you cannot recognize it.

  • Liability claims that boycotts are not the free market at work, and are a dishonest thumb on the scale.
  • I then produce 8 conservative boycotts (there were many more).
  • Conclusion: Liability is not a conservative, or he's just a hypocrite.
  • Liability claims that boycotts are not the free market at work, and are a dishonest thumb on the scale.
  • I then produce 8 conservative boycotts (there were many more).
  • Conclusion: Liability is not a conservative, or he's just a hypocrite.

The boycotts are clearly NOT the free market at work. It IS a thumb on the scale to AFFECT what would OTHERWISE be a more free market.

I never said that there haven't been some EFFORTS by SOME conservatives to organize some boycotts. Also, what you ACTUALLY said, you degenerate habitual pathological compulsive liar, is that I supported some of those boycotts.


Syntholic/Tranny is both fully dishonest and sadly and completely stupid.
  • Liability claims that boycotts are not the free market at work, and are a dishonest thumb on the scale.
  • I then produce 8 conservative boycotts (there were many more).
  • Conclusion: Liability is not a conservative, or he's just a hypocrite.
Or Both? · · :lol:

  • Liability claims that boycotts are not the free market at work, and are a dishonest thumb on the scale.
  • I then produce 8 conservative boycotts (there were many more).
  • Conclusion: Liability is not a conservative, or he's just a hypocrite.

The boycotts are clearly NOT the free market at work. It IS a thumb on the scale to AFFECT what would OTHERWISE be a more free market.

I never said that there haven't been some EFFORTS by SOME conservatives to organize some boycotts. Also, what you ACTUALLY said, you degenerate habitual pathological compulsive liar, is that I supported some of those boycotts.


Syntholic/Tranny is both fully dishonest and sadly and completely stupid.

Do you denounce these conservative boycotts?

Funny, you don't in any of those threads....
  • Liability claims that boycotts are not the free market at work, and are a dishonest thumb on the scale.
  • I then produce 8 conservative boycotts (there were many more).
  • Conclusion: Liability is not a conservative, or he's just a hypocrite.

The boycotts are clearly NOT the free market at work. It IS a thumb on the scale to AFFECT what would OTHERWISE be a more free market.

I never said that there haven't been some EFFORTS by SOME conservatives to organize some boycotts. Also, what you ACTUALLY said, you degenerate habitual pathological compulsive liar, is that I supported some of those boycotts.


Syntholic/Tranny is both fully dishonest and sadly and completely stupid.

Do you denounce these conservative boycotts?

Funny, you don't in any of those threads....

Did I support them? See, THAT was your claim (until you now tried to move that goal post, you dishonest hack bitch lying pussy motherfucker).

By the way, since you are a dull-witted stupid dishonest hack bitch motherfucker, let me help you out here a little.

I also identified the boycott in question as an effort to put the thumb on the scale in what would otherwise be the free market. Sometimes a boycott effort IS putting a dishonest thumb on the scale. But I don't think I added the word "dishonest." That was you, you dishonest bitch.

The boycotts are clearly NOT the free market at work. It IS a thumb on the scale to AFFECT what would OTHERWISE be a more free market.

I never said that there haven't been some EFFORTS by SOME conservatives to organize some boycotts. Also, what you ACTUALLY said, you degenerate habitual pathological compulsive liar, is that I supported some of those boycotts.


Syntholic/Tranny is both fully dishonest and sadly and completely stupid.

Do you denounce these conservative boycotts?

Funny, you don't in any of those threads....

Did I support them? See, THAT was your claim (until you now tried to move that goal post, you dishonest hack bitch lying pussy motherfucker).

By the way, since you are a dull-witted stupid dishonest hack bitch motherfucker, let me help you out here a little.

I also identified the boycott in question as an effort to put the thumb on the scale in what would otherwise be the free market. Sometimes a boycott effort IS putting a dishonest thumb on the scale. But I don't think I added the word "dishonest." That was you, you dishonest bitch.

Do you denounce these conservative boycotts?

Why are you afraid to answer?
Boycotts are the free market at work. People can freely buy or not buy for any reason they choose.
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Boycotts are the free market at work. People can freely buy or not buy for any reason they choose.

Exactly. Every buying choice we make has some set of criteria. It's comical to watch those who claim to favor a free market, qualify that to "a free market as long as I like how others are using it".

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