More than 90 Muslims, nearly all Democrats, running for public office across the U.S.

Calling christianity a political movement like islam, is iscorrect. You could have a better argument with judaism. Even then, it doesnt compare to the scale islam has in shaping a muslims entire world.

Throughout American history Christianity has been injected into our political system. How do you think we ended up with so many so called "blue laws?" For instance, there are still places where alcohol sales are prohibited on Sundays because it's the Lord's day. People complaining about Muslims getting elected aren't concerned about religion in government; they are concerned about someone else's religion in government.
When someone else’s religion includes shariah law, gross abuse of women, minorities, gays, trans and non Muslims NOW - it’s quite reasonable to be concerned about the someone else’s ‘religion’ infiltrating government and exerting influence politically. Perfectly reasonable, imo.

Except we have a Constitution that protects against that kind of extremism.

Exactly. And it's withstood over 200 years of challenges - intact. No other country can say the same. It's hard as hell to amend it - I read somewhere that something like 99% of attempted amendments fail. It's truly a document to be proud of and it protects our rights.
Calling christianity a political movement like islam, is iscorrect. You could have a better argument with judaism. Even then, it doesnt compare to the scale islam has in shaping a muslims entire world.

Throughout American history Christianity has been injected into our political system. How do you think we ended up with so many so called "blue laws?" For instance, there are still places where alcohol sales are prohibited on Sundays because it's the Lord's day. People complaining about Muslims getting elected aren't concerned about religion in government; they are concerned about someone else's religion in government.
When someone else’s religion includes shariah law, gross abuse of women, minorities, gays, trans and non Muslims NOW - it’s quite reasonable to be concerned about the someone else’s ‘religion’ infiltrating government and exerting influence politically. Perfectly reasonable, imo.

Except we have a Constitution that protects against that kind of extremism.

Exactly. And it's withstood over 200 years of challenges - intact. No other country can say the same. It's hard as hell to amend it - I read somewhere that something like 99% of attempted amendments fail. It's truly a document to be proud of and it protects our rights.

Even with our Constitution- the rights of religious minorities here in the United States have been tested. Look what happened to the Mormons? To a lesser extent the Jews and the Catholics.

Which is why I take attacks on any one religious group- by members of the dominant religious group seriously.
Calling christianity a political movement like islam, is iscorrect. You could have a better argument with judaism. Even then, it doesnt compare to the scale islam has in shaping a muslims entire world.

Throughout American history Christianity has been injected into our political system. How do you think we ended up with so many so called "blue laws?" For instance, there are still places where alcohol sales are prohibited on Sundays because it's the Lord's day. People complaining about Muslims getting elected aren't concerned about religion in government; they are concerned about someone else's religion in government.
When someone else’s religion includes shariah law, gross abuse of women, minorities, gays, trans and non Muslims NOW - it’s quite reasonable to be concerned about the someone else’s ‘religion’ infiltrating government and exerting influence politically. Perfectly reasonable, imo.
And we all know just how much you care about gays, and trans :asshole: You just hate Muslims just a little more and dishonestly use GBT issues to attack them when you do not give a shit,and are, in fact hostile to LGBT people:coffee:
Good for them. The more variety the better.
Good for them but horrible for the United States. Muslims and Sharia Law are incompatible with the US Constitution

And the Confederate flag wavers are compatible with the US Constitution?
Yes they are! Now you are saying that Sharia Law is compatible with the US Constitution?

Sharia Law is every bit as compatible as the Christian version thereof. In other words, neither one has any place in our system of governance.

This is probably exactly what it's going to take to cleanse this far right, fundamentalist Christian mess out.
Give me a few examples of your supposed Christian Version of Sharia Law that is on the books, Is some one forcing you not to eat meat on Friday or go to Chirch on Sunday? Or do you mean the old blue laws where you cannot by beer before noon on Sunday?

The easiest one is gay people and marriage.

