More than 90 Muslims, nearly all Democrats, running for public office across the U.S.

Bigots have always rationalized their bigotry.

You should have seen the stuff they used to say about Jews.

Rationalize their bigotry?

You mean, like you do when you demonize everything about the Jewish state.

When have I demonized everything about the Jewish state?

Please feel free to provide that quote from me.

Oh wait- you are just lying again.
yup, well the day's still young for any of you who wanna light a muzzie on fire......~S~

Lot's of good Muslim people around. It's the radical ones that are the problem.
And the fact that the moderate Muslims seem to have such a hard time denouncing the radicals..

Except of course Muslims denounce violent Muslim radicals all the time.....except for that.
Christians are not welcomed in the Democratic Party, but Jihadist are

Most of the Democratic Party are Christians but the party welcomes members of all faiths- which is why most Jews and most Muslims and most Buddhists belong to the Democratic Party- not the Christian uber alles Republican Party.
No you're right. It's called Christian Dominionism. Look it up

You are confused Moon Bat.

Christians gave up the idea of domination a few hundred years ago. If you actually attend a Christian church you would know things like that.

But of course if you want to be an asshole and have that hate Christian fantasy then by all means have fun.

Really Sparky?? Never head of David Barton??

Christian Dominionism-The Real Threat to Our Secular Government

You are confused Moon Bat.

Not even a drop in the bucket compared to the worldwide Muslim jihad slaughter of Christians and anybody else that doesn't convert to Islam.

You stupid Moon Bats are always so predicable. You hate Christians and you love Muslims.

They are too stupid to even understand WHY they love Islam.

All they know is that they receive props from their little peeps if they do and are called names by their little peeps if they don't.

These idiot Moon Bats all elected a piece of shit Muslim for president so in their minds the Muslims are A-OK.

They love Islam because they saw their beloved Muslim president kiss the ass of Islam

What country are you imagining you are talking about?

America has never had a Muslim president- so are you Moon Bats talking about your home country of Turkey? Or what?
Muslims in America have no problem with the U.S. Constitution.
Which is why they proudly serve in our armed forces and hold public office.

Generally speaking,
When someone includes EVERYONE in a claim about an entire class of people......

You might convey some credibility to your post IF you had said.....

Some or Many
Muslims in America have no problem with the U.S. Constitution. Which is why they proudly serve in our armed forces and hold public office.
I can assure you...SOME Muslims in America want to kill Americans. Thankfully, Hillary wasn't elected so that number remains relatively small.....for now.

I can also assure you that MANY people who are far from Christian, wear crosses

Of course some Muslims in America want to kill Americans. Just as some Christians in America are killing Americans.

But Muslims in America- as a group- are no more violent- or less violent- than Christian Americans.

And serve our country just like Jews and Christians do.
Throughout American history Christianity has been injected into our political system. How do you think we ended up with so many so called "blue laws?" For instance, there are still places where alcohol sales are prohibited on Sundays because it's the Lord's day. People complaining about Muslims getting elected aren't concerned about religion in government; they are concerned about someone else's religion in government.

NO dumbass.....

They are concerned about AMERICA BECOMING THE MIDDLE EAST.

If you love it so much....MOVE THERE!

America isn't becoming the Middle East, nor will it. Your fears are unfounded and absurd.
[QUOTE="TheProgressivePatriot, post: 19764320, member: 54822"
You seem to have me confused with the Orange Emperor T-Rump[/QUOTE]

No...YOU seem to have yourself confused with an intelligent, Constitutional American.
"Progressive".....that one nasty word says it all

It's YOU who supports Jim Crow Laws. Why? Democrats did that.
[QUOTE="TheProgressivePatriot, post: 19764320, member: 54822"
You seem to have me confused with the Orange Emperor T-Rump

No...YOU seem to have yourself confused with an intelligent, Constitutional American.
"Progressive".....that one nasty word says it all

It's YOU who supports Jim Crow Laws. Why? Democrats did that.[/QUOTE]
Still waiting for all of those examples of American Muslim legislators pushing to pass Sharia law in the United States.
This should be a warning to all Americans. They must remember that Islam is not a religion, it is a political movement to dominate everything around it.

