More than 90 Muslims, nearly all Democrats, running for public office across the U.S.

If there was any truth in advertising, the two parties could be renamed the muzzies & the zions


Muslims in America have no problem with the U.S. Constitution.
Which is why they proudly serve in our armed forces and hold public office.

Generally speaking,
When someone includes EVERYONE in a claim about an entire class of people......

You might convey some credibility to your post IF you had said.....

Some or Many
Muslims in America have no problem with the U.S. Constitution. Which is why they proudly serve in our armed forces and hold public office.
I can assure you...SOME Muslims in America want to kill Americans. Thankfully, Hillary wasn't elected so that number remains relatively small.....for now.

I can also assure you that MANY people who are far from Christian, wear crosses
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I was taught in school that America was the Melting Pot. That was at an all-white school when Jim Crow laws were in place.. Why is it that conservatives yearn for the 1950's - the era before the Civil Rights Act?

Who yearns for Jim Crow Laws ?
Show me ANYWHERE in MY POSTS where I said that.

So stop making crap up and try not to make an ass of yourself.

It's simple and REASONABLE.....
Unlike yours, Mine don't want a disrespectful YOURS have created.
Unlike yours, MINE don't want streets bathed in feces and used drug YOURS have created.
Unlike yours, MINE don't want a society full of savages bringing violence, riots and crime to the streets all across the nation.....unlike yours
Unlike yours, MINE don't want open borders since THAT was NEVER a part of the foundation of this nation....unlike yours who want a free for all...literally
Unlike YOURS, MINE want a FAIR and JUST system based on integrity and honest and transparency....the EXACT OPPOSITE of what yours seek.

These are COMMON SENSE things that EVERY nation (not full of imbeciles like yours) wants and seeks.

THAT's WHAT CONSERVATIVES WANT TODAY. So get off the Jim Crow stupidity already. Only a FEW Far Right radicals want that today.

You boasted there was a time when the Melting Pot was considered a good thing. I pointed out, that thanks to Jim Crow, it wasn't a fucking melting pot at all.

Yours/Mine? What are you babbling about? If your argument is that "yours" (whoever that is) are better than mine (whoever that is), don't try to be so wordy. Just say, "I'm better than you", and then we can laugh while you sulk.
It's not about the fairy in the sky, it's about the respective fairy's worshipers.

Guy, we don't have a problem with the Islamic world because their religion is any sillier than yours.

We have a problem because we've been invading it for the last 50 years.

Our mid-east policy is to stick our dicks in a hornets nest and then bitch about getting stung.

Try a new lie. I have not stated s belief in that. I told you not to generalize. There are evil people born of US citizens.

If you are not in law enforcement you have no way to prove you have any accuracy in profiling illiegal immigrants from legal immigrants. So how in the hell could you know you learned how to do it?

You comments r veld you are a hater. Kets stick with that.
Did I say Sharia Law was compatible with the US Constitution at any point?
Yet you support Muslims who would try to implement Sharia Law if they got elected.
Do you support christians who try to implement christian sharia law if they get elected? Did you vote for Pence for VP?

There is no such thing as Christian Sharia Law you nitwit.
No you're right. It's called Christian Dominionism. Look it up

You are confused Moon Bat.

Christians gave up the idea of domination a few hundred years ago. If you actually attend a Christian church you would know things like that.

But of course if you want to be an asshole and have that hate Christian fantasy then by all means have fun.

Really Sparky?? Never head of David Barton??

Christian Dominionism-The Real Threat to Our Secular Government
Bigots have always rationalized their bigotry.

You should have seen the stuff they used to say about Jews.

Rationalize their bigotry?

You mean, like you do when you demonize everything about the Jewish state and then try to claim you are only indulging in a little bit of valid criticism?

Here, you make up some complete shit about another poster who HASN'T expressed any hatred towards Jews while being a mindless radical leftist whose own views differ little from those of the Arab street.
Yet you support Muslims who would try to implement Sharia Law if they got elected.
Do you support christians who try to implement christian sharia law if they get elected? Did you vote for Pence for VP?

There is no such thing as Christian Sharia Law you nitwit.
No you're right. It's called Christian Dominionism. Look it up

You are confused Moon Bat.

Christians gave up the idea of domination a few hundred years ago. If you actually attend a Christian church you would know things like that.

But of course if you want to be an asshole and have that hate Christian fantasy then by all means have fun.

Really Sparky?? Never head of David Barton??

Christian Dominionism-The Real Threat to Our Secular Government

You are confused Moon Bat.

Not even a drop in the bucket compared to the worldwide Muslim jihad slaughter of Christians and anybody else that doesn't convert to Islam.

You stupid Moon Bats are always so predicable. You hate Christians and you love Muslims.
Do you support christians who try to implement christian sharia law if they get elected? Did you vote for Pence for VP?

There is no such thing as Christian Sharia Law you nitwit.
No you're right. It's called Christian Dominionism. Look it up

You are confused Moon Bat.