Bakers not wanting to bake cakes for gay marriages goes against the principles of the US Constitution, yet the right are trying to force this into being law.
" Loitering And Waiting To Entreat Megalomaniac Hysteria Inspired From Supremacist Demagogues "

* His Bah Means Disregarding Yearn Beliefs *

Calling christianity a political movement like islam, is incorrect. You could have a better argument with judaism. Even then, it doesnt compare to the scale islam has in shaping a muslims entire world.
Throughout American history Christianity has been injected into our political system. How do you think we ended up with so many so called "blue laws?" For instance, there are still places where alcohol sales are prohibited on Sundays because it's the Lord's day. People complaining about Muslims getting elected aren't concerned about religion in government; they are concerned about someone else's religion in government.
When someone else’s religion includes shariah law, gross abuse of women, minorities, gays, trans and non Muslims NOW - it’s quite reasonable to be concerned about the someone else’s ‘religion’ infiltrating government and exerting influence politically. Perfectly reasonable, imo.
And we all know just how much you care about gays, and trans :asshole: You just hate Muslims just a little more and dishonestly use GBT issues to attack them when you do not give a shit,and are, in fact hostile to LGBT people:coffee:
Whether or not such accusations are true , they are irrelevant in light of the left having a split mind in the following regard .

The left mind is split between defending the benevolent and defenseless , and also remaining intolerant to instigators of intolerance .

The left cannot discern between those invoking self defense against the doctrine of fictional ishmaelism and against it tenets granting credence to provocateurs for intolerance including violence whenever superior , and the defense of fictional ishmaelism adherents as benevolent and defenseless by preposterous virtue of some minority status .

Indeed , the left chooses to tout that us constitution assures fictional ishmaelism adherents are not defenseless , but assuredly the fictional ishmaelism doctrine is not benevolent towards individual liberty , as it lauds for hisbah through democracy as tyranny by majority , even including passive advocacy for violence as according to its doctrine , whenever they are superior .
Last edited:
n NBC ? How Muslim Groups, Scholars Have Been Fighting ISIS
On ABC? Are Muslims speaking out against terrorism? You bet they are
On CNN? American Muslims denounce Orlando shooting, extremism - CNN
On Fox News? What a shock! What Fox Won't Show You: Muslim Leaders Are Condemning The Paris Terror Attack
Fox figures have falsely suggested the Muslim community has not condemned the terror attack on the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris, France despite the fact that Muslim leaders, advocacy groups and organizations, and leaders of Arab states have roundly denounced the attacks -- a fact that Fox reported on its website, but left off air.

For a broader list of Muslims condemning Islamic terrorism- here you go

Muslims Condemn

Finally, a decent post with content.
Thanks, I'm reading these stories and I hope this is an indication of the position of most American Muslims.
Took me all of a minute to find those links.

Just pointing out- I provided content- you just said it didn't exist. Without even looking.
This should be a warning to all Americans. They must remember that Islam is not a religion, it is a political movement to dominate everything around it.

More than 90 American Muslims, nearly all of them Democrats, are running for public office across the country this year. Many are young and politically inexperienced, and most are long shots. But they represent a collective gamble: that voters are so disgusted by America’s least popular president on record that they’re willing to elect members of America’s least popular religious minority group.

Although their number seems small, the candidacies mark an unprecedented rise for the nation’s diverse Muslim community that typically has been underrepresented in American politics.

One only has to look at what elected Muslims have done in the UK.

More of this alarming news @ The blue Muslim wave: American Muslims launch political campaigns, hope to deliver ‘sweet justice’ to Trump
So, you believe there should be a religious test for running for political office in the U.S. That's not a question.

I believe the ultimate test is the Oath of Office.

“I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Anyone who professes faith in Islam is unable to fully and faithfully carry out that oath. Therefore, they are ineligible to hold such an office.

Too difficult for you to understand?

Yet Muslims in America take that office just the same as Christians in America.

Only bigots like yourself- sounding just like the bigots who claimed that any Catholic in America would hold the Pope before the Constitution- will continue in the great tradition of religious bigotry in America.

Congrats for joining a long line of religious bigots in America.

"Religious bigotry" is nothing more than a Progressive catchphrase to cover the truth that being opposed to Islam is actually Realistic Self-Preservation.
This should be a warning to all Americans. They must remember that Islam is not a religion, it is a political movement to dominate everything around it.

More than 90 American Muslims, nearly all of them Democrats, are running for public office across the country this year. Many are young and politically inexperienced, and most are long shots. But they represent a collective gamble: that voters are so disgusted by America’s least popular president on record that they’re willing to elect members of America’s least popular religious minority group.

