More than 90 Muslims, nearly all Democrats, running for public office across the U.S.

Just because you don't hear about it in the echo chambers that you frequent doesn't mean it isn't happening.

Well, let's see.......

On NBC ? Nope
On ABC? Nope
On CNN? Nope
On Fox News? Nope

So where is YOUR "echo chamber"?
On NBC ? How Muslim Groups, Scholars Have Been Fighting ISIS
On ABC? Are Muslims speaking out against terrorism? You bet they are
On CNN? American Muslims denounce Orlando shooting, extremism - CNN
On Fox News? What a shock! What Fox Won't Show You: Muslim Leaders Are Condemning The Paris Terror Attack
Fox figures have falsely suggested the Muslim community has not condemned the terror attack on the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris, France despite the fact that Muslim leaders, advocacy groups and organizations, and leaders of Arab states have roundly denounced the attacks -- a fact that Fox reported on its website, but left off air.

For a broader list of Muslims condemning Islamic terrorism- here you go

Muslims Condemn
Still waiting for all of those examples of American Muslim legislators pushing to pass Sharia law in the United States.

ONLY because Hillary wasn't elected.

And thanks for reinforcing that fact.

Because of course in the twisted minds of you contards, Clinton was in favor of Sharia law.

The OP suggests that American Muslim legislators would lead to Sharia law.

Yet not one of you contards can find any example of any of our American Muslims advocating for Sharia law.

The OP was and is- nothing other than religious bigotry- no different than that of the anti-Catholic bigots or the anti-Jewish bigots we have had in the past.
After your panic attack subsides, remember who employed the Southern Strategy and which party now courts and gets most of the white vote in the solid South.
Jesus, it's as if Righties wake up newborn every fucking day.

After your senility wears off.....
Try hard and recall history and stop trying to manipulate it as you've been indoctrinated and manipulated to do.

You and your fucking corrupt Clintons and the whole lot of you are a disease upon humanity.
Willfully ignorant is putting it mildly.

The Southern Strategy was a response to the EXACT SAME strategy the DEMOCRATS had already perfect decades earlier and still use today.

Good grief. Anybody remember when the right had it's panties in a twist over electing CATHOLICS to office? Claims about loyalty to Pope over country?

Some things never change.

That wasn't "the right" you ignorant twit. That was the militant wing of the DNC, the precursor to ANTIFA.


I'm sure the queers, feminazis and atheists are going to be lined up to vote for muzbots like Christians at Chick-Fil-A.


There is no ANTIFA.

And with all the name-calling you're slinging, I DO hope you're not thinking we should make ourselves feel at home in the GOP.
The REALLY sad thing......

ALL of you "Progressive Patriots" and all you wannabe Democrat Demagogues have NO CLUE what you're really fighting to bring upon yourselves..

The really sad thing....

All of you "Conservative Patriots" and all you wannabe Republican Demagogues have no clue what you're really fighting to bring upon yourselves.

At least I hope you don't have a clue and aren't promoting this religious bigotry with a specific nefarious purpose.
Good for them. The more variety the better.
Good for them but horrible for the United States. Muslims and Sharia Law are incompatible with the US Constitution

And the Confederate flag wavers are compatible with the US Constitution?
Yes they are! Now you are saying that Sharia Law is compatible with the US Constitution?

Sharia Law is every bit as compatible as the Christian version thereof. In other words, neither one has any place in our system of governance.

This is probably exactly what it's going to take to cleanse this far right, fundamentalist Christian mess out.
n NBC ? How Muslim Groups, Scholars Have Been Fighting ISIS
On ABC? Are Muslims speaking out against terrorism? You bet they are
On CNN? American Muslims denounce Orlando shooting, extremism - CNN
On Fox News? What a shock! What Fox Won't Show You: Muslim Leaders Are Condemning The Paris Terror Attack
Fox figures have falsely suggested the Muslim community has not condemned the terror attack on the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris, France despite the fact that Muslim leaders, advocacy groups and organizations, and leaders of Arab states have roundly denounced the attacks -- a fact that Fox reported on its website, but left off air.

For a broader list of Muslims condemning Islamic terrorism- here you go

Muslims Condemn

Finally, a decent post with content.
Thanks, I'm reading these stories and I hope this is an indication of the position of most American Muslims.
Good for them. The more variety the better.
Good for them but horrible for the United States. Muslims and Sharia Law are incompatible with the US Constitution

And the Confederate flag wavers are compatible with the US Constitution?
Yes they are! Now you are saying that Sharia Law is compatible with the US Constitution?

Sharia Law is every bit as compatible as the Christian version thereof. In other words, neither one has any place in our system of governance.

This is probably exactly what it's going to take to cleanse this far right, fundamentalist Christian mess out.
Give me a few examples of your supposed Christian Version of Sharia Law that is on the books, Is some one forcing you not to eat meat on Friday or go to Chirch on Sunday? Or do you mean the old blue laws where you cannot by beer before noon on Sunday?
Sharia Law is every bit as compatible as the Christian version thereof. In other words, neither one has any place in our system of governance.
This is probably exactly what it's going to take to cleanse this far right, fundamentalist Christian mess out.

uh...except the USA IS a "Christian" nation.....just like most of the ME is Islamic.

How many Islamic states are open to Christianity?
How many Christian nations support women's rights as Christian nations do?

Your problem is you have it so good yet are clueless.
If you are a woman and you like Sharia Law as much as you profess....why are you married to a Muslim and living in an Arab Muslim nation?

Is it maybe to..........push Islam on Americans?
Thus far, there isn't much call for Sharia Law in the US so you can calm down.

ANY call for Sharia Law in the US is too much.

"Isn't much" you say. Always starts innocuously for you sheeple doesn't it?