More than 90 American Muslims, nearly all of them Democrats, are running for public office across the country this year. Many are young and politically inexperienced, and most are long shots. But they represent a collective gamble: that voters are so disgusted by America’s least popular president on record that they’re willing to elect members of America’s least popular religious minority group.

Although their number seems small, the candidacies mark an unprecedented rise for the nation’s diverse Muslim community that typically has been underrepresented in American politics.

One only has to look at what elected Muslims have done in the UK.

More of this alarming news @ The blue Muslim wave: American Muslims launch political campaigns, hope to deliver ‘sweet justice’ to Trump

Why would any sane Muslim run as a Republican? Of course, it would be a smart move by a terrorist, for they could hate monger and incite the biddable haters to vote for them.
This should be a warning to all Americans. They must remember that Islam is not a religion, it is a political movement to dominate everything around it.

More than 90 American Muslims, nearly all of them Democrats, are running for public office across the country this year. Many are young and politically inexperienced, and most are long shots. But they represent a collective gamble: that voters are so disgusted by America’s least popular president on record that they’re willing to elect members of America’s least popular religious minority group.

Although their number seems small, the candidacies mark an unprecedented rise for the nation’s diverse Muslim community that typically has been underrepresented in American politics.

One only has to look at what elected Muslims have done in the UK.

More of this alarming news @ The blue Muslim wave: American Muslims launch political campaigns, hope to deliver ‘sweet justice’ to Trump

Kindly fill me in on why this is different than the attempt to make this a Very Christian Nation. Oh, but that's different, right?

Keep religion out of it. They aren't running as Muslims, they are Muslims running for office. And frankly, I'd rather see them win than any Christian of Pence's ilk.
You boasted there was a time when the Melting Pot was considered a good thing. I pointed out, that thanks to Jim Crow, it wasn't a fucking melting pot at all.

Yours/Mine? What are you babbling about? If your argument is that "yours" (whoever that is) are better than mine (whoever that is), don't try to be so wordy. Just say, "I'm better than you", and then we can laugh while you sulk.

Jim Crow only applied in Southern States.
People like you keep insisting that ALL of America was a racist hell hole....and you continue that today

Besides, you're a Democrat.....Those laws were made and enforced by DEMOCRATS YOU DUMB FUCKTARD !!!!

Jim Crow laws were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States. Enacted by white Democratic-dominated state legislatures in the late 19th century after the Reconstruction period, these laws continued to be enforced until 1965. They mandated racial segregation in all public facilities in the states of the former Confederate States of America, starting in the 1870s and 1880s, and upheld by the United States Supreme Court's

Typical that YOU PEOPLE (those as ignorant as yourself) preach what's best for the nation without a Fucking CLUE.

Your desire to disarm Americans is another blatant ignorance.

You have clearly demonstrated you have absolutely NO CLUE what the intent of the 2nd Amendment is...or alternatively, in your quest for Authoritarian government, you would rather a Dictator.

Take more Viagra and go back to dreaming of getting hard on's over Olivia and leave politics to people who know what they're talking about.

After your panic attack subsides, remember who employed the Southern Strategy and which party now courts and gets most of the white vote in the solid South.

Jesus, it's as if Righties wake up newborn every fucking day.
The REALLY sad thing......

ALL of you "Progressive Patriots" and all you wannabe Democrat Demagogues have NO CLUE what you're really fighting to bring upon yourselves.

NONE. You're just being good little lemming and following the voices such as Soros who tell you what to do then laugh at your dumb asses while drinking expensive wines in places YOU will never be allowed to go.

Here is what you're fighting for......dumbasses....

How Venezuela went from a rich democracy to a dictatorship on the brink of collapse

Your modern masters have you all actually BELIEVING you're warriors fighting rich republican slave traders. (I'd laugh if it weren't so tragic)

What an EASY bunch of puppets you morons make.

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