Although their number seems small, the candidacies mark an unprecedented rise for the nation’s diverse Muslim community that typically has been underrepresented in American politics.

One only has to look at what elected Muslims have done in the UK.

More of this alarming news @ The blue Muslim wave: American Muslims launch political campaigns, hope to deliver ‘sweet justice’ to Trump

100 years ago longknife would have been warning Americans about the Jewish conspiracy.

Who the hell are you to be telling anyone what I would be doing? I grew up in a household where my "aunts" and "uncles" were Jews and loved them equally.

My beliefs - although it's none of your business - is simple. You don't tell me how to live and I won't tell you the same.

My strenuous opposition to Islam is the very dogma that requires I believe their way or else face losing my freedoms - and life.

Tell me which American Muslim has been forcing you to believe in Islam?

Your bigotry is no different than the asshole anti-semites who spewed the blood libel lies about the Jews. No different than the asshole religious bigots who spread lies about Kennedy putting the Pope before the country.

Who the hell am I tell you that you are a bigot?

An American who believes in the principles of the Constitution and religious freedom in America. If you can't handle someone pointing out your bigotry- I really don't care.

Prove to me that Islam IS NOT a political imperative and I will concede it just might fall under Freedom of Religion - which is actually NOT in the Constitution.
Good for them but horrible for the United States. Muslims and Sharia Law are incompatible with the US Constitution

And the Confederate flag wavers are compatible with the US Constitution?
Yes they are! Now you are saying that Sharia Law is compatible with the US Constitution?

Sharia Law is every bit as compatible as the Christian version thereof. In other words, neither one has any place in our system of governance.

This is probably exactly what it's going to take to cleanse this far right, fundamentalist Christian mess out.
Give me a few examples of your supposed Christian Version of Sharia Law that is on the books, Is some one forcing you not to eat meat on Friday or go to Chirch on Sunday? Or do you mean the old blue laws where you cannot by beer before noon on Sunday?

The easiest one is gay people and marriage.

Bakers not wanting to bake cakes for gay marriages goes against the principles of the US Constitution, yet the right are trying to force this into being law.
Exactly what principles of the US Constitution does not wanting to bake a cake go against?
And the Confederate flag wavers are compatible with the US Constitution?
Yes they are! Now you are saying that Sharia Law is compatible with the US Constitution?

Sharia Law is every bit as compatible as the Christian version thereof. In other words, neither one has any place in our system of governance.

This is probably exactly what it's going to take to cleanse this far right, fundamentalist Christian mess out.
Give me a few examples of your supposed Christian Version of Sharia Law that is on the books, Is some one forcing you not to eat meat on Friday or go to Chirch on Sunday? Or do you mean the old blue laws where you cannot by beer before noon on Sunday?

The easiest one is gay people and marriage.

Bakers not wanting to bake cakes for gay marriages goes against the principles of the US Constitution, yet the right are trying to force this into being law.
Exactly what principles of the US Constitution does not wanting to bake a cake go against?

The whole principle of Human Rights....
Yes they are! Now you are saying that Sharia Law is compatible with the US Constitution?

Sharia Law is every bit as compatible as the Christian version thereof. In other words, neither one has any place in our system of governance.

This is probably exactly what it's going to take to cleanse this far right, fundamentalist Christian mess out.
Give me a few examples of your supposed Christian Version of Sharia Law that is on the books, Is some one forcing you not to eat meat on Friday or go to Chirch on Sunday? Or do you mean the old blue laws where you cannot by beer before noon on Sunday?

The easiest one is gay people and marriage.

Bakers not wanting to bake cakes for gay marriages goes against the principles of the US Constitution, yet the right are trying to force this into being law.
Exactly what principles of the US Constitution does not wanting to bake a cake go against?

The whole principle of Human Rights....
Sharia Law is every bit as compatible as the Christian version thereof. In other words, neither one has any place in our system of governance.

This is probably exactly what it's going to take to cleanse this far right, fundamentalist Christian mess out.
Give me a few examples of your supposed Christian Version of Sharia Law that is on the books, Is some one forcing you not to eat meat on Friday or go to Chirch on Sunday? Or do you mean the old blue laws where you cannot by beer before noon on Sunday?

The easiest one is gay people and marriage.