Christians gave up the idea of domination a few hundred years ago. If you actually attend a Christian church you would know things like that.

But of course if you want to be an asshole and have that hate Christian fantasy then by all means have fun.

Really Sparky?? Never head of David Barton??

Christian Dominionism-The Real Threat to Our Secular Government

You are confused Moon Bat.

Not even a drop in the bucket compared to the worldwide Muslim jihad slaughter of Christians and anybody else that doesn't convert to Islam.

You stupid Moon Bats are always so predicable. You hate Christians and you love Muslims.

They are too stupid to even understand WHY they love Islam.

All they know is that they receive props from their little peeps if they do and are called names by their little peeps if they don't.
There is no such thing as Christian Sharia Law you nitwit.
No you're right. It's called Christian Dominionism. Look it up

You are confused Moon Bat.

Christians gave up the idea of domination a few hundred years ago. If you actually attend a Christian church you would know things like that.

But of course if you want to be an asshole and have that hate Christian fantasy then by all means have fun.

Really Sparky?? Never head of David Barton??

Christian Dominionism-The Real Threat to Our Secular Government

You are confused Moon Bat.

Not even a drop in the bucket compared to the worldwide Muslim jihad slaughter of Christians and anybody else that doesn't convert to Islam.

You stupid Moon Bats are always so predicable. You hate Christians and you love Muslims.

They are too stupid to even understand WHY they love Islam.

All they know is that they receive props from their little peeps if they do and are called names by their little peeps if they don't.

These idiot Moon Bats all elected a piece of shit Muslim for president so in their minds the Muslims are A-OK.

They love Islam because they saw their beloved Muslim president kiss the ass of Islam
Do you support christians who try to implement christian sharia law if they get elected? Did you vote for Pence for VP?

There is no such thing as Christian Sharia Law you nitwit.
No you're right. It's called Christian Dominionism. Look it up

You are confused Moon Bat.

Christians gave up the idea of domination a few hundred years ago. If you actually attend a Christian church you would know things like that.

But of course if you want to be an asshole and have that hate Christian fantasy then by all means have fun.

Really Sparky?? Never head of David Barton??

Christian Dominionism-The Real Threat to Our Secular Government

You are confused Moon Bat.

Not even a drop in the bucket compared to the worldwide Muslim jihad slaughter of Christians and anybody else that doesn't convert to Islam.

You stupid Moon Bats are always so predicable. You hate Christians and you love Muslims.
Actually I have little regard for any authoritarian monotheistic religions
It's not about the fairy in the sky, it's about the respective fairy's worshipers.

Guy, we don't have a problem with the Islamic world because their religion is any sillier than yours.

We have a problem because we've been invading it for the last 50 years.

Our mid-east policy is to stick our dicks in a hornets nest and then bitch about getting stung.
As if the Muslim world sat placidly by...spare me.
You boasted there was a time when the Melting Pot was considered a good thing. I pointed out, that thanks to Jim Crow, it wasn't a fucking melting pot at all.

Yours/Mine? What are you babbling about? If your argument is that "yours" (whoever that is) are better than mine (whoever that is), don't try to be so wordy. Just say, "I'm better than you", and then we can laugh while you sulk.

Jim Crow only applied in Southern States.
People like you keep insisting that ALL of America was a racist hell hole....and you continue that today

Besides, you're a Democrat.....Those laws were made and enforced by DEMOCRATS YOU DUMB FUCKTARD !!!!

Jim Crow laws were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States. Enacted by white Democratic-dominated state legislatures in the late 19th century after the Reconstruction period, these laws continued to be enforced until 1965. They mandated racial segregation in all public facilities in the states of the former Confederate States of America, starting in the 1870s and 1880s, and upheld by the United States Supreme Court's

Typical that YOU PEOPLE (those as ignorant as yourself) preach what's best for the nation without a Fucking CLUE.

Your desire to disarm Americans is another blatant ignorance.

You have clearly demonstrated you have absolutely NO CLUE what the intent of the 2nd Amendment is...or alternatively, in your quest for Authoritarian government, you would rather a Dictator.

Take more Viagra and go back to dreaming of getting hard on's over Olivia and leave politics to people who know what they're talking about.
yup, well the day's still young for any of you who wanna light a muzzie on fire......~S~
yup, well the day's still young for any of you who wanna light a muzzie on fire......~S~

Lot's of good Muslim people around. It's the radical ones that are the problem.
And the fact that the moderate Muslims seem to have such a hard time denouncing the radicals.

No one ever asks the question, however, of moderate Muslims.....

"Do you feel it appropriate (or necessary) to introduce Sharia Law in the United States of America?"

I say that ANYONE...AT ALL...who claims that the intent of the Constitution was to give people the right to so completely change the government it defines that it is no longer the same government, are grossly mistaken.

However, modern Democrats and especially Progressives imply just that.

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