Any call for religious law period is "too much" but there's nuts all over who call for the weirdest shit. What are you going to do, shoot them?

This absolutely cracks me up. What if we changed it to ANY call for RELIGIOUS law in the US is too much? Because that's what they are trying to do.

We are not one nation Under God. WE ARE ONE NATION, PERIOD. We are a melting pot, and ALL have ALWAYS been welcome - although there's always been that dark underbelly, true in any nation for all of time, that harbors hate in their heart against "them." "They" are different, "they" are {insert all the ugly adjectives here} and must be gotten rid of.

And if the GOP was the party whose heart went out to Syrian refugees, then I would be a Republican. But I'm not.
Any call for religious law period is "too much" but there's nuts all over who call for the weirdest shit. What are you going to do, shoot them?


THOSE are the people who gave you freedom. Those are the people who offered you the life you have today.

SHOW SOME APPRECIATION you entitlement sucking INGRATE !!!!

Are you fucking kidding me!? "Who founded this nation???" The people who were escaping from the Church of England, seeking religious freedom.

Good lord, pick up a history book ffs.
Good for them. The more variety the better.
Good for them but horrible for the United States. Muslims and Sharia Law are incompatible with the US Constitution

And the Confederate flag wavers are compatible with the US Constitution?
Yes they are! Now you are saying that Sharia Law is compatible with the US Constitution?

Sharia Law is every bit as compatible as the Christian version thereof. In other words, neither one has any place in our system of governance.

This is probably exactly what it's going to take to cleanse this far right, fundamentalist Christian mess out.
Give me a few examples of your supposed Christian Version of Sharia Law that is on the books, Is some one forcing you not to eat meat on Friday or go to Chirch on Sunday? Or do you mean the old blue laws where you cannot by beer before noon on Sunday?
Blue laws (fortunately many going away)....Christian symbols paid for and placed in government places.....some attempts and some successes by christian civil servants to force their sharia on the public. Alabama almost voted in a christain sharia practicer as their Senator.
Any call for religious law period is "too much" but there's nuts all over who call for the weirdest shit. What are you going to do, shoot them?


THOSE are the people who gave you freedom. Those are the people who offered you the life you have today.

SHOW SOME APPRECIATION you entitlement sucking INGRATE !!!!

Are you fucking kidding me!? "Who founded this nation???" The people who were escaping from the Church of England, seeking religious freedom.

Good lord, pick up a history book ffs.
And let's not forget that those in New England remembered the theocracy disaster that was the Puritans.
Except of course Muslims denounce violent Muslim radicals all the time.....except for that.

Sorry...that isn't readily apparent.
A FEW times maybe. But not consistently and not loudly enough.
Why do you think that isn't readily apparent? And who's to say not consistently and not loudly enough?

Well I think we know the answer to that.

If every Muslim in the world, lined up chanting "We condemn all Islamic terrorism and all acts of violence committed in the name of Islam"- continuously every day until the end of time- they would still be claiming 'A FEW times maybe. But not consistently and not loudly enough'
Good for them but horrible for the United States. Muslims and Sharia Law are incompatible with the US Constitution

And the Confederate flag wavers are compatible with the US Constitution?
Yes they are! Now you are saying that Sharia Law is compatible with the US Constitution?

Sharia Law is every bit as compatible as the Christian version thereof. In other words, neither one has any place in our system of governance.

This is probably exactly what it's going to take to cleanse this far right, fundamentalist Christian mess out.
Give me a few examples of your supposed Christian Version of Sharia Law that is on the books, Is some one forcing you not to eat meat on Friday or go to Chirch on Sunday? Or do you mean the old blue laws where you cannot by beer before noon on Sunday?
Blue laws (fortunately many going away)....Christian symbols paid for and placed in government places.....some attempts and some successes by christian civil servants to force their sharia on the public. Alabama almost voted in a christain sharia practicer as their Senator.

Yeah- I have seen threads here at USMB about the horrors of Sharia law because some Islamic community in the United States was talking about banning the sale of alcohol in their community.......and how that was an example of "Sharia law" in the United States......

Which of course just showed their ignorance of the multitude of 'dry' counties and cities in the United States that are 'dry' because of Christians passing anti-alcohol quoting the Bible.
This should be a warning to all Americans. They must remember that Islam is not a religion, it is a political movement to dominate everything around it.

More than 90 American Muslims, nearly all of them Democrats, are running for public office across the country this year. Many are young and politically inexperienced, and most are long shots. But they represent a collective gamble: that voters are so disgusted by America’s least popular president on record that they’re willing to elect members of America’s least popular religious minority group.

Although their number seems small, the candidacies mark an unprecedented rise for the nation’s diverse Muslim community that typically has been underrepresented in American politics.

One only has to look at what elected Muslims have done in the UK.

More of this alarming news @ The blue Muslim wave: American Muslims launch political campaigns, hope to deliver ‘sweet justice’ to Trump

100 years ago longknife would have been warning Americans about the Jewish conspiracy.

Who the hell are you to be telling anyone what I would be doing? I grew up in a household where my "aunts" and "uncles" were Jews and loved them equally.

My beliefs - although it's none of your business - is simple. You don't tell me how to live and I won't tell you the same.

My strenuous opposition to Islam is the very dogma that requires I believe their way or else face losing my freedoms - and life.

Truly? So you're fine with gay marriage, abortion, etc because it's nothing to do with you? That would be a relief. I truly wish there were more like you.
Did I say Sharia Law was compatible with the US Constitution at any point?
Yet you support Muslims who would try to implement Sharia Law if they got elected.
Do you support christians who try to implement christian sharia law if they get elected? Did you vote for Pence for VP?

There is no such thing as Christian Sharia Law you nitwit.
No you're right. It's called Christian Dominionism. Look it up


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