Bakers not wanting to bake cakes for gay marriages goes against the principles of the US Constitution, yet the right are trying to force this into being law.
Exactly what principles of the US Constitution does not wanting to bake a cake go against?

The whole principle of Human Rights....

Well, I'm not going to explain something as basic as Human Rights to someone who can't even use words in a post.
" Loitering And Waiting To Entreat Megalomaniac Hysteria Inspired From Supremacist Demagogues "

* His Bah Means Disregarding Yearn Beliefs *

Calling christianity a political movement like islam, is incorrect. You could have a better argument with judaism. Even then, it doesnt compare to the scale islam has in shaping a muslims entire world.
Throughout American history Christianity has been injected into our political system. How do you think we ended up with so many so called "blue laws?" For instance, there are still places where alcohol sales are prohibited on Sundays because it's the Lord's day. People complaining about Muslims getting elected aren't concerned about religion in government; they are concerned about someone else's religion in government.
When someone else’s religion includes shariah law, gross abuse of women, minorities, gays, trans and non Muslims NOW - it’s quite reasonable to be concerned about the someone else’s ‘religion’ infiltrating government and exerting influence politically. Perfectly reasonable, imo.
And we all know just how much you care about gays, and trans :asshole: You just hate Muslims just a little more and dishonestly use GBT issues to attack them when you do not give a shit,and are, in fact hostile to LGBT people:coffee:
Whether or not such accusations are true , they are irrelevant in light of the left having a split mind in the following regard .

The left mind is split between defending the benevolent and defenseless , and also remaining intolerant to instigators of intolerance .

The left cannot discern between those invoking self defense against the doctrine of fictional ishmaelism and against it tenets granting credence to provocateurs for intolerance including violence whenever superior , and the defense of fictional ishmaelism adherents as benevolent and defenseless by preposterous virtue of some minority status .

Indeed , the left chooses to tout that us constitution assures fictional ishmaelism adherents are not defenseless , but assuredly the fictional ishmaelism doctrine is not benevolent towards individual liberty , as it lauds for hisbah through democracy as tyranny by majority , even including passive advocacy for violence as according to its doctrine , whenever they are superior .

If I'm translating this convoluted gibberish correctly, you are, in effect calling us hypocrites for supporting LGBT rights while also advocating for Muslims. Whether or not all Muslims are hostile to LGBT people- and I don't believe that they are - you are perpetrating an egregious logical fallacy as follows:

tu quoque (To kwok we )(Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy, is a logical fallacy that attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position; it attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This dismisses someone's point of view based on criticism of the person's inconsistency and not the position presented whereas a person's inconsistency should not discredit the position. Thus, it is a form of the ad hominem argument. To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, this does not invalidate their argument."
Give me a few examples of your supposed Christian Version of Sharia Law that is on the books, Is some one forcing you not to eat meat on Friday or go to Chirch on Sunday? Or do you mean the old blue laws where you cannot by beer before noon on Sunday?

The easiest one is gay people and marriage.

Bakers not wanting to bake cakes for gay marriages goes against the principles of the US Constitution, yet the right are trying to force this into being law.
Exactly what principles of the US Constitution does not wanting to bake a cake go against?

The whole principle of Human Rights....

Well, I'm not going to explain something as basic as Human Rights to someone who can't even use words in a post.

Please show us ANYWHERE in the constitution where it says Human Rights.
The easiest one is gay people and marriage.

Bakers not wanting to bake cakes for gay marriages goes against the principles of the US Constitution, yet the right are trying to force this into being law.
Exactly what principles of the US Constitution does not wanting to bake a cake go against?

The whole principle of Human Rights....

Well, I'm not going to explain something as basic as Human Rights to someone who can't even use words in a post.

Please show us ANYWHERE in the constitution where it says Human Rights.

You want me to show you where there are human rights in the Constitution?

Are you that fucking ignorant of the US Constitution?

Do you also want me to show you where it say "We" in the Constitution?
As if the Muslim world sat placidly by...spare me.

No, they are doing EXACTLY what anyone would do when a bunch of foreigners invade their country.

So let's try "not invading their countries" for a change.
The Muslim world is a direct result of Muslim conquest...conversion by the sword...Karma is a MFer.

The Crusades weren't fought in Europe, although cross-wearing European Christians were the aggressors.

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